Hentai: Peach's Untold Tale 3.48 (Nov 2/18) - HIATUS

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Re: Hentai: Peach's Untold Tale 2.4.1 (May 11/15)

Postby ARestlessBirch » Sat May 23, 2015 7:33 pm

How can I tell how many of the blueprints I have found?
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Re: Hentai: Peach's Untold Tale 2.4.1 (May 11/15)

Postby overlord5 » Sun May 24, 2015 2:28 am

ARestlessBirch Wrote:How can I tell how many of the blueprints I have found?

doesn't matter yet as the blueprints doesn't unlock anything yet
from what i understand they are supposed to unlock world 9
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Re: Hentai: Peach's Untold Tale 2.4.1 (May 11/15)

Postby wizkid915 » Tue May 26, 2015 6:26 am

I cannot for the life of me figure out how to get into the cave on world 6-6. I have tried many times and have fucked the two stone statues 10+ times but I cannot get the cave open. Can someone please explain to me what I'm doing wrong?
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Re: Hentai: Peach's Untold Tale 2.4.1 (May 11/15)

Postby overlord5 » Tue May 26, 2015 10:55 am

wizkid915 Wrote:I cannot for the life of me figure out how to get into the cave on world 6-6. I have tried many times and have fucked the two stone statues 10+ times but I cannot get the cave open. Can someone please explain to me what I'm doing wrong?

each statue has a horny bar that needs to be filled up, when you have done that go talk to the door
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Re: Hentai: Peach's Untold Tale 2.4.1 (May 11/15)

Postby naruto95 » Tue May 26, 2015 3:52 pm

I want new update T.T
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Re: Hentai: Peach's Untold Tale 2.4.1 (May 11/15)

Postby Space Cat » Tue May 26, 2015 7:22 pm

naruto95 Wrote:I want new update T.T

I want a magic hat.

sorry was bored xD
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Re: Hentai: Peach's Untold Tale 2.4.1 (May 11/15)

Postby VintageBass » Tue May 26, 2015 7:31 pm

Space Cat Wrote:
naruto95 Wrote:I want new update T.T

I want a magic hat.

I wanna see Nicky!
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Re: Hentai: Peach's Untold Tale 2.4.1 (May 11/15)

Postby Ivan-Aedler » Wed May 27, 2015 1:41 am

I am back!
Wow I've riden 650km (400 miles) in 35 hours by bicycle (29'er), I need some rest :( :shock:
Too bad some big cities still 'prefer' cars. It would be so great if people only use cars for emergencies or if they need to carry more people.

Myuu Wrote:Can't win 'em all :lol:
I'll sketch up something more up to Krystal code and run them by Ivan, but I can't promise that the current modified model won't be used just yet.

Okay, no problem : ) You know that I am more resilient to art acceptance, but yes, provided she could turn to a cute fox (or a more foxy appearance), the better ;)

MPLDAM9919 Wrote:I liked it. It looks a million times better than the old model

Me too ;) As said above, I am more resilient to art styles.

Residentlover2 Wrote:the old krystal face is like a dude`s face :lol:
I really love that new krystal face is so sexy :oops:

Let's see the results then we can compare ;)

CaptainFalcon9000 Wrote:I'm just hoping that the already in-game anal scenes that have frontal view and side view doesn't get changed to be only backside view, that'd be a downgrade for those scenes and thus, is a bad idea.

No nono, i WONT be removing those at any means! We ADD things, not REMOVE them ;)

Valpas Wrote:Glad to see that you're as motivated as always! -And I see how going about it the wrong way, adding so many variables would really be biting off more than one could chew. I'll add some more suggestions and see what you think. Most futa-mode scenes will of course just be "Peach, but with a dick", but futa-specific scenes where Peach will not just recieve (if futa specific scenes are planned), could require Peach being normal-size, meaning that she has to use the "lactate" function

Its better just to activate the 'penetration' scene in some already set fucking scenes, so instead of Peach getting nailed in goomba scene 7 for example, she would nail the enemy instead ;)

Valpas Wrote:(if you know what I mean *wink wink* (adding to that thought, maybe Lactate=smaller boobs, Masturbate=smaller dick??)) -to meet the scene-requirements.

For now, when I made one futa scene in a 'farer' future (we are discussing ideas, I cant say 'right, I'll do it tomorrow!') , when this time comes, I will start with: 'Is Peach with a dick? Is Peach horny? (Erect dick?) Activate her fucking the enemy. Theeeeen I'll try to see if I can include the sizes, then certain potions/big mushrooms increase it (if futa is on), then I'll add more logic. Then eating mushrooms could increase her dick OR her boob (randomized). If one of them are in their MAX, the other will increase instead, until nothing can incrase (butt sizes is out of the question yet, the current work - levels, scenes, new art - is already huge for me).

Valpas Wrote:Another aspect introduced with these potential futa-only scenes, what would happen if virgin futa Peach penetrated an enemy? Would that reset the virgin-status? Because that'd be so awesome.

It would be a cheat if so. Remember I already has a plan to reset her virginity (by talking to a magician, perhaps Merluvee).

Valpas Wrote:This is all just me brainstorm-ranting and is mere food for thought, go ahead and do what you feel is within reasonable limits and we're all sure to be amazed either way! Just keep up the good work but don't exhaust yourself.

I love brainstorming! I just cant answer immediatelly sometimes :mrgreen:

dracarys Wrote:There is a problem with Lakitu in my game! They are not changing pose! When i encounter him, only pose that it can fuck Peach is just sucking dick, then it dies.

It's a glitch, going to check it in the next days.

overlord5 Wrote:
ARestlessBirch Wrote:How can I tell how many of the blueprints I have found?

doesn't matter yet as the blueprints doesn't unlock anything yet
from what i understand they are supposed to unlock world 9

Okay, I can add a counter soon, so you can see your progress! But it shouldnt be put in the HUD as it a bit of a secret information, so I'll put in the pause menu. Then I'll add a talk to E.Gadd in order for us to know the total number of them. I wont be making like '12 remaining'. It will be like 1, 2....10....You have to find out the MAX talking to Elvin gadd.

naruto95 Wrote:I want new update T.T

Me too! But we are humans and limited, right? My glorious days (in regard of making like a new scene per day) will soon return, I hope so ;)
Last edited by Ivan-Aedler on Mon Jun 15, 2015 1:59 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Hentai: Peach's Untold Tale 2.4.1 (May 11/15)

Postby naruto95 » Wed May 27, 2015 2:36 am

Oh! Sorry man, I didn't know you were on break lol. I just only played the game and didn't read the comments. So yeah we are humans and limited xD. Also a break is good for your lot of work ^,^
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Re: Hentai: Peach's Untold Tale 2.4.1 (May 11/15)

Postby overlord5 » Wed May 27, 2015 11:59 am

Ivan-Aedler Wrote:
overlord5 Wrote:
ARestlessBirch Wrote:How can I tell how many of the blueprints I have found?

doesn't matter yet as the blueprints doesn't unlock anything yet
from what i understand they are supposed to unlock world 9

Okay, I can add a counter soon, so you can see your progress! But it shouldnt be put in the HUD as it a bit of a secret information, so I'll put in the pause menu. Then I'll add a talk to E.Gadd in order for us to know the total number of them. I wont be making like '12 remaining'. It will be like 1, 2....10....You have to find out the MAX talking to Elvin gadd.

so we aren't gonna make them unique?
i thought perhaps we would use the bit-vector code to store which ones was gathered...
and perhaps some green and red lights in glaads workshop
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Re: Hentai: Peach's Untold Tale 2.4.1 (May 11/15)

Postby Ivan-Aedler » Wed May 27, 2015 9:34 pm

Just to show that I am doing something ;) The rest (not pointed in with arrows) is a bitmap background from original that will be removed (I will be remaking most of it).

7-5 GlitzVille main area-2.jpg

naruto95 Wrote:Oh! Sorry man, I didn't know you were on break lol. I just only played the game and didn't read the comments. So yeah we are humans and limited xD. Also a break is good for your lot of work ^,^

Yes, its life :/ But all will be fine, I hope so.

overlord5 Wrote:So we aren't gonna make them unique? I thought perhaps we would use the bit-vector code to store which ones was gathered...and perhaps some green and red lights in glaads workshop

No no! Not a plan to make a kind of mosaic, showing all of them being united, because there are many advantages of a 'scattered let it be' version:
1 - No handicaps to have even numbers (e.g. lets say the game is now finished will all worlds, but with 19 blueprints total. No problem! Catch them, give them to E.gadd, some scenes will play, and the spaceship will be fixed!)
2 - It's easier for me to code and add its counter, and E.gadd can also say there is 'X' left if you forget the total of them. If I add one blueprint later (e.g. in a newer update), then E.gadd will already understand that addition and he will remember it.
3 - I am not a professional artist. Making mosaics (or any 'table/bit vectors) demand even more time from me and from the artist. Its better to use that time to create enemy scenes!
4 - Its not that difficult to find them all anyway. Its not 'Super Mario Lost Levels' game.
5 - The 'mystery' idea is already in the game concepts. The idea is really to make them that way. Its the same as the future feature (well, I want to do it) that makes Peach grab/use at least one 'fuckable' item, like scepters and dildoes.

Glad you understand.
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Re: Hentai: Peach's Untold Tale 2.4.1 (May 11/15)

Postby overlord5 » Wed May 27, 2015 11:15 pm

Ivan-Aedler Wrote:
overlord5 Wrote:So we aren't gonna make them unique? I thought perhaps we would use the bit-vector code to store which ones was gathered...and perhaps some green and red lights in glaads workshop

No no! Not a plan to make a kind of mosaic, showing all of them being united, because there are many advantages of a 'scattered let it be' version:
1 - No handicaps to have even numbers (e.g. lets say the game is now finished will all worlds, but with 19 blueprints total. No problem! Catch them, give them to E.gadd, some scenes will play, and the spaceship will be fixed!)
2 - It's easier for me to code and add its counter, and E.gadd can also say there is 'X' left if you forget the total of them. If I add one blueprint later (e.g. in a newer update), then E.gadd will already understand that addition and he will remember it.
3 - I am not a professional artist. Making mosaics (or any 'table/bit vectors) demand even more time from me and from the artist. Its better to use that time to create enemy scenes!
4 - Its not that difficult to find them all anyway. Its not 'Super Mario Lost Levels' game.
5 - The 'mystery' idea is already in the game concepts. The idea is really to make them that way. Its the same as the future feature (well, I want to do it) that makes Peach grab/use at least one 'fuckable' item, like scepters and dildoes.

Glad you understand.

in AS3 this should do it
Code: Select All Code
public class Mosaic{
protected static final var BlueprintList:Array = {false,false,false,false,false,false,false,false,false,false,false,false,false};
public function Mosaic (){
// code for making the mosaik you talked about
public function getBlueprintList (){
return BlueprintList;
public function setBlueprintList (blueprintList:Array){
public function hasbeenpickedup (ID:uint){
return BlueprintList[ID];

public class Blueprint extends Mosaic{
private var id:uint;
public function Blueprint (ID:uint){
public function picked_up (){

took five minutes, but AS3 is still far away and in the end it's all up to you, also i hate having to scout all the levels because i'm missing 1 of something

also the inventory slot should be easy in AS3 because we just make an var that will contain what ever we would like and some code that tells it what to do differently...
also it's missing a few things but the basics are there
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Re: Hentai: Peach's Untold Tale 2.4.1 (May 11/15)

Postby Destrocto » Fri May 29, 2015 1:26 pm

ETA on the next update?
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Re: Hentai: Peach's Untold Tale 2.4.1 (May 11/15)

Postby Pram » Fri May 29, 2015 2:17 pm

Myuu Wrote:
Spoiler (click to show/hide):

Krystal 1-1.2.jpg

I dislike the new one. She looks too anime, the snout is too small, and the palette isn't to my liking. The one on the left could definitely use tweaks though.
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Re: Hentai: Peach's Untold Tale 2.4.1 (May 11/15)

Postby overlord5 » Fri May 29, 2015 11:11 pm

Destrocto Wrote:ETA on the next update?

second line in big red letters of the original post
please check the original post before asking questions
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Re: Hentai: Peach's Untold Tale 2.4.1 (May 11/15)

Postby Ivan-Aedler » Sat May 30, 2015 3:28 am

Raised next update to 6th of June.
Thats because I am still working.......on this! All from scratch (still incomplete)! (EDIT: updated)

Spoiler (click to show/hide):

7-5 from scratch so far.jpg

overlord5 Wrote:in AS3 this should do it

Thank you, but really, we dont need it (graphically). I hope you understand its not feasible to make it.

overlord5 Wrote:took five minutes, but AS3 is still far away and in the end it's all up to you, also i hate having to scout all the levels because i'm missing 1 of something

It will be a huge work, but it will be done sooner or later.

overlord5 Wrote:also the inventory slot should be easy in AS3 because we just make an var that will contain what ever we would like and some code that tells it what to do differently... also it's missing a few things but the basics are there

Let's see the future ;)

Destrocto Wrote:ETA on the next update?

1 to 2 weeks ahead.
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Re: Hentai: Peach's Untold Tale 2.4.1 (May 11/15)

Postby Biles » Sat May 30, 2015 7:34 pm

There's a bug in the Skyworld tower. The door that gives the princess a shortcut to the cloud region of the map of World 5 instead takes you back to World 1 Grassland. Also, I found a funny somewhat-unintrusive glitch. When acceleration is enabled, when you press both left and right directional button at the same time, the princess literally skid-slides back and forth XD. But then again, something funny always happen when pressing both buttons simultaneously even without acceleration enabled.
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Re: Hentai: Peach's Untold Tale 2.4.1 (May 11/15)

Postby Ivan-Aedler » Sat May 30, 2015 11:04 pm

Biles Wrote:There's a bug in the Skyworld tower.

I already know it as in here!.
I just havent time to fix it yet.

Biles Wrote:Also, I found a funny somewhat-unintrusive glitch. When acceleration is enabled, when you press both left and right directional button at the same time, the princess literally skid-slides back and forth XD. But then again, something funny always happen when pressing both buttons simultaneously even without acceleration enabled.

Oh I see. I'll fix this one because the sound it annoying, and Peach should be looking at us instead.
I was trying, but Peach started to act even worse. ON HOLD until future updates (or it might be untouched, as its not a 'real bug' per se).
EDIT: FIXED on 14th of june!!
Last edited by Ivan-Aedler on Mon Jun 15, 2015 2:00 am, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: Hentai: Peach's Untold Tale 2.4.1 (May 11/15)

Postby ARestlessBirch » Mon Jun 01, 2015 2:22 am

Couple of things...

Even when All Muted is selected there are often the sounds of cumming and the powerup sound when getting a new outfit powerup.

Game freezes in 6-6 when trying to interact with stone statue.
Screen Shot 2015-05-31 at 9.13.33 PM.png
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Re: Hentai: Peach's Untold Tale 2.4.1 (May 11/15)

Postby Ivan-Aedler » Mon Jun 01, 2015 4:28 pm

Level 7-5 so far:
(of course there is no way to 'access the upper floor' like in a 3D game, or to reproduce it 100%. The idea is only to feel ourselves in that land, then explore some areas).
The doors are 'bigger' on purpose, because there are human like creatures, and Rawk Hawk is bigger in this game.
Its still incomplete, of course. There will be more shadows and highlights, in order to appear less 'solid and flat'.

7-5 so far.png
7-5 so far.png (218.96 KiB) Viewed 1869 times

7-5 from scratch so far2.jpg

ARestlessBirch Wrote:Couple of things...Even when All Muted is selected there are often the sounds of cumming and the powerup sound when getting a new outfit powerup.

On purpose. I explain. Some sounds are still from ancient versions. I still need to check them all in order to convert them to the new code format.

ARestlessBirch Wrote:Game freezes in 6-6 when trying to interact with stone statue.
The attachment Screen Shot 2015-05-31 at 9.13.33 PM.png is no longer available

Already documented bug. I am still trying to reproduce it, because most of the time, you CAN interact with them many times without any errors.
Last edited by Ivan-Aedler on Tue Jun 02, 2015 2:30 am, edited 1 time in total.
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