Zend17 Wrote:love the game even though im not good at these kind of games
two things though
1.how do i change my "commander" from eva to someone else?
2.being unable to do damage to an enemy unit is a bit much even if a stage is ment to be hard i think you should atleast be able to do one point of damage as a minimum
also the break is starting to annoy me cuz i cant get past it but thats probably cuz im just crap
Zend17 Wrote:love the game even though im not good at these kind of games
two things though
1.how do i change my "commander" from eva to someone else?
2.being unable to do damage to an enemy unit is a bit much even if a stage is ment to be hard i think you should atleast be able to do one point of damage as a minimum
also the break is starting to annoy me cuz i cant get past it but thats probably cuz im just crap
Zatheus Wrote:Zend17 Wrote:love the game even though im not good at these kind of games
two things though
1.how do i change my "commander" from eva to someone else?
2.being unable to do damage to an enemy unit is a bit much even if a stage is ment to be hard i think you should atleast be able to do one point of damage as a minimum
also the break is starting to annoy me cuz i cant get past it but thats probably cuz im just crap
1. For what I know, you cant do it at your will but at the plot's
2. The invulnerable united are easily taken down by beezzy's special power ( I thought the game was broken at first with that invulnerability )
The game is going pretty good, beezy is a monster if you know when and how to use her power (although It would be very useful to know in advance who will receive the full buff) Keep up the great work man.
Best Regards
Zend17 Wrote:love the game even though im not good at these kind of games
two things though
1.how do i change my "commander" from eva to someone else?
2.being unable to do damage to an enemy unit is a bit much even if a stage is ment to be hard i think you should atleast be able to do one point of damage as a minimum
also the break is starting to annoy me cuz i cant get past it but thats probably cuz im just crap
Train1305 Wrote:How u get runes?? Did any one got it??
Shroo Wrote: [...] its irritating having to redo all the progress to test the new content.
Lucky777 Wrote:Would be cool to have a quality button, since I can't right-click and select quality options for whatever reason. A retreat button would be useful too (as long as you put it somewhere OUT of the way where peeps can't click on it by mistake) for when the battle is hopeless.
Lucky777 Wrote:A scout Ilosa . . . the fact that the enemy could shift up into a space occupied by one of my gorgers DID
Lucky777 Wrote:Still won though, and I didn't get any crystal anything for it. Same for Shadefall.
Gorepete Wrote:Had a small setback - the file I was using corrupted so I lost about 2 weeks worth of work. The good news is since I use AS3 and hold my code in separate documents, I only lost the graphic changes. I have recovered everything these past few days and have started moving forward again. The framework for the boss combat is going well, but it might be a bit longer before you all see an update due to the setback.
Gorepete Wrote:Both the items come pre-equiped on the tank and healer you plot capture at the end of each. You don't have them in your unit list?
Gorepete Wrote:Looks like it was the same Gorger the next turn?
Gorepete Wrote: setback
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