Meta Humans (OOC)

A forum for recruitment and out-of-character role-play discussion.

Meta Humans (OOC)

Postby Alaena » Wed Apr 15, 2015 10:26 pm



GM: Alaena
CO-GM: VintageBass

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Meta Humans is an RP based around a gifted group of individuals brought together to protect Earth from threats that only they can hope to match and defeat. A new era has begun, an era of demons, aliens, mutants, and rampaging monsters. For unknown reasons, accompanying these events is a new stage of human evolution - the 'meta human.' Individuals across the globe, seemingly at random, are gaining incredible powers rooted in psychic ability. Many nations refuse to accept the rising threat of supernatural attacks, leaving only USA, Britain, and Japan to pool their resources against these otherworldly attackers and created the Meta-Human DIvision (MHD).

The players will play as the group of meta's, using unorthodox tactics and their innate psychic powers to defeat, dismantle, or destroy the enemy. Despite their best efforts, the players will inevitably suffer against these creatures. All of them prey on humans, but they love meta humans most for a different reason. These creatures feed off of their psychic energy to become stronger, and much prefer them alive to extract their energy through 'sexual' means.

This RP is magical realism rather than sci-fi or fantasy. It will be 100% modern Earth, with the exception of an X-Men inspired concept of psychic/gifted humans and their adversaries with similar abilities. Male or female characters, just beware that you may be in a sexual situation against male or female creatures. If you want to play a male character and end up with your face to a cock, don't say I didn't warn you. If that's what you want, then awesome!

There will hardly be any military level situations involved, if at all, and not everyone will have to use guns, or even have a gun, unless they wish to. It's more of a Supernatural/X-Men/Avatar inspired RP and Earth will be largely intact as it suffers from occasional supernatural dangers and attacks that have to be thwarted to avoid true disasters and possibly even apocalypse.

Characters will not be accepted first-come-first-serve, but will be decided upon on a case-by-case basis.

Explanation on Psychic Powers and Stats (ALL READ!)
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The two main aspects of character creation that aren't completely self-explanatory are the stats and the psychic powers. I will give their literal definitions, but more often than not, I want you to be creative with your powers, as long as you stay within the boundary of the power itself. As a bottom line, if you use a power in such a way that requires precise aim, I will make a dex roll. However, you will use every single stat in gameplay

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Number-wise, having a stat of 0 is considered the human average, +4 is prodigious, while -4 is extremely below average.

Strength (STR) - Overall muscle and kinesthetic intelligence (muscle memory, physical aptitude).
Dexterity (DEX) - Hand-Eye coordination, agility, balance, also part of your kinesthetic intelligence.
Constitution (CON) - Physical toughness, immune system, cardiovascular health (someone with a high CON is usually a good runner).
Intelligence (INT) - Problem Solving, Visual and Auditory memory, logic and ability to rationalize.
Wisdom (WIS) - Intuition, Will power, Instincts, Survival skills.
Charisma (CHA) - Likability, social skills, force of personality, leadership ability.

All chars have two sub-stats based on your scores, HP and LP. HP is your hit points, your physical toughness and how much damage you can take before you go unconscious. LP is your Lust Points. If they're reduced to 0, you become uncontrollably horny and submit sexually to whomever is causing the status.

Psychic Powers (Main Schools)
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Biomancy (Uses physical stats mainly, depending on use) - A biomancer is as much physical as they are psychic. They can alter, strengthen, or improve their physical forms to stupendous amounts. They can even adopt animal traits or cause their enemy's blood to boil. They are masters of the physical world.

Telekinesis (Relies on WIS) - A telekinetic relies on the raw force of movement, whether that means lifting themselves through the air, or tossing an enemy through the air. Advanced Telekinetics can even crush enemies with their will power, or even create weapons made of pure force.

Pyromancy (Relies on CHA) - A pyromancer is a master of flame, in whatever form they may utilize it. The basic pyromancers manipulate fire freely, able to turn cigarettes into building fires, while masters can create flame from merely an oxygen source or even use the flames as weapons or to shield themselves.

Electromancy (Relies on CHA) - An electromancer utilizes electricity for their power. This can range from the power of a tazer to that of a lightning bolt. More advanced users can summon massive lightning storms and fire volleys of lightning at enemies.

Frostrend (Relies on CHA) - A frostrender fights with ice and cold itself. Unaffected by any degree of cold, a favorite tactic is to armor oneself in ice and fire icicles at an enemy. Beginners require a source of oxygen or water and often thrive in humid areas. Advanced users can summon blizzards in the warmest climates for weeks.

Quakerend (Relies on CON) - A quakerender is a master of earth, rock, and mother nature. They can cause earthquakes, draw stone from the ground itself as a shield, and launch volleys of boulders with a whim.

Divination (Relies on WIS) - A diviner has powers of foresight and premonition. Beginners will sense danger when it's near and receive visions of the future, and perhaps even sense an enemy's weaknesses and strengths, while advanced users may see the end result of certain actions without having to focus, predict the future in split seconds, and send their souls to converse with beings on the other side.

Telepathy (Relies on WIS or INT depending on use) - A telepath can read the minds of those around them. A basic user sees surface thoughts and goals, while an advanced user may implant ideas, motivations, and thoughts that indirectly controls a person's actions, giving basic level mind control and possibly more.

Arcana (Relies on STR or INT depending on use) - An arcanist walks the fine line of good and evil, in the eyes of humanity. They have no psychic powers directly, as their power comes from their heritage due to being a descendant of an angel or a demon. As a result, Arcanists powers depend on their blood. Demon blood meta humans mainly use offensive and fire/earth based powers, while Angel blood meta humans mainly use defensive and lightning/divination based powers (Must indicate in char sheet whether Arcana [Angel] or Arcana [Demon], and your powers must reflect your heritage as I indicated. Demons - Offensive/Fire/Earth powers, Angels - Defensive/Lightning/Divination powers). Your wider selection means you won't be quite as good as a pyromancer at flame or as good as an electromancer at lightning.

Universal (Relies on all stats) - An universalist psychic being is the salt of the meta humans. Their powers range over every bit of the psychic range. However, they're not as strong in any specific school. A universalist will learn abilities from all disciplines to create whatever arsenal they desire, but will never be as skilled as his specialized compatriots.

Psychic Advanced Specialties (Level 5 or Higher only)
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Once you reach Meta Human Class 5, you're required to designate the rest of your growth into a sub-school, or advanced school, of power development. This is all largely flavor text to explain what each specialty will do and not to be taken too literally, except for the parts I specifically indicate limitations and restrictions.

Arcana [Angel]
Vindicator - A Vindicator is a defensive expert, capable of using divination and defensive kinetics to defend herself and her allies.

Seraphim - The Seraphim is a master of lightning and divination, forgoing defensive capabilities for raw foresight and offense.

Highborn - The Highborn continues to strengthen her array of divination, lightning, and defense to the higher levels, but not as good at these arts individually as her specialist comrades. They become more like an angel-on-earth.

Arcana [Demon]
Flameguard - A Flameguard masters offense and pyromancy with gusto. They rend their enemies apart with raw aggression and flame.

Rockrender - A Rockrender focuses on offense and Quakerend powers, often distorting the very ground and battlefield to their advantage when it comes time for their relentless attack.

Daemon - A Daemon continues developing their array of powers by drawing from their three disciplines of offense, fire, and earth, and become more and more like the demon their powers imply.

Physicalist - You specialize in the observable aspects of the body, whether animal or human, and altering or strengthening physical forms.

Preserver - You specialize in preserving the natural state of creatures and nature through focusing on enhanced healing and defense measures.

Profuser - Your powers have become the bane of anything that breathes and you decide to focus on manipulating the natural order to defeat your enemies by stopping hearts, boiling blood, or otherwise negatively altering the physical forms of your enemies.

Prophet - Foresight is the name of your game. A prophet has visions and precognition unlike any other meta human.

Planarkin - A planarkin has made a home away from home in the realms of heaven and hell. They can communicate with the other side with ease and forcefully summon or command demons and angels temporarily, though they likely won't appreciate this if she loses control.

Divine Warrior - A divine warrior doesn't focus on foreseeing what's in the far future, but focuses her ability of foresight on individual moments ahead, and is a master of reacting to the future instinctively, allowing unreal action and reaction times in fights.

Shock Savant - Lightning and electricity are your means and end. No one else can match the raw power of your meta-human bolts, nor the volume in which you can psychically create them.

Stormguard - You've taken to use lightning as much of a means for offense as much as defense. Though you don't have the power of a Shock Savant, you're capable of holding your own against almost anything.

Electric Hybrid - While you appreciate your powers of electricity, you've decided to adopt a secondary school of psychic powers. You may select Frostrend, Pyromancy, or Quakerend as a secondary psychic school and begin drawing powers there, but the powers of your second school cannot exceed 1/3 of your primary school (I.E., if you have 10 Electromancer powers, and you select Frostrend, you cannot have more than 3 frostrend powers).

Frost Savant - You've mastered ice to biblical proportions. You can create blizzards and stir an ice age with enough concentration. No other Frostrender can match your mastery of the cold.

Ice Lord - While a frost savant has you beat in raw mastery, you've decided the key to victory is knowing your enemy. An Ice Lord receives access to telepathy powers, but his telepathic powers cannot exceed 1/2 of his Frostrend powers (I.E., you have 10 frostrend powers, you cannot have more than 5 telepathic powers).

Glacial Hybrid - Frostrending is powerful, but sometimes you need something different to supplement your abilities. You may select Electromancy, Pyromancy, or Quakerend as a secondary psychic school and begin drawing powers there, but the powers of your second school cannot exceed 1/3 of your primary school (I.E., if you have 10 Frostrend powers, and you select Pyromancy, you cannot have more than 3 frostrend powers).

Blaze Master - Fire is life for you. You immolate your enemies with unmatched fiery powers beyond measure. No other pyromancer can hope to meet your raw blaze head on.

Fire Kineticist - Unlike other pyromancers, you've learned control and measured application is key, so you can accurately direct and control your flame as well as your combatants. You gain access to Telekinesis powers. Your telekinesis powers cannot exceed half of your Pyromancy powers (I.E., if you have 10 Pyromancy powers, you cannot have more than 5 Telekinesis powers).

Inferno Hybrid - Fire has done you well, but you're in need of some variety in your arsenal. You may select Electromancy, Frostrend, or Quakerend as a secondary psychic school and begin drawing powers there, but the powers of your second school cannot exceed 1/3 of your primary school (I.E., if you have 10 Pyromancy powers, and you select Quakerend, you cannot have more than 3 Quakerend powers).

Nature Master - You forego utilizing dead earth, such as rocks and gravel, for the greener part of life. Plants and animals respond to you as their master and bend to your will as if you were mother nature herself.

Golem - A Golem doesn't appreciate the greener part of Earth, thinking it weak, and focuses on the harder part. Rocks, stones, volcanoes, and the like are your specialty. Moreover, you are a master of raw offense and defense in respect to the Earth you can summon to attack or protect you.

Earth Hybrid - Rather than focus on Quakerend psychic powers, you wish to diversify your abilities. You may select Electromancy, Frostrend, or Pyromancy as a secondary psychic school and begin drawing powers there, but the powers of your second school cannot exceed 1/3 of your primary school (I.E., if you have 10 Quakerend powers, and you select Pyromancy, you cannot have more than 3 Pyromancy powers).

Vanguard - Your ability with kinetic force is unparalleled on the offensive. You rend tanks into pieces and crush enemies with raw force. No other Telekinetic can match your unadulterated force.

Immortal - Rather than focus on the offensive side of force, you've become instinctive in reacting defensively. Without thinking, you can deflect bullets, mortars, and other powers into the ground or perhaps even back at the enemies themselves.

Mentalist - Though your mastery of Telekinesis does not match an Immortal or Vanguard, you've decided to add variety to your meta human abilities. In addition to holding your enemies with your mind, you've also learned to read their thoughts. You've opened your mind to the school of Telepathy. Your Telepathy school powers cannot exceed 1/2 of your Telekinesis powers (I.E., if you have 10 Telekinesis powers, you cannot have more than 5 Telepathy powers).

Dominator - After being privy to the minds of so many people, you've little remorse for them and their petty squabbles anymore. You begin to view normal people as mere pawns to be controlled. You specialize in subverting the minds of others directly to your will.

Overmind - You've opened your mind not only to the surface thoughts of those around, but their deepest, darkest desires and subconscious, of everyone for miles around you. Your understanding of thoughts, human or otherwise, is beyond non-meta comprehension, and you can even physically stop mental processes and prevent whole groups from moving, or acting, appearing as if frozen in time (without actually stopping time).

Seer - Rather than focus entirely on telepathy, you've opened your meta mind to another school of powers. You can choose either Divination or Biomancy as a secondary school, but the powers from your secondary school cannot exceed 1/2 of your Telepathy powers (I.E., if you have 10 Telepathy powers, you cannot have more than 5 Biomancy or Divination powers).

Elementalist - A Universalist who prefers Ice, Fire, Earth, and Lightning powers. A Universalist will effectively cut off all other schools in favor for these four and gain significantly more mastery with the elements. The number of powers for each school cannot be more than two apart. (I.E., if you have 2 Frostrend, 2 Pyromancy, 2 Quakerend, and 2 Electromancy powers, you can't have more than 4 in any of those four schools without increasing them all to three, because having 2 FR 2 PM 2 QR 5 EM would make EM be more than 2 apart from the others in numbers of powers.)

Kineticist - You forego Divination and Telepathy for raw kinetic force. You abandon these two schools in favor of increasing your strength in Telekinesis. You must always have at least two more powers than any other school in Telekinesis. (I.E., if you have 1 power of any other school, you must have at least 3 powers in Telekinesis).

Omnipotent - You continue the path of using every school and every power you can, and you've learned to counter the powers of others on the spot. Rather than specialize slightly like an Elementalist or Kineticist, your mastery of the Meta Psychic Spectrum is greater than any, allowing you to cancel out and potentially prevent your opponent's power from going off at all.

Character Sheet
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Age: (Minimum 18)
Sex: (Herm, Male or Female, but you could get dicked either way.)
Appearance: (image or detailed description)
Bio: (personality, background, include current job/profession/way she spends most of her time)

HP: (10+CON)
LP: (10+WIS)
Class 1 Meta Human
Corruption: 0/100 (Demonic/Sexual influence meter, basically. All start at 0. 100 does NOT mean game over.)
(12 points to spend. Max to start is +4, may lower scores to -4 for more points, but no lower. More will be gained through gameplay.)
STR: -1
DEX: -1
CON: -1
INT: -1
WIS: -1
CHA: -1
Skills: (Two Skills that provide roleplay or roll bonuses; subject to GM approval. May have third skill at the sacrifice of 2 stat points, but more may be gained through gameplay. Skills cannot give pure stat bonuses, such as a skill that just gives +2 CON).
Psychic Power: (Pick two powers related to your school, you may be as creative or specific with this as you wish. May sacrifice 2 stat points for a third starting power, but more may be gained through gameplay. Subject to GM approval. The more broad a power's scope, the less strength it will have in the beginning. So, for example, the ability to manipulate metal is fine. But it won't be strong enough to rip buildings apart by tearing out steel I-Beams and what not, at least not to start. The more specific you can be with a power's purpose and abilities, the more strength it can have.)
Equipment: (Nobody is assumed to be good with weapons, guns, or combat at all unless they pick something related as one of their skills, so equipment should only include relevant items to your character or your skills)

Char Progression
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Here are the steps to leveling up when you do. Player characters will level after enough successes or defeats, more or less when I determine you've earned a level. The max level will not be higher than 10, so keep that in mind.

1. Determine your new HP. Add your CON score + 6, and whatever the total is, add that to your current total HP.
2. Improve existing powers to the next step. Whatever that step is, just think about your abilities and figure it out logically.
3. Design a new power for your character. You acquire a new power every time you level up.
4. You have four final options upon leveling. You can only pick one of these.
-Acquire a second new power, for a total of two new powers.
-Acquire two stat points.
-Acquire 5 bonus HP on top of the other HP gained.
-Acquire a new skill.
5. You've finished leveling!

Monster Compendium
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(Will be filled out as encounters happen!)
Last edited by Alaena on Tue Jul 14, 2015 4:35 am, edited 12 times in total.
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Re: Meta Humans (OOC)

Postby Alaena » Wed Apr 15, 2015 10:27 pm


Jackolen William DePhispe (VintageBass) 505
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Age: 19
Sex: Male
Normal Appearance:
With Clothing:
Height: 6' 4"
Weight: 62 kg.
Bio: Young Jack grew up in a small little rural Irish home and was pretty much like any prankster growing up, however he seems rather keen on what he pulls and the sense of maturity he has about them. He is rather cunning when it comes to what he pulls and will never do any harm to anyone whatsoever, no matter how bad the person may be. His endgame usually to have everyone smiling, and while he does do good, it always doesn't end too well so he needs to get away quick. If he finds himself in a trouble spot, he works towards finding a way out either by his words or dancing his way out... sometimes literally. He works towards getting a good education, even working on getting a spot on the track team, but in the end he seems capable of bringing smiles to people though his jokes and dance. Lately he has been working at a local festival where he puts on a pumpkin and dances about, juggling fire while under the guidance of a woman, who may or may not have some black, dark and evil magical ties...

HP: 12
LP: 12
Class 1 Meta Human
Corruption: 0/100
STR: -4
DEX: 4
CON: 2
INT: 1
WIS: 2
CHA: 1

- Sleight of Feet: While not good with his hands beyond building small contraptions and setting up pranks, Jack is excellent on his two feet. Be able to sidestep and dodge things, along with him being able to dance to his jams help Jack do some crafty escapes if needed. If Jack needs to get away, then he will use his long legs to let him slip on by. (DEX focused)
- Prankster's Wit: With the years of pranks and tricks that Jack has done during his school years, and when his feet to get him away in time, Jack can sometimes using clever wordplay to get out as well. By clever, it usually involve puns and a good majority of time bad ones at that. Still, either if his feet can move him out or he talks out of a sticky situation that's going to get someone hurt, Jack will make sure that will get out with his head on his shoulders. (CHA focused)

Psychic School: Quakerend
Psychic Power:
- Seedling Whippersnappers: Jack can throw seeds that will grow into small plants, serving as Jack's main line of attacking, that will either use vines, roots or mouth-like flowers to attack. Vines and roots can also serve as a form of ensnarement. Will take a turn for plants to fully grow.
- Spores of Madness: Jack blows out a cloud of pollen spores out, releasing a lust-inducing thick cloud that can be used in conjunction with his plants to slow down or entice enemies into his bidding.

- MP3 Player
- Headphones
- Notebook
- Running shoes
- Seed bag
- Pumpkin
- Tablet
- Smart phone
Bank Account: ¥100,000

Jade (MelissaB) 103
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Age: 20
Sex: Female
Normal Appearance:
Transformed Appearance:
Weight: 143 lbs (287lbs)
Height: 5 foot 6 (6 foot 2)
Bio: Jade is slow to trust, and puts up a front of casual indifference to how she is viewed fearing dislike or people getting close only to knock her back and tease her of her bestial body which she spends as much time in as she can. Preferring it as an outer shell to hide behind rather than her normal skin and form. Jade before this was a simple girl, went to university worked on getting a degree in 3D animation while spending time doing a part time job at a gym helping people keep fit and healthy while also doing the same for herself. Making sure she was physical fit and healthy tot he best of her body's ability and this helped her strong strong in her own independence, not needing to lean on others while she handles herself. Her family was reasonable, no tragic tales or stories of woe, life simply went on for them and when she moved out to study she was waved off with smiles and well wishes. She gathered a good deal of friends, those she liked those she was only on a first name basis with but they were fun, charming and a good laugh to be around. Regardless that was the extent of her relationships are university, she never could get close to anyone, kept pushing them back or the other way round.

HP: 13/13
LP: 8/8
Class 1 Meta Human
Corruption: 0/100
STR: 4
DEX: 2
CON: 3
INT: -2
WIS: -2
CHA: 1
Skills: Physical Peak(10% chance to reroll critical failures that uses Str, Con or Dex), Independent(+1 bonus to rolls when alone)
Psychic School: Biomancy (Uses physical stats mainly, depending on use)
Psychic Power: Bestial Form(changes appearance +2 Str, Con & Dex. -2 Int, Wis & Cha)
Serrated Claws(Claws/Nails grow in powerful evil looking claws and her arms take a monstrous appearance so they can wield the new claws. Bonus d4 damage and allows her to climb walls)
Equipment: Nail file and baggy clothes, smart phone, tablet.
Bank Account: ¥100,000

Georgia (Venomouswings) 506
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Age: 19
Sex: Female
Weight: 130
Height: 5’11
Bio: A head strong but fun loving girl. She grew up in a normal fun happy family with her mommy and daddy. Her grades were good and she took part in after school activities. Everything was going well until she turned 16. She woke up to pain, agonizing pain as her skin in her right arm ripped and tore, reforming into the demonic arm she now posses. Her parents were terrified, even calling doctors to examine her. When the men in suits came to take her away she ran, ran far away and never looked back. Years later of making a living on underground fighting she was found again, but this time by the MHD offer a high paying job.

HP: 14
LP: 9
Class 1 Meta Human
Corruption: 0/100
(12 points to spend. Max to start is +4, may lower scores to -4 for more points, but no lower. More will be gained through gameplay.)
STR: +4
DEX: +2
CON: +4
INT: -1
WIS: -1
CHA: -2
Skills: Duck and weave: Harder to hit in close one on one combat.

Brain rocker: A well place hit will make anyone see stars. (Has 15% chance to stun a enemy for a turn with melee attack.)

Psychic School: Arcana(Demon)
Psychic Power:
Raise hell: Georgia forgets about everything else but raw physical power for a short amount of time. (Plus +4 to Str and Con, a total of -8 is subtracted from other stats)

Volcanic blast: A close range blast of lava from her devil arm, with a chance for it to stick on her target, doing damage over time.
Her fists!, smart phone, tablet.
Bank Account: ¥100,000

Tessa Kiernan (Cryosabre) 504
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Age: 23
Sex: Female
Weight: 8 st 2 lb
Height:5FT 3 inches

Bio: Tessa Kiernan came from a broken Northern Irish family, her mother left when she was 2 years old, leaving her father to look after her by himself. Her father being a retired special forces Sergent did the best he could and brought her up to be strong and made sure she had the ability to defend herself. Tessa always loved going to the firing range and found that she was somewhat of a natural shot, coping well under pressure and more often than not aiming true and being able to hit her mark.
In Tessa's life outside the home she was a relatively happy girl, she got average grades in her all girls school, Ashfield High, where she was quite popular and had a lot of friends. Tessa also fueled her love of rock music by getting her hands on any CDs she could find in all the music shops she routinely checked for new stock and generally got up to the usual mischief a teenage girl would.
That all changed 4 months after her 17th birthday. Suddenly sometimes when Tessa touched things they started either bursting into flames, being covered in ice or being charged with high voltage electricity. Once these powers began to randomly develop within Tessa she started to become a recluse, terrified of hurting the people around her. after a couple of months of hiding herself away in the house, and after many attempts to to try and get her to open up, Tessa finally told her father about the strange powers she had developed, almost immediately her father sold the house in Belfast and bought another one in the countryside where he was determined to help his daughter learn how to control her power and show her that she doesn't need to worry about hurting people, she can use her powers to help people.
After 6 years of continuing her training, and gaining a better understanding of how her powers worked, Tessa also kept her love of rock music and even adapted it into her training, she found that listening to music helped her to focus on the target as it allowed her to zone out any other noise and take a better shot, the louder the rock, the better the shot. Tessa decided to return to civilization after hearing about the attacks from otherworldly creatures and the creation of the Meta-Human Division to combat these invaders, Tessa was determined to show the world that she would do good with her powers by helping to deter these invaders and stop them from taking over the earth. And she would do this with her old assault rifle she had been practicing with these past 6 years, as well as her most prized possession, Her headphones and MP3 player filled to the brim with AC/DC, Led Zeppelin, Def Leppard and many others. Being back in the city of Belfast made Tessa feel something she hadn't felt in a long time, she was nervous at first coming into contact with so many people again at once, but before to long she was working up the courage to talk to strangers and ask for directions, obviously not letting them see what was in the contents of her duffel bag. Feeling more like her old confident self she set off in search of the MHD to start her fight against the invasion!

HP: 13
LP: 10
Class 1 Meta Human
Corruption: 0/100

STR: -4
DEX: 4
CON: 3
INT: 0
WIS: -1
CHA: 4
1.military fitness - Due to being trained to special forces levels of fitness Tessa is conditioned to act quickly and decisively, with no hesitation, has a bonus to initiative
2.Skilled sharpshooter - due to receiving military style training in shooting, has a bonus to accuracy rolls
Psychic School: Universal

Psychic Power:
1.Imbue bullets or other weapons with selected elemental energy (fire, ice, electricity);
fire : has a chance to set enemies alight causing burning damage every turn
Ice: has a chance to cause freezing in the enemy slowing them down, causing slowed movement on their next turn
Electric: has a chance to causes paralysis in the enemy, causing them to miss their next turn.

2. Able to coat her body with a selected element, gaining defensive bonuses towards that element

Equipment: Old Assault rifle, treasured headphones and old MP3 player, smart phone, tablet.
Bank Account: ¥100,000

Zoe Darville (Exalted) 210
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Age: 26
Sex: Female
Weight: 75Kg
Height: 5'8"
Zoe's done at lot of not much in life, drifting from job to job with out much direction, the only thing she was ever good at was showing off. As a kid she was always the one hanging upside down from the monkey bars or some tree, and things only got worse when she got behind the wheel of a car. Enthralled with racing, she took her passion to the street, making money and a name for herself. One race saw her up against a man who didn't feel like losing to a girl, so he clipped her bumper and sent her spinning off into a shop front. It's unclear about what happened next, a fire broke out in the man's car and he crashed into a telephone pole. When the EMTs arrived they found Zoe alive, but unconscious in her car. The unfortunate street racing accident saw her before a judge, which saw her enter the Marines.

During one deployment, a snafu lead to a convoy she was driving in winding up behind the lines and ambushed. A week later a rescue team found her tied to a chair in a burnt out building, alive but covered in ash with no signs of her captors except for some scorched silhouettes on the walls. Zoe claims to not remember anything about it.

Leaving the military she drifted for a while, racing and working as a stunt driver when she could to keep herself afloat, working as a wheelman when honesty didn't pay. Eventually she found herself in a cush gig, a driver for a security contractor where she can just cruise around in a nice car... when things go right, and the fire and flame of roaring internal combustion when it doesn't.

HP: 11
LP: 9
Class 1 Meta Human
Corruption: 0/100 (Demonic/Sexual influence meter, basically. All start at 0)

STR: 1
DEX: 2
CON: 1
INT: 0
WIS: -1
CHA: 3
My Stuntman... is a woman: Zoe is used to doing the stupid things that would kill normal people. Crashing, fighting and falling are things she once did on a daily basis without injuring herself too badly. Unfortunately this has still taken a toll on her body, her knees, back and joints aren't always the same as they used to and occasionally get thrown out of wack.

Firearms: Her time in the military and her current work as security contractor have made Zoe familiar with firearms, but by no means is she a master.

Psychic School: Pyromancy

Psychic Power:
Cherry Blossums: Zoe can fill the air around her with burning embers and ash like falling cherry blossums, lighting the area around her. These embers can ignite flammable materials on her request
Ring of Fire: Zoe can project a wall of flames around her up to 5M away to protect herself. The flames start at her and then move out

Ballistic/Stab vest
1977 Pontiac Trans-Am Stunt Car
Smart phone
Bank Account: ¥100,000

Emile (Reaver) 510
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Age: 26
Sex: Male
Weight: 190
Height: 6ft
Bio: Emile is an independent person, doing what he believes is the best way to get things done. While he prefers to work alone, Emile has no problem working with others, usually going along as long as it doesn't deviate from his own plan. Despite his stubbornness and one-track mind, he always tries to stand by and protect his team, not believing in petty grudges or infighting. However once he gets into a fight Emile changes, becoming more excited and brash as the adrenaline and the thrill takes over. Many find him to be quiet and reserved at first, only really opening up during fights or after them.
Before Emile join the MHD he was an enforcer for a smuggling ring that operated in the western hemisphere, making sure things got to where they needed to without any fuss or damage. His reputation grew as he became known for his stoic professionalism on the job until he moved in for the kill. "The Feral Hunter", they called him, knowing his propensity for getting the job done and leave behind a brutal scene. The money rolled in and life was good for Emile but he wanted something more. Reputation and money were good and all but they couldn't scratch that itch he had, nothing could except his fist connecting and rending flesh. He wanted a fresh start with a real chance at challenging jobs and intense fights. So he almost all of his money to build a new identity, one that had a long and stellar military service and a clean record, knowing full well it would attract a special interest group. The hunter would fight once again, this time against worthy prey.
HP: 14
LP: 9
Class 1 Meta Human
Corruption: 0/100 (Demonic/Sexual influence meter, basically. All start at 0)
STR: 4
DEX: 2
CON: 4
INT: -1
WIS: -1
CHA: -2
Skills: Grappler- Increased chance of success on pinning down enemies that weigh less than him.
Bruiser - hits so hard they have potential for internal bleeding. (15% chance to cause a bleed effect with each successful melee hit)

Psychic School: Biomancy
Psychic Powers: Bodyguard- Emile creates a physical copy of himself that can fight and follow basic orders.
Hardened- Emile increases the density of his skin and bones, increasing his strength,toughness and weight at the loss of speed.
Equipment: Knuckle Dusters, smart phone, tablet.
Bank Account: ¥100,000

Elona "Eloo" Bishka (Meep Meepersons) 102
Spoiler (click to show/hide):

Age: 30
Sex: Herm
Weight: 180
Height: 5'11"
Bio: Ever since she was a child Eloo was odd. She was never really picked on growing as her oddness tended to throw people off balance. However, she was very outgoing and loved thanks to her boundless personality. Her life was never very eventful until she suddenly disappeared for at age ten, only returning from wherever it is that she disappeared to for twenty years. Now she is back and stranger then ever! x3

HP: 11
LP: 14
Class 1 Meta Human
Corruption: 0/100 (Demonic/Sexual influence meter, basically. All start at 0)

STR: -4
DEX: +4
CON: 0
INT: -2
WIS: +4
CHA: +4
Lucky Quark! Eloo is luckeh~ +5 on luck rolls!
Smoochy Poochy~! Eloo likes to defeat her opponents with flare~! Striking sexy poses with each attack! +1 to attack rolls when able to pose.
Psychic School: Telekinesis
Psychic Power:
Mind Wiggle! Eloo can manipulate objects many times her size by picking them up with her mind alone. The bigger the object the less finesse she can exert.
Sexekinesis~<3 Eloo Generates translucent ghostly versions of herself made from sheer force. *4 max ghostly force clones.*
Equipment: Suit of the Enstranged! *outfit*, smart phone, tablet.
Bank Account: ¥100,000

Willow O'Kain (Spriter) 507
Spoiler (click to show/hide):

Age: 19
Sex: Female
Weight: 124lb
Height: 5' 11"
Bio: Willow's life started off in comfort from the word go. After all, being the daughter of a rich and powerful man in the mafia has it perks, from private intuition to the latest console, it was safe to say that Willow grew up not far from whatever she wanted. Thing is, while she might be a bit self-absorbed and selfish, perhaps even a bit spoiled at times, she is alright for the most part because too much of those kind of things tend to make you too much of a target.
At a young age, it was obvious to her father that his daughter was more a thinker than a brawler, with her spending most of her time reading, writing, and learning, her tutor's praising her for her intelligence and usually getting high marks, meanwhile she never seemed interested in doing anything physical, like running or lifting and stuff like that. Not that it was frowned upon, after all, being a brawler helps you in fights, but being a thinker keeps you out of them and thinkers usually ended up in the high ranks where the real power sat.
Of course without anything going for her physically, she learned to do what every good kid belonging to a dad in the mafia does, and that is shoot a weapon. She was pretty good actually, managing to hit an average amount of the time but could do better.
Around the age of 16 is when her powers started manifesting, feeling like something... Clicked. She didn't understand the meaning of it though until she was trying to improve her aim again, finding it strange that the more she concentrated on a spot on the target, the more likely she was to hit it... It was only the start though, as she started learning how to move things with her mind, reload her gun, dismantle it, clean it out, reassemble it, loads of thing's she would be able to do normally, and some not so much, that she could do with her mind. She never bothered telling any of the mafia of course about these abilities when they sprung up, instead doing small jobs, earning a name, moving on to bigger ones, assassinations, effectively working her way up until she wasn't far behind her own big man.
All good things must become interesting and alot more complicated though, since even with her trying to keep them a secret, rumours started spreading through the ranks, and the first two times she tried to "stem the growth", it only seemed to spread faster, meaning some people probably wouldn't be too happy. Then of course the MHD had to had to be let in through her door, with her sitting at a nice desk and having her feet up on it, smoking a cigarette as they more than likely thought they had an offer she simply can't refuse...
HP: 8/8
LP: 14/14
Class 1 Meta Human
Corruption: 0/100
STR: -4
DEX: 0
CON: -2
INT: 4
WIS: 4
CHA: 4
This is my rifle, this is my gun! - Due to her less than stellar combat abilities, Willow decided that the only way to make up for such is to learn how to use firearms.
Ring-a-Ding, Baby! - gets a bonus to rolls involving persuasion and bartering
Psychic School: Telekinesis

Psychic Power:
telekinetic building - capable of minute and finesse like movements with her power rather than broad strokes of force, and can build things in seconds as if she had many, many hands.

MIND BULLETS! - capable of using her telekinetic powers fast enough to affect things comparable to a bullet. (Can use INT for aiming/using firearms)
Equipment: pistol, cigarette packet, metal lighter, smart phone, tablet.
Bank Account: ¥100,000

Lauren Reis (Tsai) 201
Spoiler (click to show/hide):

Sex: Female
Bio: Hardheaded and first to act, she does things on a whim rather than thinking her actions through. From the when she was born she was always a trouble child, her parents sending her off to boarding school and eventually military camp to straighten her out, but none of this helped, military camp especially where she discovered her love for explosions and fires. When she returned home at a spiritedly young age of 20 she committed her first arson, burning down some asshole of a mayor's villa that sat at the top of a hill over looking the city. She kept this up going on and off from just being a general ruffian and gang boss to secret arson. Though around 25 she was finally caught in the act when a member of her gang ratted her out to the police. For the past year she was holed up in a crowed prison filled with angry and horny men and sometimes women. The year gave her time to think and build herself up, eventually she wanted to even try breaking out until one faithful day when a would be rapist met his demise. Smoking a cigarette after a day of running a man slams her against the wall of the locker room, with no guards in sight she did the first thing that came to mind and blew the cigarette ash in his face, little did she know this caused the man to burst into flame right in front of her. He dropped her and ran out the locker room eventually burning to a crisp before anyone can save him.A week later she's notified that she's been granted parole, on the one condition she's taken to MHD and trained. A spark lit in the former arsonist's eyes. She knew what the MHD, she was pretty sure she burned down one of the homes belonging to an official for the program, but now she's one of those "defenders" it's time to see how much of the world she could legally burn and what could be the limits of her powers, how big a fire ball could she possibly create. The thought made her heart jump as she happily signed the agreement papers. (personality, background, include current job/profession/way she spends most of her time)

HP: 10/10(10+CON)
LP: 10/10 (10+WIS)
Class 1 Meta Human
Corruption: 0/100 (Demonic/Sexual influence meter, basically. All start at 0)
(12 points to spend. Max to start is +4, may lower scores to -4 for more points, but no lower. More will be gained through gameplay.)
STR: 2
DEX: 2
CON: 0
INT: -2
WIS: 0
CHA: 4
Skills: CQC training, Natural leader(Two Skills that provide roleplay or roll bonuses; subject to GM approval. May have third skill at the sacrifice of 2 stat points, but more may be gained through gameplay.).
Psychic School: Pyromancy
Psychic Power: Flame bolt (Fire ball but weaker) Flame mortar( projectile is shot into the air at an arc and upon contact covers a small radius in flames
Equipment: Prized Zippo, smart phone, tablet.
Bank Account: ¥100,000

Jisoo Kim (Albedo28) 101
Spoiler (click to show/hide):

Age: 25
Sex: Male
Weight: 185lbs
Height: 5'10"
Bio: Jisoo is fairly quiet and tends not to make conversation unless he's approached first. He's a significant time making friends and a harder time keeping them due to his tendency to throw himself entirely into his work. Before his psychic powers manifested he worked as a Cirque Du Soliel acrobat during the evening and a Martial Arts instructor during usual business hours. He rarely gets proper sleep and always has dark bags under his eyes marring his natural beauty.His busy schedule kept him out of his small apartment, that he rents by himself, for nearly all hours. He has a college degree in business but finds little use for it in his current walk of life, mostly just using it to help manage his small Dojo.
He was born to his Korean mother and father in America and grew up in the typical Amercian public school system and was constantly made fun of for being prettier than half his female classmates. He never quite got over being teased so very constantly until his college years for his pretty face and developed a bit of a complex about his androgynous face thus focusing on training his body to look and act more 'manly'.

HP: 14
LP: 11
Class 1 Meta Human
Corruption: 0/100

STR: 2
DEX: 3
CON: 4
INT: 0
WIS: 1
CHA: -4
Skills: Martial artist, Acrobatics
Psychic School: Biomancy
Psychic Power:
Regeneration- A passive power that restores one HP per post for Jisoo
Healing hands- can restore the HP of a target within ten meters. Any such target that is healed this way gains the same amount of LP damage as HP restored. (Can be used 'offensively')

Equipment: Black Martial Artist Gi, Long ankle level blue coat, 30' Rope and grappling hook, smart phone, tablet.
Bank Account: ¥100,000

Velutia Mori (KnightVanilla)
Spoiler (click to show/hide):

Age: 19
Sex: Female
Appearance With Powers Active:
Appearance Otherwise:
Weight: 101
Height: 5'0
Bio: A quick witted girl who ended up dropping out of high school once the glowing eyes kinda came to be. Although it wasn't the main reason she left the educational facility. Taking after single father she helped him in his auto parts shop even eventually taking up the proffession herself. Out of guilt, for her decision to drop out of highschool, her father had kept in contact with government agents. Informing them of what he knew of her abilties and natural intelligence and aptitude for machines. Hoping maybe they had a better future to provide than he ever could.

HP: 9
LP: 11
Class 1 Meta Human
Corruption: 0/100 (Demonic/Sexual influence meter, basically. All start at 0)
(12 points to spend. Max to start is +4, may lower scores to -4 for more points, but no lower. More will be gained through gameplay.)
STR: 1
DEX: 3
CON: -1
INT: 4
WIS: 1
CHA: -2
Skills: Mechanic's Awareness- As a working mechanic Erin has been trained to look at everything from the big picture to even the tiniest of details. Working in a quite detailed situational awareness one could develop.
Heavenly Hands- Gains finesse with working on any mechanism or when using her abilities.

Psychic School: Arcana[Angel]
Psychic Power:
Angelic Vision- Eyes glow piercing white allowing her to see through any blinding light or darkness in all directions. (All directions being no surprise attacks while this is activated)
Magnetic Field- Controls the polarity within her vicinity allowing her to manipulate metal with ease.

Equipment: Bag of metal Shrapnel, mechanic's tools and a few car parts

Graham Argentum (lilbooth)
Spoiler (click to show/hide):

Age: 22
Sex: Male
Weight: 340 lb
Height: 5' 11"
Graham possess a rather blunt personality. He is often quite shy in social situations and fumbles his way through more delicate conversations. Though not outgoing he is rather polite and chivalrous. His shear size does demand attention from time to time which can occasionally go to his head, inflating his self confidence to a dangerous level.
Graham was born, to a single mother, with extremely low body fat content and an abnormal amount of hair. Nothing too crazy, but a bit more hair than the delivery team was used to seeing. He was also an very loud, and very hungry baby. Luckily, for his mother's sake, he was kept in the infant ward until he devolved a suitably healthy body fat content. Upon being released from the hospital his ravenous hunger did nothing but increase. It became obvious rather early on the Graham had a distinctive distaste for meat, and quite the liking of milk, and not that of a cow. He lived a rather normal early life, switching, rather reluctantly, at about age 5 to "normal milk". His diet otherwise consisted of peanut butter or humus based sandwiches, cereal, and plenty of vegetables. Growing up Graham was known for being in peak physical condition. By the time he reached high school he had developed quite the physique, and was pushing 200 lbs. He played football and lacrosse through high school, and picked up gymnastics and rock climbing on the side. Upon graduating from high school he went on to work as a personal trainer at a few high end gyms in and around the city he grew up in. At age 20 he began competing in strongman and other body building competitions around the country. His success caught the attention of the MHD and has since been contracted by their agents.
HP: 14
LP: 8
Class 1 Meta Human
Corruption: 0/100 (Demonic/Sexual influence meter, basically. All start at 0. 100 does NOT mean game over.)
STR: 4
DEX: 2
CON: 4
INT: 1
WIS: -2
CHA: -3
Skills: Homo Homini- Graham's likeness to his more primal ancestors makes him excellent at climbing, running, and other full bodied methods of navigation
Monkey See Monkey Do- Graham has the remarkable ability, or sometimes impulse, to replicate the actions of others. With proper instructions, or careful observation, he can complete tasks nearly on par with the instructor.
Psychic School: Biomancy
Psychic Power: Brachium Erectus- Graham's arms nearly double in length and girth allowing for a much faster, and arguably more efficient, method of quadrupedal-esque movement. While active he can lift, push, and punch much harder.
Devolution- Graham manipulates the structure of his own DNA, adopting characteristics from other great apes.
Equipment: Some Clothes, protein powder, duffel bag containing exercise equipment.

Julia Hartlett (Soref12)
Spoiler (click to show/hide):

Name: Julia Harlett
Age: 19
Sex: Female
Appearance: Julia is slightly taller than the average woman, she has smooth brown hair which reaches just below her shoulders, and light blue eyes. She has lightly tanned skin, slender build, and a small metal stud piercing her naval. Her chest has a pair of pert D-cup breasts, she has a firm hand-filling butt, and a tight virgin pussy.
Weight: 146 lb.
Height: 5' 11"
Bio: Julia is a very indifferent individual, choosing to hide away her emotions for the majority of her life in fear of ridicule. However, when shes around those she deems as friends she tends to let loose a lot more and enjoys all the crazy social stuff. During her free-time, Julia usually reads fiction or writes stories of her own (which are admittedly quite grim) and tries get them published. Julia's parents hadn't payed much attention to her ever since she got into high school, only really looking into her life whenever she had some big moment like when she pierced her naval or got a story published. About a week after her 19th birthday she started getting crazy ice powers and the cold started to feel a lot more preferable (mostly in the showers). She had managed to keep them hidden for almost two months until a rather embarrassing moment involving a nervous conversation with a guy she really liked and literally getting cold/frozen feet. After the encounter she got extremely paranoid, she was sure she was going to be abducted by the government if stories and recent news are to be believed. She waited out the following weekend, listening to remixes for the most part, up until her fears became true.

HP: 10
LP: 12
Class 1 Meta Human
Corruption: 0/100
STR: -1
DEX: -1
CON: 0
INT: 2
WIS: 2
CHA: 4

Skills: Blending In - Julia's anti-social personality has had plenty of time to learn that sometimes its best to just not make any noise at all, literally. (+2 to stealth based rolls)
Paranoia - If Julia's extensive fiction reading has taught her anything it's look EVERYWHERE (you never know when some creepy monster might be crawling on the roof), This of course also makes her a quite paranoid when she can't see a threat (or anything in some cases). (+2 on awareness rolls)

Psychic School: Frostrend
Frosty Air - Julia has learned how to create small amounts of ice rapidly, creating a frosty cool cloud originating from her body. The cooler the climate or the higher the skill, the more rapidly the cloud can form. Can form in 2 turns at its slowest or instantaneously at its fastest.
'Cool' Armor - Julia has learned how to form a layer of hardened ice over her body for improvised protection. Starts as a thin and stiff layer of ice but can thicken and become more fluent as skill increases. Takes 1 turn to apply until higher levels, at which only the thinnest layer can be formed instantly.

Equipment: Black hoodie, navy blue jeans, dark grey running shoes, black gloves, smart phone, and headphones.

Rex 'Unchained' Farcall (DeltaSynergy)
Spoiler (click to show/hide):

Name: Rex 'unchained' Farcall.
Age: 19
Sex: Male
Appearance: Lean build. Has spiked hair that falls forward and covers up his eyes that are purple in colour. Wears a simple long sleeved black shirt with black jeans and a pair of sport shoes. Has a spiked collar with a lock on his neck as well as spiked arm bands. His teeth have turned into fangs and his hands and legs now have claws. Fur covers most of his body but is hidden by his clothing. Permanently stuck in this bestial form.
Height: 178cm
Bio: Rex used to be a simple boy in a village, going to school like other children. However, as he grew up, he got wilder and more feral. Soon, he dropped out of school due to poor attitude and performance. It wasn't before long he realised he was physically changing as well. His teeth sharpened themselves into fangs, his hands turned into claws and his body started growing fur. He realised he was turning into a beast and sought help from his parents. His parents were disgusted by him and threw him out of the house. He had no place to go except to seek refuge in the alleys. However, he was soon found by others and they treated him as a freak, locking him up and torturing him for entertainment. He was confused and heartbroken at first and didn't retaliate but as time passed, he slowly wished for revenge before one day, he snapped. Breaking out of the cage, he went on a bloody massacre, brutally killing everything in sight. He only stopped after realising he had torn his way back home and killed his parents as well. Grieving over what he had done, he retreated into the forest and avoided civilization. One day, he saw abnormal monsters and demons attacking his hometown. Wanting to prevent anymore bloodshed as well as to redeem himself, he savagely fought against the monsters, driving them away. He soon discovered about the MHD and while he didn't trust others anymore, he wanted to prevent further loss of lives and redeem his own crime and thus requested to join.

HP: 14
LP: 6
Class 1 Meta Human
Corruption: 0/100
(12 points to spend. Max to start is +4, may lower scores to -4 for more points, but no lower. More will be gained through gameplay.)
STR: 4
DEX: 4
CON: 4
INT: --3
WIS: -3
CHA: 0
Skills: I've got it in my sight. - Having trained to focus himself on a target, Rex will be more vulnerable to everything around him but has increased accuracy on the target he focuses on.
Animalistic Instinct. - Able to track targets with heightened sense of sight, smell and hearing.
Psychic School: Biomancy
Psychic Power: Berserk. - As Rex receives damage, his STR increases by 1 for every 5 points of health lost.
Triumphant shout. - After Rex has defeated an enemy, he is able to refresh his strength back to it's default state and heal back 1 HP for each STR point refreshed. (E.g - lose 10 hp and gain two str. Defeat enemy. Triumphant shout reduces the str down by two points back to default and heals of 2hp, essentially losing only a net of 8 hp instead of 10)
Equipment: Spiked collar with a lock. spiked arm bands.

Elizabeth "Liz" Keller (Lorielle)
Spoiler (click to show/hide):

Sex: Female
Appearance: Without the eye tatoo
Weight: 110
Height: 5'7
Bio: A fighter at heart Elizabeth spent most of her life in the world of martial arts as per her father's instructions and her mother's encouragement. Her family on both sides were both very physical people her father being a former boxing champ and her mother a judo instructor. Life was looking good for Liz as slide past high school and into college on a sports scholarship. She quickly made a name for being one of the meanest son of bitches on campus after proving to a couple guys that she wasnt a woman to be fucked with. Most days were spent training as well as attending entry tournaments in the hopes to get to the big leagues. A couple more years and she finally found her way to the main stage when E-Day happened and she would soon find that her life would never be the same when she punched the sand out of her punching bag and forming it into a solid ball of stone around her fist.

HP: 13
LP: 8
Class 1 Meta Human
Corruption: 0/100
STR: 4
DEX: 2
CON: 3
INT: -2
WIS: -2
CHA: 1
Skills: Unarmed combat training, Intimidation(+2 to intimidating someone?)
Psychic School: Quakerend
Psychic Power: Tremors: Elizabeth telepathically destabilizes the ground around her up to 100 yards in any direction causing ground based enemies to lose their footing while in the area of effect. The ground ripples continuously in almost a fluid motion sending out earthquake like shockwaves that continuously shift the ground beneath the feet of anyone in the zone.The zone can be narrowed down to an arc for a more effective or more tumultuous destabilization or launched in a circle for a more defensive ability.

Stone skin: Telepathically Liz can summon earth and any sort of dust particle to form a thin protective shell of earth around their body to give temporary protection from harm, larger stones and pieces of earth can be gathered if available to form a tougher shell eventually culminating in an extremely hard to penetrate armor which she can tell to rupture and explode outward on command to cause harm to anyone coming in any direction. Thin shell= rock sharpnel, medium shell = grapeshot blast, Stone armor= boulder explosion.
Equipment: MMA gloves, hand wraps. 1 kilogram of sand


Note: The order of people in the reserve list does not reflect any set order in which they'll be brought into the RP. If you are on the reserve list and lose interest in joining the RP, please PM me so I can remove you. Otherwise, I will PM you when either I decide to increase the size of the roster, or if someone drops out, so you're not required to follow the OOC/IC thread if you don't want to.

Yukari Emiya (Nobudi)
Spoiler (click to show/hide):

Age: 23
Sex: Female
Weight: 110 lbs
Height: 4'9"
Bio: This woman is a NEET, and she's quite proud of it. Rather than waste her life away doing boring jobs, she'd rather stay home and game in her room. It got so bad, that when all of her consoles and computers had broken down, she had stayed in her room and salvaged usable parts from each electronic to make something that could run just a little long, just so she didn't have to leave. She discovered her powers quite by accident, and upon her parent's discovery of her talents, her parents gladly shipped her off to MHD, because she was a 'waste of resources' in her home. MHD has noted that her powers are uniquely able to hybridize a pair of schools in order to create unusual effects. They've also forced her to train physically, since she is better well- rounded.

HP: (10+1)
LP: (10+1)
Class 1 Meta Human
Corruption: 0/100 (Demonic/Sexual influence meter, basically. All start at 0)
STR: 1
DEX: 1
CON: 1
INT: 1
WIS: 1
CHA: 1
Skills: Gaming, Jury Rigging
Psychic School: Universal
Psychic Power: Interface (Electromancy/Telepathy; allows her to mentally connect herself with an electrical system via touch and gather information from it), Preflex (Divination/Biomancy; allows a subconscious glimpse of the future, and causes the body to begin reacting to an attack)
Equipment: Game Controller

Catherine (Incan)
Spoiler (click to show/hide):

Age: 18
Sex: Female
Weight: 4'7
Height: 5'5
Bio: Catherine was a very out going girl, always excited to learn more about the world through exploration. She was also very smart, always near, or at, the top of classes and nearly perfecting exams. At the time of her transportation she was fresh out of high school and was in her first year of college, studying geography. When she out in a club with friends and someone started cupping a feel, she accidentally put him in a coma when he got a rather big shock. From here she was contacted, and it was either go to court or join up, she chose the latter. The though of never being able to explore was too much to risk!
HP: 6
LP: 6
Class 1 Meta Human
Corruption: 0/100 (Demonic/Sexual influence meter, basically. All start at 0)
(12 points to spend. Max to start is +4, may lower scores to -4 for more points, but no lower. More will be gained through gameplay.)
STR: -4
DEX: +4
CON: -4
INT: +4
WIS: -2
CHA: +4
Skills: Javelin player, Good with animals, flexible
Psychic School: Electromancy
Psychic Power: Electric touch is just as it sounds, can emit electricity through contact
Electric armour is a set of light armour including a helmet made of pure electricity
Electric javelin is a spear of lighting that can be thrown from a distance.
Equipment: A compass

Sakura Usagi (Gorbaz)
Spoiler (click to show/hide):

Age: 32
Sex: Female
Appearance: Normal self:
Weight: 118lbs
Height: 5' 2"
Bio: Sakura was born and raised in the city, her father a salaryman for one of the bigger corporations, while her mother spent a lot of her time in PR. This left Sakura with a lot of free time on her hands while growing up, which itself resulted in her having to find ways to amuse herself. These started off as just playing games, but in an ever increasing way to gain attention, became more violent - crushing bugs, knocking things off shelves, sticking knives in doors. This led to her being put up for adoption. This didn't go well for the first few families she was pared with, but eventually she found she had to dial back just so that she would have somewhere to live. Now, older and with a place of her own, she works in the private sector in a games store, hiding herself behind a cute smile and curvy body while at work.

HP: 12
LP: 9
Class 1 Meta Human
Corruption: 0/100
STR: +1
DEX: +1
CON: +2
INT: +0
WIS: -1
CHA: +3
Skills: Secret Sadist: Sakura likes to harm things. Slowly. But only lets herself go when no-one is watching - got to keep up appearances, right?
Saleswoman: Selling comes naturally to her, be it an item, an idea, or just plain bluffing her way through things with a winning smile
Psychic School: Quakerend
Psychic Power: Earthform: Planting her feet and concentrating for a moment, Sakura can cause the earth to rise up over her body and encase her in a protective shell. Movement after is slow and dexterity is limited due to the mass. Joints are still somewhat exposed.
Entomb: Sakura can force chunks of earth and rock to rise up around a specific target - but the bigger the target, the more time and effort is required. Often afterwards, she likes to make those same rocks squeeze. Or grind.
Equipment: flick-knife, handbag, various beauty products, old mobile, keychain


Spoiler (click to show/hide):

1. Hachijo, Tokyo, Kanto, Japan
-Government official Aiko Akane has disappeared and witnesses claim a xenos snatched her from her vehicle. In addition to it raising panic and tensions, her family has offered a large sum to whomever can find her. It will largely require investigation and confrontation with a mid-tier Xenos.
-Psychic disturbances indicate a Class 4 Xenos of unknown category.
-Minimum 2-Person Mission.

2. Aikawa, Kanegawa, Kanto, Japan
-Three daughters and a wife were dragged out of their house by multiple Demon Class Xenos. The father, Takeda Shogen, reported the incident and it was confirmed by satellite cameras.
-Psychic disturbances indicate three to five Class 1 and 2 Demon Class Xenos.
-Minimum 2-Person Mission.
-Handler: Lillian Casey.

Team: Jack (VintageBass), Elona (Meep Meepersons), Jisoo (Albedo28).

3. Camp Hansen, Kin, Okinawa, Japan
-A US military base primarily focused on training and international drills with Japanese Defense forces has been overrun. Satellite and base cameras confirm at least a dozen Fenrir Class Xenos.
-Psychic readings indicate power levels between Class 1 and Class 3.
-Minimum 5-Person Mission.

4. Yokota Air Base, Fussa, Tokyo, Japan
-The US-Japanese Military headquarters for the country is missing its commander. General Maximillian Armstrong has gone missing and several soldiers were killed in the process. Cameras show an Angel Class Xenos as the culprit. However, due to the high security, there was no footage of the Xenos leaving the base, and it's possible it's concealed itself among the soldiers. It will be a sensitive job, requiring some discretion to avoid chasing off the angel, or scaring the military into chasing you off of base.
-Psychic readings indicate the xenos is still on base and is a Class 2 in power.
-Minimum 1-Person Mission.
-Handler: Lillian Casey

Team: Willow (Spriter), Georgia (Venomouswings), Emile (Reaver).

5. Fujisato, Akita, Tohoku, Japan
-This area is suffering intense psychic disturbances. There've been reports of a growing secret society that regularly practices orgies, and possibly worships the xenos. By newly placed law, all such individuals are to be sent to an institution for the insane. However, our concern is finding the cause of the psychic disturbances. Xenos are present in the town, or they wouldn't show up on our readings. It will be largely a search and destroy mission, but how you search for the disturbance is up to you.
-Psychic readings indicate multiple Class 1 and 2 xenos are in the area. Number unknown.
-Minimum 2-Person Mission.
-Handler: Rufus Cunningham

Team: Tessa (Cryosaber), Jade (MelissaB).

6. USS Delaware, Sea of Japan, Pacific Ocean
-A US military air-carrier has psychic disturbances aboard. Captain John Anderson indicated some of his soldiers have been acting strangely lately. It's more than likely a xenos is infiltrating the vessel for one reason or another. If you accept, you will be required to accompany the Delaware on its voyage until you find the Xenos in question. As we know very little about their powers, it could also be hiding and moving in the shadows to remain undetected.
-Psychic readings indicate a Class 2 of an unknown category.
-Minimum 1-Person Mission.
-Handler: Kimiko Ai

Team: Lauren (Tsai), Zoe (Exalted).

7. Himeji Castle, Himeji, Hyogo, Japan
-The famous Himeji Castle has been taken over by a powerful Xenos and his subordinates. Japanese police have setup a barricade and quarantined the area. Reports indicate they can hear screams and moans from the vast complex through the hours of the day and night.
-Psychic readings indicate a Class 4 Demon and a dozen or more Class 1 Demons.
-Minimum 4-Person Mission.

Unassigned team members: None.
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Re: Meta Humans (OOC)

Postby Tsai » Wed Apr 15, 2015 10:56 pm

Character sheet
Spoiler (click to show/hide):

Name:Lauren Reis
Sex: Female
Appearance: Image
Bio: Hardheaded and first to act, she does things on a whim rather than thinking her actions through. From the when she was born she was always a trouble child, her parents sending her off to boarding school and eventually military camp to straighten her out, but none of this helped, military camp especially where she discovered her love for explosions and fires. When she returned home at a spiritedly young age of 20 she committed her first arson, burning down some asshole of a mayor's villa that sat at the top of a hill over looking the city. She kept this up going on and off from just being a general ruffian and gang boss to secret arson. Though around 25 she was finally caught in the act when a member of her gang ratted her out to the police. For the past year she was holed up in a crowed prison filled with angry and horny men and sometimes women. The year gave her time to think and build herself up, eventually she wanted to even try breaking out until one faithful day when a would be rapist met his demise. Smoking a cigarette after a day of running a man slams her against the wall of the locker room, with no guards in sight she did the first thing that came to mind and blew the cigarette ash in his face, little did she know this caused the man to burst into flame right in front of her. He dropped her and ran out the locker room eventually burning to a crisp before anyone can save him.A week later she's notified that she's been granted parole, on the one condition she's taken to MHD and trained. A spark lit in the former arsonist's eyes. She knew what the MHD was , she was pretty sure she burned down one of the homes belonging to an official for the program, but now she had the chance of those "defenders." For her it was the time to see how much of the world she could legally burn and far she could push the boundaries of her powers and ,was more exciting for her personally, how big a fireball could she create. The thought made her heart jump as she happily signed the agreement papers her new life going to start. (personality, background, include current job/profession/way she spends most of her time)

HP: 10/10(10+CON)
LP: 10/10 (10+WIS)
Class 1 Meta Human
Corruption: 0/100 (Demonic/Sexual influence meter, basically. All start at 0)
(12 points to spend. Max to start is +4, may lower scores to -4 for more points, but no lower. More will be gained through gameplay.)
STR: 2
DEX: 2
CON: 0
INT: -2
WIS: 0
CHA: 4
Skills: CQC training, Natural leader(Two Skills that provide roleplay or roll bonuses; subject to GM approval. May have third skill at the sacrifice of 2 stat points, but more may be gained through gameplay.).
Psychic School: Pyromancy
Psychic Power: Flame bolt (Fire ball but weaker) Flame mortar( projectile is shot into the air at an arc and upon contact covers a small radius in flames
Equipment: Prized Zippo
Last edited by Tsai on Fri Apr 17, 2015 5:11 am, edited 6 times in total.
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Re: Meta Humans (OOC)

Postby Nobudi » Wed Apr 15, 2015 10:58 pm

Placeholder for a sheet.

Name: Yukari Emiya
Age: 23
Sex: Female
Spoiler (click to show/hide):

48619669_p0_master1200.jpg (124.25 KiB) Viewed 2568 times

Weight: 110 lbs
Height: 4'9"
Bio: This woman is a NEET, and she's quite proud of it. Rather than waste her life away doing boring jobs, she'd rather stay home and game in her room. It got so bad, that when all of her consoles and computers had broken down, she had stayed in her room and salvaged usable parts from each electronic to make something that could run just a little long, just so she didn't have to leave. She discovered her powers quite by accident, and upon her parent's discovery of her talents, her parents gladly shipped her off to MHD, because she was a 'waste of resources' in her home. MHD has noted that her powers are uniquely able to hybridize a pair of schools in order to create unusual effects. They've also forced her to train physically, since she is better well- rounded.

HP: (10+1)
LP: (10+1)
Class 1 Meta Human
Corruption: 0/100 (Demonic/Sexual influence meter, basically. All start at 0)
STR: 1
DEX: 1
CON: 1
INT: 1
WIS: 1
CHA: 1
Skills: Gaming, Jury Rigging
Psychic School: Universal
Psychic Power: Interface (Electromancy/Telepathy; allows her to mentally connect herself with an electrical system via touch and gather information from it), Preflex (Divination/Biomancy; allows a subconscious glimpse of the future, and causes the body to begin reacting to an attack)
Equipment: Game Controller

Hopefully she isn't too strong.
Last edited by Nobudi on Thu Apr 16, 2015 6:00 am, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: Meta Humans (OOC)

Postby HarleyLocal605 » Wed Apr 15, 2015 11:02 pm

Changed to placeholder, sorry, getting used to difference between face to face rpg to forum rp's. Currently on lunch so ill finish and post a cs after work.
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Re: Meta Humans (OOC)

Postby VintageBass » Wed Apr 15, 2015 11:03 pm

So a male character will get a faceful of dicks? Hmm... tempting.


Name: Jackolen William DePhispe
Age: 19
Sex: Male
Normal Appearance:
Spoiler (click to show/hide):


Spoiler (click to show/hide):

Minus the eyepatch

Height: 6' 4"
Weight: 62 kg.
Bio: Young Jack grew up in a small little rural Irish home and was pretty much like any prankster growing up, however he seems rather keen on what he pulls and the sense of maturity he has about them. He is rather cunning when it comes to what he pulls and will never do any harm to anyone whatsoever, no matter how bad the person may be. His endgame usually to have everyone smiling, and while he does do good, it always doesn't end too well so he needs to get away quick. If he finds himself in a trouble spot, he works towards finding a way out either by his words or dancing his way out... sometimes literally. He works towards getting a good education, even working on getting a spot on the track team, but in the end he seems capable of bringing smiles to people though his jokes and dance. Lately he has been working at a local festival where he puts on a pumpkin and dances about, juggling fire while under the guidance of a woman, who may or may not have some black, dark and evil magical ties...

HP: 12
LP: 12
Class 1 Meta Human
Corruption: 0/100
STR: -4
DEX: 4
CON: 2
INT: 1
WIS: 2
CHA: 1

- Sleight of Feet: While not good with his hands beyond building small contraptions and setting up pranks, Jack is excellent on his two feet. Be able to sidestep and dodge things, along with him being able to dance to his jams help Jack do some crafty escapes if needed. If Jack needs to get away, then he will use his long legs to let him slip on by. (DEX focused)
- Prankster's Wit: With the years of pranks and tricks that Jack has done during his school years, and when his feet to get him away in time, Jack can sometimes using clever wordplay to get out as well. By clever, it usually involve puns and a good majority of time bad ones at that. Still, either if his feet can move him out or he talks out of a sticky situation that's going to get someone hurt, Jack will make sure that will get out with his head on his shoulders. (CHA focused)

Psychic School: Quakerend
Psychic Power:
- Seedling Whippersnappers: Jack can throw seeds that will grow into small plants, serving as Jack's main line of attacking, that will either use vines, roots or mouth-like flowers to attack. Vines and roots can also serve as a form of ensnarement. Will take a turn for plants to fully grow.
- Spores of Madness: Jack blows out a cloud of pollen spores out, releasing a lust-inducing thick cloud that can be used in conjunction with his plants to slow down or entice enemies into his bidding.

- MP3 Player
- Headphones
- Notebook
- Running shoes
- Seed bag
- Pumpkin
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Re: Meta Humans (OOC)

Postby Alaena » Wed Apr 15, 2015 11:05 pm

HarleyLocal605 Wrote:I'd like to reserve a spot as well.

Spot reservations aren't really necessary, not going to be first come first serve, but please apply and make a sheet when you can!

Haven't decided on a char limit either, so depending on how many people apply, might be able to take everyone.
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Re: Meta Humans (OOC)

Postby MelissaB » Wed Apr 15, 2015 11:09 pm

Name: Jade
Age: 20
Sex: Female
Original Appearance:
Spoiler (click to show/hide):


Transformed Appearance:
Spoiler (click to show/hide):


Weight: 143 lbs (287lbs)
Height: 5 foot 6 (6 foot 2)
Bio: Jade is slow to trust, and puts up a front of casual indifference to how she is viewed fearing dislike or people getting close only to knock her back and tease her of her bestial body which she spends as much time in as she can. Preferring it as an outer shell to hide behind rather than her normal skin and form. Jade before this was a simple girl, went to university worked on getting a degree in 3D animation while spending time doing a part time job at a gym helping people keep fit and healthy while also doing the same for herself. Making sure she was physical fit and healthy tot he best of her body's ability and this helped her strong strong in her own independence, not needing to lean on others while she handles herself. Her family was reasonable, no tragic tales or stories of woe, life simply went on for them and when she moved out to study she was waved off with smiles and well wishes. She gathered a good deal of friends, those she liked those she was only on a first name basis with but they were fun, charming and a good laugh to be around. Regardless that was the extent of her relationships are university, she never could get close to anyone, kept pushing them back or the other way round.

HP: 13
LP: 8
Class 1 Meta Human
Corruption: 0/100
STR: 4
DEX: 2
CON: 3
INT: -2
WIS: -2
CHA: 1
Skills: Physical Peak(10% chance to reroll critical failures that uses Str, Con or Dex), Independent(+1 bonus to rolls when alone)
Psychic School: Biomancy (Uses physical stats mainly, depending on use)
Psychic Power: Bestial Form(changes appearance +2 Str, Con & Dex. -2 Int, Wis & Cha)
Serrated Claws(Claws/Nails grow in powerful evil looking claws and her arms take a monstrous appearance so they can wield the new claws. Bonus d4 damage and allows her to climb walls)
Equipment: Nail file and baggy clothes
Last edited by MelissaB on Thu Apr 16, 2015 10:22 pm, edited 7 times in total.
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Re: Meta Humans (OOC)

Postby venomouswings » Wed Apr 15, 2015 11:10 pm

Name: Georgia
Age: 19
Sex: Female
Spoiler (click to show/hide):


Weight: 130
Height: 5’11
Bio: A head strong but fun loving girl. She grew up in a normal fun happy family with her mommy and daddy. Her grades were good and she took part in after school activities. Everything was going well until she turned 16. She woke up to pain, agonizing pain as her skin in her right arm ripped and tore, reforming into the demonic arm she now posses. Her parents were terrified, even calling doctors to examine her. When the men in suits came to take her away she ran, ran far away and never looked back. Years later of making a living on underground fighting she was found again, but this time by the MHD offer a high paying job.

HP: 14
LP: 9
Class 1 Meta Human
Corruption: 0/100
(12 points to spend. Max to start is +4, may lower scores to -4 for more points, but no lower. More will be gained through gameplay.)
STR: +4
DEX: +2
CON: +4
INT: -1
WIS: -1
CHA: -2
Skills: Duck and weave: Harder to hit in close one on one combat.

Brain rocker: A well place hit will make anyone see stars. (Has 15% chance to stun a enemy for a turn with melee attack.)

Psychic School: Arcana(Demon)
Psychic Power:
Raise hell: Georgia forgets about everything else but raw physical power for a short amount of time. (Plus +4 to Str and Con, a total of -8 is subtracted from other stats)

Volcanic blast: A close range blast of lava from her devil arm, with a chance for it to stick on her target, doing damage over time.
Her fists!
Last edited by venomouswings on Sun Apr 19, 2015 4:00 pm, edited 9 times in total.
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Re: Meta Humans (OOC)

Postby Alaena » Wed Apr 15, 2015 11:19 pm

VintageBass Wrote:So a male character will get a faceful of dicks? Hmm... tempting.


A faceful of dicks, or pussy, in the case of this RP. :P
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Re: Meta Humans (OOC)

Postby Tsai » Wed Apr 15, 2015 11:24 pm

Just a quick question about the CS do our stats start at -1 and we spend points to make them zero/positive
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Re: Meta Humans (OOC)

Postby spriter1 » Wed Apr 15, 2015 11:24 pm

Name: Willow O'Kain
Age: 19
Sex: Female
Spoiler (click to show/hide):


Weight: 124lb
Height: 5' 11"
Bio: Willow's life started off in comfort from the word go. After all, being the daughter of a rich and powerful man in the mafia has it perks, from private intuition to the latest console, it was safe to say that Willow grew up not far from whatever she wanted. Thing is, while she might be a bit self-absorbed and selfish, perhaps even a bit spoiled at times, she is alright for the most part because too much of those kind of things tend to make you too much of a target.
At a young age, it was obvious to her father that his daughter was more a thinker than a brawler, with her spending most of her time reading, writing, and learning, her tutor's praising her for her intelligence and usually getting high marks, meanwhile she never seemed interested in doing anything physical, like running or lifting and stuff like that. Not that it was frowned upon, after all, being a brawler helps you in fights, but being a thinker keeps you out of them and thinkers usually ended up in the high ranks where the real power sat.
Of course without anything going for her physically, she learned to do what every good kid belonging to a dad in the mafia does, and that is shoot a weapon. She was pretty good actually, managing to hit an average amount of the time but could do better.
Around the age of 16 is when her powers started manifesting, feeling like something... Clicked. She didn't understand the meaning of it though until she was trying to improve her aim again, finding it strange that the more she concentrated on a spot on the target, the more likely she was to hit it... It was only the start though, as she started learning how to move things with her mind, reload her gun, dismantle it, clean it out, reassemble it, loads of thing's she would be able to do normally, and some not so much, that she could do with her mind. She never bothered telling any of the mafia of course about these abilities when they sprung up, instead doing small jobs, earning a name, moving on to bigger ones, assassinations, effectively working her way up until she wasn't far behind her own big man.
All good things must become interesting and alot more complicated though, since even with her trying to keep them a secret, rumours started spreading through the ranks, and the first two times she tried to "stem the growth", it only seemed to spread faster, meaning some people probably wouldn't be too happy. Then of course the MHD had to had to be let in through her door, with her sitting at a nice desk and having her feet up on it, smoking a cigarette as they more than likely thought they had an offer she simply can't refuse...
HP: 8/8
LP: 14/14
Class 1 Meta Human
Corruption: 0/100
STR: -4
DEX: 0
CON: -2
INT: 4
WIS: 4
CHA: 4
This is my rifle, this is my gun! - Due to her less than stellar combat abilities, Willow decided that the only way to make up for such is to learn how to use firearms.
Ring-a-Ding, Baby! - gets a bonus to rolls involving persuasion and bartering
Psychic School: Telekinesis

Psychic Power:
telekinetic building - capable of minute and finesse like movements with her power rather than broad strokes of force, and can build things in seconds as if she had many, many hands.

MIND BULLETS! - capable of using her telekinetic powers fast enough to affect things comparable to a bullet. (Can use INT for aiming/using firearms)
Equipment: pistol, cigarette packet, metal lighter
Last edited by spriter1 on Thu Apr 16, 2015 10:58 pm, edited 6 times in total.
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Re: Meta Humans (OOC)

Postby Alaena » Wed Apr 15, 2015 11:26 pm

Tsai Wrote:Just a quick question about the CS do our stats start at -1 and we spend points to make them zero/positive

Yes, that's exactly it. They start at -1, as in, negative one.

EDIT: Added a short explanation about LP/HP in the Stats section.
Last edited by Alaena on Wed Apr 15, 2015 11:27 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Meta Humans (OOC)

Postby Tsai » Wed Apr 15, 2015 11:27 pm

Got it, good way to balance characters.
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Re: Meta Humans (OOC)

Postby cryosabre » Wed Apr 15, 2015 11:34 pm

Name: Tessa Kiernan
Age: 23
Sex: Female
Spoiler (click to show/hide):


Weight: 8 st 2 lb
Height:5FT 3 inches

Bio: Tessa Kiernan came from a broken Northern Irish family, her mother left when she was 2 years old, leaving her father to look after her by himself. Her father being a retired special forces Sergent did the best he could and brought her up to be strong and made sure she had the ability to defend herself. Tessa always loved going to the firing range and found that she was somewhat of a natural shot, coping well under pressure and more often than not aiming true and being able to hit her mark.
In Tessa's life outside the home she was a relatively happy girl, she got average grades in her all girls school, Ashfield High, where she was quite popular and had a lot of friends. Tessa also fueled her love of rock music by getting her hands on any CDs she could find in all the music shops she routinely checked for new stock and generally got up to the usual mischief a teenage girl would.
That all changed 4 months after her 17th birthday. Suddenly sometimes when Tessa touched things they started either bursting into flames, being covered in ice or being charged with high voltage electricity. Once these powers began to randomly develop within Tessa she started to become a recluse, terrified of hurting the people around her. after a couple of months of hiding herself away in the house, and after many attempts to to try and get her to open up, Tessa finally told her father about the strange powers she had developed, almost immediately her father sold the house in Belfast and bought another one in the countryside where he was determined to help his daughter learn how to control her power and show her that she doesn't need to worry about hurting people, she can use her powers to help people.
After 6 years of continuing her training, and gaining a better understanding of how her powers worked, Tessa also kept her love of rock music and even adapted it into her training, she found that listening to music helped her to focus on the target as it allowed her to zone out any other noise and take a better shot, the louder the rock, the better the shot. Tessa decided to return to civilization after hearing about the attacks from otherworldly creatures and the creation of the Meta-Human Division to combat these invaders, Tessa was determined to show the world that she would do good with her powers by helping to deter these invaders and stop them from taking over the earth. And she would do this with her old assault rifle she had been practicing with these past 6 years, as well as her most prized possession, Her headphones and MP3 player filled to the brim with AC/DC, Led Zeppelin, Def Leppard and many others. Being back in the city of Belfast made Tessa feel something she hadn't felt in a long time, she was nervous at first coming into contact with so many people again at once, but before to long she was working up the courage to talk to strangers and ask for directions, obviously not letting them see what was in the contents of her duffel bag. Feeling more like her old confident self she set off in search of the MHD to start her fight against the invasion!

HP: 13
LP: 10
Class 1 Meta Human
Corruption: 0/100

STR: -4
DEX: 4
CON: 3
INT: 0
WIS: -1
CHA: 4
1.military fitness - Due to being trained to special forces levels of fitness Tessa is conditioned to act quickly and decisively, with no hesitation, has a bonus to initiative
2.Skilled sharpshooter - due to receiving military style training in shooting, has a bonus to accuracy rolls
Psychic School: Universal

Psychic Power:
1.Imbue bullets or other weapons with selected elemental energy (fire, ice, electricity);
fire : has a chance to set enemies alight causing burning damage every turn
Ice: has a chance to cause freezing in the enemy slowing them down, causing slowed movement on their next turn
Electric: has a chance to causes paralysis in the enemy, causing them to miss their next turn.

2. Able to coat her body with a selected element, gaining defensive bonuses towards that element

Equipment: Old Assault rifle, treasured headphones and old MP3 player
Last edited by cryosabre on Wed Apr 22, 2015 5:26 pm, edited 16 times in total.
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Re: Meta Humans (OOC)

Postby Albedo28 » Wed Apr 15, 2015 11:50 pm

Character Sheet
Spoiler (click to show/hide):

Name: Jisoo Kim (Goes by Jason to English speakers)
Age: 25
Sex: Male
Appearance: Image
Weight: 185lbs
Height: 5'10"
Bio: Jisoo is fairly quiet and tends not to make conversation unless he's approached first. He's a significant time making friends and a harder time keeping them due to his tendency to throw himself entirely into his work. Before his psychic powers manifested he worked as a Cirque Du Soliel acrobat during the evening and a Martial Arts instructor during usual business hours. He rarely gets proper sleep and always has dark bags under his eyes marring his natural beauty.His busy schedule kept him out of his small apartment, that he rents by himself, for nearly all hours. He has a college degree in business but finds little use for it in his current walk of life, mostly just using it to help manage his small Dojo.
He was born to his Korean mother and father in America and grew up in the typical Amercian public school system and was constantly made fun of for being prettier than half his female classmates. He never quite got over being teased so very constantly until his college years for his pretty face and developed a bit of a complex about his androgynous face thus focusing on training his body to look and act more 'manly'.

HP: 14
LP: 11
Class 1 Meta Human
Corruption: 0/100

STR: 2
DEX: 3
CON: 4
INT: 0
WIS: 1
CHA: -4
Skills: Martial artist, Acrobatics
Psychic School: Biomancy
Psychic Power:
Regeneration- A passive power that restores one HP per post for Jisoo
Healing hands- can restore the HP of a target within ten meters. Any such target that is healed this way gains the same amount of LP damage as HP restored. (Can be used 'offensively')

Equipment: Black Martial Artist Gi, Long ankle level blue coat, 30' Rope and grappling hook
Last edited by Albedo28 on Thu Apr 16, 2015 1:05 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Meta Humans (OOC)

Postby Tsai » Wed Apr 15, 2015 11:56 pm

Alrighty my character sheet is up! Ahhh im interested to see what other people do
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Re: Meta Humans (OOC)

Postby TCELESBHSUP » Thu Apr 16, 2015 12:03 am

Tsai Wrote:Alrighty my character sheet is up! Ahhh im interested to see what other people do

Juuust a heads up, swap your height and weight around!

In other news, workin' on a CS right now.
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Re: Meta Humans (OOC)

Postby Alaena » Thu Apr 16, 2015 12:12 am

Tsai Wrote:Alrighty my character sheet is up! Ahhh im interested to see what other people do

Juuust a heads up, swap your height and weight around!

In other news, workin' on a CS right now.

I will review whatever characters are up later tonight. It will likely be at least a few days until we start.
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Re: Meta Humans (OOC)

Postby Tsai » Thu Apr 16, 2015 12:13 am

Oh lol thanks didnt even notice
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