The continent of Bersia has long been divided by the forces of Light and Dark. The coalition of Humans, Light Elves and Dwarves keeping a uneasy peace with the Orcs, Ogres, Dark Elves, Liches and Half-Vampires of the Dark Legion. However, tensions have been rising lately, and both sides prep for the inevitable: War.
However, there is something else working its powers in the shadows...a force neither side is ready to deal with alone...
Dark Elves
Light Elves
Ecclesia-Religious center of the world, most influential Kingdom of the Coalition.
Hironeiden-Kingdom closest to Dark Legion lands, they keep a vigil on the border.
Azilia-Puppet kingdom of the elves, controlled by Ecclesia.
Arein: Dark elf city, taken from the humans.
Vellond: Capital of the Dark Legion.
Hexter: Barren desert and swamp nation where the orc and orge tribes reside.
Skills determine your class and abilities. However, as long as you have the appropriate skills, you can change between all classes you qualify for as long as you are at a castle or a city with a garrison. You will have four 'slots' to chose your skills from. If you decide you want to get rid of a skill, you can forget it, but you lose all xp you had in that skill. Choose wisely.
Classes are broken down into melee, ranged and support. People choosing a support role will be added to the field upon their unit being defeated.
Melee classes- Infantry, Heavy Infantry, Knights, Calvary, Heavy Calvary, Orc Calvary, Paladins, Spearmen, Ghouls, Sappers, Pyro Technicians, and Scorpions.
Ranged classes- Archers, Longbow men, Artillery, Mortars, mounted archers.
Support classes- Wyverns, Dirigibles, Swamp Mammoths, Bone Dragons, Storm Riders, Battaloons, and Bomber Wings.
Melee(1 slot)-Needed for all classes.
Ranged(1 slot)-Dictates how far/accurate your ranged shots are. Needed for: Archers, Longbow men, artillery, mortars, mounted archers, bone dragons, and battaloons.
Ride(2 slots)-How fast you can travel, handle, and damage done on your mount. Needed for: Calvary, Heavy Calvary, Orc Calvary, mounted archers, Storm Riders, and Wyverns.
Frontal(1 slot)-How much damage you can do against mounted enemies. Needed for: Spearmen, Orc Axemen, Calvary, Orc Calvary.
Teamwork(1 slot)-Determines how well your men work together. Needed for: Sappers, Pyro Technicians, Artillery, Scorpions, Bomber Wings, Dirigibles, and Swamp Mammoths.
Gunpowder(1 slot)-Determines how much bang you get from your powder. Needed for: Pyro Technician, Mortars, and Bomber Wings. Human/Dwarf only skill.
Taming(1 slot)- Strength/health of your tamed animal. Needed for: Scorpions, Dirigibles, and Swamp Mammoths. Orc/Orge only skill.
Magic(2 slots)- Ability to use one type of magic: Fire, Ice, Earth, Lightning, Curse or Holy. Must choose upon selecting this skill. Needed for: Paladins (Holy), Ghouls(Curse), Bone Dragons (Curse).