Dawn of a new city (Urhr93)

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Re: Dawn of a new city (Urhr93)

Postby that man » Tue Jun 09, 2015 7:36 pm

"Isn't this such a fun way to drive?" Sai asked as she swerved through a ten lane highway, most of the cars and other vehicles heading at speeds of more then 20 over the speed limit as she was doing so, the number of close calls being matched only by the number of slurs directed at them.
that man
Joined: Sat Jul 28, 2012 5:07 pm

Re: Dawn of a new city (Urhr93)

Postby Urhr93 » Tue Jun 09, 2015 9:18 pm

<Ye...Yes> Dawn manages to stutter while holding her for her life, praying to every divine entity she believed and didn't believe in for this trip to end safely.
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Re: Dawn of a new city (Urhr93)

Postby that man » Tue Jun 09, 2015 9:56 pm

"Hey, do you wanna pick up dinner then?" Sai replied as she zoomed off into a the parking lot of some sort of fast-food studio, barely even stopping as she jumped off the not yet dead engine, yelling out, "I'm going to get four burgers, four cheeseburgers, a lot of studios, and about 10 pounds of fries...and a salad. Do you want anything?"
that man
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Re: Dawn of a new city (Urhr93)

Postby Urhr93 » Wed Jun 10, 2015 2:54 am

Somehow the zooming around ends, and Sai asks if she wants dinner. However, dinner wasn't exactly what she had in mind in this moment, more interested in a bath to get some water on her face <No... no> she waves, before stopping in her tracks and correcting herself <No... maybe... yes. I'll go with you, let's eat inside> she nods, thinking that, probably, there will be a bath inside there.

Obviously she won't just go to the bathroom, first she'll order an hot dog with a lot of mayonnaise and ketchup along with some coke.
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Re: Dawn of a new city (Urhr93)

Postby that man » Thu Jun 11, 2015 2:09 am

Inside, Dawn was shocked when she saw the amount of money that Sai had put down on the table, the cashier not seeming to be surprised in the slightest as she seemed to have understood her order and had brought it quickly to her. When Sai danced past Dawn, she shouted, "I've bought dinner for you, so feel free to tell them whatever you want to eat!"
that man
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Re: Dawn of a new city (Urhr93)

Postby Urhr93 » Thu Jun 11, 2015 2:17 am

The sheer amount of money made Sae forget all about the fast ride, instead making her asking herself if Sai really wasn't involved in the Madame June's prostitution circle or some other more well-paying job. Maybe it could have something to do with the reason June didn't want her to show Sai the “dirtier” side of the job?

Anyway she just nods, sighing while ordering the hot dog with mayonnaise and ketchup along with a cola and going toward Sai.
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Re: Dawn of a new city (Urhr93)

Postby that man » Thu Jun 11, 2015 3:02 am

"Ah, so you are with Sai then?" The cashier smiled as the food came back even quicker then she had been doing before, adding on, "I really hope I get to see you again next week, but it wouldn't be weird if I didn't"

On those words, the cashier returned to working on the other side of the counter, leaving Dawn in an awkward position as she tried to figure out what exactly was going on.
that man
Joined: Sat Jul 28, 2012 5:07 pm

Re: Dawn of a new city (Urhr93)

Postby Urhr93 » Thu Jun 11, 2015 3:18 am

Dawn nods at his question, though what he says later makes her once again doubt Sai's identity. Just what was she? Finding no point in mulling over it, she went to sit near the girl before beginning to heat her hot dog, figuring she'll finish it before Sai and will have the time to make a visit to the bathroom. The “fright” from the ride didn't disappear, but better get some water of her face before riding it again.
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Re: Dawn of a new city (Urhr93)

Postby that man » Thu Jun 11, 2015 5:14 am

Reaching Sai, Dawn noticed how quickly she was eating, it almost looking like she hadn't done so in several days, though she did stop when Dawn sat down, a curious look on her face as she asked, "are you really only going to have such a small dinner then? I mean, I think that isn't really enough for you."
that man
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Re: Dawn of a new city (Urhr93)

Postby Urhr93 » Thu Jun 11, 2015 6:24 pm

Sai's way of eating surprised Dawn... just like most of the things she did or were related to her. Really, what did she put herself into when she got involved with her? Nonetheless, getting involved with something out of the ordinary will probably make her interact with more non-ordinary things, so this will be good for her work.

<Yes, I'm ok with this> she says as she proceed to eat her own food and drinks, intent on finishing them before Sai.
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Re: Dawn of a new city (Urhr93)

Postby that man » Thu Jun 11, 2015 8:08 pm

Despite Dawn's best efforts, Sai manages to finish before her, the sheer rate at which she ate her food being enough to slow Dawn down as her mind crossed over to the thoughts of how she managed to keep her body in so good of shape if she ate this much food in a day...which also lead to odd thoughts of what exactly Sai looked like underneath her clothing.
that man
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Re: Dawn of a new city (Urhr93)

Postby Urhr93 » Thu Jun 11, 2015 8:37 pm

Dawn really couldn't believe how Sai finished all her food before she finished her own, but there was no mistaking it as the food indeed disappeared. Just where did she stuff all that into? Anyway, she soon finished her hot dog <Good. Are you still hungry? If so, feel free to get more food, i'll take a trip to the bathroom> she says excusing herself, figuring the girl will be able to finish another similar amount of food while she gets some water on her face.
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Re: Dawn of a new city (Urhr93)

Postby that man » Thu Jun 11, 2015 11:34 pm

"Why would I still be hungry after eating all of that food?" Sai asked as she watched Dawn go off into the bathroom, the bounds of this girl and the strange things about her actually making things all that much stranger, Dawn going into the bathroom and attempting to relieve herself...before realizing that she had been so out of it that she was sitting, without any panties or pants, on some random girl's lap.
Spoiler (click to show/hide):

that man
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Re: Dawn of a new city (Urhr93)

Postby Urhr93 » Sun Jun 14, 2015 4:49 pm

Dawn just nods at Sai, then proceeds to the bathroom to get some water on her face, all while thinking about the contradictions about the girl... and then, she found herself sitting. On a stranger's lap, without her panties and pants on. Jumping in surprise she hurried to get them on again before bowing a bit <I'm sorry, I was a bit absent-minded>
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Re: Dawn of a new city (Urhr93)

Postby that man » Sun Jun 14, 2015 5:48 pm

"Ah, that is okay then," The girl replied as Dawn felt her hands wrap around her waist as her hands went down to the areas that weren't covered while holding onto her mouth as she added on, "Just so long as you don't tell the cops that I'm doing this, then I will just make you feel good. If you try to run out, then there are people who will see you without your clothing on."
that man
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Re: Dawn of a new city (Urhr93)

Postby Urhr93 » Tue Jun 16, 2015 8:15 pm

<Wha...> Dawn exclaimed as she felt the girl restraining her <You... release me! What do you want?>
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Re: Dawn of a new city (Urhr93)

Postby that man » Tue Jun 16, 2015 10:07 pm

"Ah, I thought that you wanted to have sex," the girl replied, her hold releasing for a second before clamping firmly around Dawn again, waiting a couple of seconds for Dawn to co-operate before she asked, "I don't suppose you have some sort of ride out of here? I kind of feel awkward being in here now, and I don't think I can make it home before dark...and neither of us want to be out after dark."
that man
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Re: Dawn of a new city (Urhr93)

Postby Urhr93 » Thu Jun 18, 2015 11:14 pm

<No, I don't want!> Dawn rebuts, trying to get free from the girl who once again latches onto her <And no, I don't have a ride. Someone else will bring me home!> she answers and... about the “dark” she could smell something she would like want to know as a cop, but she has a feeling about it and it's not like she won't see it for herself once it's “dark”
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Re: Dawn of a new city (Urhr93)

Postby that man » Fri Jun 19, 2015 5:21 am

"Please, I thought I would get enough to get a cab to one of those flophouses, but I didn't even get enough money to afford the rent at one of those places!" The Girl replied crying, Dawn feeling her pushing money into her hands as she practically begged, "please take me with, you can keep all of my money!"
that man
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Re: Dawn of a new city (Urhr93)

Postby Urhr93 » Fri Jun 19, 2015 6:43 pm

The girl's situation sounded pitiful enough for Dawn to help... if the girl wasn't as clinging as she was being, keeping her naked from the waist down <I can't, can't! There is no space on the vehicle, nor where i'm going!> she retorts, not sure about the lack of space at the apartment but sure about not wanting to keep a girl that lets Dawn's private be still in the open.
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