Planet of the Rapes: The Lost Venture (creation in progress)

A forum for recruitment and out-of-character role-play discussion.

Should we migrate to the other forum? take your time and wiegh the options, no pressure...

Yes, moving it would allow the RP to expand a bit more and be less cluttered.
No, it would be to much of a hassle.
I dont care, just let me know what your going to do.
I dont know right now, give me some time to think it over...
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Re: Planet of the Rapes- Recreated! (OOC)

Postby totalolness » Sun Jul 24, 2011 10:53 am

totalolness Wrote:"Side effect" style character sheet created by totalolness. Speacial thanx to those aiding the creation of "Planet of the Rapes: The lost Venture" for thier feedback and ideas. This is version 0.4

CHARACTER SHEET FOR "Planet of the Rapes: The lost Venture" V 0.4

Name: Your character's name
Age (human equivilant): Your character's true age (Your character's equivilant human age (optional))
Sex: Wether you a boy or a girl or... well i guess you could just write "yes, please" but that wouldnt be very helpful. :lol: ;)
Race: What race is your character (Human, Furry, Other)
Job: what your character does for a living (this will give you a bonus in that field's base stat if you are a crew member or if the gm(s) decide it warants a bonus)

BASIC STATS (your get 25 points to start with)
Strength: The amount of phisical force you can exert at one time
Endurance: The amount of strain you can take
Intellegence: Your mental prowess
Finess: Your precision in which you move (agility)
Perception: How easily you spot/detect things

Speed (Strength+Finess/2): How fast you can do repetitive tasks
Charisma (Intelligence+Perception/2): How well you can presuade people to take your side.
Sex Appeal (Intelligence+Finess/2): Your phisical good looks
Health (Strength+EnduranceX10): How much pain and injury you can handle before death (you faint at 5% hp or less)
Labido (Endurance+IntelligenceX10): How much sexual pleasure you can take before cumming (your Labido will decrease to 60% over time but will stop there unless fucking)
Energy (Endurance+finessX10): (most likely be in, but still in review) energy gives you a bonus to all basic stats when high and a penalty when low, you faint at 0 energy. :oops:

Bio: what ever you want to include about your character's life, looks, and habits. (you can change to what ever before start but only do minor fine tuning once in the game. :mrgreen: :ugeek: :? :?:

Inventory: (optional) what ever your character is carrying/wearing on a regular basis.

Job list:

Captain: Field; Command Ops. Rank; Commander. Perks; Advanced Leadership (+2 leadership bonus to nearby lower levels, +1 to nearby equal levels), Additional; Start at level 4, 40 total stat points but 6 stat points must go to perception. LIMIT:1

Pilot: Field; Command Ops. Rank; Crew. Perks; Advanced Pilot Proficency (Capable of quickly figuring out the controls to even the most complex flying vehicals and piloting them) (Additional; Start at level 3, 30 stat points but 2 must go to perception) LIMIT:1

(more Command Ops jobs needed)

Chief of Security: field; Militant Rank;Officer Perks; Ranged Combat training and Hand to hand combat training (+20% to ranged and hand to hand damage) (Additional; Starts at level 3, 35 stat points but 4 must go to Endurance.) LIMIT:1

Security Member: field; Militant Rank;Crew Perks; Hand to hand combat training (+20% to Hand to Hand damage) (Additional; Starts at level 2, 30 stat points but 2 must go to Endurance.)

Guard: field; Militant Rank; Civilian Perks; Basic training (+5% to hth damage) (Additional; no bonus. 25 stat points)

Chief Engineer: Field; Laborer Rank; Officer Perks; Eletronics Expert and Machanic (+2 to Per. and Int. when working on or checking electronics) (Can quickly take apart and reassemble most michanical objects.) (Additional; Starts at level 3, 35 stat points but 4 must go to Strength.) LIMIT:1

Engineer: Field; Laborer Rank; Crew Perks; Electonics Expert (+2 to Per. and Int. when working on/checking electronics (like computers and advanced equipment)) (additional; Starts at level 2, 30 stat points but 2 must go to strength)

Frieght worker: Field; Laborer Rank; Civilian Perks; Hard worker (+1 to Strength/Endurance) (additional; no bonus. 25 stat points)

Chief Medical Doctor: Field; Medical Rank; Officer Perks; Advanced Medical training (+2 to int./Per. while treating or diagnosing paticents) Basic Leadership skills (+1 leadership bonus to all people under thier command) (additional; Starts at level 3, 35 stat points but 4 must go to intelligence) LIMIT:1

Science Specialist: Field; Science Perks; Advanced Scientist (+2 int. when researching, doing biological science, or inventing/modifying things) Gaget Master (Can modify personal use items for AOE use (ie; a point defence system that covers an entire group within an area or a stat buffering device that can be made to create a localized "cloud" that give the group that effect for a short while)) (additional; Starts at level 3, 35 stat points but 4 must go to intelligence) LIMIT:1

Doctor/Surgeon: Field; Medical Rank; Crew Perks; Medical Training (+1 to Int./Per. while treating or diagnosing patients) (additional; Starts at level 2, 30 stat points but 2 must go to intelligence)

Ship Scientist: Field; Science Rank; Crew Perks; Scientist (+1 to int. when researching, doing biological science (medical and otherwise), or Inventing/modifying things) (additional; Starts at level 2, 30 statpoints but 2 must go to int.)

Medic: Field; Medical Rank; Civilian Perks; First Aid (+1 to Int./Per. while treating mild to moderate injurys) (additional; no bonus, 25 stat points)

Scientists aid: Field; Science Rank; Civilian Perks; Science aid (+1 to int. while aiding others) (additional; no bonus, 25 stat points)

If you have any other ideas for ship jobs (preferably another "command ops" job) then please either post it or PM me.

For those who missed it, here is version 0.4
Talidas Ren Kak'Shar- Monster Hunter RPG
Creator of PotR:The lost Venture (under construction)
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Re: Planet of the Rapes- Recreated! (OOC)

Postby Goryokaku » Sun Jul 24, 2011 11:33 am

totalolness erm... I'm abouts to be a pain in your but and I do appologise for this however there should be 2 pilots, because you need to give your pilots chance to rest during the space flight's otherwise crazy stuff happen like crashing the space ship onto a planet due to lack of sleep... Just thought i'd point that problem out.
The sex offenders register... I don't even think they should be at school...
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Re: Planet of the Rapes- Recreated! (OOC)

Postby totalolness » Sun Jul 24, 2011 12:31 pm

oh, well i guess thats what happened... THANX! (jk)

that and im actually planing on adding two damaged interceptors (they be damaged in the crash)

and should i add a nav officer? some who does maps and star charts and terjectories and stuff or should that be the pilots job?

also the damn server logged me off while i was typing in my cool new back story/ship equipment list

it had weppons and drones and rovers and various other tech that i spent a bunch of time creating and the stupid server auto logged me off cause it took to long. GAAAA! >.<
Talidas Ren Kak'Shar- Monster Hunter RPG
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Re: Planet of the Rapes- Recreated! (OOC)

Postby Goryokaku » Sun Jul 24, 2011 1:50 pm

yes a nav officer would be a good idea mate, plus probably a weapons officer >> to man the ships weapons systems.
The sex offenders register... I don't even think they should be at school...
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Re: Planet of the Rapes- Recreated! (OOC)

Postby Taria » Sun Jul 24, 2011 3:10 pm

Security cheif seems like would be weapons officer.
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Re: Planet of the Rapes- Recreated! (OOC)

Postby totalolness » Sun Jul 24, 2011 6:02 pm

nah, security chief is more for internal combat, I'm pretty sure i wont do this to you but if your fighting another ship and they start hiting you with boarding parties trying to disable you at the same time, then your going to need security to repel boarders and a wep officer to fight of the ship. thanks btw.
Talidas Ren Kak'Shar- Monster Hunter RPG
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Re: Planet of the Rapes- Recreated! (OOC)

Postby Redw00kie07 » Mon Jul 25, 2011 12:56 am

@ Totalolness: If you need some help or ideas for merits and flaws,maybe a character trait with both a pro & con for their characters,here's a link to a D&D book that has some to help ya out:
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Re: Planet of the Rapes- Recreated! (OOC)

Postby totalolness » Mon Jul 25, 2011 10:30 pm

i know i need perk/flaws but i havent gotten around to making them yet. to be honest ive just been feeling REALLy lazy lately so im probably finish my backstory/intro and then take my vacation.
Talidas Ren Kak'Shar- Monster Hunter RPG
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Re: Planet of the Rapes- Recreated! (OOC)

Postby Redw00kie07 » Tue Jul 26, 2011 1:52 am

No biggy,take your time. :)
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Re: Planet of the Rapes- Recreated! (OOC)

Postby BlueLight » Thu Jul 28, 2011 12:07 pm

Name: FUM-I-KO
Age (human):23
Age (Fox spirit) 597
Race: Fox Spirit.

Level: Level 2
BASIC STATS (your get 30 points to start with)
Strength: 8
Endurance: 6
Intelligence: 6

Speed (Strength+Finess/2):7
Charisma (Intelligence+Perception/2): 5
Sex Appeal (Intelligence+Finess/2):6
Health (Strength+EnduranceX10): 140
Labido (Endurance+IntelligenceX10): 120
Energy (Endurance+finessX10):120
Bio:FUMIKO Has a inner and outer personalty. This should't be be confused with duel personality disorder.
When alone she acts cool a collect observant as ever. When in the presence of others she's hyperactive and if she hasn't given you a name you soon with get one. This doesn't mean she isn't cool collect while others are around. Think of the outer personality as a mask more than anything.
How did she get on board two years ago being the unemployed sucker she is Fumiko found her self going to a employment office. Being her normal cheerful self(Annoying self is more like it) she ask for a job. Finally the they gave her a berth on {Insert Ship name i don't know here. } which was the worth possible berth she could of gotten at the time. It's not like a mainstream passenger liner now is it. (So i sorta sent the PM first and notice i didn't state how i got on the ship. This should hold until i get back in 6 hours.)
Race bio She is a fox spirit from Japanese culture. A rare and very youthful race thought be able to bring good luck to villages. Much of the lore involving them was guesses about this race and even less is known about them today. The only thing that all the myths have in common is that they can turn in to a fox or a human with fox ears and tail. Some have thought to have more than one tail going up to 9.

Katana(Hilt looks like a dragons head with open jaws for the hilt and a blade coming out the mouth. Look old but still as sharp and polished as ever.)
kimono (golden yellowa tree shrub, with a roseate yellow blossom. A golden yellow like that of the common freesia.)
Blaster pistol strapped to her right leg.

Job list:: Security Member: field; Militant Rank;Crew Perks; Hand to hand combat training (+20% to Hand to Hand damage) (Additional; Starts at level 2, 30 stat points but 2 must go to Endurance.)
Last edited by BlueLight on Thu Jul 28, 2011 10:50 pm, edited 4 times in total.
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Re: Planet of the Rapes- Recreated! (OOC)

Postby totalolness » Thu Jul 28, 2011 12:57 pm

I would have to say no to the military adviser, a security member is ok though.

also, im not so sure about the whole ghosty thing, i guess im not saying no just yet becuase the rp is still getting built but besides her bio being rather vauge on how she happened to be a security member on the maiden voyage of the venture or even what her personality is like, Im also going with some game tendancies that try to aviod the "supernatural" such as spirits and magic. I might still approve it if I can figure out how to "explain" how she can exist on the ship without disappating or something like that.

Third, I'm leaving a day earily (friday at 8 in the morning) so me and my dad can pick up my pregnant 15 Y/O cousin before her parents kick her out and then bring her to our aunt. fun right? oh well, i guess i can just hang out with my cousins and aunts and uncles for one more day than i normally do. so ill be gone for alittle over 10 days but i might still be able to work on the back story, intro, NPCs (to fill any gaps that people may leave, i'll try to have about 2 for each field), fine tuning the character sheet, the details of the crash site, other details (like the ship's person count or how many decks by how many halls/rooms per deck), and possibly a base monster sheet (btw im thinking of using a d-4 for adding/subtracting points per monster, per stat, so each monster will have tendancies but will be inividuals in there own right.)

this last thing will go like this: roll 1: ...1= adding ...2=subtracting ...3 or 4= no "roll 2" ...roll 2: 1-4 points added or subtracted

this way you will have typical monsters that have slight variations or (less often) you will have oddities that have tendancies or are highly skilled for thier level, this allows for more realistic game play and makes each monster into an "individual entity" instead of just being another part of the mobs trying to rape you and/or kill you.
Talidas Ren Kak'Shar- Monster Hunter RPG
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Re: Planet of the Rapes- Recreated! (OOC)

Postby TheDaughterOfHades14 » Thu Jul 28, 2011 4:33 pm


Name: Claire
Age (human equivalent): 18
Gender: Female
Race: Human
Job: Engineer: Field; Laborer Rank; Crew Perks; Electonics Expert (+2 to Per. and Int. when working on/checking electronics (like computers and advanced equipment)) (additional; Starts at level 2, 30 stat points but 2 must go to strength)

BASIC STATS (your get 25 points to start with)+5 (job)
Strength: 6
Endurance: 6
Intellegence: 6+2=8
Finess: 6
Perception: 6+2=8

ADVANCED STATS:Speed (Strength+Finess/2):
Charisma (Intelligence+Perception/2): 8
Sex Appeal (Intelligence+Finess/2): 7
Health (Strength+EnduranceX10): 120
Labido (Endurance+IntelligenceX10): 140
Energy (Endurance+finessX10): 120

Bio: Claire came to work on the I.S.S. Venture because she was bored with her normal life. She wanted excitement and to explore. She has been working on the Venture for about a month and is still having trouble on her way around the ship. Appearnce: 5 feet tall. Slim, about 100 pounds. Long black hair and dark brown eyes. She has D cup breasts.

Inventory: An extra pair of working attire, sleepin attire, and a few toys.

Is this okay?
Last edited by TheDaughterOfHades14 on Fri Jul 29, 2011 1:18 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Planet of the Rapes- Recreated! (OOC)

Postby BlueLight » Thu Jul 28, 2011 8:57 pm

totalolness Wrote:also, im not so sure about the whole ghosty thing, i guess im not saying no just yet becuase the rp is still getting built but besides her bio being rather vauge on how she happened to be a security member on the maiden voyage of the venture or even what her personality is like, Im also going with some game tendancies that try to aviod the "supernatural" such as spirits and magic. I might still approve it if I can figure out how to "explain" how she can exist on the ship without disappating or something like that.

Yep the bio was where i fail. I did this in the middle of the night however so for being tired i did a great job.

As for the ghostly powers... she has none. The reason why shes called a fox spirit is because that's the only name i have for her race. I know a small bit Japanese culture from friends but not much. Anyways basically what i believe a fox spirit was mythological Japanese being that had the form of a fox and a human form. The human form would have fox ear and tail.
I not sure what the requirements are for a fox spirit to transform in to a human. In animes(Please don't reference animes. It makes you look dumb) some times if a human gives the fox a name it transforms in to a human and they have to obey the humans command(Sound stupid if you ask me). Another was that they could change their form by eating wheat. However I don't really want her to turn in to a fox so i'm not going to bother with the rules of transformation. If for some reason we need my character turn in to fox i will Pm you(I totally not going to PM him)
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Re: Planet of the Rapes- Recreated! (OOC)

Postby BlueLight » Thu Jul 28, 2011 10:51 pm

Hades quick question. How does a human of the age 18 get the job Chief Engineer?
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Re: Planet of the Rapes- Recreated! (OOC)

Postby Hurati » Thu Jul 28, 2011 11:05 pm

BlueLight Wrote:Hades quick question. How does a human of the age 18 get the job Chief Engineer?

they don't >.< that's why I took the junior engineer job in the last PotR. that's also why I'm a rookie pilot.
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Re: Planet of the Rapes- Recreated! (OOC)

Postby TheDaughterOfHades14 » Fri Jul 29, 2011 1:14 am

BlueLight Wrote:Hades quick question. How does a human of the age 18 get the job Chief Engineer?

Sorry =\. All I read was that totalolness needed more commands ops. I'll change it.
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Re: Planet of the Rapes- Recreated! (OOC)

Postby BlueLight » Fri Jul 29, 2011 2:01 am

TheDaughterOfHades14 Wrote:
BlueLight Wrote:Hades quick question. How does a human of the age 18 get the job Chief Engineer?

Sorry =\. All I read was that totalolness needed more commands ops. I'll change it.

It up to him. I'm just saying that if i knew some one with the age of 18 was in charge of not only the ship but everyone who works on the ship i would be asking for the nearest airlock... pressurized air lock.
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Re: Planet of the Rapes- Recreated! (OOC)

Postby TheDaughterOfHades14 » Fri Jul 29, 2011 3:38 am

I wasn't asking to become Captain, just Chief of Engineering. I'll ask totalolness about my position.
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Re: Planet of the Rapes- Recreated! (OOC)

Postby Goryokaku » Fri Jul 29, 2011 9:09 pm

then Blue Light feel free to pressurise yourself, and die in space >> my elf is the equivlant of an 18 year old and she is the Chief of Security.
The sex offenders register... I don't even think they should be at school...
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Re: Planet of the Rapes- Recreated! (OOC)

Postby BlueLight » Fri Jul 29, 2011 11:40 pm

Goryokaku Wrote:then Blue Light feel free to pressurise yourself, and die in space >> my elf is the equivlant of an 18 year old and she is the Chief of Security.

... yes but you see your not in charge of making sure the life support is working. Your there to give security to the crew and if you fail the worst that could happen is we all get raped... or killed very painfully. While if i had spotted the fact that your character was also 18 and a op, i would've said something.

I don't know much about how elves age. But your character is older right? I based my statement on a normal human of the age of 18. That person isn't likely going to have the skills to command people to repair a ship while she's in a nuclear reactor(A little silly but you get the idea)

Security isn't the same thing at all. You have to command people and use tactics but you don't really have help people with task they can't do them selves. And besides your a elf. As i said i based my statement on human not elf.

The RP ooc and i'm already fighting my boss.
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