Hentai: Peach's Untold Tale 3.48 (Nov 2/18) - HIATUS

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Re: Hentai: Peach's Untold Tale 2.3.14 (Apr 1/15)

Postby Haegemon69 » Sun Apr 05, 2015 1:35 am

So good the prisonball thing was found. It was a difficult one.
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Re: Hentai: Peach's Untold Tale 2.3.14 (Apr 1/15)

Postby MPLDAM9919 » Sun Apr 05, 2015 8:28 am

I just noticed that Peach's face doesn't animate with she's masturbating. It's stuck on her default face.

And do have anything in mind for the rest of the World 7 levels Ivan? So far I've gotten up to Glitzvile (which I sent to you ahile back).
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Re: Hentai: Peach's Untold Tale 2.3.14 (Apr 1/15)

Postby JJPG » Sun Apr 05, 2015 3:01 pm

lakitu scene 3 doesnt play when peach touches it again

piranha plant and thwomp doesnt raise up the laid counter
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Re: Hentai: Peach's Untold Tale 2.3.14 (Apr 1/15)

Postby Ivan-Aedler » Sun Apr 05, 2015 9:41 pm

I will keep making updates, but slower, until day 11th, then I can work on it more.
I am right now making level 7-2 because its more feasible right now
. But I wont finish it today.

We are reaching the THIRD year of this game, according to the date of the first post ;)

Sincerelly, I thank all people who helped directly or indirectly to the game so far! Praise for the MIM PUT team (where people are still on board, like Blargh) and artists like Triplip, Soloid and Luftmallow. For those who are lurkers, or just come here to play, enjoy the game as much as you could! Just remember its a game made IN LOK site, with a mirror to my site, AEDLER site, **ONLY**. If you see this game in another site and they dont credit LOK or Aedler site (by links or icons), like 'GamesOfDesire.com' did before (they NEVER contacted me), its a changed/invalid/hacked game which IS NOT SUPPORTED BY US.

We will keep making efforts to make more levels, scenes and features ;) The sky (and our health, and the Adobe Flash limits) are the limit!

overlord5 Wrote:the save game class i mentioned in our PMs could have a tostring converter, which could be read again. the easiest way to do this is to print out all things represented in some manner in one long line, we would have to create buffer numbers for when we need to add more stuff such as a new creature

Yes, you're right. But if this gets implemented someday, we can use the way HummingBird did. He kind of outputted 'binary' values, so we can add new variables later (If I am not mistaken). Please check out Humbird0FlashTools (I think I've mentioned this in our meetings) ;)

overlord5 Wrote:I think the best solution would be to simply create a save file in same folder which i have seen done in flash before

I am searching about this in AS2. But there are ways to do IN AS3. As I want to convert to AS3 in the following months (for God sakes) so no problem to add this feature when the game is in AS3.

overlord5 Wrote:hopefully the classes will also help with this

I dont know if it will work because the problem is really the 'huge FLA' dealing with more than 30,000 objects! This can mangle up the computer memory! In the future (How many years?) I could convert this game to HTML5 (once it gets faster enough to compete with Flash). In HTML5, we can have separate files (a folder structure: /bin, /img/, /movieClips, /sounds, /poses, /data...). So, modifying a given pose would be a matter to just edit a 'pose' file. Each pose would 'load up' the use objects by searching in /movieClips and /img folder, because, after all, each object can use several other objects inside! Its really a complex system.

KaitoHatsune Wrote:OMG! Im Retard! :oops: Sorry! From now on I will put pictures mode Spoiler and not forget to press Space in the scenes :cry:

Dont worry! I understand (as I am a gamer myself), sometimes we dont notice changes because when those messageboxes appear in, we already link it with those 1), 2), 3) options, but we should remember the actions (scenes) are playing mostly by using space to go to the next.

Tacomancer Wrote:[Request] Auto saving option. Save at end of world. Save and end of level. Hotkey Save/load.

ADDED (update April 12th). Except the hotkeys. I will do it later.

Haegemon69 Wrote:So good the prisonball thing was found. It was a difficult one.

You say 'was fixed', or 'was found again'? :shock: The ball should only appear when she is locked in the prison, and even so, there are times she can be in the prison but not restrained.

MPLDAM9919 Wrote:I just noticed that Peach's face doesn't animate with she's masturbating. It's stuck on her default face.

FIXED! (update April 12th)

MPLDAM9919 Wrote:And do have anything in mind for the rest of the World 7 levels Ivan? So far I've gotten up to Glitzvile (which I sent to you ahile back).

We need to make more cloudy levels. As we are in the clouds now (since 7-3), as Glitzy Ville was in 7-4, we need a cute '100% cloudy level' (7-5) with some areas like Subcon levels (SMB2), with some ancient columns and perhaps with some Phantos. More info in your email.

JJPG Wrote:lakitu scene 3 doesnt play when peach touches it again

It should be at random. So scene 1 might play, then scene 1 again, then scene 2, then scene 2 again, then scene 3 might happen in the future. In normal enemies like Goombas and Koopas, Peach needs to find a new one in order to see a different scene. Sometimes the new enemy do her again in the same pose (scene), due to the way the random code works. Its like the new enemy also wants to fuck her like that.
FIXED! (update April 12th)

JJPG Wrote:piranha plant and thwomp doesnt raise up the laid counter

FIXED! (update April 12th).

People can report any bugs here, I'll always check it out later. But I'll be working less this week (as said above), as this will be a very difficult week for me. Only for you to know, today is sunday and I am not resting because I need to prepare code for my job.
Last edited by Ivan-Aedler on Sun Apr 12, 2015 3:15 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: Hentai: Peach's Untold Tale 2.3.14 (Apr 1/15)

Postby Biles » Mon Apr 06, 2015 5:46 am

Well, it's been ages since I've updated the working sprites for the koopa troopa. So without further adieu, I present to you my revised version. The only thing that needs to be done however, is to be imported into flash and be animated and ready to be used in the game. If you're wondering what's with the three koopa shells on the right, those are spinning frames for whenever the shell gets stomped and starts dashing across the floor.

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Re: Hentai: Peach's Untold Tale 2.3.14 (Apr 1/15)

Postby meisbi » Mon Apr 06, 2015 4:36 pm

Next bug report(s):

1) Lakitu will only ever play the same scene, regardless of the level I am playing. Consequently, the gallery counter for "he loves to fuck damsels in the cloud" isn't going down anymore...

2) This is probably a hard one: Sometimes (and I really don't know how to reproduce it), the enemies in a level kind of get "stuck". That means they stop moving but instead walk in one spot. When this happens, it seems to happen to all enemies in the level, that exist allready. "New" enemies coming out of the ground or out of pipes continue to act normal. The locked ones usually also stop interacting with Peach, which means they can neither be killed nor fucked (see the screenshot 1). That is espeacially bad when it happens in a level with Birdo guarding the exit, since you then can't finish the level and can only leave the level through the entrance at the beginning or, as in this level, not at all.
Screenshot 1:
Spoiler (click to show/hide):

put_screen3.png (179.01 KiB) Viewed 3061 times

As I said it's hard to reproduce so I'm trying to gather all information that might be helpfull. In the level of the screenshot (Round Lumbers in Subcon) I also had the following phenomenon: When walking past Birdo trying to fuck her sometimes suddenly Peach (or Krystal in this instance) vanishes and a speach bubble appears about fish nipping her breasts. Pressing "shift" get's her out of this "scene" and makes her reappear. A few meters left of Birdo is a bridge with jumping fish, which on the other hand jump right through Peach (see screenshot 2). In this screenshot you can also see two shyguys. The left one just came out of the ground and is actually moving, the other one walking right in his spot and can't be interacted with...
Screenshot 2:
Spoiler (click to show/hide):


Happy fixing (and I'm looking forward to level 7-2!)
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Re: Hentai: Peach's Untold Tale 2.3.14 (Apr 1/15)

Postby Pram » Mon Apr 06, 2015 11:24 pm

Holy Hell those new Koops look awesome. Keep up the great work!
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Re: Hentai: Peach's Untold Tale 2.3.14 (Apr 1/15)

Postby KiWolfGirl » Tue Apr 07, 2015 7:28 am

The koopa troopa looks great :)
Other great additions to this game would be Mauser and Tryclyde.
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Re: Hentai: Peach's Untold Tale 2.3.14 (Apr 1/15)

Postby Biles » Tue Apr 07, 2015 11:00 pm

Okay guys. Here's the thing, while I'm working on making sample animations for the Koopa Troopas, I'm trying to figure out how to effectively color their shells in a more efficient manner. I know there's a way that allows actionscripts to color a symbol despite its original colors. Problem is, I don't have enough left-brain power to figure out how.

In this example, I'll try to explain what I mean:
Click to Play
(Javascript Required)

Colorize.swf [ 1.94 KiB | Viewed 2792 times ]

You'll notice the various colors. The patterns at the corners require using frames, symbols, and additional scripting to pull the effect off. However, this could be problematic as it uses up resources and that is something I wanna avoid at all if possible. The pattern in the center has a symbol in it which is assigned to be colorized, all it needs is a script to change its color. So therefore, I've attached the working flash file so that any of you coders can input the script needed. Once done, then I can use that to help colorize the Koopa shells. :3
(Flash CS6 version)
(11.88 KiB) Downloaded 15 times
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Re: Hentai: Peach's Untold Tale 2.3.14 (Apr 1/15)

Postby overlord5 » Wed Apr 08, 2015 1:24 am

Biles Wrote:Okay guys. Here's the thing, while I'm working on making sample animations for the Koopa Troopas, I'm trying to figure out how to effectively color their shells in a more efficient manner. I know there's a way that allows actionscripts to color a symbol despite its original colors. Problem is, I don't have enough left-brain power to figure out how.

i surgest you check out b-splines they are used for creating nurbs (more or less the 3d version of vector graphics), and most forms of curves in graphics... though i'm unsure as to what exactly you would have to look up to find anything on it in, surgest you look up curves
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Re: Hentai: Peach's Untold Tale 2.3.14 (Apr 1/15)

Postby Ivan-Aedler » Wed Apr 08, 2015 2:23 am

Still making 7-2 slowly....

Biles Wrote:Well, it's been ages since I've updated the working sprites for the koopa troopa. So without further adieu, I present to you my revised version.

Thank you! I've kept it so I can improve the Koopas over time ;)

Biles Wrote:If you're wondering what's with the three koopa shells on the right, those are spinning frames for whenever the shell gets stomped and starts dashing across the floor.

Ok I think it would be neat to see it rotating. I'll put in my TODO list. ;)

meisbi Wrote:Next bug report(s): 1) Lakitu will only ever play the same scene, regardless of the level I am playing. Consequently, the gallery counter for "he loves to fuck damsels in the cloud" isn't going down anymore...

Probably FIXED Now. (update April 12th)

meisbi Wrote:2) This is probably a hard one: Sometimes (and I really don't know how to reproduce it), the enemies in a level kind of get "stuck". That means they stop moving but instead walk in one spot. When this happens, it seems to happen to all enemies in the level, that exist allready. "New" enemies coming out of the ground or out of pipes continue to act normal. The locked ones usually also stop interacting with Peach

Actually I use a kind of 'Garbage collection' for enemies, but the ones that already exist needs to vanish. Also, 'important' enemies like Birdoes or goombas with keys must not get collected neither locked! I think you can reproduce this error faster if you get next to a 'endless respawning enemies area', like in 1-5 (Grassland). Try it out.

meisbi Wrote:When walking past Birdo trying to fuck her sometimes suddenly Peach (or Krystal in this instance) vanishes and a speach bubble appears about fish nipping her breasts. Pressing "shift" get's her out of this "scene" and makes her reappear. A few meters left of Birdo is a bridge with jumping fish, which on the other hand jump right through Peach (see screenshot 2).

Probably FIXED Now. (update April 12th)

KiWolfGirl Wrote:The koopa troopa looks great :)Other great additions to this game would be Mauser and Tryclyde.

I already have the Mouser. Its planned later (or when I finish world 7 at least).

Biles Wrote:Okay guys. Here's the thing, while I'm working on making sample animations for the Koopa Troopas, I'm trying to figure out how to effectively color their shells in a more efficient manner.

Thank you, its a neat idea! But I may not use it now, because:
1 - I already have tons of work in my plate right now.
2 - I need to rest from job (my vacation will start on 11th of april), where I can use more time to code.
3 - I need to play with that FLA later.

I am sure I can do that. Then I'll tell you ;)
Last edited by Ivan-Aedler on Sun Apr 12, 2015 3:13 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Hentai: Peach's Untold Tale 2.3.14 (Apr 1/15)

Postby Haegemon69 » Wed Apr 08, 2015 3:40 am

Ivan-Aedler Wrote:You say 'was fixed', or 'was found again'? :shock: The ball should only appear when she is locked in the prison, and even so, there are times she can be in the prison but not restrained.

I mean found and fixed, of course. :lol:

Biles Wrote:Well, it's been ages since I've updated the working sprites for the koopa troopa. So without further adieu, I present to you my revised version. The only thing that needs to be done however, is to be imported into flash and be animated and ready to be used in the game. If you're wondering what's with the three koopa shells on the right, those are spinning frames for whenever the shell gets stomped and starts dashing across the floor.

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That's nice! The shell keeps the right proportion with the turtle, which now it's a little smaller once is on the ground.
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Re: Hentai: Peach's Untold Tale 2.3.14 (Apr 1/15)

Postby KiWolfGirl » Wed Apr 08, 2015 5:13 am

Biles Wrote:Okay guys. Here's the thing, while I'm working on making sample animations for the Koopa Troopas, I'm trying to figure out how to effectively color their shells in a more efficient manner. I know there's a way that allows actionscripts to color a symbol despite its original colors. Problem is, I don't have enough left-brain power to figure out how.

Are you working in AS2 or AS3? I've done this a few times in AS2, I don't think its probably much harder in AS3. The basic principle is you make the part you want to color with code in white. YOu have to do shading with alphas of grays and other translucent overlays. The code will make the white color (which you put in a movie clip) the color of the hex code you give it.
There are some problems though, I once tried it with a shape that was shape tweening and it broke the color change. Maybe I had to make the tween into individual frames or something and keep telling it to color change.

Anyway here is how I did it a long time ago in AS2. This code isn't optimized and probably isn't the best way to do it, but I haven't redone it since.
Say inside your koopa movie clip is the movie clip of the shell, and inside that you had your flat color you wanted to change. The shade would be over it.

var colorTarget = "koopa.shell.shellFill"; // I make a string reference to the path you want to color just for easiness.
eval(colorTarget).myColor = new Color(colorTarget); // Dunno what this does
eval(colorTarget).myColor.setRGB(0xFF0000); // Sets it to hex FF0000 which is red.

I THINK that should work
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Re: Hentai: Peach's Untold Tale 2.3.14 (Apr 1/15)

Postby Biles » Wed Apr 08, 2015 4:45 pm

Okay, well I'm currently using AS3. As for the codes you posted, I'll give it a try. Also, the flash workfile is available for anyone who feels generous to put in the code themselves.

Okay, I've tried to input the script you suggested but it didn't seem to work. I've posted a screenshot to show the error message I got after I published it.
Screen shot 2015-04-08 at 11.01.09 AM.png

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Re: Hentai: Peach's Untold Tale 2.3.14 (Apr 1/15)

Postby KiWolfGirl » Thu Apr 09, 2015 4:53 am


Spoiler (click to show/hide):

Yeah I used evals.... thats like a bad AS2 practice. I try not to do it anymore. In AS3 you use array notation instead so instead of what i wrote, it would look more like this.

this[colorTarget].myColor = new Color(colorTarget);

But also like i said before, thats the AS2 way of doing it. Maybe the color class didnt change but at least that's how you use eval in AS3. Oh also you didnt have to datatype really in as2.

So you would also have to add this to the first line.
var colorTarget:String = "koopa.shell.shellFill";

So i actually looked it up to see how to do it.

var newColor = new ColorTransform();
newColor.color = 0xFF0000;
koopa.shell.shellFill.transform.colorTransform = newColor; // Target the clip you want to change color, then add ".transform.colorTransform"
Last edited by KiWolfGirl on Thu Apr 09, 2015 5:00 am, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: Hentai: Peach's Untold Tale 2.3.14 (Apr 1/15)

Postby Biles » Thu Apr 09, 2015 4:59 am

Datatype? Well, anyways I'll try to input those new scripts and see if it makes any difference.
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Re: Hentai: Peach's Untold Tale 2.3.14 (Apr 1/15)

Postby KiWolfGirl » Thu Apr 09, 2015 5:00 am

I ninjad my post, didnt realize you were on, check my new message, I found the right way to do it.
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Re: Hentai: Peach's Untold Tale 2.3.14 (Apr 1/15)

Postby Biles » Thu Apr 09, 2015 5:08 am

Thanks, and guess what, it worked! It really did the trick!
Need some basic Flash character animations? Then stop by at:
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Re: Hentai: Peach's Untold Tale 2.3.14 (Apr 12/15)

Postby Ivan-Aedler » Sun Apr 12, 2015 3:12 pm

Game updated.
I hope no more bugs (the ones I said 'FIXED' and 'Probably Fixed Now' in the former pages). You guys can help by testing them again. I am checking the bugs found by Adan Pery now.

- ADDED: 'Auto Save' option (in the Options Screen). It can be 'End of each World', 'End of each Level', or 'NO'. Beware! It will auto save in the LAST USED SLOT (be it a loaded or a saved game). E.g. If you played a game for a bit, then LOADED slot 4, the auto save WILL overwrite slot 4. If you just entered the game (default slot:1) it will auto save to that slot! In order to 'choose the slot', just SAVE it manually (by going to the save screen), selecting the slot you want, like 'slot 5'.
- ADDED: Hotkeys for Save (ALT+1 thru ALT+5) and Load (SHIFT+1 thru SHIFT+5). Remember that '+' is not pressed here! Its just to indicate both have to be pressed at the same time!
- Improved Option Screen headers (A thing I wanted to do a year ago, but I was not having the 'eureka' to organize those text better). Now there is more space for new options.
- Improved hog holes (if Peach is horny and near them). Tech Info: enemies must set 'enemyG' and reuse the same. It may fix the 'dead-locked shyguy in 3-3', near Birdo, after many of them leave the vases.
- Improved Cheep cheep code and removed 'instanceAdds', as they must not follow 'garbage collection' algorithms.
- Feature: Now, Peach can leave the castle (RED pipe area in the campus) if she goes to the sewers and enters in any of the 8 large pipes.
- Rule change: Birdo wont be 'breathing' if knocked out. The idea is that she is practically dead. 'Knocked out' enemies are in a way they can't be woken up (EXCEPT for DO OVERS).
- Glitch Fix: Now Peach can only stomp cheep-cheeps (the small fish) if she is really jumping into him (and descending with a bit of speed).
- Glitch Fix: Lakitu with only one scene active (Peach sucking him). Remember he will still START licking Peach, then the second time onwards will be kind of random, so Peach can escape from losing her virginity right away. He still chooses what he want to do with Peach, so its still possible for him to do the same scene a couple of times (like the sucking scene) then the fucking scene can appear. Also, remember the 'pole' scene (where she sucks then grab the pole) IS another scene per see. You need to make her use it in order to unlock the gallery later.
- BUG FIX: Birdoes disappearing if many enemies get spawned. THIS CANT OCCUR because Birdo and other special creatures cant get 'garbage collected' when many enemies are spawed due to their special functions. Peach needs them to finish the level, like the purple pearl from Birdoes.
- BUG FIX: Piranha plant and thwomp doesnt raising up her laid counter.

So its my vacation, now! Until day 1 of may.
On the contrary of many developers (where they use vacations and 'flee' from programming), I use vacations to work on it more (its the opposite), because my problem when not in a vacation is the work, family duties, and trips. But I may not promise 'super updates' because well, its my vacation anyway. And I dont promise I will include the new Koopas those days.

Biles Wrote:Thanks, and guess what, it worked! It really did the trick!

I hope you guys get it well ;) MIM PUT is 100% AE2, until I start converting to AS3. No start date yet.
Last edited by Ivan-Aedler on Mon Apr 13, 2015 5:21 am, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: Hentai: Peach's Untold Tale 2.3.14 (Apr 12/15)

Postby yorishi » Sun Apr 12, 2015 6:35 pm

file doesn t works
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