[VX ACE RPG] Aylia's Story - English H-RPG Goodness!

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Re: [VX ACE RPG] Aylia's Story - English H-RPG Goodness!

Postby graham99 » Sun May 03, 2015 3:18 am

Wanted to ask when the new public demo comes? thougt it was 2 of may and im lookin forward to it :D
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Re: [VX ACE RPG] Aylia's Story - English H-RPG Goodness!

Postby Wonderful Hawk » Sun May 03, 2015 8:03 pm

graham99 Wrote:Wanted to ask when the new public demo comes? thougt it was 2 of may and im lookin forward to it :D

YummyTiger Wrote:Should have replied on here sooner, but it won't be May 2nd. Best I can tell you is it will be in May at some point.

Read before you ask, jeez. More details in the post you ignored. That's like the rudest thing.
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Re: [VX ACE RPG] Aylia's Story - English H-RPG Goodness!

Postby graham99 » Mon May 04, 2015 3:51 am

sry my english is not the best i missunderstud it i think^^
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Re: [VX ACE RPG] Aylia's Story - English H-RPG Goodness!

Postby YummyTiger » Mon May 04, 2015 8:30 pm

It's okay, I understand that most don't want to sift through a lot of posts to find one tidbit of information. Graham, my recommendation would be to simply scroll a few posts back if you are curious of the current status. I am trying to keep the thread updated, so in most cases, my most recent post should be relatively close to the end.

I'm still plugging away. I am sad that I missed the 2nd, but I am trying to release a quality product on a limited work schedule. As I stated a few posts back. I am excited to be taking this truly part time next week, and I really believe things will pick up steam. After chapter 1's release, I hope things REALLY pick up steam and that sometime this summer, I go full time. Eventually, I plan on releasing a game update every 1-2 months.

Thanks again for all the positive comments!
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Re: [VX ACE RPG] Aylia's Story - English H-RPG Goodness!

Postby graham99 » Mon May 04, 2015 11:14 pm

Thanks for your understanding yummy :D and respect for this game! I played a lot RPG-H-Games, but yours is very promising. :)
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Re: [VX ACE RPG] Aylia's Story - English H-RPG Goodness!

Postby rebelseal » Tue May 05, 2015 6:20 am

this is promising and enjoyable even with the little bit it has so far i can see a lot of potential story plots for this game
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Re: [VX ACE RPG] Aylia's Story - English H-RPG Goodness!

Postby ArdenWolfwatcher » Fri May 08, 2015 2:18 am

Your description and pitch for the game sounds great! Downloading now and I'm going to try it out tonight and tomorrow!
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Re: [VX ACE RPG] Aylia's Story - English H-RPG Goodness!

Postby PoisonLeech » Fri May 08, 2015 8:04 pm

In my opinion you should forget the deadlines all together and just give progress updates. All the deadlines will do is make you rush things and upset people if they are not met. At least you don't take monthly fees like other developers.
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Re: [VX ACE RPG] Aylia's Story - English H-RPG Goodness!

Postby YummyTiger » Sat May 09, 2015 12:00 am

@Poisonleech: I agree, and said the same thing on Patreon. Really, given my current work schedule (doing this as a hobby), setting deadlines was a ridiculous idea. I should have stuck with the progress reports from the get go. I'm going part-time, so that gives me a little bit of known development time each week that I case estimate from, but until I got full time, trying to figure out when something will be done is foolhardy. I'm glad people have been understanding. I'm always the optimist, which means I always think I'll have more time or get more done than I usually do. I refuse to cut corners, so in the end, it will take as long as it takes. This is why I did not take the "monthly" route with Patreon, as I did not want to feel obligated to release a half-finished product.

As for progress, I'll post a real update after next week. I'll have my first two "work days" to work on the game next week, and I'm excited to see how much I can accomplish. No deadlines, but I may be able to give people a better idea of where things are at.
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Re: [VX ACE RPG] Aylia's Story - English H-RPG Goodness!

Postby RandomGuy2599 » Tue May 19, 2015 4:12 am

And the daaaaaaays, they go slippin' byyyy, with me checkin, alll the tiiiiiiime ~
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Re: [VX ACE RPG] Aylia's Story - English H-RPG Goodness!

Postby Pseudolurker » Fri May 29, 2015 3:25 pm

If anyone here is still checking on the status, YummyTiger's last Patreon update says this is all that's left to go before Chapter 1 is released..

"What needs to be accomplished:
* 4 Maps still need to be finalized (Damn you Witcher 3--I would have had this done otherwise :-) ).
* 1 New map needs to be drawn, but it is small and is a late addition.
* 2 Enemies need to be finalized.
* All enemy AI needs to be input (sounds harder than it will be). Once I settle on a script, this should be no more than a few hours work.
* Chapter 1 dialogue needs to be edited (Get your red ink pen ready Pseudolurker), I wouldn't wish that job on anyone.
* And the BIG one, I need to finish 17 CGs (many of which are already started)."
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Re: [VX ACE RPG] Aylia's Story - English H-RPG Goodness!

Postby RandomGuy2599 » Sat May 30, 2015 6:48 am

Good to know it's getting there, but wow, I dunno how he eve imagined a late march release with all that left to due at the end of May.
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Re: [VX ACE RPG] Aylia's Story - English H-RPG Goodness!

Postby YummyTiger » Sat May 30, 2015 6:08 pm

@RandomGuy: Well, that's a good point. Mainly, because there was almost no progress made in February, and in March, I was planning a more bare-bones version than what you'll ultimately end up playing. A little feature creep ended up occurring, but I decided it was worth it. Adding that feature adds a good number of CGs.

Additionally, at the beginning of March, I was ignorant to how long designing statistic growth, experience growth, monster stats, and overall leveling would take. That literally ate up weeks of time as I struggled finding a system that worked for me--the numbers were a bit overwhelming. Remember, this is my first time doing anything like this.

So, looking back, I probably could actually have released something in February/March had I worked harder (meaning not taken nights off to have fun) and had I settled for using the RPG Maker standard battle design and stat growth. In the end though, I'm glad I didn't. My Patreon is not charging anyone anything, so taking more time is not really hurting anyone.
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Re: [VX ACE RPG] Aylia's Story - English H-RPG Goodness!

Postby RandomGuy2599 » Wed Jun 24, 2015 5:08 am

Any news?
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Re: [VX ACE RPG] Aylia's Story - English H-RPG Goodness!

Postby Zaiaku666 » Wed Jun 24, 2015 2:03 pm

According to his Patreon page, Chapter 1's ETA will be Early/Mid July. So it's all good barring any freak accidents *knock on wood*
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Re: [VX ACE RPG] Aylia's Story - English H-RPG Goodness!

Postby Pseudolurker » Wed Jun 24, 2015 3:08 pm

Indeed. He's also given roughly 50/50 odds on hitting that goal, in posts on other forums.

As far as details on progress go, YT's last update was that all but 2 of the CGs are drawn and either colored or in some stage of coloration. He's also adding sound effects to various scenes and actions, which were not previously planned and thus added some development time. Throw in the attention to detail and world-building that's evident in just the prologue, and Chapter 1 seems to be shaping up to be pretty darned spiffy!
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Re: [VX ACE RPG] Aylia's Story - English H-RPG Goodness!

Postby Alice93 » Wed Jun 24, 2015 7:37 pm

So i checked it out and i liked it. Can't wait to see more ^_^

Every things so nicely done and drawn well.
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Re: [VX ACE RPG] Aylia's Story - English H-RPG Goodness!

Postby Zaiaku666 » Sat Jun 27, 2015 8:36 pm

Big Congrats to YT for hitting the 4000 dollar milestone! Meaning that his dedication to his games may go into Full Time.
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Re: [VX ACE RPG] Aylia's Story - English H-RPG Goodness!

Postby RandomGuy2599 » Wed Jul 08, 2015 7:36 am

Man, I check every night. Starting to feel like this is never gonna happen ~~~~
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Re: [VX ACE RPG] Aylia's Story - English H-RPG Goodness!

Postby Pseudolurker » Wed Jul 08, 2015 2:59 pm

Most of the updates YT posts are on his Patreon, and there've been a few since his last post here, including a recent poll that resulted in some new art. It's coming along!
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