loshi1505 Wrote:level 3 is beatable
quit freaking out peeps the game has yet to even be half way done yet.
and as it currently is it just takes a ass ton of grinding to beat.

loshi1505 Wrote:level 3 is beatable
Shawky the Shark Wolf Wrote:To be honest, I beat the third level on my like.. 4th or 5th try, but that was because I managed to sneak a red melee unit behind the enemy lines and then just blocked the huge army behind it with fodder. Guess I got lucky
Gorepete Wrote:Mages and Healers have a maximum range they will approach the enemy at. They will stop once they can hit the enemy boss (so square 4 for mages and square 5 for healers). At that point, ally melee units will run past them to continue attacking. This should be reflected when you click on the mage or healer and there is no movement tile, just 3/2 attack range tiles between them and the boss row.
Train1305 Wrote:I've a bit trouble executing the sexual scene, can anyone give directions about it i.e. when to click after clicking the heart
KiraiNious Wrote:Looks good for a base for a game
my only complaint is too many units to scroll though
I BEG YOU to make it a scrollbar not buttons i can't beat level two of the crystal forest simply because i can't check new recruits for runes way too far down
also by chance will converted units be a type of currency or something Because I don't see the point in having so many otherwise
soul5k Wrote:why did the sex scenes stop rotating? I thought there were a few alternative scenes per unit
Gorepete Wrote:I am thinking of implementing something where you remove them from your army to "reinforce the front" and after removing so many the other units you have of the same type get stat bonuses or something. Like if you "sacrifice" 20 Drones, all Drones get a base +1 attack etc etc.
Poati Wrote:Hey,
I really love this game but i just cant beat "The Break". I've grinded 3 hours now and all i got was : Protect or None Rune. Even if i get a protect rune, the enemy protects by 5 or something while i can just protect by 2. Now i even lost my whole savegame as i dont know how to save.
It would be really nice if someone could tell me how to save and with which strategy i can beat this level. Thanks in advance.
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