iheartsatan Wrote:How do I beat Pikachu? Thi is like the second fight and I'm severely frustrated out how she's impossible. I can only use the fan art twice but I can't do ANYTHING about her Spark after that!!
bubba91 Wrote:Geodude (remake):
https://www.dropbox.com/s/2nqeo1jzn9hny ... 2.jpg?dl=0
Lurker's design was inspirational.
bubba91 Wrote:Geodude (remake):
https://www.dropbox.com/s/2nqeo1jzn9hny ... 2.jpg?dl=0
Lurker's design was inspirational.
Solacekia Wrote:Sorry guys for such a nooby question, but I was wondering how to get more fan-art. I've gotten past Pewter city but I'm still not sure. Sorry for wasting people's time but it's been plaguing my mind for a while :/
www.porncritique.lol Wrote:Not trying to be pushy, but will my Seadra front be acknowledged? It hasn't been commented on or put in the pokemorph picture gallery. I just don't want it to be forgotten and have all my work go to waste.
Fly88xx Wrote:I the most interesting out of this article might be Seel, Dewgong, Cloyster, Rapidash, Victreebel, Arcanine, Arbok, Nidorina and Nidoqueen.
BTW: Are you guys planing to implement Nidoran♂ and his evolutions in the game?
Fly88xx Wrote:I the most interesting out of this article might be Seel, Dewgong, Cloyster, Rapidash, Victreebel, Arcanine, Arbok, Nidorina and Nidoqueen.
BTW: Are you guys planing to implement Nidoran♂ and his evolutions in the game?
bubba91 Wrote:Whoops, forgot to comment, change this area to blue. Also the gradient doesn't convince me, too sharp.
Fly88xx Wrote:I have no objection if humbird does not put herms/futas in this game.
I was just curious if we would see the male-only pokemon (Nidoran(m) family, Mr. Mime...) for the sake of completeness (all 151 first gen pkmn).
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