Sakyubasu no Tatakai II (Finished)

Re: Sakyubasu no Tatakai II

Postby GoRepeat » Thu May 07, 2015 3:30 am

Dat 243 guy Wrote:The AI has an unfair swap advantage.

Meanwhile i can't swap my team when someone is on the center lane of the swap, the AI can swap without a problem!

Can you elaborate on this? The swapping capabilities should be the same for the player and the AI. Are you saying you can't move units in the center lane?
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Re: Sakyubasu no Tatakai II

Postby Dat 243 guy » Thu May 07, 2015 8:17 am

Gorepete Wrote:
Dat 243 guy Wrote:The AI has an unfair swap advantage.

Meanwhile i can't swap my team when someone is on the center lane of the swap, the AI can swap without a problem!

Can you elaborate on this? The swapping capabilities should be the same for the player and the AI. Are you saying you can't move units in the center lane?

Sure ;) , i will try to being the most detailed as possible, this is what happened:

One of the first things i noticed when i played today is that my units weren't able to go from bottom to top and vice versa
IF there was a unit blocking the path on the center route, good, i'm sure this is normal, nothing weird.

But then, the AI made it the next thing, their units where near to me and i've was playing defensive (just having units in bottom and center route), just in 1 more step for attacking me, the positions where like this:

Top route: 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 (Was empty)
Center route: 0 1 1 0 0 0 0
Bottom route: 0 1 1 0 0 0 0

0: Empty
1: Unit on the square
Blue: Player spawn units
Red: IA spawn units
Orange: Player units
Pink: AI units
Green: Udentified units (i can't remember from who belongs this unit >.<)

I hope you can understand my minimap xD

Now, what the AI made is, she moved her pink unit (the bottom one), and swapped her to the top lane, ignoring that there was someone on the center lane, in order for attack me!

Also Gorepete, i have a new clue that my problem is something different, i played another match a few hours ago, and happened same thing, but with more units on the battle, and now, i was the one who it was near to the AI, one of her units was totally stuck, (the unit was on the top route), just in 1 square from the AI spawn, but... the AI didn't tried to swap to bottom this time!, now it was respecting the system.

This is my conclusion Gorepete:

The AI swaps freely and ignores possible units on the center route, blocking the swap.... IF she has a chance to directly attack the player!, cause she didn't tried the same thing when one of her units was blocked from ahead, under, and it was far from me (the character).

I recommend to make some tests for being sure about this, i don't exactly remember some stuff, so i don't wanna advice a bug that doesn't exist from the beginning, but i vaguely remember that something like that happened.

Without anything else to say, that's it ;)
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Re: Sakyubasu no Tatakai II

Postby mr_johnson » Thu May 07, 2015 8:18 am

Got a tiny complain here : whenever the game forces you to select a target for a special attack, you can't see whoever is on the top line (well you can't see the HP and dmg, just the bodies), so it's kinda a problem when I wanna choose who I should heal since I don't know if the guy on top is badly hurt or not
Also I can't find the gallery but I probably didn't look good enough
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Re: Sakyubasu no Tatakai II

Postby Shawky the Shark Wolf » Thu May 07, 2015 11:43 am

mr_johnson Wrote:Got a tiny complain here : whenever the game forces you to select a target for a special attack, you can't see whoever is on the top line (well you can't see the HP and dmg, just the bodies), so it's kinda a problem when I wanna choose who I should heal since I don't know if the guy on top is badly hurt or not
Also I can't find the gallery but I probably didn't look good enough

Summon is the gallery mode, it's just named.. Summon, for some odd reason.
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Re: Sakyubasu no Tatakai II

Postby GoRepeat » Thu May 07, 2015 9:33 pm

Dat 243 guy Wrote:Without anything else to say, that's it ;)

Gotcha, I will do some testing. You should be able to move through your own units, but not enemy units. So if the middle unit belongs to you, your bottom unit should be able to shift to the top. You just can't pass through enemy units, which should block the swap by taking up the center lane.

mr_johnson Wrote:Got a tiny complain here : whenever the game forces you to select a target for a special attack, you can't see whoever is on the top line (well you can't see the HP and dmg, just the bodies), so it's kinda a problem when I wanna choose who I should heal since I don't know if the guy on top is badly hurt or not
Also I can't find the gallery but I probably didn't look good enough

Yeah this was a "lesser of two evils" choice on my part. The problem is that if I put the unit info screen BEHIND the top row, then the units in the top row block the spell information. I haven't found a happy medium; either the top row unit HP/ATK is blocked, or the spell info on the overlay is blocked. I figured the unit stats was the lesser issue.
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Re: Sakyubasu no Tatakai II

Postby Lucky777 » Thu May 07, 2015 10:33 pm


1) Maybe you should consider making the "occupied units" circles in the heads-up display more obvious: even when I know what they're supposed to be, they just look a lot like the "available mana" circles to me.
The circles that you HAVE available also have outlines around them, so the difference doesn't seem obvious at all. *shrugs.*

I dunno, maybe make the "in use" circles fuckin'... have a hollow circle inside them or something, to signify that something is "in use" and occupying that mana spot.

Cosmetic stuff, but still.

2) Ways to directly damage your opponent for mana IF your opponent has no monsters on the field would be pretty cool.
Like... I dunno, either you take up a monster-spot with a spellcard "do X damage along the lane you play this on" or "Do Y damage along all lanes" or something, or else you just have such an ability on cooldown, but have it cost mana too as well as being on a cooldown. Just seems kinda cool to me; I always liked burn decks.

3)Could add in a way to sacrifice your own units to get back the mana, so you don't end up in a situation where ALL you can summon are knocking on the enemy's door, but they've been nerfed by abilities so they have shitty attack, and one of the enemy's units is able to stab YOU without you being able to summon anything to self-defend.
It's kinda balanced since you have limited units, maybe? But if so I guess the unlimited units boss if one exists should not... be able to do this.

Mebbe an error?

4) On the mechanical side, I won one that I should have lost again.

Here's how it happened.

There were two enemy defenders. One in the middle, one on the bottom. The one in the middle could stab me directly, but the one on the bottom was a square back AND blocked by one of my units in the bottom lane, and she couldn't transfer to the top lane because a healer was occupying the square she'd step to.
On her move she moved up to the middle lane, behind the one that could stab me directly, but she didn't move to the top lane because she couldn't (healer up there.)
But when the healer moved FORWARD, on my next turn, freeing up the space for her to step into in the top lane on HER next turn... she just didn't.
So in summary she tried to offensively lane transfer once, couldn't because the space was blocked, and then just never tried it again.

...or ...

maybe it's that the one who could stab me directly didn't move up into the space vacated by my healer, so that the defender behind her could come forward and stab me too...

Either way, I'm Pretty sure Beezy rightfully had that one.

Definite error

5) And as to errors: for flare, it's a "burst" of flame, not a Burt of flame, unless you're going to be throwing burning sesame street characters at motherfuckers.
I mean yeah, the sesame street guy is "Bert" but still.
The image is pretty funny, come on.
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Re: Sakyubasu no Tatakai II

Postby loshi1505 » Fri May 08, 2015 12:06 am

Gorepete Wrote:
mr_johnson Wrote:Got a tiny complain here : whenever the game forces you to select a target for a special attack, you can't see whoever is on the top line (well you can't see the HP and dmg, just the bodies), so it's kinda a problem when I wanna choose who I should heal since I don't know if the guy on top is badly hurt or not
Also I can't find the gallery but I probably didn't look good enough

Yeah this was a "lesser of two evils" choice on my part. The problem is that if I put the unit info screen BEHIND the top row, then the units in the top row block the spell information. I haven't found a happy medium; either the top row unit HP/ATK is blocked, or the spell info on the overlay is blocked. I figured the unit stats was the lesser issue.

err... limited transparency on the status bar would solve everything I'd think... or even shrinking the status bar by a tad...
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Re: Sakyubasu no Tatakai II

Postby loshi1505 » Fri May 08, 2015 6:01 am

huh... now I'm 2W-0L.... even with the AI having a ridiculous amount of mana 4 monster... making me wonder how OP I as the player will be after corrupting lust actually steals units from the enemy. :twisted:

moar updates gorepete! :D :mrgreen:
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Re: Sakyubasu no Tatakai II

Postby Lucky777 » Fri May 08, 2015 10:26 pm

Oh wow this is REALLY fuckin' cool.

I haven't even fought a battle with the customised duders yet, but just lookin' at this it's pretty great.

I'm not happiest that learned skills like wizardry and swordsmanship and shit have been reduced to "equipped items" for gameplay purposes but this is still pretty great.
Kinda too bad we can't uh ... I dunno, build super-characters with like ... two classes or someshit, for extra mana, but HEY, MAYBE LATER.

Well, when I'm done being a kid in a candy store and looking at all the pretty colours, I'll actually fight some battles and see what happens.

... Shouldn't you have the option to go to the army screen and shit first before you ever get into your first fight, though?
Or is that meant to be some kind of lesson to the player?
"Yeah no you gotta actually equip things, if you don't, then LOOK AT THE DIFFERENCE BETWEEN YOUR FORCES" forced loss kind of thing?
...OH, no, you just have to hit the back button and THEN your army menu button and shit comes up.
Fairnough I guess, though ... I dunno, why should it disappear when you click INTO a realm like the Shadow Forest?

Oh, seems I've... discovered a bug.
IT seems that if you equip a rune but then equip another one WITHOUT hitting remove... the rune you equipped the first time just stays gone.
What a thing.
For the CLASS items it seems to work fine.
But not for the runes.

Milled out ALL her fucking units and then won while she was helpless.
Some abilities maybe seem kinda OP.
But hey, since the enemy can use the same combinations that you do, I'm not complaining : D.
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Re: Sakyubasu no Tatakai II

Postby loshi1505 » Fri May 08, 2015 11:22 pm

I know right! feels like we're actually playing level 1 again instead of boss or sub-boss level. :lol:

and this customization will be SOO~ kick ass when gore updates eva's special to snatch enemy units~! I SOO~ want my full army of mana 4 scouts now. :twisted:
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Re: Sakyubasu no Tatakai II

Postby Nobudi » Fri May 08, 2015 11:32 pm

Gorepete's back in action? When did this happen?
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Re: Sakyubasu no Tatakai II

Postby Lucky777 » Sat May 09, 2015 3:42 pm



I just saw the fix you applied to the burst of flame text display for Flare Gorepete

That's not what I mea ... that's not what I sai ... that's not right Gorepete

No Gorepete you're doing it wrong
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Re: Sakyubasu no Tatakai II

Postby GoRepeat » Sat May 09, 2015 4:18 pm

Lucky777 Wrote:... Shouldn't you have the option to go to the army screen and shit first before you ever get into your first fight, though?
Or is that meant to be some kind of lesson to the player?

Right now stuff seems weird because its all out of order for testing. You will be locked out of the army screen initially then after the first couple training battles it will open up and introduce the customization options (it will make sense when testing is done and its all sorted properly).

Lucky777 Wrote:IT seems that if you equip a rune but then equip another one WITHOUT hitting remove... the rune you equipped the first time just stays gone.

Good catch, I will fix

loshi1505 Wrote:I SOO~ want my full army of mana 4 scouts now. :twisted:

When the dust settles you will be limited to only 2 of the same types/rank of units. So you would be limited to 2 Hive scouts (but with 2 Gorger scouts you would have 4 total, plus as you take over other species (like Bovos) you would have access to 6 scouts etc etc etc) This will promote species diversity while scaling how quickly you can make team whoop ass relative to your game progress. I don't want people spamming an army of rank 4 boosted scouts. But when you have taken over 4-5 species, then sure!

Lucky777 Wrote:I just saw the fix you applied to the burst of flame text display for Flare Gorepete That's not what I mea ... that's not what I sai ... that's not right Gorepete

But now the text matches the graphic :( I am so confused!
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Re: Sakyubasu no Tatakai II

Postby Lucky777 » Sat May 09, 2015 4:26 pm

Gorepete Wrote:
Lucky777 Wrote:... Shouldn't you have the option to go to the army screen and shit first before you ever get into your first fight, though?
Or is that meant to be some kind of lesson to the player?

Right now stuff seems weird because its all out of order for testing. You will be locked out of the army screen initially then after the first couple training battles it will open up and introduce the customization options (it will make sense when testing is done and its all sorted properly).

Oho, a kind of phased introduction/tutorial thing.
Gonna be a bit of a pain on repeated playthroughs, but in my opinion it's still a solid idea.

Gorepete Wrote:But now the text matches the graphic :( I am so confused!

...I hadn't actually USED the ability, now that I have, I'm literally crying with laughter

No Gorepete

no ... no Gorepete
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Re: Sakyubasu no Tatakai II

Postby ARestlessBirch » Sat May 09, 2015 6:32 pm

I couldn't be more excited about the second part to this game. Loved the first one, can't wait to get into this one and give some real feedback.
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Re: Sakyubasu no Tatakai II

Postby vitorsly » Tue May 12, 2015 6:15 pm

Long time lurker, I have been following this project since I played Sakyubasu no Tatakai I back in 2012, a game I still consider the best adult-rated flash game I ever played.
I posted to say 4 things:
I love the Sakyubasu no Tatakai series.
I really want to see this game completed.
I have managed to find a 50/50 way to win the first level of this game and I'm incredibly proud of myself.
I would like there to be an option to tell a unit to not move this turn. I want my vanguards to be able to stay back to avoid any sneaky lane-switcher.
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Re: Sakyubasu no Tatakai II

Postby loshi1505 » Wed May 13, 2015 9:34 am

bugs... >_<

1st bug
it's possible to play stage 2 before the tutorial at the hive... (sort of... you only have your tutorial unit.... >_> )

2nd bug
so I switched around my troops special skill equipment for my 2nd battle (not including tutorial since that barely counts) and I changed heal to flare... next thing I know in the battle I have heal on the same troop it was on earlier and flare on a different unit. (which it was supposed to be on)

I blame Bert. :lol:
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Re: Sakyubasu no Tatakai II

Postby Revo » Wed May 13, 2015 6:43 pm

nice game(s) keep going ! ;)

you stream if you like or you have a special time like every Wednesday 1 pm ?

btw why you don't steam on IMO it's better.

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Re: Sakyubasu no Tatakai II

Postby Enyo777 » Wed May 13, 2015 7:51 pm

Right now the first real fight after the tutorial is much too hard - almost impossible to win. The enemy just spawns endless hordes of enemies (3 at a time) and you can never close in. The only way to win is to ignore all enemy units in the beginning and hope that the AI leaves one lane empty. Then rush up with 3 fast ranged units by switching to the empty lane and kill the AI in a single turn. This rarely works and the best I did so far was to get it down to 2 life. The enemy just spawns too many thunderstorm and poison specials. Each enemy unit has a special while half of the player units don't. One time it called 3 thunderstorms in a row and killed all of my units at once. There is also a bug where the AI can switch lanes to get behind player units while player units can't do so when an enemy unit stands in front of them. Sometimes enemy units fail to switch lanes correctly and try to move up on the top most lane or down on the bottom lane.
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Re: Sakyubasu no Tatakai II

Postby Balalaika » Wed May 13, 2015 8:35 pm

it is impossible to win. The enemy has a not strange set of cards. 4 mage or 4 attack plane and each of them is magic, my units have a limited choice of magic. It would be desirable that the enemy would have the same set of cards. Again the enemy only one type of enemy is a bee/
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