ValturNaa Wrote:So, I finished going through the list of lore. I tried to integrate possible mating habits as well as some interesting facts gleaned from bulbapedia about each pokemon. I also rewrote a few of the pokes already described in-game, hopefully more completely, concisely, and correctly (the missing words in Cubone's description for instance bothered me).
I found it interesting that many of the pokemon were described as being invincible or unstoppable but then another pokemon can break them. Cloyster, for instance, surviving a bomb or missile and its armor can't be opened from the outside but apparently it's regular prey for the kingler. I think someone on the poke dev crew (or possibly just someone on bulbapedia) got a little too excited with his descriptions. Tried to keep that to a minimum here.
pokemorph lore_val.rtf
These should be very useful.
The Charmander entry might actually fit better for Growlithe.