Think I fixed this, let me know if you still see it happening. Basically, the game cycles the y value of the units and rearranges them accordingly to make sure their depths are overlapping correctly. When the units next to each other had the same y value, it would flip them back and forth as it arranged them. I tweaked the y values so they should not be equal anymore (+/-1 with adjacent grid spots)
tomboom Wrote:How can i download this?
Right click -> save as the file on the first post
thanatos7 Wrote:This happens at "The Hive" after the whole training with beezy where you can go back to farm for more gorgers, and to be honest I probably wouldn't have even gone their if it wasn't for you putting that limit to unit races/classes because I was trying to get more healers.
Hmmm I will keep an eye out - had the enemy stopped summoning units prior to this? (ie you murdered or converted the rest of her deck and ran her dry?)
loshi1505 Wrote:enemy not idle? >_> more like the game froze just before the enemy's turn this time..

Same as above
loshi1505 Wrote:huh... seems as though the length of the special skills in the description of the army menu doesn't match with the description in the unit overview when in battle.... in army view it basically say 1 turn for all specials.... but in battle unit overview it say 2... and everything lasts for 2 turns... the turn it's first activated and the turn after...
Display bug, should be fixed
SixthDragon Wrote:I found another bug, and this is likely a quick fix too, if you try to summon using someone that has no equipment on it will repeat the cut in animation forever and show no animation.
Good catch! Fixed
blazebird3 Wrote:i have to ask did you consider the stage where the enemy units have reduced dmg taken by 2 for 2 turns when you limited the number of each type of unit you can have, because it's kinda hard to kill them now since more than half your units are unable to damage them and you can't fit more than a few of the one's that can into your army.
not trying to be a dick or anything, i've enjoyed your games but i think you made that stage so much harder that it needed to be since it's only like the third one.
YOU HAVE MOVED MY STONE HEART WITH YOUR PLIGHT... it is a bit overtuned for the 4 level, I guess. I reduced the chance of the enemy units having protect by 50%.
papragu Wrote:yep, the 3rd stage (shadefall) in crystal forest is really tough. Most of the units cant even damage the enemy.
Good! Shadefall is supposed to be a pain in the ass