Degradation 2.0 [System] [Currently Full]

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Re: Degradation 2.0 [System] [Currently Full]

Postby KnightVanilla » Tue Apr 28, 2015 5:42 am

Well I could be the deciding factor on that actually if a gang players were to get that health boost that would increasingly change how other players would interact with them. My character actually has the lowest health and on well any situation could quite possibly die. Now the only real difference from an Average joe compared to here and life is their profession. My character is a contract killer for the most part and even without training he has supposedly survived with just a knife and tazer.

So in a way if you wanted to give a boost in health you should consider each characters background and I also believe this shows also in their starting gear. For example Wviera is a trained soldier who knows the basics of cqc but over all trumps most in a rifle fight within her group. He gear shows just how far she's gone and how far her training has taken her.

Same could be said of everyone they have to encounter and retain their gear in some fashion. Mine originally started with only a knife hidden in his boot and a police tazer that has three charges per day. The implication with his history and job indicates he has killed people without the need of a gun til recently. Barely surviving by talking his way and using a bit of a rogue's charm. Then there are the npc characters like Drone girl/jenny Estrada who has a robotic limb and is a kick ass shot. Her skills more than rivals Wyveria and that speaks from her experience and backstory.

So all in all I think there should be a Varied bonus offered to each player with a limited amount of health and one extra bonus regarding their background or affiliation to bosses and employers.
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Re: Degradation 2.0 [System] [Currently Full]

Postby lilbooth » Wed Apr 29, 2015 4:00 pm

So a few quick questions;
1. are the mutants in anyway hostile, or when they are done with their mounting will they become hostile, I don't know if Val would know any of these things and I assume the rest of the party doesn't have a tone of experience with mutants either. ( I get that the roll was passive but that shouldn't really factor in to how I play the character)
2. Is it so late in the afternoon that It would be dangerous to pass by this cabin and find somewhere else to be?
3. Does "my" party have a surprise round or anything if combat where to occur?
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Re: Degradation 2.0 [System] [Currently Full]

Postby Reaver » Thu Apr 30, 2015 4:11 am

I have to say having the fight that close was very interesting. I think it definitely taught me and my character something (Stab first, talk later). Although part of me does feel that fighting a common thug shouldn't be that close, especially when there are going to be way harder enemies later on. I think an hp bonus might work out well to separate PCs from the common rabble enemies that we should of course triumph over :P.
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Re: Degradation 2.0 [System] [Currently Full]

Postby KnightVanilla » Thu Apr 30, 2015 4:50 am

By the way whats my drrp rating?
Life has gotten so much more boring. Well I suppose it doesn't help if I say my only source of entertainment is YouTube and here. So yeah not much of interesting life going on.
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Re: Degradation 2.0 [System] [Currently Full]

Postby Grape_Drink » Fri May 01, 2015 3:29 am

Since I'll either be at work or getting shitfaced afterwards on Saturday (in commemoration of a friend of mine turning 21), I'll be making posts some time between today and tomorrow, just as a heads up (I'll probably work on it tonight and finish it tomorrow).

lilbooth Wrote:So a few quick questions;
1. are the mutants in anyway hostile, or when they are done with their mounting will they become hostile, I don't know if Val would know any of these things and I assume the rest of the party doesn't have a tone of experience with mutants either. ( I get that the roll was passive but that shouldn't really factor in to how I play the character)

Mutants tend to do their own thing. The best way I can describe them are like "tamed zoo animals." They aren't going to needlessly attack folks like a raider would (unless they're really stupid), and they generally don't care about people, but if they're aggravated, someone's encroaching on their territory, their hungry, etc., then they're going to attack. The ones you encountered in particular are quadrupeds and seem particularly satisfied at the moment/slightly larger than a German Shepherd. They probably wouldn't be dangerous unless provoked.

2. Is it so late in the afternoon that It would be dangerous to pass by this cabin and find somewhere else to be?

It's around 2 or 3 in the afternoon, you probably have about 4-5 hours of sunlight left.

3. Does "my" party have a surprise round or anything if combat where to occur?

You'd have to initiate combat, so it depends. If you go running towards it, no, if you surprised it, then yes.

KnightVanilla Wrote:By the way whats my drrp rating?

DRPP is Damage Reduction Penetration Probability (as a percentage). It's my attempt to add an extra bit of realism to the fight system. The only weapons that ignore DRPP are Area of Effect-style weapons, such as grenades (instead opting to hit EVERY piece of equipment as a cost to being able to do massive damage), and only a couple weapons offer a bonus to DRPP rolls (such as scoped weapons).

Basically, each piece of equipment combined can increase DRPP (to a maximum of something like 97-98%). DRPP stacks among different areas, but not in layers. So if you're wearing a protective vest with a second protective vest under it, only the top layer is counted mechanically, but if you wear a trenchcoat and a helmet, they both count towards your DRPP.

Not all DRPP is created equal though. For instance if you have a Tier 6 vest (65%) and clothes (85%), then if the enemy rolls between a 66-85 on their DRPP check, they skip the vest entirely and hit your clothes instead.

That's the issue Wyviera had in that battle was even though the Brute's damage would have largely been absorbed by her armored gear usually, her armor happened to be around her legs so it was only providing a DRPP of 20% instead of 85% (and her loyalist garb underneath was pushed up to her neck, so it was only providing an additional 10% DRPP), so when the brute is rolling in the 90s on DRPP, it's hitting her in the head, effectively rendering what little armor she had on useless.

Reaver Wrote:I have to say having the fight that close was very interesting. I think it definitely taught me and my character something (Stab first, talk later). Although part of me does feel that fighting a common thug shouldn't be that close, especially when there are going to be way harder enemies later on. I think an hp bonus might work out well to separate PCs from the common rabble enemies that we should of course triumph over :P.

Admittedly it was a brute rather than a thug (if a thug is a guard at a local port in terms of strength, then a Brute is a Viking). They're supposed to be fought at a distance or with a group. Actually 90% of the harder enemies I have in mind are supposed to be fought in groups of at least two or three. :lol:

Anyways, yeah knightvilla I'm looking into it still, but I'm really against giving too much of a bonus to any non-gang PC since the whole idea is that the gangs have effectively stripped the wastes of most valuable goods/guns (and training in many cases), so that outside of specific instances (thorn tower being one of them, merchants being another just because everyone like them except raiders), it's extremely hard to survive as an unaffiliated group. The folks traveling with Estrada right now are actually seeing a disproportionate number of guns/trained individuals compared to what is attainable outside of the gangs (which is why the slavers had been underestimating them).
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Re: Degradation 2.0 [System] [Currently Full]

Postby lilbooth » Fri May 01, 2015 4:49 am

Grape_Drink Wrote:You'd have to initiate combat, so it depends. If you go running towards it, no, if you surprised it, then yes.

Well they have already seen Val and they didn't attack but I doubt getting much closer would be a good idea. Can I get a read on how the doc and charlie are reacting to this? Or did only myself and flash get a good look.
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Re: Degradation 2.0 [System] [Currently Full]

Postby Grape_Drink » Fri May 01, 2015 6:49 pm

Doc and Charlie haven't noticed yet.
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Re: Degradation 2.0 [System] [Currently Full]

Postby Gorbaz » Fri May 01, 2015 10:39 pm

Well, would +5hp be a big upgrade? Is it something that could, conceivably, be gone in one hit?
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Re: Degradation 2.0 [System] [Currently Full]

Postby Grape_Drink » Sat May 02, 2015 5:19 am

Gorbaz Wrote:Well, would +5hp be a big upgrade? Is it something that could, conceivably, be gone in one hit?

In perspective, most players can take between 2-5 hits from standard weaponry. When you factor in armor (or even just clothing), damage is reduced further making that 2-5 stat closer to about 3-6. An additional 5 HP would raise that number by an additional hit. In a fight most enemies can take 1-4 hits before being annihilated, so that +5 HP is pretty much an additional chance to fuck up an enemy/an additional "save" if hit.
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Re: Degradation 2.0 [System] [Currently Full]

Postby Grape_Drink » Wed May 06, 2015 9:40 pm

Aight, will try to get a post up by Friday.
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Re: Degradation 2.0 [System] [Currently Full]

Postby Grape_Drink » Fri May 08, 2015 5:52 am

Got out of classes early, will have a post up probably in the next hour or two.
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Re: Degradation 2.0 [System] [Currently Full]

Postby Grape_Drink » Wed May 13, 2015 2:46 am

Just finished finals today. I want to make a Degradation post, but at the same time I don't want to create too much of a time-lag between Wyviera and Garian, so I'm going to work on a NEET fighter post in the mean time, and if Kankra gets their post up, I'll probably make a Subnautica post in the mean time as well. If Reaver still hasn't gotten a post in by then I'll probably just make a Degradation post anyways. *shrug*

"As a side note after all this miscellaneous stuff gets done I'm probably going for a decently sized conversation with one of the NPCs Charlie is most likely the prime subject. But if you want, in order to keep the story going we can roll the conversation into the next days travel."

Due to the nature of the RP, this could potentially make things take a while for yah since I like to respond to everyone at once, lilbooth. I'm honestly fine either way. If you'd like, I'm usually on for a few minutes every so often even if I'm just lurking, so we could send a series of PMs to "speed it up," and then just have a "recap" in the post of said conversation for those who might be reading along/for documentation purposes on my part?
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Re: Degradation 2.0 [System] [Currently Full]

Postby Reaver » Wed May 13, 2015 8:43 pm

I plan on posting either today or definitely tomorrow.
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Re: Degradation 2.0 [System] [Currently Full]

Postby lilbooth » Thu May 14, 2015 8:52 pm

Grape_Drink Wrote: Due to the nature of the RP, this could potentially make things take a while for yah since I like to respond to everyone at once, lilbooth. I'm honestly fine either way. If you'd like, I'm usually on for a few minutes every so often even if I'm just lurking, so we could send a series of PMs to "speed it up," and then just have a "recap" in the post of said conversation for those who might be reading along/for documentation purposes on my part?

Yeah that seems fine. Because I don't have other player characters to interact with it just seems a little flat. Myself and all the NPC's just keep stopping somewhere for the night and then moving on the next day. I figure eventually someone would strike up a conversation. But Val is a slave and really doesnt talk that much so it would have to be prompted. If no one in the group is in the mood for chatting then there will be no chats. But if they are let me know and we can work in out in a pm or something.
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Re: Degradation 2.0 [System] [Currently Full]

Postby Grape_Drink » Wed Jun 10, 2015 3:25 am

So as I stated in the other thread, shit happened. I apparently have a lot less free time than I thought I did.

Give me a heads up if you'd be interested in GMing Degradation (preferably over PM, though you can make a forum post too). We can work out a transition over the next month or so for yah to either co-post to keep things moving, or to take over if I disappear off the face of the earth like I did in May.
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Re: Degradation 2.0 [System] [Currently Full]

Postby Stickasensi » Mon Aug 03, 2015 3:25 am

Speaking of dissapearing off the face of the earth i want to apologize for that grape i really enjoyed the RP until i left LoK for a while hope to see this rp continue but can i still return to the story or is my Char lost to the ether/radiation?
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Re: Degradation 2.0 [System] [Currently Full]

Postby KilanoSoryu » Sun Sep 06, 2015 12:27 am

Reserve a slot when theres a opening, please.
Name*: Kilano Soryu
Spoiler (click to show/hide):

Appearance: Image

Age: 19
Skills*: Medicine, Mechanics/Repair, First Aid, Empathy, Firearms (Assault), Science, Drive, Perform
Mutation(s)*: Extra body part: Long shark tail, Extra body part:Snout;, Extra Body part:Long canid/shark-kin like ear, Extra Body part:Long canid/shark-kin like ear, Extra Body part, Second Tongue
Gang Affiliation/Rank: Hatchet's Loyalists dogma/Medic
Background: Kilano had never really been thought of as a normal human, at birth she was born with a skin discolouration, and a different feeling skin, colour, since birth, due to her being born with what most would say is the 'tail of a shark' and being born with a snout, as well as her two ears on top of her head, instead of to the sides, she was always odd, growing up she always had problems getting picked on and messed with, her parents loved her for most of the time they were with her, up until the age of 7 when her parents were killed in a raid by the Grey Eagles, her parents hid her until they had left, upon leaving her home she had found her parents dead, yet all of the people who ever made fun of her had died as well, she was confused, and survived off food left over in the town for the longest time, she eventually wandered out, finding the town called Nameless, and wandered further, finding some men wearing deep purple clothing, they took her in, for interrogation for the location of her town, which was now destroyed, she was eventually recruited in, and as to keep up with their theme of using purple colors, she had her hair dyed a deep purple, she has gotten her hair dyed with the supplies they had, as not many people had thought of it, they happened to have alot of purple hair dye, and hair dye in general laying around, so she would collect it constantly, whenever she found any, she now is 19, and is known as Sharkface
Starting supplies will be determined based on your profession and other factors. Generally speaking you'll have clothes, a weapon, some supplies, and then something specific to your character/their profession. You can of course make a suggestion through their background.
Subhuman: Y

You can decide her supplies.
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