by Meep Meepersons » Wed Jun 24, 2015 12:12 pm
Ifri ponders to herself as Chrome Pup remains silent, not offering up an opinion either way. At least he didn't care for the boss she just pummeled, makes things easier when dealing with him. Then a she could hear the tell tale click of a gun coming from behind her. Turning, she sees Elizabeth pointing a rifle at her. "If you are planning on shooting me, you better not miss." She says, looking at Elizabeth sternly. She then turns her attention to the pup, and snatches her glove from him. "Thanks kid, remind me to reward you when we get back to the brothel." With that, if Elizabeth still hadn't shot at her, she'd tell the Chrome Hound Warboy to chain up the beaten boss to one of the trophy poles either on his own truck, or the tow vehicle. If there were no poles for this, she'd tell him to tie him up regardless, and throw him into the back of the tow vehicle. "I think I proved my prowess, do you really wanna shoot your body guard in the back?" She says, turning away from Elizabeth, confident that she would not shoot her in the back. Waiting for the shot, or for the busty broad to put her gun away, she would carefully replace her specialized glove, placing each retracted claw into it's respective sheath, zipping up the long black glove till it nestled upon her forearm, just under her shoulder, completely covering her mutation.