Character Slots (4/4 "filled")
1) Knightvilla
2) Nobudi
3) Kankra
4) Reaver
Reserve List
1) Spitfyre
General idea is that it'll follow the game flow in that there's not really that much to tell about your character unless you want there to be. I'll probably use dice for actions like running away, fighting enemies, or searching for resources, but the goal will for this RP to mostly be story driven with as few mechanical factors as we can physically muster.
Character Sheets:
Name: (Optional)
Physical Description/Picture:
Background: (Optional)
Starting Tools: (pick two, excluding Transfuser/Propulsion Cannon) (you may also choose the Radiation suit, an air tank, or flippers as a tool)
Starting Material: (15x Titanium, 10x Copper, or 20x Quartz)
It's assumed that all players will be located around the Aurora. If a player ever dies/a slot opens up, the new character will be introduced to the game via a "personal craft" crash landing nearby. Players won't actually (at least not initially) be able to interact with each other past maybe radio messages. They'll be about 500-1,000 meters away from each other.
Thoughts? Ideas? Suggestions? For simplicity's sake, when the Aurora's core melts down, should radiation be introduced or should we just assume everyone starts with a radiation suit?