UnLimiTeD Wrote:I'm reasonably certain extra gathered ProN will both affect relationship value (at least she acts the part) and improve your payout.
I think it's 3x what you put in, more or less?
Mickele Wrote:- also i was wondering, since you can't get all the investments at the end, wouldn't it be possible to exchange Sx on hand against ProN???
I have 60k Sx on hand but no ProN while I would need some or the weapon deal (discovered too late) and maybe better merchants...
Mickele Wrote:- will it be possible to buy the investments also in the new upcomming chapter, since you can't get the money for the bank or mine yet....
UnLimiTeD Wrote:I'm reasonably certain extra gathered ProN will both affect relationship value (at least she acts the part) and improve your payout.
I think it's 3x what you put in, more or less?
Mickele Wrote:I enjoyed your game so far and especially the whole plot round about in chapter one so far...
Mickele Wrote:- also i was wondering, since you can't get all the investments at the end, wouldn't it be possible to exchange Sx on hand against ProN???
I have 60k Sx on hand but no ProN while I would need some or the weapon deal (discovered too late) and maybe better merchants...
Mickele Wrote:- will it be possible to buy the investments also in the new upcomming chapter, since you can't get the money for the bank or mine yet....
musical74 Wrote:I'm up to just past saving Janine and I will say this...
This is a DEEP game!! You've really thought things through! I think my main complaint is *should be allowed to respawn monsters* because beating the guys behind the revolt was TOUGH, it took a few tries to figure out what works best and even then it was *UGH*. I also avoided the spider-house because the spiders pretty much crushed me...DANG those are hard!
Will it be possible to return to earlier points eventually?
After getting all the way through what's available so far, I will say that the combat needs to be changed somewhat. The overall idea is fine, but the fights with just Hilstara and Cumdump (what a name, huh? LOL) were HARD because Cumdump was healing probably every round (or close to it) which meant mass stun attacks if I stood much of a chance. That's also true for a few of the other fights late in the chapter, war of attrition always results in me dying because they have more hit points and I can't recover fast enough from their major attacks. HOWEVER I don't know anything on how hard it would be to make some of these fights less frustrating (random encounters still allowable, maybe?)
Biggest gripe outside of some of the hard fights late in chapter (and the spider house, YEESH, still can't believe I won any fights when they spam the foul blast every round...) is what exactly Rilia is planning... why she feels that Simon will be a better Incubus Lord than the current one isn't really discussed. Maybe she's just fed up with the current one's weird fetishes?
HohesHaus Wrote:Great game ! I found a bug. If you enter the burnd farm with the orcs. If you talk to the orc and than enter the building, and leave it, the orc you have talked to stays in the way and doesnt move. So you cant get to the group of humans. When do you release the 2nd Chapter?
The only thing your game is missing are some h-pictures.
musical74 Wrote:I'm up to just past saving Janine and I will say this...
This is a DEEP game!! You've really thought things through! I think my main complaint is *should be allowed to respawn monsters* because beating the guys behind the revolt was TOUGH, it took a few tries to figure out what works best and even then it was *UGH*. I also avoided the spider-house because the spiders pretty much crushed me...DANG those are hard!
Will it be possible to return to earlier points eventually?
CloudRipper Wrote:Just played this up to where it stops. Want to see what this looks like when finished with it. Not much from what Ive seen in the way of corruption choices though it seems. Only one I noticed was in the beginning with that first chosen one. Also, what is the use of the shining weapon and armor? Is there any plans for it to be usable?
Zaiaku666 Wrote:CloudRipper Wrote:Just played this up to where it stops. Want to see what this looks like when finished with it. Not much from what Ive seen in the way of corruption choices though it seems. Only one I noticed was in the beginning with that first chosen one. Also, what is the use of the shining weapon and armor? Is there any plans for it to be usable?
In my interpretation, Simon isn't really looking to become a corruptive force as the Sovereign, as rather he's more of a revolutionary against the current status quo.He sees the in-fighting between the church's factions as a waste of resources, has now seen the ineptitude that was relying on the "Chosen". He realizes that the woman who infused him with the essence of the Fucklord whose name I have forgotten, may be right, and the only way to change the world for the better would to overthrow the fucklord and go from there. The problem is that he has to use methods that he once found rather dismal, and must play The Game of medieval politics like those found in the GoT or it's book version ASoIaF.
musical74 Wrote:First time I played this I didn't realize the story was in fact about Simon. Given that all the Chosen seem to be *fuck everything female* not sure the corruption really means anything (yet, anyway). Are all of the Chosen horny teenagers?![]()
CloudRipper Wrote:Also, what is the use of the shining weapon and armor? Is there any plans for it to be usable?
CloudRipper Wrote:Oh I know. I understood all of that part. But I noticed in the prelogue part, you get a couple corruption choices, but other than those, you don't seem to get any others throughout the game. Unless Im blind and missing them somewhere
musical74 Wrote:I do like that Cumdump refers to Aka as *Stabby Girl*! Question on the relationship status: does it really mean anything at this point? I suppose this will have something important later on, but for now it seems to be just for show. Also not totally sure what causes their relationship to go up or down sometimes. Sometimes I'm aware of what it is, other times it's *Robin's relationship went down and I don't have a clue why*.
Commodus Wrote:[
Probably the most important factor in how your party performs in combat is their level. Each optional fight you skip, the more difficult later fights become. If you compulsively hunt down every encounter in the game, the only difficult fights are the optional ones in the spider house and the deep tunnels dungeon.
UnLimiTeD Wrote:That's actually rather dismal game mechanics if it's true.
In the inn, sleep on the bed. (Inn which you recieve a coupon for by the female merchant who you help with the slave people earlier...) You'll meet your daughter who is a Mage. And it will unlock the Academy (Which your daughter is at)
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