Pokemon Hentai Game update (Jan 31, 2016)

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Re: Pokemon Hentai Game update (03/18/2014)

Postby FrogDailey » Thu Apr 23, 2015 4:57 am

Hi, New to the game and cite was wondering if you all would be willing to answer some questions for me? (rhetorical don't bother answering that one)

I've been fiddling around in the game and was wondering who all learns charm?
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I know Misty does when you play as her at the various times
but are there any Pokemon that do? I think i may have read that diglet might but if some one could confirm.

And no I don't want to mod the game to do it, I know its possible I just don't want to
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Re: Pokemon Hentai Game update (03/18/2014)

Postby flamecid » Thu Apr 23, 2015 6:07 am

while i really really really hate waiting, i agree to the fact that, if you're going to update a game then it's better if you take a while and do a big update rather than loads of small updates
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Re: Pokemon Hentai Game update (03/18/2014)

Postby ValturNaa » Thu Apr 23, 2015 7:05 am

Frog, there are TWO horny skills in Humbird's game, not merely one: Charm and Lick. Omanyte and the maids at the Vermillion inn are the only pokemon I specifically remember from an unmodded game who can wield either one (and can be captured by Ash). Omanyte is water type and the maid is normal (and both will join you by charm), so you can use them to catch each other, and with both in team you can catch anything that can be won by charm. It's anybody's guess how many of the new pokemon will possess it in the update or how many others will turn out to have charm/lick as a third or fourth skill.
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Re: Pokemon Hentai Game update (03/18/2014)

Postby m3rchant » Thu Apr 23, 2015 11:09 pm

Hey, so I just played through the game and was wondering... Has anyone else tried this trick I've discovered where you get rid of Brock by throwing him into the ocean, then get rid of Ash and Pikachu by sleeping in the first hotel, so all your left with is Misty while the entire world is open for you? Of you who have, who here was more than a little disappointed to find Misty getting a sex change into Ash's body mid teleportation? Mind you that this is the only complaint I have with this game so far.
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Re: Pokemon Hentai Game update (03/18/2014)

Postby FaHo » Fri Apr 24, 2015 12:53 am

Hi, it's me again.
Just wanted to show you that I'm recently working on redoing my pokemorph pictures (higher resolution, no shading, thinner lines,..). :)
Here's a little preview how they look like compared to my older ones:

Spoiler (click to show/hide):

back.png (32 KiB) Viewed 3862 times

Also, I had an idea, according to :!: Humbird0 :!: right now, that we could include in the game.
Animated Pokemorph images (gif). :geek:
You'd only had to change .png to .gif in the script.

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And yeah.. I still have not figured out how to change the in-game "got milk?"-sign.. I know, the tauros one has the tauros.png as background and the misty one the misty_tied_milk_machine.jpg, but when I edited tauros, it didn't change.. HELP, pls?? :| :?:

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Re: Pokemon Hentai Game update (03/18/2014)

Postby ValturNaa » Fri Apr 24, 2015 1:21 am

It's not called tauros, it's called milk_tauros and it's located in charset/objects/billboard

I love the idea of animated artwork. How much more space does it take? The swf folder already takes up 1/3 of the total space in the download, and that's with each image being like 30-60kb. One quibble though, it seems to me you have too much movement in that pikachu for an idle. I'd love to see the art come with like an idle animation, a tackle/physical attack animation, and a skill attack animation if that's all possible without overburdening the download size. I really need to learn about animating images :D
I'm not mad. I'm only forty and eighty percent crazy, and that's split between two personalities, which makes me almost half sane.
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Re: Pokemon Hentai Game update (03/18/2014)

Postby www.porncritique.lol » Fri Apr 24, 2015 8:47 pm

man, I've been gone WAY too long, I just kinda lost interest, I suppose, even though I had Meowth's horny pose done and ready to go. Speaking of which, I tried previewing the link from drop box in an "img" area and there's just a small gray box with an icon inside saying "image". Is this an error with my computer, or am I doing something wrong?

On a recent topic, I very much like the idea of animated pictures for the poke morphs, though it would be really hard to do. To prepare those I'm guessing I'd have to assemble the different body parts in separate layers, or something along those lines.

As a last note, I've been noticing other people's pictures are much smoother looking than mine. Should I expand the pictures before tracing them to make the final result smoother?
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Marrowak Coloring

Postby DevriiLegacy » Sat Apr 25, 2015 5:22 am

this is what i have so far with the Marrowak Coloring most of the colors are based off of the Marrowak sprite from ingame.
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Re: Pokemon Hentai Game update (03/18/2014)

Postby Dead2112man » Sun Apr 26, 2015 3:46 am

Great job, keep it up, I have no clue what is going on with Humbird0 webpage, everything recent doesn't show, heck the most recent thing that does show was the three Staryu colored pictures.
As for the possibility of having animated pictures instead of just still pictures, I say thumbs up but I think implementing it now would be for just select pokemon for now.
For that would require a lot of time to draw animated pictures for all 151 pokemon * Poses[Front, back, and horny]
And we also got to think about us doing that with the trainers which would be xTrainers * Poses[Men 2, Female 4]
Then again it all depends on Humbird0
I might not create games, but I will test them, Then I will give advice on what I think needs to be added, removed, or improved.
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Re: Pokemon Hentai Game update (03/18/2014)

Postby Fly88xx » Sun Apr 26, 2015 7:12 am

Yeah the website is a little messed up. Be patient and reload a couple of times. Humbird has changed the way he presents the latest updates. We now see his tweets on his website, so we might check directly on twitter as well: https://twitter.com/humbird0
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Re: Pokemon Hentai Game update (03/18/2014)

Postby FrogDailey » Mon Apr 27, 2015 5:19 am

ValturNaa Wrote:Frog, there are TWO horny skills in Humbird's game, not merely one: Charm and Lick. Omanyte and the maids at the Vermillion inn are the only pokemon I specifically remember from an unmodded game who can wield either one (and can be captured by Ash). Omanyte is water type and the maid is normal (and both will join you by charm), so you can use them to catch each other, and with both in team you can catch anything that can be won by charm. It's anybody's guess how many of the new pokemon will possess it in the update or how many others will turn out to have charm/lick as a third or fourth skill.

Thank you for the Information ValturNaa, Will have to see what happens in future update, because the pokemon collector in me want to collect every pokemon but with limited pokeballs and fan art it makes it hard to do.
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Re: Pokemon Hentai Game update (03/18/2014)

Postby angeh » Thu Apr 30, 2015 5:26 am

Made an account just to show my support for this game.

I am blown away by how non-linear this game feels!
Very refreshing in comparison to the other flash games out there.

I noticed in the game files that there are sprites of Misty with a that I haven't even seen in-game.
Specifically the dressed ones.

Are there any plans to allow Misty to retain her size after the milking incident? Even if only optional?
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Re: Pokemon Hentai Game update (03/18/2014)

Postby bubba91 » Tue May 05, 2015 11:33 pm

We work as hard as we can in the next update, but please, stop asking when it will come. And YES, the version on the first post is the newest version.
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Aquatic tentacle-monsters make the best life-guards

Postby humbird0 » Tue May 05, 2015 11:59 pm

Hmm... I'll have to figure out how to put that awesome picture in there.

I haven't done the sinking scenes for the St Anne yet.
At the moment, my plan is to have the navigation computer to haywire during a night-time deck party. You enter the computer to see what's wrong and encounter Porygon again. By the time you leave the computer, the ship is already underwater (like in the anime) and you have to make your way to the engine room where the hull is weakest. It looks like you're trapped until a Tentacruel busts through from outside. You fight this "boss" and then get washed away and wake up on-shore.

So I'm thinking I should add something before the computer part. When the navigation bugs out, some people at the party panic and flee for the life-boats. But when they do, they unwittingly lower themselves into tentacool-infested waters and this picture shows the results. Then the captain asks if anybody can fix the navigation computer.
The last version of Pokemon Hentai Version is: January 31, 2015
Every Pokemorph created for the game
Every cutscene picture in the game
Reference material gallery (characters, poses, outfits, expressions, personalities)
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Invasion of the body-swappers

Postby humbird0 » Wed May 06, 2015 12:21 am

angeh Wrote:Are there any plans to allow Misty to retain her size after the milking incident? Even if only optional?

From a technical standpoint, that's fairly easy to do.
Within the level-editor, I can inject variables into the chipset path to change which folders and file is used, like so:
Code: Select All Code

I already use something similar to this to change Misty's outfit.

But from an artistic standpoint, it would require creating a LOT of chipset files; All variations of all outfits and all poses and all bust-sizes.
So mathematically it would be:
( outfits X poses X bust-sizes ) = Total number of files
Fortunately, I have been experimenting with a new Photoshop feature that would make generating these files much easier to do. I would still have to open and save every single file, but the details within each file could all be figured-out automatically, by swapping which set of files each one reads from.
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The last version of Pokemon Hentai Version is: January 31, 2015
Every Pokemorph created for the game
Every cutscene picture in the game
Reference material gallery (characters, poses, outfits, expressions, personalities)
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My own website blocked me :-(

Postby humbird0 » Wed May 06, 2015 12:34 am

Fly88xx Wrote:Yeah the website is a little messed up. Be patient and reload a couple of times. Humbird has changed the way he presents the latest updates. We now see his tweets on his website, so we might check directly on twitter as well: https://twitter.com/humbird0

Short version:
Yeah, my website went down while I was attempting to figure out a new way to display my updates from my twitter account on the website.

Long version:
Awhile back, Twitter changed their widget code which broke my website's reverse-engineered custom twitter-widget, and their official twitter-widget has a bug where it never displays pictures no matter what... which sucks.
So over the weekend I was trying to learn how to use Twitter's official API in order to request the data directly, but I somehow managed to get my computer's IP address black-listed by my website's hosting provider and I temporarily lost the ability to upload files to it. The website went down while the web-host and I were trouble-shooting and messing with DNS nameservers. We eventually figured out that I was accidentally put onto their IP address black-list and they fixed the problem on their end.
The last version of Pokemon Hentai Version is: January 31, 2015
Every Pokemorph created for the game
Every cutscene picture in the game
Reference material gallery (characters, poses, outfits, expressions, personalities)
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Who shoots what

Postby humbird0 » Wed May 06, 2015 12:44 am

FrogDailey Wrote:I've been fiddling around in the game and was wondering who all learns charm?
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I know Misty does when you play as her at the various times
but are there any Pokemon that do? I think i may have read that diglet might but if some one could confirm.

Well, here's my current plan for attack allocations:
Pokemon Attack allocation (05-05-2015).txt

And to directly answer your question, these are the pokemon who learn charm:
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- charm:

- Lick:

This refers to all the evolved versions of these pokemon as well, since they learn exactly the same moves. Charm and Lick do exactly the same thing. I programmed "lick" into the game before I added the feature that allowed pokemon moves to have arbitrary names. So it's actually redundant.
The last version of Pokemon Hentai Version is: January 31, 2015
Every Pokemorph created for the game
Every cutscene picture in the game
Reference material gallery (characters, poses, outfits, expressions, personalities)
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Who changed the milk??

Postby humbird0 » Wed May 06, 2015 12:53 am

FaHo Wrote:How do I edit/replace the in-game "Got Milk?" signs?

The actual image files that the "got milk" signs use are located here:

So you can replace these to change all the signs in the game.

Or if you want, you can modify the master-copy of the sign sprite, and make all the "got milk" signs in the game look and act any way that you want.

In the level-editor, open the _common.lvl file at the very bottom.
Then click the sprite-edit icon in the top-left area of the editor.
Click on the "Got Milk?" sign in this level. It's actually a regular game sprite like any of the characters in the game.
This particular one is the master copy. All "got milk" signs in the game refer to this particular sprite and do whatever it does.

To modify its default appearance, just... change its appearance like a normal sprite by choosing a different chipset image file for it.
To modify which image it uses after the milking-base scene, modify its "auto" script...
... open the "newSign = true" command...
... open the "move: this" command...
.. click the "pose:" command and change which image file it uses.
The last version of Pokemon Hentai Version is: January 31, 2015
Every Pokemorph created for the game
Every cutscene picture in the game
Reference material gallery (characters, poses, outfits, expressions, personalities)
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Epic reference material... get!

Postby humbird0 » Wed May 06, 2015 1:16 am

rockmanx Wrote:Dunno if this will help anyone out, but an artist named akai actually made all 151 pokemon sprites. Props totally go to him btw. Think they may be really good as reference material on some of the harder to draw pokemon. At least for some good ideas. Take a look:

I was really impressed with how several of the pokemon were created and they made for some awesome ideas. Especially some of the more difficult ones like electrode, paras, ect. Again, big props to akai, they look cool. Hope they give some people some good ideas.

Holy crap, those are freakin amazing!
Definitely worth adding to the reference material.
The last version of Pokemon Hentai Version is: January 31, 2015
Every Pokemorph created for the game
Every cutscene picture in the game
Reference material gallery (characters, poses, outfits, expressions, personalities)
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Re: Aquatic tentacle-monsters make the best life-guards

Postby bubba91 » Wed May 06, 2015 1:27 am

humbird0 Wrote:Hmm... I'll have to figure out how to put that awesome picture in there.

I haven't done the sinking scenes for the St Anne yet.
At the moment, my plan is to have the navigation computer to haywire during a night-time deck party. You enter the computer to see what's wrong and encounter Porygon again. By the time you leave the computer, the ship is already underwater (like in the anime) and you have to make your way to the engine room where the hull is weakest. It looks like you're trapped until a Tentacruel busts through from outside. You fight this "boss" and then get washed away and wake up on-shore.

So I'm thinking I should add something before the computer part. When the navigation bugs out, some people at the party panic and flee for the life-boats. But when they do, they unwittingly lower themselves into tentacool-infested waters and this picture shows the results. Then the captain asks if anybody can fix the navigation computer.

How about this:

What if Porygon was making some old router noises so loud it attracted the attention of the Tentacruel. So when you finish your encounter with Porygon and you believe anything is fine, the cruiser stops sharply. An horde of tentacools withholds the ship, and you get to the main deck's prow to find that Tentacruel is having some fun at the pool party.

Correct me if I'm wrong, the next update is expected to cover only the events in the St. Anne, right?
I would like some story tips to figure out some more scenes.
Brock being molested again?
Officer Jenny or Nurse Joy scene?
Magic show?
We work as hard as we can in the next update, but please, stop asking when it will come. And YES, the version on the first post is the newest version.
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