Kingdom Under Fire OOC

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Kingdom Under Fire OOC

Postby Amaranis A'daragon » Wed Jun 17, 2015 8:52 am

The continent of Bersia has long been divided by the forces of Light and Dark. The coalition of Humans, Light Elves and Dwarves keeping a uneasy peace with the Orcs, Ogres, Dark Elves, Liches and Half-Vampires of the Dark Legion. However, tensions have been rising lately, and both sides prep for the inevitable: War.

However, there is something else working its powers in the shadows...a force neither side is ready to deal with alone...


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The main fighting force and cannon fodder of the Dark Legion. They are a head shorter than elves or humans, but posses much more strength.
Perks: Enrage-Ignores some damage, increases damage dealt. Only Dark Legion race able to be Sappers.
Cons: Unable to learn magic, short legs make them slow runners, unable to use projectiles.


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Massive in size and rough in demeanor, Ogres lead the tribes in times of peace and troops in times of war.
Perks: Enrage-Ignores some damage, increases damage dealt. Stand over 8 feet tall, and can throw around all other humanoid races like a ragdoll.
Cons: Cannot learn magic, too large to breed with anything other than other Ogres, unable to use projectiles.


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Humans raised by cursed magic. They are animated skeletons, the only race able to bring back the dead.
Perks: Do not need to sleep, can resurrect orc bodies to fight. Only race able to use Curse magic.
Cons: Cannot breed. Lack physical strength, as they have no muscle. Unable to use projectiles. Hurt by holy magic.

Dark Elves

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A Matriarchal society. They are the most magic attuned race, thus making them the second ranking race in the Legion.
Pros: Elemental Boost-Coats their weapons/projectiles with elemental magic. Tree of Healing-AoE heal over time.
Cons: Have a superiority complex (and express it in front of all but the half-vampires), women outnumber men greatly.


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Ruling race of the Dark Legion, they suffer no problems being out in the sun.
Pros: Longevity, charismatic, able to use all types of magic (except holy).
Cons: Must drink blood to survive, few in number, hurt by holy magic.


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The most numerous race on the continent, they are the most balanced race on the continent.
Pros: Able to become almost any class, only race able to use Holy Magic.
Cons: None.

Light Elves

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Sharing the same origins as the Dark Elves, all similarities end after that. Elves are few in number, as their cousins nearly hunted them to extinction.
Pros: Highly magic attuned. Charismatic.
Cons: No land to call their own, hosted by Ecclesia. Few in number.


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They own the mountains to the north, mining and engineering makes up most of their economy.
Pros: Strong from many years of toiling. Able to withstand weather better than most.
Cons: Slow running. Occasionally drink too much.


Ecclesia-Religious center of the world, most influential Kingdom of the Coalition.
Hironeiden-Kingdom closest to Dark Legion lands, they keep a vigil on the border.
Azilia-Puppet kingdom of the elves, controlled by Ecclesia.

Arein: Dark elf city, taken from the humans.
Vellond: Capital of the Dark Legion.
Hexter: Barren desert and swamp nation where the orc and orge tribes reside.

Skills determine your class and abilities. However, as long as you have the appropriate skills, you can change between all classes you qualify for as long as you are at a castle or a city with a garrison. You will have four 'slots' to chose your skills from. If you decide you want to get rid of a skill, you can forget it, but you lose all xp you had in that skill. Choose wisely.
Classes are broken down into melee, ranged and support. People choosing a support role will be added to the field upon their unit being defeated.

Melee classes- Infantry, Heavy Infantry, Knights, Calvary, Heavy Calvary, Orc Calvary, Paladins, Spearmen, Ghouls, Sappers, Pyro Technicians, and Scorpions.
Ranged classes- Archers, Longbow men, Artillery, Mortars, mounted archers.
Support classes- Wyverns, Dirigibles, Swamp Mammoths, Bone Dragons, Storm Riders, Battaloons, and Bomber Wings.

Melee(1 slot)-Needed for all classes.
Ranged(1 slot)-Dictates how far/accurate your ranged shots are. Needed for: Archers, Longbow men, artillery, mortars, mounted archers, bone dragons, and battaloons.
Ride(2 slots)-How fast you can travel, handle, and damage done on your mount. Needed for: Calvary, Heavy Calvary, Orc Calvary, mounted archers, Storm Riders, and Wyverns.
Frontal(1 slot)-How much damage you can do against mounted enemies. Needed for: Spearmen, Orc Axemen, Calvary, Orc Calvary.
Teamwork(1 slot)-Determines how well your men work together. Needed for: Sappers, Pyro Technicians, Artillery, Scorpions, Bomber Wings, Dirigibles, and Swamp Mammoths.
Gunpowder(1 slot)-Determines how much bang you get from your powder. Needed for: Pyro Technician, Mortars, and Bomber Wings. Human/Dwarf only skill.
Taming(1 slot)- Strength/health of your tamed animal. Needed for: Scorpions, Dirigibles, and Swamp Mammoths. Orc/Orge only skill.
Magic(2 slots)- Ability to use one type of magic: Fire, Ice, Earth, Lightning, Curse or Holy. Must choose upon selecting this skill. Needed for: Paladins (Holy), Ghouls(Curse), Bone Dragons (Curse).
Sometimes I think i'm crazy, but then my other voice says i'm alright.

I'm not sure if i'm just too creative, or just cant focus on one thing.
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Amaranis A'daragon
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Re: Kingdom Under Fire OOC

Postby Amaranis A'daragon » Wed Jun 17, 2015 8:56 am

Character sheet

Age: (Orcs and ogres age as humans)
Kingdom of Origin:
Physical Description/Image:

Accepted Characters:

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Notvesu Barodel/exalted
Last edited by Amaranis A'daragon on Mon Jun 22, 2015 6:53 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Sometimes I think i'm crazy, but then my other voice says i'm alright.

I'm not sure if i'm just too creative, or just cant focus on one thing.
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Amaranis A'daragon
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Re: Kingdom Under Fire OOC

Postby exalted » Wed Jun 17, 2015 9:43 am

Name: Notvesu Barodel
Race: Dark Elf
Gender: Female
Kingdom of Origin: Arein
Physical Description/Image:
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Notvesu is a recent conscript into the Dark Legion. She has waited for this moment her whole life, raised to belieth it is her duty to serve and protect her people from the prejudicial and genocidal Ecclesia that would see them all destroyed. (I'll add more when I know a bit more about the setting)
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Re: Kingdom Under Fire OOC

Postby Gorutsuki » Wed Jun 17, 2015 10:57 am

Name: Dranuil (Dra-new-ill)
Race: Dark Elf (Would also accept being Half-Vampire if Dark Elf not acceptable)
Gender: Male
Age: (to be filled in when I have more info on elf ages)
Kingdom of Origin: Vellond
Physical Description/Image:
Boasting flowy and long white hair Dranuil tends to prefer whatever he wears cover most of his body from his toes to his chin. An attempt to hide several long and old scars on his body that were inflicted on him in his early years. His bright white hair that end at his shoulders also hide his ears, quite unlike his fellow dark elves Dranuil has ears that oddly resembles a human's rounder ears compared to natural pointy ears he should have.
Backstory: (Tell me if I need to change it accordingly. I don't know too much about the setting and the wiki I read didn't offer much in the way of Dark Elf society.)
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Not really knowing his parents since they had lost their lives during the long and bloody years when the Dark Elves raged war with themselves over land rights and other petty squables. Dranuil grew up in what would count as a Dark Elf Orphanage, surrounded by others of his kind who were all above him, or so they would like to tell him often. Being the only male growing up within the orphanage he was subjected to being the other kids' servant, having to suffer humiliation and orders just so that he wouldn't have to had been bothered or left alone by everyone else. At one point one of the other girls had finally taken it too far as she decided to use him as 'practice' for when she is rich and had plenty of slaves. Thus Dranuil was dragged off to a cellar in the Orphanage where his body was subjected to numerous and plenty of different types of torture. Crying out for help but no one could hear him but the chuckling of those who were toying with him. As the days and months few by Dranuil grew more and more meek, his outbursts at how they should release him and leave him be became almost non-existant. The main dark elf behind this act grew tired of his now quiet and accepting nature until one day an idea came to her. Instead of the normal whippings and beatings she drew one of the kitchen knives she had stolen earlier that day, telling Dranuil and her friends that since he had no pride as a dark elf that he would be better suited to being a human. For the first time in a while Dranuil had cried out in agony, this time though someone else had heard them and soon the doors burst open and one of the caretakers caught them in the act. The girls were stunned and Dranuil, feeling a sudden rush of adrenaline and pain had swipped the knife out of the girl's hands while she was stunned and drove it into her stomach. The both of them were taken away to a tree of healing, however despite how ong he was there Dranuil's scars and marks had not healed, and the flesh on his ears had healed over what was left of it. Seeing as how things had to change Dranuil, now being at least twelve in terms of human maturity was transerred to a military training academy. A spark had shone in his eyes as he finally saw a chance to change, be different, stronger and if need be, inflict pain and suffering to those who would hurt him physically. Deciding to cover up his scars he actually looks at them as a reminder, a time when he was weak and let anyone have their control over him. Now being a proficient fighter with a mace and a shield Dranuil joins the army in hopes of getting recognized and proving that he is better than those of the female persuasion of his race.
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Re: Kingdom Under Fire OOC

Postby MelissaB » Wed Jun 17, 2015 3:21 pm

Okay question... what era is this?

Also vellond is the antion not a city, Arein is it's capital.
A succubus. Poor misunderstood young ladies... they just want a little bit of love, little bit of death. Just like the rest of us -Gnarl

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Re: Kingdom Under Fire OOC

Postby Amaranis A'daragon » Wed Jun 17, 2015 8:31 pm


Half-Vampire is a playable race. Go for it.


I want to base it more on what everyone who wants to play picks. I'm thinking of having it take place during the annexation time period.
Sometimes I think i'm crazy, but then my other voice says i'm alright.

I'm not sure if i'm just too creative, or just cant focus on one thing.
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Amaranis A'daragon
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Re: Kingdom Under Fire OOC

Postby MelissaB » Wed Jun 17, 2015 8:42 pm

So when Vellond was still becoming a nation or when Vellond was trying to annex Hexter?
A succubus. Poor misunderstood young ladies... they just want a little bit of love, little bit of death. Just like the rest of us -Gnarl

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Re: Kingdom Under Fire OOC

Postby Amaranis A'daragon » Wed Jun 17, 2015 8:45 pm

MelissaB Wrote:So when Vellond was still becoming a nation or when Vellond was trying to annex Hexter?

Depends on if anyone else joins, and what races they choose.
Sometimes I think i'm crazy, but then my other voice says i'm alright.

I'm not sure if i'm just too creative, or just cant focus on one thing.
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Amaranis A'daragon
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Re: Kingdom Under Fire OOC

Postby MelissaB » Wed Jun 17, 2015 9:02 pm

Well from the looks of it most people are playing dark legion... Which I honestly don't blame I mean who wants to play the Catholics really? No one likes religious fanatics.

So guess I'll make a dark legion too. Their evil but not we're doing this for god evil.

Lets us know timeframe it kinda matters regarding setting... because after KUF crusaders/heros the leadership for a lot of places has changed.
A succubus. Poor misunderstood young ladies... they just want a little bit of love, little bit of death. Just like the rest of us -Gnarl

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Re: Kingdom Under Fire OOC

Postby Biles » Wed Jun 17, 2015 11:10 pm

Kinda rare to find an RP that gives the orc race a slight short stature compared to humans and elves.
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Re: Kingdom Under Fire OOC

Postby Gorutsuki » Thu Jun 18, 2015 4:53 am

@Amaranis A'daragon
Well I said if I wasn't allowed to make a Dark Elf character then I'd go for a half-vampire. Personally I'd prefer to be a Dark Elf since I already wrote up that backstory but if we really need someone to be on the light side then I do not mind.
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Re: Kingdom Under Fire OOC

Postby Amaranis A'daragon » Thu Jun 18, 2015 6:44 am

Tentative plot (Based on player characters): This story will take place before the events of the games: The Dark Elf tribes are scattered and fight for supremacy. The Orcs and Ogres wander around Hexter, content in their own lands. The Coalition forces have yet to make any moves into Legion lands.

A Half-Vampire will come to your tribes leader, conquered orc troops in tow. There, they strike up a deal: he will support your tribe in conquering the others, but you will serve under him and his kind.

The reason I chose to have the orcs shorter than others is because that is how they are in the game.
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Half-Vampires aren't on the Light side, and ive got no issues with you being a dark elf.
Sometimes I think i'm crazy, but then my other voice says i'm alright.

I'm not sure if i'm just too creative, or just cant focus on one thing.
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Amaranis A'daragon
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Re: Kingdom Under Fire OOC

Postby spitfyre » Thu Jun 18, 2015 8:05 am

Name: Gurukk
Race: Orc
Gender: M
Age: 25
Kingdom of Origin: Hexter
Physical Description/Image:
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Gurukk was raised under the normal hardships of an orc family. His parents raised him to fight along side his many siblings in the war between the orcs and humans. However, before he was old enough to join the war, the peace treaty was signed between the races stopping the violence. Gurukk's house became restless, because they were a warlike family and because they were forbidden to fight other races, there was alot of infighting between orc families and even in the family itself. The orc families ended up suffering a large amount from all the fighting. Gurukk's family was no different. The fighting got so bad that most of his siblings ended up killing each other, and the few left still alive were the younger ones, the ones that posed less of a threat. His family's name and prowess spoiled, Gurukk was tasked by his family as the oldest remaining sibling, to go out and glorify his family's name once again.

Skills: Melee-1
Last edited by spitfyre on Thu Jun 25, 2015 7:35 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Kingdom Under Fire OOC

Postby MelissaB » Thu Jun 18, 2015 2:39 pm

Name: Xilice
Race: Dark Elf (Vell)
Gender: Female
Age: 23
Kingdom of Origin: Vellond
Physical Description/Image:
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Backstory: A warrior in the lands of the dark elves Xilice fights for her clan to seize control and become the largest strongest faction of vells. A warrior in it's ranks she favors a more heavily armored approach to warfare than most of her kin though she still can't comprehend how the knights of the humans can even move. In a time of constant fighting between the vells she has had plenty of time to practice and fight, enabling herself to match the speed of her kin when she fought. Like all dark elves she held the moon in reverence and trees are sources of healing, offering prayers are night and seeking the shelter of forests to tend her wounds after a hard battle, her was vocal about her clan and about her ability to fight, dashing from foe to foe or unleashing an onslaught upon a single opponent keeping them pin under their guard until it finally broke and she slew them.

Melee: 2

So how's that?
Last edited by MelissaB on Thu Jun 25, 2015 7:57 pm, edited 1 time in total.
A succubus. Poor misunderstood young ladies... they just want a little bit of love, little bit of death. Just like the rest of us -Gnarl

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Re: Kingdom Under Fire OOC

Postby Amaranis A'daragon » Fri Jun 19, 2015 6:44 am

Well, all characters posted are accepted. Ill deal with NPC troop creations, but I might delegate some to you all at a later time. If no one else wants to join, ill get this rp up and going tomorrow.
Sometimes I think i'm crazy, but then my other voice says i'm alright.

I'm not sure if i'm just too creative, or just cant focus on one thing.
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Re: Kingdom Under Fire OOC

Postby spitfyre » Thu Jun 25, 2015 7:22 pm

do you want us adding skills to our CS also, what do we get for being lvl 2
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Re: Kingdom Under Fire OOC

Postby Amaranis A'daragon » Thu Jun 25, 2015 7:26 pm

You pick a new skill to add to your character, or leveling up a pre-existing skill. For instance, you can be a lvl 2 infantry, or you can grab a point in frontal and become Orc Axemen.

Ill put the lvls up on the first post of the rp.
Sometimes I think i'm crazy, but then my other voice says i'm alright.

I'm not sure if i'm just too creative, or just cant focus on one thing.
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Amaranis A'daragon
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Re: Kingdom Under Fire OOC

Postby MelissaB » Thu Jun 25, 2015 7:57 pm

btw... whom are these people that destroyed Vellond nation and made us into tribes?

edited CS
A succubus. Poor misunderstood young ladies... they just want a little bit of love, little bit of death. Just like the rest of us -Gnarl

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Re: Kingdom Under Fire OOC

Postby MelissaB » Thu Jun 25, 2015 7:58 pm

because lore wise there was no Vellond nation before the half vampires conquered it and made it one
A succubus. Poor misunderstood young ladies... they just want a little bit of love, little bit of death. Just like the rest of us -Gnarl

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Re: Kingdom Under Fire OOC

Postby Amaranis A'daragon » Thu Jun 25, 2015 8:43 pm

I am actually basing this on the time before Vellond, hence the name of the campaign. I figured this would be a good place to play, cause as far as I know, there was no real story for that time period.
Sometimes I think i'm crazy, but then my other voice says i'm alright.

I'm not sure if i'm just too creative, or just cant focus on one thing.
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Amaranis A'daragon
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