by Meep Meepersons » Sun Jun 21, 2015 7:00 am
Ifri looks at the guy denying her orders and she stands up, looking down at all of them. With her strong legs she could leap to any one of them from this height and distance. He then approached the truck and she smirked as he claimed they'd take her prize from her then take her. "Funny..." She scoffs, stepping forward to land hard on the hood of the truck, still looking down at the fucker who was challenging her. "What? You think just because you are in a gang you wont get shot? So now what? Huh? Your gunna what? Beat me up? Rape me? Take my prize? You know why I am not in a gang?" She asks, hopping off the hood of the truck and landing hard but stably on the dirt track. "It's because I don't need a gang to back me up! Only people fit to lead are those who can survive alone, and I've been doing it since I was just an itty bitty mutant kitty." If he managed to wait for her to finish talking, she would wait for him to approach her after slashing a line in the dirt in front of her with her claws. "You want to take charge? Cross this line and take me you'll need it!" She exclaims, her face dropping to a dead serious kill face as she makes sure the safety was on her revolver and the hammer wasn't cocked before tossing the half full six shooter at the crazies feet. She was serene, yet firm and ready. "I'll eat your heart, and anyone else's who tries to touch my claim!" She states, slowly extending the blades in her hand as her gaze narrows in on the one who wrapped a chain around his hand. If he didn't wait for her to talk at all, and attacks before she could finish her non-violent power display, she'd simply fire upon him with her last three shots in her gun and then lunge at him with a kamakazi charge, not caring about dodging at all just to get a solid slash across the thugs gut to hopefully disembowel him. If he waited, and still tried to attack her, she would still lunge at him with her claws, fully intending to take a shot or two to disembowel the fucker. Either way, he'd either back the fuck off, or die for his hubris.