Brothel Sim Game

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Re: Brothel Sim Game

Postby footlover12345 » Sun May 10, 2015 4:49 pm

meismike there is a few glitches like i can get nan money and then buy every thing by buying outfits at the shop and sometimes the brothel background glitches and then its the same back ground for the streets also i don't know if this one is a glitch or what but all my girls are still unhappy or just blank expression there never happy and smiling even though i bought everything and serve healthy meals everyday
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Re: Brothel Sim Game

Postby meismike » Sun May 10, 2015 4:59 pm

Thanks for finding these. I'll take a look.
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Re: Brothel Sim Game

Postby loshi1505 » Sun May 10, 2015 6:50 pm

loshi's bug report & improvement suggestions:

first bug
player has the option to buy a special girl by day 2. >_< (indeed I asked to be able to find the special girls easier... but by day 2 is a bit too soon. >_< make it like day 7+ In or something. >_> ) (low priority)

second bug
needed to select a new nurse even though I still had my old one. >_> (dang profession bugs) (medium-high priority)
huh... seems this problem only occurs when you load the game up after quitting... if you marathon it and never quit the game the problem doesn't occur... interesting... maybe this might tie into some of the other bugs too... (correction this should probably be a high priority fix now since it might be the source of a lot of your bugs... maybe.... possibly.... idk just spit balling. :P )

third bug
when you buy more space for the girls before you've reached your max capacity and It somehow lowers the total amount of girls you can own... possibly the most annoying bug yet... (highest priority possible)

fourth bug
once you have a nurse and a chief you can buy the meal for +100 health and +5 health and it gives girls with 100 health over 100 health and your able to go into the nurses office and "sell" the excess health.... >_< silly bug is silly. (low priority)

fifth bug?
other healthy meals improve mood but doesn't say so in the descriptions... idk about calling this one a bug... but still needs fixing. :P (medium priority)

sixth bug
same special girl(s) attempt to sell themselves to you even after you already own one of her.... (duplicate special charaters in other words) (medium-low priority)
huh... seems I can't buy the duplicates either... interesting... (nvm seem that lower max capacity for the girls is what was stopping me from buying duplicate. >_> ) well I'd say this is kinda ok as is actually as it would give second and third chances to by the special characters in case you were forced to release one due to profession bugs or something.... meh as I mentioned earlier low priority fix. :P would love it if you fixed it to allow the special girls to come back if released. :lol:

seventh bug
girls going negative health... also can't view health stat in dorm or anywhere other than the infirmary.... >_> (medium-high priority)

eighth bug
undefined pops it's head again! :lol: when you expand the slave market for more choices of girls the newest girl pops up as undefined when you go back to the market on the same day you expanded it. (medium-low priority)

first improvement suggestion
lower the cost of healing the girls? at 0 health the current cost is over 10,000... honestly that's fairly realistic... however there might need to be some sort of health insurance or something OR lower the cost to 1,000 or less at or near 0 health... since I think 0 health will mean the girl dies.... or at least hospitalized. (similar to prison but without a bail out option) and early game (day 2-5) this will cause either a game over situation or loss to a lot of time...

second improvement suggestion
when the opportunity to buy a special girl presents itself the only thing that should stop you would be money. (in other words if your at max cap with girls you have the option to release a girl on the spot for room for the special girl.)
special girls have their own housing unit that you buy in the office... with either an unlimited cap for however many special girls you make down the line or with and expanding cap of it's own. (similar to the normal dorm)
either way though it sucks to not be able to get even a single special girl if you don't have the room... >_<

will post more when I find them. ;)
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Re: Brothel Sim Game

Postby meismike » Mon May 11, 2015 4:05 am

You're the best loshi. That fourth bug is hilarious, you probably just sell the girls blood the people in Bloodborn.

Currently the special girls are just set to a flat 10% chance everyday. It then picks a random special girl to sell. I'll screw around with the numbers and maybe prevent them from showing up until after you buy the brothel.
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Re: Brothel Sim Game

Postby loshi1505 » Mon May 11, 2015 7:40 am

meh, I'm just good at finding bugs. :P (feel free to compliment me more though. :oops: ) :lol: :mrgreen: :P

also random spit ball idea but seeing as we have some girls with demonic traits..... what about holy or angelic ones?
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Re: Brothel Sim Game

Postby Lucky777 » Mon May 11, 2015 10:53 pm

As the secretary suggests, we should totally get to use the girls.

Also, had a mermaid in prison, but she still managed to come home and beat up another of my girls before going back to jail, apparently.

Also, something should tell you how many spaces you have for girls etc, and when you choose to teach someone with no stamina at the Library, you should get something telling
you the girl's too tired - right now it says you must unlock that street at the office; what this boils down to is that the game must communicate relevant information to the player in some way.

Also also, I haven't read the thread - and might or might not bother to do so - but the scenes are planned to include orgasms, right?

I can't imagine who would think it was a good idea for a sex-game to be without those in its finished state.
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Re: Brothel Sim Game

Postby NinefingerNed » Tue May 12, 2015 4:46 pm

Brilliant. Can't wait to see full male bodies. You ought consider having special customers come to the brothel.
General Scales
That sorta thing, it'd be pretty kick ass from time to time. Random male race would be good too, ehy?
I'm looking forward to seeing world events and the different ways women will come into your possession along with some end-animation scenes!
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Re: Brothel Sim Game

Postby NinefingerNed » Wed May 13, 2015 2:17 am

Oh! And new women!! Dany Targeryan, or how ever you spell it. The mother of Dragons, Anna &Elsa, some girls from skyrim, and Liz from bioshock? Watch your Patreon blow up haha.

I'm forgetting one and I know I'll remember her. Dammnit.
Lagertha. Hell yeah.
Anyhow, just my input. Great game man.
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Re: Brothel Sim Game

Postby Dead2112man » Wed May 13, 2015 3:28 am

Or how about we don't go over bored and just keep with Legend of Krystal Forum characters only.
I might not create games, but I will test them, Then I will give advice on what I think needs to be added, removed, or improved.
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Re: Brothel Sim Game

Postby 9911MU51C » Wed May 13, 2015 7:28 pm

Just curious, where on the priority list is adding anims? ._.
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Re: Brothel Sim Game

Postby Dead2112man » Thu May 14, 2015 4:23 am

It's not ..... at least I believe it is not.
I might not create games, but I will test them, Then I will give advice on what I think needs to be added, removed, or improved.
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Re: Brothel Sim Game

Postby meismike » Thu May 14, 2015 5:20 pm

Currently, we are working on a new model for the girls. I can't make new animations until after that.
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Re: Brothel Sim Game

Postby michael_r » Fri May 15, 2015 2:38 am

As Lucky777 said: "As the secretary suggests, we should totally get to use the girls." How about implementing a way to for your character to be the personal sex trainer for the girls, as to improve their skill level? Having a character builder for your own personal character would be cool - and if any guys want to see male characters, they only need to use the character they made or you can even use the character builder to randomize the male customers - similar to what is already in place for the girls at the market. Some personal stats you can improve would be nice as well, such as stamina - as to be able to train more girls more times a day.

P.S. Showing some vag/vaginal penetration would be far nicer than having male characters. I don't really care to see anymore of the male anatomy, but a character builder would make those who do happy as well.
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Re: Brothel Sim Game

Postby footlover12345 » Sat May 16, 2015 8:14 pm

i just got an idea how about in the brothel if one guys hygene is to low he has a dirty dick or disease and he pays alot but if you choose to take him then whatever girl you picked will need to shower because you can't use her till she does or use the infirmary to cure the disease or get treatments for a few days so you can't use them for awhile and show them laying in a bed for treatment or taking the shower. I don't know just throwing some ideas out there i don't know if you will like them but that just came to mind when i look at hygene listed in game or you could make like a locker/shower room and make it to were we have to keep up the girls hygene to make it were the customers pay more or you could add some mini games in game like if the girls get to sad they will revolt and you have to put them back in there place ( by fighting ) and if u fail some of them get away. Sorry just remembered your remodeling and what not well you can still use these idea after your done doing that
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Re: Brothel Sim Game

Postby dersied » Sun May 17, 2015 9:08 pm

As a suggestion, I feel like there should be a way to put in "Orders" at the Market for specific looks and traits in girls. And depending on the characteristics of the girl you order, it could have greater price and longer time in game to fulfill.

For example: An order for a blonde, white girl with average breasts might fairly cheap and be fulfilled in only a day or two in game, but an order for a "dumb as a brick" "royalty" girl with purple skin, red curly hair, and big breasts might be fairly expensive and take 6-7 days to arrive.
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Re: Brothel Sim Game

Postby meismike » Mon May 25, 2015 5:03 am

Just updated. Pretty minor this time, next time you will get the big bug fixes loshi pointed out.

Also, good ideas footlover, I've been thinking about them.
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Re: Brothel Sim Game

Postby tfungnoth » Wed Jun 03, 2015 8:49 am

The last few costume is priced NaN.
After I brought it, I got NaN Coins too. And I cannot see how much I have after that.
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Re: Brothel Sim Game

Postby Tristislave » Wed Jun 03, 2015 8:57 pm

I like dat one.
About animations:
Really too simple. I understand, yea-yea, gamemaking is not easy as somebody think but:
Climax. Damn, sex-animation looks like... cutted without cumming;
Penis. Seriosly, if u (like me, for example) cant stand naked men in frame, add just silhouette or add on option to disable body display.

About content:
Girls look perfect. But did u think about many deviants (like me, for example, again), who likes futanari? What about them?
Traits. Maybe any descriptions?
Columm "Skills". Or my english is so bad, or there are nothing about skills?
Police. U can add buttom "Bribe" to "streets" menu to remove the need to exit last one to bribe police in prison...
Food. Eah, that's really annoying, everyday you have to choose again and again. Just need a oprion "The same for tomorrow".
Maybe u add any drugs? Or system of motivation? Kinda "do that good, or I kill u"/"do that good and I give u more time to rest" etc. Carrot and stick, u know.
Maybe any events? Like in "Slave maker" - competitions, tentacles, werewolves, pregnancy, kidnapping, bestiality, illness.
Need some systematization for girls in dorms. By skill or by beauty at least.
Maybe BDSM practics? Just like trait "Top/bottom/switch" for... "bizzare" clients. Hmmm.. No, never mind. Too difficult theme for game.
More buildings. More business solutions. Some intrigue, storyline... Now the game (I understand, thats only project now) reduced to similar clicking every day in game(

Also few of bugs:
I got 32655 gold in start of game just buying costume 24 for one girl, exit the shop and chosen same costume for different girl. Price was "-" and i pressed "Buy". Price got from "-" to "0" but I got 32655 gold.
Shop again: "NaN" price. When u buy costume for "NaN" gold, u get "NaN" number of gold and when u get any gold "NaN" switches to "0" only for first earning. After that counter works properly.
"Work the Bar" doesn't work.

So, thats all. Please don't abandon this project)
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Re: Brothel Sim Game

Postby tfungnoth » Thu Jun 04, 2015 2:56 am


1. Maybe the "hygiene" and "look" level should affect the girls mood?
Use these 2 value to calculate the increase/decrease of mood?
Maybe look 8, hygiene 0 = mood +(8-5) + (0-5)?

2. More options for clothes?
Half undressed (bad English, Showing boobs with wearing clothes)?

3.Play with my whores?
(could +- mood/ +skills)

4.Hair Dying?

5.Showing values or description of appearance.
at first I cannot identify what is dark skin, green skin
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Re: Brothel Sim Game

Postby XDovaX » Fri Jun 05, 2015 7:12 am

Hey MeisMike i know you currently work on the girls and animations after that but i think the game would be ways cooler with some cumshots. So are cumshots on you'r to do list? :D
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