Meta Humans

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Re: Meta Humans

Postby VintageBass » Tue May 05, 2015 4:38 am

Jack watches the two lovers go at it for a few minutes, his erection slowly coming back at the sight. It also is getting help from the clone behind him, her gentle and soft touch doing wonders for the redhead. However, seeing that they are on a mission and it is far away at the moment, now is a good time to check up on the car to see that it is able to drive and hopefully they can get things going. Getting up from his clone chair, Jack grabs the underwear he was given, slips them up, and walks on over to the SUV to see the damage of it, along with seeing if he can drive it back onto the road.

Looking over at the lovebirds, he questions if he should get them in the back and let them have their way with each other while he drives, or let Jisoo continue on driving. Right now the main priority is getting the SUV up and running, seeing if it's worth driving on the road and getting it back on the road so they can continue on towards the destination. Hopping into the driver's seat, Jack grabs the keys and starts the SUV, letting the engine roar to life and give a few test to see how things are running.
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Re: Meta Humans

Postby Alaena » Tue May 05, 2015 8:01 am

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(Natural 1)

You walk over to the SUV and find it miraculously right side up. When it was thrown at the Xenos, it rolled, but managed to stop rolling when it came up on its wheels. The door is missing from when Elona threw it earlier. Other than a lot of dents and scratches, it looks pretty intact.

You step inside, with no driver's seat door to stop you, and start the car. It revs to life, but unfortunately, the ignition doesn't seem to work. You keep trying and despite your best efforts, it won't kick to life. You could open the hood and check it out, but without any knowledge or skill with vehicles, you might not be able to do anything. You could call it in and see if Lillian has a solution for you. It was likely the other two team members would copulate for awhile longer, but then again, what rush was there if your wheels weren't even working?

Willow, Georgia
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(Natural 20 on search)

Willow takes a few steps toward the rifle and leans in to read what the small gold plate said. It reads: "This rifle belongs to Private Maximillian Armstrong, awarded the medal of honor for heroic actions taken on June 6, 1944."

It seems this rifle belonged to the man you're looking for, or his father. If it belonged to the current general of the base who's currently MIA, that would mean he's incredibly old to have fought in World War 2. The date itself also rings a bell, as you think that's D-Day itself. The text indicates as much that he participated in some critical battle.

You search the room over quickly and find the blood trail is very vague and hard to see in the dark carpet. However, you both manage to identify it leads to the right window, facing the barracks. However, it seems to end there, as you can't make anything out in the wet grass or dirt that the general or the captor would've had to go through.

You do find a locked drawer underneath the desk. You're not sure if the general, or anyone else, will appreciate you breaking it open or picking the lock, but it might have something indicative of his whereabouts. It seamlessly blends in with the desk and whatever CSI team was here likely didn't find it either, since it was still locked.

Jade, Tessa
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You pass through many towns and even the spiraling metropolis prefecture of Tokyo. For miles, you pass over nothing but concrete, steel, and roads, skyscrapers around or beneath you, as the highway overpass curves on the outskirts of the main urban areas. You've likely never seen so many people in one area before. It's at this time the highway gets extremely packed as well. You encounter a few bumper-to-bumper situations where you're stuck at 20 miles per hour on a highway, but thankfully, that eventually passes.

You get back into the countryside for the last stretch of your journey. The shift is drastic and rather sudden. You pass through a few more towns and around sunset, your GPS indicates you're finally entering the town of your destination.

"You have arrived at Fujisato."

A few moments later, as if on cue, you both receive a text from Rufus.

"Alright, head straight for the Daigaku Inn. I've booked you a week, and if you need more time, I've paid in advance. I suggest you think up a cover story of some sort. I suggest either a tourist couple or graduate students here finishing a master's. If you can't pull off higher education, then I highly recommend the former. From there, just do what you can without getting too much attention - at least until you find the Xenos."

Zoe, Lauren
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You both receive a text on your mobile devices from Kimiko, as indicated by the I.D. on the text.

"I'll be your handler for this mission. The USS Delaware is already at sea. You're going to drive to a nearby town two hours out along the southern coast. Basically, you're heading to a town called Chigasaki. A helicopter will be waiting to air-lift you to the ship. Once you're there, you could be there for days, weeks, maybe longer. I hope you can handle the sea. The official referendum is you're Warrant Officers hitching a ride to the states. Only the captain will know the real reason you're here, Captain John Anderson. He went through a lot of channels to get our eyes on his ship, and our satellites indicate a Xenos presence on the ship. As well, some of his men have been losing their discipline, acting out, and causing... trouble. So, I suggest discretion until you can find the xenos."

Other than that, you're free to hit the road and get on the highway. The GPS added to the vehicle is programmed remotely to give you directions to your destination, possibly by Kimiko. You'll have no trouble finding your way to this town. The license plates have been changed to Japanese registration, and the new registration papers and insurance are in the glove box.
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Re: Meta Humans

Postby Tsai » Tue May 05, 2015 8:41 am

Lauren reads the message, sighing a little before working up the courage to text back. "How open are we to use our powers? Only when we find the Xeno, im assuming, but what if the 'lost' soldiers give us too much trouble?" The redhead sends out the message thinking something over for a moment. "So...what we did is that a one time thing or can i expect more while im on the ship and when i come back, I've never been the one for lovey dovey relationship stuff...but there's something certainly...different about you that I've never experienced with any other." She bites her lower lip thinking over whether or not to send the message, but just says fuck it under her breathe and clicks the send button.

"Look's like we wont be parking your car on the Delaware. When we reach Chigaski we probably should find a safe place to stash this puppy before getting on the helicopter." Lauren says to Zoe as she slips the phone into her chest pocket.
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Re: Meta Humans

Postby spriter1 » Tue May 05, 2015 9:47 am

Seeing the blood lead out over to the barracks, Willow let out a sigh as the first thought that came to her was that it would be like finding a needle in a haystack. However, there was one thought that kept her hopes up, is that the Angel might want a place where they can fuck it in peace, so they would more than likely be somewhere private and can hold 2 people...
As Willow did that, she stumbled upon the locked container, making the mafia girl smile at it as she didnt so much think about the thing leading to his whereabouts, but what he might have in it... Thus, Willow put her finger on the lock before using her TK powers, trying to find the sweet spot.
"Any luck over there Georgia besides the blood?"
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Re: Meta Humans

Postby exalted » Tue May 05, 2015 11:37 am

Zoe dropped a gear and floored the engine to shoot past another line of traffic to get onto the highway.

"I'll get it towed back," She replied, upshifting and letting the revs drop until they were just cruising at speed. "Doubt we'll be coming back the same way if the Delaware is already out to sea."

Frowning at the GPS, somewhat resenting that someone had touched her baby and that management could change it and track her at will. Focusing on the ETA she increased the gas, watching the rev counter and speedo rise together, seeing the number more as a challenge to beat.

"Hey, you like country?" She shouted over the increasing road noise, the car's sound deadening having been stripped out to save weight.

Ignoring any complaints her partner might have she slipped a CD into the player and cranked the volume to cover up the din of the road.

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Re: Meta Humans

Postby MelissaB » Tue May 05, 2015 12:11 pm

Shaking her head Jade shrugs at Tessa's words not really caring for the we don't have to drink heavily but the comment; 'I haven't had a drink since i got to japan.' That was two days ago makes you think we should stop to drink she really isn't going to trust Tessa's ability to know when to stop and call it a night. "We can drink after." She states with a smile over at Tessa before falling silent and occasionally singing along to whatever track came on provided she knew it as a way to pass the long, boring and agonizingly slow travel through the traffic that made her almost pray to someone she didn't believe in for it to be over.

Finally free of that deadlocking traffic and on their way to the town they wanted to be in, well want is purely speculative at this point. Shaking her head she looks out of the window and enjoys the sights as much as one can who has been coped up in a car all day and night. Reading the text she again repeats it for Tessa so she doesn't crash while trying to look at her phone. "Okay I say we go for...." Looking Tessa over she frowns. "Okay was going to go gap year but you're carrying a fucking gun so that is staying in the car until we can find a way for you to carry it secretly. I might as well just transform and rampage through the town if you carry that around. Would bring the Xenos out I'm sure, I doubt they have a meta to drain yet but still. What do you think? lovers or gap year college girls?"
A succubus. Poor misunderstood young ladies... they just want a little bit of love, little bit of death. Just like the rest of us -Gnarl

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Re: Meta Humans

Postby VintageBass » Tue May 05, 2015 1:33 pm

Jack waits patiently for the car to get moving, twisting the key and stepping on the gas pedal to see if the car makes even a budge to get going. Even with it set to drive, it should be moving very slowly right about now, and yet the thing appears to not be going anywhere. The redhead lets out a groan before getting the car to remain parked, making sure that he isn't going to make the thing roll off if he somehow miraculously fix the problem and the car rolls away from the three of them. He leans back in his seat, trying to drone out the noise of the two fucking outside and thinks about what he is going to do now since they have no ride to get to their destination.

Seeing that they need time to get to where they need to be, mostly in trying to find the xenos and rescue the daughters and wife from them, the lack of transport and having to wait for a new one to come around is going to eat a load of time into their situation. He isn't sure what's going to happen to the four once they finally get back up and running, and he's not going to find out until he finds something to fix this, or the MHD are quick on their delivery.

Before calling Lilian about their situation, Jack hops out of the SUV and starts giving it a quick rundown to make sure of what is here and there so he does have something to report about the car's damage and have some mechanic fix all of it. In the process, he got some plants to move the doors over to the SUV to have them closeby while he uses his nimble frame to peek under to check the underside and then throw open the front to check the engine. His eyes flew over the car, looking for any details that might help with accessing the damage, but knowing what those mean will probably not be all that helping when filing the report. Once he gives the engine a good lookdown, Jack takes out his tablet and calls up Lilian about what they are doing... well, what he is trying to do, leaving out Jisoo and Eloo since they are busy with each other.

"Fight with xeno proved to be a little hectic, resulting in our transport being used as a weapon in the fight and now it won't start up," Jack wrote up. "I've checked and nothing seems to be working. Beyond dents and the lack of doors, the car looks fine, but I've tried to see what I can do to get it started. We're going to need a new ride."

Hitting the sent button, Jack lets out a sigh and hops right on back in the driver's seat, watching Jisoo and Eloo make crude noises with their bodies while his underwear tightens up again. Sighing, the redhead turns to see if the battery is still working, so that he can enjoy a couple of moments with the radio on and chill out before rescue comes along and gives them something else to ride in... and hopefully not wreck.
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Re: Meta Humans

Postby cryosabre » Wed May 06, 2015 1:43 am

Tessa rolls her eyes a Jade when she puts her foot down at having a drink only after the mission was complete, but sticks her lip out and pretends to cry to show she's joking, "Alright fine, you're buying the first round though!" Sticking her tongue out to Jade and laughing. As the arduous journey across Japan continues, Tessa tries to lighten the mood by making idle chat with Jade, trying to get to know her a little better, although when Jade starts to sing along to some of the songs Tessa's eyes light up and she joins in, practically knowing every song on the Iphone by heart. Tessa also looked out the windows as they drove to their destination, trying to take in as many sights as she could, however she was getting bored of looking at the number plate of the same care that had been in front of them for the past hour due to the traffic jam and she could only breathe a sigh of relief when they finally broke the jam and came into the entrance of the town they were investigating.

Tessa listens eagerly to the text from Rufus, chuckling to herself and wondering if Rufus had chosen to handle this assignment at random or for some...other reasons. She programs the Daigaku Inn into the SatNav and begins heading straight for it like they had been told. "Yea I agree I'll need to keep the gun hidden, although I would prefer to not leave it behind at all if there's any chance we could get ambushed, I'm pretty much useless in a close up fight. Just try to keep your eyes open on the way to the inn for some sort of shop that sells big bags, I'll happily carry it about in a duffel bag if i can get one." When jade offers her the choice of either lovers or college girls on a gap year Tessa thinks about them, "I mean we could go for the university girls if you like, although if anybody asks up about our courses i'm pretty sure they'll figure it out we're lying before too long. The safe option if pretending to be lovers I think, Japan's fairly OK with same sex couples i'm pretty sure so it won't even cause to much attention to be brought on us."
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Re: Meta Humans

Postby MelissaB » Wed May 06, 2015 2:36 pm

Grumbling Jade looks over at Tessa and nods letting out a sigh. "I doubt you're defenseless without it but fine, we'll leave it in the car get a bag that isn't as obvious as a duffel bag and you can carry it around that way." Shaking her head she looks out at the town observing the townsfolk silently before glancing back at Tessa. "I was in uni so that's not too hard for me to guess, though you, yeah you might struggle." Shaking her head she sits up and stretches, working the long drive out of her body as much as she can. "So tired. think I might just pass out once we're at the inn. Don't give me that look i know we've got work to do." Muttering she looks around the car and pulls out her new bank card and iphone and looks them over. "Okay so lets get our story straight, where did we meet? how long we been together? Have we met each other's family yet and so forth." Jade glances over to her partner giving her a tired smile.
A succubus. Poor misunderstood young ladies... they just want a little bit of love, little bit of death. Just like the rest of us -Gnarl

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Re: Meta Humans

Postby cryosabre » Wed May 06, 2015 6:09 pm

"I'm not defenseless but.." Tessa takes a hand off the wheel and flexes her non-muscular arm and raising her eyebrows, "..I'm not exactly going to be causing as much damage as you if they get up close and personal. Although I think we'll be hard pressed to find anything else to carry it in, it's not exactly the perfect accessory to a Dolce and Gabbana bag is it?" Tessa slows down the car as they approach a busy part of the town on their way to the inn, enjoying the opportunity to do a bit of people watching, although it's only when Jade mentions the Inn Tessa realizes how worn out she herself is from the drive, "To be honest I might join you in a nap, I feel like I'v been driving for a year" Twisting her back in the seat, a satisfying cracking sound coming from her joints, "Ah, that's better, but you're learning to drive once this is over, no way in hell am I driving the whole way back! Hmmmm..." Thinking to herself as she tries to come up with a back story for herself and Jade, something that would suit the both of them.."What about I knocked into you as you were leaving uni one day and took you for a coffee to apologize and a relationship developed from there, and we can say that happened, what?, a year ago and this is our first anniversary together? How does that sound?" returning Jades tired smile but looking to the road again as the traffic started to move along.
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Re: Meta Humans

Postby Reaver » Wed May 06, 2015 6:23 pm

"Lets start with the barracks then we'll go to the supply building." He didn't mind that they were curt, they had a job to do just like Emile did. "I would also like to check the supply list for any discrepancies too." He figured that if the Angel Xeno wasn't going to fly the general out, it would try to smuggle him out. Outgoing shipments would be the first thing he would try if he wanted to smuggle someone out. "Also have any of you noticed strange behaviors with any of my comrades or any unusually new faces around the base, besides me and my partners of course? The sooner we figure this out, the sooner we can find the general and get everyone off of double shifts."
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Re: Meta Humans

Postby MelissaB » Wed May 06, 2015 8:57 pm

Nodding Jade looks over her Tessa with a smirk. "Okay, so where did I go to uni? what's our second names? How are we funding this trip?" She asks with a frown and shakes her head before letting out a soft sigh. "It's Williams by the way and I went to Sheffield university. We have met my family but only on once and that was a few weeks ago before we went on this trip, but we've spoken to them a few times before hand, nothing specific." Groaning she fixes her hair and sits up straight and looks over at Tessa. "My favorite color is blue, food is ice cream, vanilla is the best." Jade smirks. "Love rock and metal, favorite band is Gemini Syndrome." she smirks and looks over. "Okay so now you go."
A succubus. Poor misunderstood young ladies... they just want a little bit of love, little bit of death. Just like the rest of us -Gnarl

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Re: Meta Humans

Postby cryosabre » Wed May 06, 2015 10:53 pm

Tessa turns her head and gives Jade a look consisting of a mixture of bewilderment, confusion and mild shock when she starts listing off made up facts about their made up relationship, "Just to be know we're not applying for a green card right? raising her eyebrows and giving a giggle to show she's joking, "Jesus, I'm way too tired for this craic.. Tessa gives a sigh and sits in thought for a second before turning to Jade again "Alright, how's this then?..You've met my father a couple of times, he's a single parent, but you've always got on well with him as you seem to share the same sort of humor, we're funding this trip by combining our available funds, probably your leftover student loans and my wages which come from my job working as an assistant manager in the Sheffield GAP. My favorite color is purple, I adore chocolate biscuits, the ones with caramel inside make me die of happiness, I'm an only child and obviously I love rock and roll myself!" giving Jade a tired grin until suddenly a jolt of energy picks her up and she over excitedly talks to Jade, "Oh and by the way i Love that you're into rock, Gemini Syndrome's a fantastic band! You should have told me, i'v got their stuff on here!" Picking up her Iphone again Tessa flicks through her songs until she finds the album she was looking for, Gemini Syndrome's album 'Lux', bobbing her head and singing along as soon as the music starts.
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Re: Meta Humans

Postby Alaena » Thu May 07, 2015 5:35 am

Zoe, Lauren
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The two of you spent a not so long time on the road, but just long enough to make you want to stretch your legs. The two of you do just over an hour on highway before hitting the exit leading to the town of Chigasaki. A half mile or so later, you come into a humble town, as far as Japan goes, overlooking the coast. The road leads into main street, showing off only a few dozen different business establishments, but your GPA seems to lead you to the very beach itself. You drive another mile or so, encountering mild traffic, but nothing serious. Most of the cars are much smaller than the classic Zoe insisted on using. The highway lanes were noticeably bigger.

A few more minutes pass and you're coasting through the residential area and before long, you pull into a dock on the north-edge of town. In the parking lot, you see only one other car, a black sedan. Two men in blue navy fatigues salute Zoe and Lauren once you two park and approach them.

"The helicopter will approach momentarily, sirs."

The two of them stand rather stiffly at attention unless told otherwise. Before long, you hear the whirring loud noise of helicopter blades and look over the beach to see a helicopter zeroing in on the modest dock lot. It seems this place was likely cleared for this reason. The navy chopper eventually gets closer, and much louder, as it slows and gradually sets down on the far end of the lot. The two soldiers quickly usher the two of you into the chopper. You receive a text from Kimiko.

"The car will be secure there for when you return. Enjoy the flight."

The helicopter rights itself and picks up speed as it crosses out into the ocean. Before long, the sight of the coast disappears entirely, and nothing but endless ocean is around you on all sides. The trip lasts about an hour and you're all given headsets in order to speak to one another during the flight, due to the noise of the vehicle, unless you'd rather shout to the person next to you.

Eventually, another sight comes into view. It almost looks like a gray island from afar. As you get closer, more details become clear. It seems this was actually an aircraft carrier and it was massive. Half a dozen jets are docked on the top level, ready to launch should the need arise. Dozens of sailors move to and fro on the main deck. Before long, the helicopter is setting down once again, with both of you in it, and once it's settled, the doors slide open, allowing you to exit.

Immediately, a man in dress uniform rather than fatigues approaches you. Four stripes and a star on his cuffs indicate he must be the captain. He holds his hand out to shake each of yours, saying, "Captain John Anderson, welcome aboard. I'm afraid the memo I received didn't say your names..."

Willow, Georgia
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Georgia seems preoccupied searching through the room and doesn't give you a response.

In the meanwhile, you easily pop the drawer open using your telekinetic powers to pick it. It was a simple lock, nothing required too much finesse or focus really. If the general had bucked up for a better one, it could've required serious concentration. Anyhow, you open the drawer and inside, you find a golden feather in a glass case and next to it, a strange looking black sphere. It was completely round, almost too perfect in its shape, and felt like a pool table ball in your hands. However, you notice a third thing in the drawer - a red light and it's flashing. Before you can figure out what it is, you see the two men in uniform coming down the hallway at a rather brisk pace, a look of alarm on their faces. With the door open, they can see you two. Perhaps the general had setup an alarm in case someone broke into his private drawer, or maybe there was something more to the picture. You only have moments before they enter the room if there's something you want to do before then.

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There were six men altogether around you, all armed with guns and kevlar plates, but they were all in fairly close quarters. You suggest going to the barracks first and just as you start to step, two of the soldiers turn and step infront of you. You hear the charging handles of several rifles behind you cock back and forward. The man who seems to be the sergeant slowly pulls out his pistol and you see his thumb click the safety off. He points the barrel right at your chest. The sergeant looks to one of the men next to you and says, "Radio it in. Turn off barracks cameras 2 and 3."

The soldier nods and quickly does just that.

The sergeant looks you in the eye and suddenly, something changes. Him and all of the other soldiers irises begin to glow a vivid gold color. They don't seem soulless, but rather, they burn with fiery passion.

"Sorry, chief. This is as far as you go. The Holy Mother demands your surrender. Resist and it won't be pleasant, and you'll get taken to her anyway. Drop to your knees and put your hands behind your head."

As he says this, he pulls out a zip tie from his pocket, with the hand not holding the pistol, likely to bind you.

Jade, Tessa
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As you figure out your cover stories, you arrive at the Daigaku Inn. It ends up being in the heart of the town and it begins raining quite profusely. Perhaps it was because of the rain, but for one reason or another, you only see a handful of people on the street, and pass by even fewer cars. The Daigaku Inn has only two other vehicles in the lot. The place has three stories and looks to be a brown building made of finished oak, going for the rustic/country look perhaps.

As you head inside at the check-in, you see a young woman, likely 18 or 19, with very short dark hair minding the reception desk. She greets you with a perky smile, "Yokoso! Ano... American? British? Welcome to Daigaku Inn! How can I be of service?"

In the modest lobby, you notice only one other person, but she certainly gets your attention sitting on a nearby sofa. The long, dark-haired beauty has seemingly flawless tan skin. She's wearing a black skirt that barely hides her panties sitting down and likely barely reaches below her ass standing. Her top is a bell sleeve tie cropped top, bright red in color, and shows off her impressive cleavage, easily the biggest you've seen in Japan thus far except perhaps Lillian's. She eyes you two with some curiosity and interest, but says and does nothing other than occasionally glancing at you.

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(Roll 9)

You look over the car and you see some large rocks underneath it, impeding it from moving at all. Once you give it a heave-ho and push the vehicle slightly forward while in drive, you feel it drop back completely onto the ground. When you take a look at the engine, you see a lot of smoke and it looks scattered, but you're not entirely sure what's wrong at a glance. Your thoughts are interrupted when your tablet vibrates and/or makes whatever sound you assigned to messaging. It seems to be from Lillian, as expected.

"I'll send a replacement car. It'll be there in a few hours. Just get comfortable, get some sleep if you can. If you'd like, I can arrange a helicopter to be there in twenty five minutes, but I know you don't like flight."

After you read her message, you take a closer look at the vehicle and see the engine is smashed and what's stranger, you notice a hole leading from under the hood through the bottom of the car, as if something ripped through and pushed it all aside to get to the engine. It's possible the creature disabled the vehicle somehow during the fight. Perhaps he had yet another power you didn't outright experience.

Regardless, you don't need to be a mechanic to tell this was more than something you could fix, unless your manly pride decides to try anyway and attempt to act like you know what you're doing.
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Re: Meta Humans

Postby Tsai » Thu May 07, 2015 6:48 am

With her backpack of clothes Lauren steps off the helicopter just wanting to get up and about after a few hours of not moving. Her legs felts stiff and she kicks them out to get the feeling back. "Hey Captain Anderson, names Lauren Reis, and this is my partner Zoe.... something..." The woman glances back at Zoe then back to the captain as she shakes the man's hand, being sure to give him a firm shake. "File said you're the only one with knowledge of the situation, what's happened to the other soldiers? And do you have any inkling of how bad the situation is?" Lauren slips her zippo into the slot under her left hand as she retrieves her hand from the captain's shake.
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Re: Meta Humans

Postby exalted » Thu May 07, 2015 8:30 am

"Corporal Darville, USMC, retired," Zoe saluted the Captain, standing at attention, "Would it be possible to continue this in private, sir? I'd like to get out of these civvies and into some Marine greens, the less attention we draw the better for our mission, sir."
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Re: Meta Humans

Postby Alaena » Thu May 07, 2015 9:39 am

Lauren, Zoe
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The captain says, "Yes, we can talk in my quarters."

At a brisk pace, the captain leads the two of you along, waiting to answer's Lauren's questions as well in private. You walk through several decks and hallways. Other sailors quickly open the door for the captain in most cases until you reach his room, which he unlocks himself. In his quarters is a large desk facing the door, and to the left of it another hallway leading to his bedroom and a personal latrine.

He pulls up chairs for both women before seating himself behind the desk.

"Unfortunately, there'd be no point to disguising you. Somehow, the news got out of our little investigation. The whole ship knows you're MHD, they know you're here to investigate other soldiers. They don't know there's a Xenos aboard the ship, however, or at least not as far as I know. Master Sergeant Beck has been keeping things tight since the news got out. He wasn't even aware, but now that he is, it's practically boot camp in quarters, which hasn't helped morale in the least."

As the captain talks, a ding goes off from a coffee maker behind him. He begins pouring himself a mug and offers quickly, "Coffee?"

If either of you agree, he'll pour as many as needed and hand them over before continuing.

"In short, the other sailors will see you coming a mile away. We've been at sea a long time, everyone knows each other too well, primarily because of the Xenos aboard. Higher ups don't want it docked until the monster is found. I'll offer you whatever assistance I can and let you know if there's any leads. For now, I have two leads. Gunnery Sergeant Blake and Staff Sergeant Garcia. We have the staff sergeant in the brig... he's quite lost it, but I haven't reported it yet. If the Xenos is messing with his head, and he gets fixed when we kill it, I don't want it on his permanent record; might get him discharged. Gunnery Sergeant Blake was the first to be reprimanded. He and four other marines got into a large brawl. Things have escalated since then. I'd suggest talking to him or Garcia, maybe you can get something from them."

He takes a sip from his coffee and says, "Your room is down the hall from here. Take a left, last door on the right. It's a two-person bunk, not very big, but it'll do. Chow is served at 0700, 1200, and 1700. Get there too late and you might only get scraps. Anything else I can do for you, ladies?"
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Re: Meta Humans

Postby exalted » Thu May 07, 2015 10:23 am

Zoe gratefully accepted the coffee from the Captain as she listened to his tale. It annoyed her, though didn't really surprise, that their cover had already been blown.

"For starters you can mind this for me," Zoe replied once the Captain had finished talking, taking her Sig out from her waistband and putting it on the table between them, "If it's as bad as you suggest it would be best to secure all firearms and increase security on the ships armoury. When we find the xenos, I assume the safest place to engage the creature would be topside, so your crew will need to evacuate the deck at a moments notice. Having Sergeant Beck lead some security teams to clear corridors or obstructing crewman would help if we need to lure the creature outside."

"I'll talk to Blake first, you take Garcia," She told Lauren, standing up, "You'd know your way around a brig."

"If that will be all Captain, we'll stow our gear then get to work."
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Re: Meta Humans

Postby MelissaB » Thu May 07, 2015 10:34 am

Rushing from the car to the Inn, intent on getting out of the rain very quickly and leaving Tessa behind to catch up. waiting for her at the entrance she waves her to hurry before heading on in together. Shaking off the rain and brushing her arms to get warm and take the chill off of her bones she eyes the receptionist with a smile while nodding to her. "Yes I'm British. Thank you, we have a room booked for the week? My father booked the room should be under Jade?" Jade offers with a smile as she leans over the desk. Leaning back she glances over at the rather slutty attire the woman is wearing and thinks. "Can I see..?" Turning her head forward she glances at Tessa. "Yeah I did." Shaking her head she looks back at the receptionist. "Quiet night?" She asks with a smile,
A succubus. Poor misunderstood young ladies... they just want a little bit of love, little bit of death. Just like the rest of us -Gnarl

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Re: Meta Humans

Postby spriter1 » Thu May 07, 2015 11:40 am

As Willow sees the objects in the drawer, she smiles while keeping her TK in the sweet spot for the lock and mutters to herself "What do we have here..."
When she sees the light though, she goes wide eyed and thinks <Fuck!> before turning her head to see the two men in suits running for the door. As they do, Willow quickly tries to Hide the shelf with her body, lifting the objects with her TK and quickly closes the drawer and locks it, turning around and hoping the men don't notice the fact the objects moved from the door or that they check behind her as she hides the two things behind her back, saying in a nonchalant voice, her face one of confusion and curiousity. "You alright there boys? You seem to be in a rush there."
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