100MATOLOG_ Wrote:game cool:)But, im completed all available missions, stopped at locations shadefall, the exclamation mark is on krystal forest, then what to do? all other missions are closed.
Lucky777 Wrote:They DO get faster?
I was afraid of that.
That means the problem is on my end, not his.
Might be just my comparatively slowass compy.
I'll find out after he puts in the quality selection.
If the scenes STILL don't get faster for me even when I set the quality to low, I'll know that something very strange is up.
TebiCake Wrote:Heya.
When is the next update coming?
I'm so excited about this game! I really liked it. Actually, the best western flash porn game I've seen.
That is, if it gets finished. Seeing the map makes me want to see what's around the next corner.
Have you lacked inspiration, GP, or what? Did you after all get addicted to Sengoku Rance? LOL
Greekheart Wrote:I would love to test the boss, if the levels leading up to it weren't ball-breakingly difficult.
I'm not really clear on how Beezy's ability works, either. Or how one is supposed to clear that level, if all enemy units are invulnerable. I've tried summoning minimal units on my side, or no units, but then Beezy's ability does nothing at all?
Apalapan Wrote:Greekheart Wrote:I would love to test the boss, if the levels leading up to it weren't ball-breakingly difficult.
I'm not really clear on how Beezy's ability works, either. Or how one is supposed to clear that level, if all enemy units are invulnerable. I've tried summoning minimal units on my side, or no units, but then Beezy's ability does nothing at all?
From what I understand and remember, for each unit you have when you use the ability, you will kill an enemy unit. If you have more units than the enemy does, then at least one of your units will survive. One of them is going to receive a big boost of attack power, depending on how many units were sacrificed.
loshi1505 Wrote:first bug found!
after beating shadefall I noticed that the rune chance & enemy type description for the break & shadefall are gone... not sure if they weren't there when I started or not... but yeah...
also no rune chance & enemy type description for starlit tower either... >_>
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