Asking for comments on 3D art style and gameplay

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Asking for comments on 3D art style and gameplay

Postby AWildRabbit » Mon May 11, 2015 7:28 am

Hello everyone!

I've been a lurker on these forums for quite some times now and i want to start working on a game of my own. I wish to do something in Unity3D and i was thinking about using an uncommon art style for my project, but i'm not sure it is something people would enjoy in an adult game... This art style masks little details, allowing to use lower poly meshes and lower resolution textures while still looking interesting (in my opinion), but (as i said) masks details... If it is something people like, i would be able to make more content than i would be able to otherwise.

On the other hand, if i want to focus on quality instead of quantity, i may be able to make an Oculus compatible game. I own a DK1 and i would like to use it, but if i do i plan on making very little content (maybe only 1 male and 1 female model) and try to get them to look as good as i can, so it would certainly affect the kind of game i would try to make...

So it is kind of a contest between quality and quantity...

Here's an image showing what the art style looks like:

I don't think a still image shows what it looks like very well, so i invite you to play a demo to get a good idea (I've put a mish mash of models i have made for other projects in there to help to get a feeling of what it may look like later on). You can switch the oil paint effect on and off by pressing Z.

On an other note, i want to have your opinion on if the sex should be part of the gameplay, or if it's alright only as a reward (like i plan on doing). More precisely, if the art style is good, i plan on making a game that would not have much in term of adult content in the gameplay (maybe nude characters), but you would be able to collect "trophies" that would be adult themed, that would be viewable between stages, or something like that. This way, i could try to make games of a lot of genres. If sex should be part of the gameplay, i may instead go for a Battle Fuck RPG, but that's not the only thing i have in mind.

I'd also like to know if you have a game controller (may be used for a 3D platformer game), or if you prefer to play with only the mouse and keyboard.

If you have any genre of game you'd like to play, you may also leave a general idea (something too precise may be harder to incorporate with other ideas).

Thanks for your replies and comments, it will surely help me greatly! (as you may see, i'm kind of indecisive, and getting the right idea may be one of the (many) hard parts)

Link to the demo:!BR0TmL5C!WKq2QwtNRUvlXsMG_LpigPZLQeRJrFKD1IMdJom2qaw

moving with WASD
mouse for targeting (rotate the view)
Z to switch camera mode (oil paint or standard)
P to restart the level
ESC to quit

when you hold the left mouse button, you go into a view mode:
mouse to rotate the view
WASD to move the focus of the camera (AD move the focus along the camera local space X-axis while WS is along the world Y-axis)
mouse scrollwheel move the camera along its local space Z-axis (works like a zoom)
press the mouse scrollwheel to reset the position
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Re: Asking for comments on 3D art style and gameplay

Postby AWildRabbit » Tue May 12, 2015 7:50 am

Thought i'd link some more image, one a more closer shot and the other a little further away.
Spoiler (click to show/hide):


Spoiler (click to show/hide):

Joined: Wed Dec 24, 2014 8:29 am

Re: Asking for comments on 3D art style and gameplay

Postby kvier » Tue May 12, 2015 8:20 pm

Initial thoughts:
- the "oil paint" effect really drops my FPS (intel HD4500)
- I think it'd look better if the oil paint strokes aligned to polygon edges.

The only controller I have is an ancient USB PS1 clone (with only digital inputs), so I personally play most games with mouse + keyboard.

You should design the kind of game that you'll have fun making it; it won't do any good if you get sick of it.
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Re: Asking for comments on 3D art style and gameplay

Postby UnLimiTeD » Tue May 12, 2015 11:22 pm

I think it's a bit much, but overall an interesting twist. Whatever works for you.
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Re: Asking for comments on 3D art style and gameplay

Postby Matpneumatos » Mon May 25, 2015 8:35 pm

I would play it, even if it has not that much porn potential, it looks good when the effect is on, i would really like to see a game like this being made. Also i really like when porn is a part of the gameplay, but i think that's something difficult to make, so i think you should do it only if you think it's convenient.
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Re: Asking for comments on 3D art style and gameplay

Postby DarkSpartan » Mon May 25, 2015 11:34 pm

I tend to prefer RPGs myself, or more rarely exploration games. I might advise against a Mario/Peach theme, or anything else Nofriendo if you can avoid it. I realize this is a tech demo, and so the current incarnation won't reflect the final product... But NoJ/NoA take a dim view of their characters used in this manner.

The Oil Paint filter looks good, as odd as that sounds. I'd go with it, especially since you've included the option to shut it down for systems that can't handle it. I own a controller for games that must have them, but I'd prefer to avoid it wherever possible. So, unless you need the keyboard for a large number of hotkeys, I'd leave the Player to choose which they'd prefer. Just me.
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