The Road: 2nd Gear

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Re: The Road: 2nd Gear

Postby Meep Meepersons » Fri Jun 19, 2015 7:13 am

Ifri sighs and pats Elizabeth on the head. "Now was that so hard?" From the sounds of it, Ifri kind of figured it was for this old maid. Unlike the girl in her hand, this older woman was pretty good at pleasing her. "Mmm, have you done this before? It's really good." She says with praises. Her anger was being rubbed out through her cock, sandwiched between her ample bosom. "I'd kill for a pair of tits like these...." She says with a mild trance like expression. "No way I'm giving you to that fat tub of shit..." She groans, her cock almost at it's limits. "You look pretty smart, you know what negotiation means?" She asks with a sly grin, slowing her hips to a stop. "I have your lives, and I am willing to barter." She explains mater-o-factually.
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Re: The Road: 2nd Gear

Postby exalted » Sat Jun 20, 2015 1:08 am

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Blue balls and all, you find it relatively easy to get going, the gate guards are familiar enough with you that they don't really bother to search you.

After several hours of being on the road you see something up ahead on the side of the road in a ditch. As you get closer you see it is a car and judging from the fresh rubber on the road it looks like it crashed recently. You think you see a bit of movement from inside the wreck.

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You maneuver seems to go as planned as you dodge to the side and crazy shoots past before he can react, but when you go to get back on the power you feel one of the rear wheels lock up suddenly, fishtailing you off the road in a cloud of dust as the engine stalls. Looking around you see the buggy in the distance slowly turning around to come back for you.

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Elizabeth's cheeks flush bright red as you mention her experience, confirming it in your mind.

She looks at you confused when mention "the fat tub of shit", but changes to a sultry grin when you mention negotiation. Sliding in closer, she re-positions herself slightly, cradling and squeezing her tits together in the crook of one arm to free up the other, which she uses to slowly massage your balls or trace lightly across of the lips of your pussy and clit.

"Put the girl in the truck and let her go," she flutters her eye lashes, "I'll stay and do whatever you want."

Slowly she sticks out her tongue and runs it along the ridge of your cock head, before lapping at the pre on the tip.
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Re: The Road: 2nd Gear

Postby Gorutsuki » Sat Jun 20, 2015 2:06 am

Drinking down the rest of his drink Lesh wipes his mouth on the dirty sleeve of his duster. "Looking for maybe work in fetching something, escorting someone, like transport or even if someone needs some sort of protection." While he didn't want to come across as a sort of delivery boy, he certainly could use a small job to help him get back on his feet after the embarrassment of being handcuffed to his car.
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Re: The Road: 2nd Gear

Postby spitfyre » Sat Jun 20, 2015 2:40 am

Seeing that his crazy maneuver had work, but also left him dead in the water. Gew turns in his seat and grabs his gun that was behind him. Then after loading his shotgun with a shell he attempts to start his car back up and says, " Come on baby, don't fail me now."
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Re: The Road: 2nd Gear

Postby Meep Meepersons » Sat Jun 20, 2015 2:50 am

Ifri shudders as the soft hands of her negotiations partner caress her under carriage. "Nah, t-fuck...." She pauses as she shudders, her cock lurching between Elizabeths huge knockers as she blows a load of hot sticky mutant spunk all over them, totally drenching her front. The intensity of her orgasm causes her to twitch, and her claws to tighten a bit, cutting the little princesses face a little. "F-fuck, that....was fucking good...." Noticing what she did she groans and rolls her eyes, loosening her grip and sliding her palm down to the girls neck, and pulls her in close. She then extends her ridiculously long from her sharp toothy mouth and starts to lick the cuts on the girls face with a sensual yet slimy fashion. She'd keep licking and kissing the girls wounds until they were fully healed from her special saliva. Meanwhile her clawed hand's blades retract a bit so as to not harm her anymore, but still be able to kill her if she tried to run. Stopping only after the cuts were all closed up, she'd slurp her tongue up the neck and off the girls chin and back into her mouth. "There, all better." She smiles and gives the girl a wink before looking down at Elizabeth and smiles some more. "If you keep my secret, I'll escort you guys to where ever you feel like going." She then smirks devilishly. "But only if you let me freak you up everyday~ I wont touch lil'princess here either. I don't like training new girls, too much work." She pauses a moment to let her deal sink in a bit before adding more to sweeten the deal some more. "If you agree to those terms, you get a mutant bodyguard for free, all you gatta do is help me with this guy here everyday~" She says with a toothy grin as she hefts her throbbing sloppy dong, running it through the busty woman's cleavage.
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Re: The Road: 2nd Gear

Postby Riptide » Sat Jun 20, 2015 3:24 am

As soon as he clears sight of the gate, he finds a nice place to pull over and masturbate his frustration away quickly, before continuing on his way.

When he comes across the wreck, his gut tells him to ignore it and keep going on, but his curiosity gets the best of him.
"What the hell are you doing Rip?"
He readies his Shotgun, as he approaches the crashed vehicle. Best case scenario, he helps a friendly driver fix up his car and gain some extra cash on the way, worst case... he hopefully survives and gets some off with some extra scrap. Win-Win, obviously...
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Re: The Road: 2nd Gear

Postby exalted » Sat Jun 20, 2015 8:13 am

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"Guild controls most the caravans," she replies, cleaning a dirty glass with an even dirtier rag, "They' normally hire on at the centre of town, pays not the best from what I hear but the work's honest enough, mostly... of course there's also the runs the Guild doesn't know about."

She nods towards a dark alley way between two workshops, obscured by dust and smoke.

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Turning in your seat you madly search around for the shotgun but can't find anywhere in the back. Not having time to waste you fire the engine quickly but when you shift gear the jeep still wont move, you feel whatever was binding up the rear wheel is still in place, preventing it from turning.

Looking up you see the crazy is nearly on you, barreling across the waste to ram you in the side

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The girl cringes as you tongue snakes through the cloth shroud around her face to dance across her skin, but she stays still and lets you finish.

Looking down you see Elizabeth rather indignantly scraping away the cum that plasters her front with her hand and flicking it off into the dust. Rising to her feet you see her desperately trying to hide a scowl as she considers your proposal. It looks like she is about to say something when her eyes get distracted by something behind you.

"I guess we don'y have a choice now," she mutters, pulling the girl from your grasp and pushing her towards the truck, "Alice, get in the front."

Elizabeth stops and sizes you up again and you see the mental dilemma running through her mind.

"You better not try to screw me on this," she snaps as she runs for the truck, breasts bouncing freely, "You ride in back."

Turning around you see a few of the Chrome Hound vehicles bouncing down the track towards you.

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It's the smell that hits you first, the unmistakable smell of rotting flesh in the hot sun that universally signals danger in the waste. When the warped and rusted doors of the panel van burst open you're waiting for the creature, finger already on the trigger. Your shot catches it low in the stomach and it crumples back into van with a ghastly wail. You have little time to pat yourself on the shoulder as you see two more of the creatures clawing their way out of the ditch towards you.
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Re: The Road: 2nd Gear

Postby Riptide » Sat Jun 20, 2015 2:22 pm

"What the fuck?!"
Rip wipes some sweat off his head, before trying to blast one of the other creatures in the head, then prepares to knock back the other with the butt of his gun if it gets too close. He should haul his ass out of here, but now he really wants to see what is in that van. He once read a book with something like these in 'em, it said to always go for the head.
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Re: The Road: 2nd Gear

Postby spitfyre » Sat Jun 20, 2015 6:30 pm

Gew quickly realized that it he didn't do something soon he was going to get crushed by the buggy so he first tried to put the car into reverse to try to spin the wheels the other way. If that didn't work he would find his shotgun try to shoot the crazy as it approached him. " If I'm gonna die here, I'm takin that bastard with me!" he exclaimed as he jumped into action.
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Re: The Road: 2nd Gear

Postby Meep Meepersons » Sat Jun 20, 2015 10:17 pm

Ifri watch as the woman scrambles at the sight of the Chrome Hounds barreling down the path at them. She snickers a bit and runs to the truck with them, clammering up the front of the truck and plopping into the back. "Don't drive away, I'm in charge of these goons, they wont touch my claim, unless they feel like losing some special parts!" She exclaims, tapping her claws on the roof. She then reaches behind her and under her jacket and whips out her chinalake, holding it up with her normal hand, her bright pink hair, pure white tube top and throbbing fur covered erection, all in plain view for them to see. They knew who she was and that she was in charge, hopefully they weren't stupid enough to mutiny on her. "Depending on how they did here will depend if we return to the brothel right away or not." She explains softly. "Also find and hand me my snubnose! I need that in case someone needs to be shot in the face!" She states, hopefully putting across that force and fear with the promise of rewards for good behavior was always the best way to handle unruly hounds.
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Re: The Road: 2nd Gear

Postby exalted » Sun Jun 21, 2015 2:31 am

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The books always made it seem so easy to get that head shot, you find the reality is quite different as you try to line up your shot on scrambling creature and your shot goes buries itself in the bank without effect. Thinking fast you kick down on it hard and it tumbles back into the ditch, but allowing the other creature to clamber out unmolested.

Rising to it's full height you see it easily dwarfs you by several feat, muscle bulging under putrefied flesh. It swings a taloned claws at your head but you quickly roll forward under it's slash, driving the butt of your shotgun into the back of it's knee as it right yourself. A audible crack is heard from the strike of wood to bone and the creature stumbles to the ground, howling in rage and pain.

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Gunning it in reverse you feel the wheels suddenly start to free before freely spinning, noticing a red pulp splashing out of the wheel well. Flying backwards you see the buggy shot across your nose, missing you by mere feat and it spins around to come back. Your jeep bounces across the rugged scrub land and you see your shotgun slide out from under seat from where it had been stuck.

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Elizabeth looks up at you, her expression a mixture of shock, mistrust and rage as she pulls her coat back on, though she keep her mouth shut as you climb she climbs in the truck, even when you mention taking them to a brothel. You see the other girl, Alice, looking for the revolver which she hands through a sliding section in the rear window as Elizabeth starts the engine.

As the dust clears slightly you see four Chrome Hound rigs tumbling towards you: a truck, two muscle cars and an old hot rod. All look significantly more shot up than you'd expect for a raid on poor dirt farmers. Their trophy polls are mostly filled but it's easy to tell you have the catch of day by looking at the whether beaten women tied to them. In the distance you see a tow vehicle dragging your former ride and wrecked sand rail towards you as well.

As the Hound's ride slide to a halt around you they bail out madly, shouting and barking as they eye off your prize hungrily. You see Elizabeth hand nervously sit on the gear knob.
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Re: The Road: 2nd Gear

Postby Riptide » Sun Jun 21, 2015 3:39 am

"Goddamn worthless piece of metallic trash!"
He presses the shotgun point blank onto the fallen creature's back, and empties the second barrel into its back. He slowly backs away, grabbing two more shells, and trying to reload it before the second creature can get to him, or even the first if it somehow survived the point blank blast. He's never really had to deal with mutants before, the closest he ever got was passing by one on his way to a standard job.
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Re: The Road: 2nd Gear

Postby Meep Meepersons » Sun Jun 21, 2015 4:45 am

Ifri grins as the raiding party rolls up with their catch. They did pretty well from what she could see.But when they got close around the truck and started hooting and barking at her prize she narrowed her gaze, took the revolver from Alice and aimed it into the air, squeezing off a round into the sky. "Pay attention! Firstly! Did anyone bother to pick up my glove? Secondly, what's are weapon and ammo situation? How many did we lose? And are any of the girls injured? If they are, bring them here I can fix them right up. Also, don't tell anyone about my arm if you can help it, I know it's awesome but normal people don't like it." With that, she hops onto the roof of the truck her legs dangling down where the windshield used to be. She sat with her china lake next to her and her revolver in her hand as she watched to make sure no one was trying to cope a feel of her prizes.
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Re: The Road: 2nd Gear

Postby spitfyre » Sun Jun 21, 2015 5:42 am

When he spun his wheels backwards and got free of what he assumed was the dead crazy he ran over, Gew watched as the buggy missed him. Revving his engine, he shot off to chase the buggy screaming, " Woooooohooo! Eat shit and die asshole! Let's play some fuckin' chicken!" He drove straight for the buggy aiming to put his custom built ram to great use.
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Re: The Road: 2nd Gear

Postby exalted » Sun Jun 21, 2015 5:57 am

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You shy away from the splatter as you press the barrel of your weapon between the beasts shoulder blades and fire, leaving a gaping hole in it's wake. The creature slumps to the ground, apparently lifeless apart from it's head which strains to turn at you, gnashing it's teeth all the while.

Looking around while you hurriedly reload you see the second creature pulling itself from the ditch.

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The hounds surrounding the truck stay still, glaring at you as you refuse to share your prize.

"NO!" You hear one roar, pulling himself from the hot rod.

Looking at him you know it is going to be trouble. His face and body marked with scars, you recognize him as one of the two arguing about which town to raid.

"YOU!" He shouts again, pointing at you, "YOU CHOSE THIS PLACE! OUR BOYS DIE BECAUSE OF YOU!"

As he shouts you see him wrapping a chain slowly around his fist, stomping up to the front of the truck. You see some of the boys nodding in agreement but it doesn't look like they are willing to get involved at the moment.

"You think you keep prize from us? We take them" He leers, "And then we take you."

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The crazy blinks at the last moment, realizing his light buggy has little chance against your heavy in a head on collision. He tries to slip to the side but it's too late and you collect him just before the rear wheels. Hitting hard, you feel the impact throughout your body and your vision goes white for a moment, the next thing you know you're looking at clear wasteland.

Looking around you see the twisted chassis of the buggy behind you, flipped on it's roof, a burst fuel tank spilling into the waste. Turning your vehicle around you notice a vibration in the wheel and that it pulls to the right (+7 Damage (11 total, -1 to drive tests until fixed).
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Re: The Road: 2nd Gear

Postby Riptide » Sun Jun 21, 2015 6:03 am

Rip ignores the dying beast for now, making a mental note to end its suffering if he survives. He quickly dashes towards the beast until he is only a few feet away, and unleashes both barrels onto it one after the other, with extreme prejudice. No matter what happens, he flips around his rifle, since using it as a club worked so well before.
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Re: The Road: 2nd Gear

Postby Meep Meepersons » Sun Jun 21, 2015 7:00 am

Ifri looks at the guy denying her orders and she stands up, looking down at all of them. With her strong legs she could leap to any one of them from this height and distance. He then approached the truck and she smirked as he claimed they'd take her prize from her then take her. "Funny..." She scoffs, stepping forward to land hard on the hood of the truck, still looking down at the fucker who was challenging her. "What? You think just because you are in a gang you wont get shot? So now what? Huh? Your gunna what? Beat me up? Rape me? Take my prize? You know why I am not in a gang?" She asks, hopping off the hood of the truck and landing hard but stably on the dirt track. "It's because I don't need a gang to back me up! Only people fit to lead are those who can survive alone, and I've been doing it since I was just an itty bitty mutant kitty." If he managed to wait for her to finish talking, she would wait for him to approach her after slashing a line in the dirt in front of her with her claws. "You want to take charge? Cross this line and take me you'll need it!" She exclaims, her face dropping to a dead serious kill face as she makes sure the safety was on her revolver and the hammer wasn't cocked before tossing the half full six shooter at the crazies feet. She was serene, yet firm and ready. "I'll eat your heart, and anyone else's who tries to touch my claim!" She states, slowly extending the blades in her hand as her gaze narrows in on the one who wrapped a chain around his hand. If he didn't wait for her to talk at all, and attacks before she could finish her non-violent power display, she'd simply fire upon him with her last three shots in her gun and then lunge at him with a kamakazi charge, not caring about dodging at all just to get a solid slash across the thugs gut to hopefully disembowel him. If he waited, and still tried to attack her, she would still lunge at him with her claws, fully intending to take a shot or two to disembowel the fucker. Either way, he'd either back the fuck off, or die for his hubris.
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Re: The Road: 2nd Gear

Postby Gorutsuki » Sun Jun 21, 2015 7:46 am

"Oh joy is me, I get to walk down the very discreet and totally not an ambush like alleyway" Lesh dryly says as he skulls down the rest of his drink. "Thanks for the advice, you stay safe now" leaving a five dollar tip for the barmaid he begins walking out of the bar with a small grunt. His mind telling him tht he must really be desperate for work if he is willing to go into a place like that, keeping a hand to his side he enters the alley, staying vigilant to grab his rifle.
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Re: The Road: 2nd Gear

Postby exalted » Sun Jun 21, 2015 3:14 pm

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The creature wails as it doubles over from the double blast of your shotgun, tumbling back into filth and kipple littered ditch (aka you continued your in string of critical successes). Taking a moment to catch your breath, you realize the calm of wasteland is only broken by the gnashing teeth of crippled creature behind you and there does not seem to be any further movement.

The back of the panel van is shrouded in a dingy darkness you're almost thankful for as what you can see is charnel house of half eaten remains, leaving in you little doubt what these creatures had planned for you. You could climb in and search if you wanted to or continue on with your journey.

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The Crazy Leader lets you finish you speech, eagerly nodding when you mention beating you, raping you and taking your prize. Unable to back down in front of his boys he arrogantly steps over the line without a second thought. Kicking away the revolver he spits in your face.

Incensed, you lunge at him but his muscular frame belies his quickness as he quickly lets the chain slip from his fist into a loop. Dodging to the side he loops the chain around you clawed hand and twists, redirecting your momentum to the ground. Winded for a moment, you powerless for a moment as he uses the chain to bind your clawed arm to one of his and lock it shut with a padlock.

"We settle this as chained hounds," he barks before head butting you savagely and you feel you nose break under the impact.

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As you make your way through the cramped alleyway between workshops and hovels filled with all kinds of refuse. Eventually the alleyways open up and you come across what looks to be a market and judging from the stalls you guess it's the kind city officials don't want to know about. You see three armed thugs blocking your path into the market.

"Well as I live and breathe, if it isn't Officer Walters," You hear one chuckle as he stands from his leaning position, "The small world just keeps getting smaller, doesn't it Officer?"

It takes you moment to place the voice, when it hits you. The man's name is Lars Vargas, he used to a small time thug back in the Third City you had brought in or beat down several times, but never had enough to put him away for long.
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Re: The Road: 2nd Gear

Postby Riptide » Sun Jun 21, 2015 3:46 pm

"You'll always be my greatest companion, Metallic Piece of Trash."
Rip takes a moment to reload his Gun, and continues to hold it as he makes his way to the back door of the van. He opens the door, and aims his gun in, just in case one more of those things is hiding out. If not, he scavenges the vehicle for supplies and anything else of interest, and makes his way back to the bike to continue on his travels.
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