An Eevee's Travels (DemonLust)

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Re: An Eevee's Travels (DemonLust)

Postby Soru » Mon May 25, 2015 10:39 am

The Buizel doesn't say anything for a moment. "You were alone before you met us, right? Or were close to someone before and something happened?" He asked as he moved to sit next to her.
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Re: An Eevee's Travels (DemonLust)

Postby DemonsLust » Mon May 25, 2015 10:41 am

"I was alone for a long time.....but.....before that..i......" She shook her head, looking away from him.
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Re: An Eevee's Travels (DemonLust)

Postby Soru » Mon May 25, 2015 10:46 am

For a moment there was silence until she felt one of Jet's paws lightly caressing her back, soothing her a bit. "You don't have to say anything if you don't want to. I know something like this can be hard." He said almost knowingly.
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Re: An Eevee's Travels (DemonLust)

Postby DemonsLust » Mon May 25, 2015 10:48 am

"I couldn't do anything......i'm just useless...."
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Re: An Eevee's Travels (DemonLust)

Postby Soru » Mon May 25, 2015 10:53 am

"And why do you say that? You can tell me but you don't have to." Jet said as he continued to rub her back to try to comfort her.
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Re: An Eevee's Travels (DemonLust)

Postby DemonsLust » Mon May 25, 2015 10:57 am

She shook her head, deciding it best to just not say anything more to keep herself from thinking on it. But the images stuck in her mind, tormenting her with death and blood and caused her fur to stand up just at the thought....
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Re: An Eevee's Travels (DemonLust)

Postby Soru » Mon May 25, 2015 11:01 am

They sat there in silence for a bit. She could feel Jet's gaze on her which prompted her to glance at him a few times and he seemed to be deep in thought and seemed a bit sad. After what seemed like an hour of silence Jet spot. "Do you see the scars I have?" He points to the scar over his left side of his face and eyes and the jagged scar around his wrist. "Want to know how I got them?"
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Re: An Eevee's Travels (DemonLust)

Postby DemonsLust » Mon May 25, 2015 11:04 am

Se glanced at him, slight curiosity showing through the pain in her eyes. She was sometimes curious....."W-well.......k-kinda, yeah..."
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Re: An Eevee's Travels (DemonLust)

Postby Soru » Mon May 25, 2015 11:07 am

Jet nods and sits down on the bed, looking down at his paws with a sad look of remembrance in his eyes. "I...I used to have a family. I had a mother, a father, and 3 sisters and a brother. I was the oldest of them all. My mother was a Vaporeon and my father a Floatzel. I had two Eevee sisters, a Buizel sister, and an Eevee brother." He glances at her and she could tell from the look in his eyes that this isn't a easy thing to remember. "You kind of remind my of my younger sister, actually."
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Re: An Eevee's Travels (DemonLust)

Postby DemonsLust » Mon May 25, 2015 11:10 am

"I......i do...?" She looked down at her hands, rubbing them together in a gesture of nerves.
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Re: An Eevee's Travels (DemonLust)

Postby Soru » Mon May 25, 2015 11:14 am

He nods again and looks back down at his paws, holding his wrist where the scars were. "Her name was Nina...She was kind, friendly, a bit naïve, and loved to eat sweet foods. The Watmel Berries were her favorite food and sometimes I would try to go out and find some for her to surprise her or to cheer her up." This explained quiet a bit already, like why he seemed so quick to go after her when she was kidnapped and to defend her and when he got her the berries to cheer her up.
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Re: An Eevee's Travels (DemonLust)

Postby DemonsLust » Mon May 25, 2015 11:17 am

"Oh...." She pulled her tail back around herself, petting it. "I see...."
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Re: An Eevee's Travels (DemonLust)

Postby Soru » Mon May 25, 2015 11:22 am

"Anyways, I did know Jaden before I became his Pokémon. His family lived near the lake my family had it's burrow at." He continued his story. "Sometimes he wondered over and tried to play with us when he was a kid and I was still a pup. Things were nice at that time. I helped take care of my siblings, being the oldest I had the responsibility to." He pauses and he puts his paws to together, his paws shaking lightly. "One night...One night..." He was struggling with his words now, and he was biting his lower lip trying to get the words out.
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Re: An Eevee's Travels (DemonLust)

Postby DemonsLust » Mon May 25, 2015 11:25 am

Kita just listened quietly, letting him speak. If he didn't want to she wouldn't make him, he did the same for her...
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Re: An Eevee's Travels (DemonLust)

Postby Soru » Mon May 25, 2015 11:32 am

It takes a moment for him to gather himself before continuing. "One night I was asleep with my siblings when suddenly I heard something that woke me. I got up and left the burrow where I heard the noise and I father fighting off a park of Mightyenas. Their pack moved into the area recently and at first seemed friendly, their pups playing with my little siblings. Turns out it was all a trick to make us lower our guard." He paws clenched a bit and his eyes flashed with anger. "My father was already bleeding and my mother...was already dead on the ground..." Kita could see tears starting to form in his eyes.
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Re: An Eevee's Travels (DemonLust)

Postby DemonsLust » Mon May 25, 2015 11:34 am

She wasn't sure if she wanted to hear anymore, just seeing him like this was unsettling. He'd had it worse though for sure.
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Re: An Eevee's Travels (DemonLust)

Postby Soru » Mon May 25, 2015 11:39 am

"I wanted to help my father but then I heard a scream come from the burrow...It was one of my sisters... I rushed back inside and some of dug their way in and were already attacking my siblings." He chocked on his words a bit and a few tears fell from his eyes. "I rushed in to help them...but I was no match...I was too weak. I was hit with a Dark Pulse and then a Shadow Claw to the face. I held up my arm to defend myself but they slashed at my wrist." He points to his scars with his right paw. "I heard...I heard them screaming. I wanted to help them to protect my family, but I was too weak to help...I was too weak..." He grits his teeth in anger at himself, his paws shaking.
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Re: An Eevee's Travels (DemonLust)

Postby DemonsLust » Mon May 25, 2015 11:44 am

Kita didn't know what to say or do.... It was far more than even she could have imagined to have happened to him. "I-i....don't know what to say.... I'm so sorry that happened to you....."
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Re: An Eevee's Travels (DemonLust)

Postby Soru » Mon May 25, 2015 11:52 am

"Please, don't pity me. I don't want that." He said sternly, even glaring at her a bit with his tear filled eyes. He then looks back down at his paws. "Just before I blacked out, I heard a loud bang sound and the sounds of howls. When I woke up I was in a Pokémon Center. Apparently Jaden's family heard the noise and his father scared them off with a gun. I survived but..." He choked on his words again and more tears fell from his eyes. "But my family did not... I buried them the next day and Jaden's family took me in... I couldn't save my family because I was so weak and these scars remind me of that. They remind me to become stronger, to train constantly, to trust nobody. I won't make the same mistakes again." Things were beginning to make more sense now about why Jet is like he is today. His expression drops again and he looks down. "I still miss them...I miss them so much. Not a day passes where I don't think of them and how I failed to protect them..."
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Re: An Eevee's Travels (DemonLust)

Postby DemonsLust » Mon May 25, 2015 11:56 am

"But you were there, you were able to try.... Even if you couldn't save them. You were there to try. I understand a bit better now though....."
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