The Bloody Halo

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Re: The Bloody Halo

Postby KnightVanilla » Fri Mar 20, 2015 10:54 pm

"Well as one who cares not for the high and mighty attitudes of others let's play a game with her then. Not that she might enjoy. Lets call it strip toss all she has to do is catch something in her mouth if she misses my tosses she gets something added onto her if she misses misses your catches well you can remove anything from her." Maiza said after finishing with her book practice.
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Re: The Bloody Halo

Postby exalted » Fri Mar 20, 2015 11:07 pm

Aesa quickly buried her eyes in the dirt, resisting the desperate urge to blush or make a noise as she felt the guard's hand on her... or what she hoped was the only the guard's hand. She knew moving quickly would attrack the the steppes girl attention, and that the stocks and her body would block what was happening so along as she didn't come around the corner.

Pressing her thigh together she tried to trap his hand and stop it from moving further up, an unfamiliar tingle in her body. She did not have much experience with this sort of thing, as daughter of a Jarl she had been expected to remain chaste for a political marriage. There had been some drunken fumblings in the hay with some boys but nothing serious, never going all the way, and her previous master had sold her before performing the deed.

"Say that when we on even terms, Horse Whore," She snapped viciously as she heard the woman propose the game, "You big woman when only you have sword or I tied up. How big are you when that not?"
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Re: The Bloody Halo

Postby Soru » Fri Mar 20, 2015 11:19 pm

Sonya drives her sword right through the bandit's chest, killing him and leaving only one left. She goes over to the last bandit and Layla. "Let her go or else you will end up like your two friends." She threatens the last bandit as she points her blade at him.
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Re: The Bloody Halo

Postby Phoenixcz » Fri Mar 20, 2015 11:32 pm

Layla's excitement from her victory was shortlived as the other bandit got hold of her. She hoped they would run when they lost their numeric advantage, and her lack of skill with a blade showed itself quickly. Unarmed once again and with her strength no match for the bandit's weight on her, unable to see what is Sonya doing, she tries to shake him off, or at least prevent him from hurting her too much. "Get off me, you bastard!"

When she hears Sonya's words, she smiles a little, but doesn't stops her effort, just in case he's stupid enough not to heed her warning.
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Re: The Bloody Halo

Postby VintageBass » Fri Mar 20, 2015 11:49 pm

Well the man is onto something. Meg isn't in the mood to fight some bimbo over her teacher, so starting a brawl in the bath isn't something she wants to do and wants to simply help Muutus unwind some bit by enjoying some exotic, perhaps some wild, fun. She licks her lips as she got her fingers on his member, cooing as she gets a feel of him, and makes sure that her claws are retracted so she isn't harming him in the slightest. Meg even curls up closer to Muutus, wrapping a leg across his lap while pressing her chest against his arm. "So good sir, you must have had your share of some fair maidens before, hm?" she asked, purring while she leans in and kisses his neck. "Something to reward yourself after a long and hard day after battling in the arena?"
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Re: The Bloody Halo

Postby KnightVanilla » Sat Mar 21, 2015 1:16 am

"Oh I welcome a fight and believe me I was attempting to fight you and that person you hate so much. I carry these swords as a means of my pride. However they stay close to remind me how easy it is to die at the hands of another... You find yourself mighty because of your lineage. Ha... One should be proud of what they've done and seeing as your a slave all you've done is fail." Maiza said before deciding to find the other students. "If she gets out of hand again let me know I'm sure you wouldn't mind me kicking her down a peg." Before leaving however she left her wooden training sword right under Aesa. Having previously sharpened it Maiza wondered if she would be smart and skilled enough to use it if not the guard could always use the blunt end of it to give her a spanking.
Life has gotten so much more boring. Well I suppose it doesn't help if I say my only source of entertainment is YouTube and here. So yeah not much of interesting life going on.
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Re: The Bloody Halo

Postby MelissaB » Sat Mar 21, 2015 7:35 pm

Ginna nods and turns to leave having enough of imperials and their whores for one day. Turning back to her quarters once outside of the bathing room she looks around and spots the guard and Aesa and the leaving Maiza. Shrugging she heads over to the guard and looks down at Aesa with a shake of her head. "She giving you too much trouble imperial?" She asks the guard ignoring Aesa for the time being.
A succubus. Poor misunderstood young ladies... they just want a little bit of love, little bit of death. Just like the rest of us -Gnarl

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Re: The Bloody Halo

Postby Reaver » Tue Mar 24, 2015 1:52 am

"Glad to hear that Muutus. I'd hate to spill blood just to be with you." Katherine said with a purr as she scooted closer to him and mashing him between two buxom women. She wrapped one of her legs around one of his legs, spreading his crotch for easy access. One of her hands dipped below to cup and massage his balls, already aware that Meg was working his shaft. "I say we reward him with two maidens today! What do you think of that, Meg?" She asked as she grinded her hard wet nipples against his chest and arm.
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Re: The Bloody Halo

Postby Amaranis A'daragon » Thu Mar 26, 2015 5:50 pm

Sonya + Layla

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The final bandit comes to his senses, and runs as fast as he can away from the two women, leaving his companion's bodies behind. The girls could search the bodies, bathe, or head back to the school. One thing you both probably know is that bandit groups arent usually that small.

Layla and Sonya get +2 xp for finishing combat.

Aesa + Maiza + Ginna

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The guard allows his hand to get trapped by Aesa, but that does not stop his assault. Moving his fingers inbetween her thighs, he continues to tease Aesa. When Ginna adresses him, he keeps a straight face when he speaks to her.
"No problems at the moment, just swearing at me with all insults she can think of. The lady from the Steppes mentioned some sort of game to her, but never explained it. I thought it would be a good way to pass the time..."

Muutus moves his hands from the women's thighs to between their legs, running the length of his finger along their lips.
"I have to say, I wasnt expecting this when I started looking for fighters. I also will not complain."
He continues his teasing of the women, and decides to dip down and kiss the necks of the women, starting with Meg then moving over to Katherine.
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I'm not sure if i'm just too creative, or just cant focus on one thing.
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Re: The Bloody Halo

Postby exalted » Thu Mar 26, 2015 11:16 pm

Aesa looked away from Ginna as she approached, not wanting to even comprehend the humiliation of her own countrymen seeing her in this predicament. She bit her lip as the guard's trapped hand caressed her inner thighs, feeling a strange tingling in her gut as the grip of her thighs weakened slightly.
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Re: The Bloody Halo

Postby MelissaB » Fri Mar 27, 2015 12:40 am

Looking down at her Ginna tilts her head with curiosity. Looking away with a frown she peers at the guard. "If she is touched beyond the beating I'll see you in her position with her guarding you. I doubt she will be kind." She warns with a huff before looking down at her countrymen. "You should not act so much like your father if you wish to survive." With that she leaves Aesa to the guard and makes her way to her room. Sighing to herself as she finds her bed and falls down upon it.
A succubus. Poor misunderstood young ladies... they just want a little bit of love, little bit of death. Just like the rest of us -Gnarl

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Re: The Bloody Halo

Postby KnightVanilla » Fri Mar 27, 2015 8:57 pm

With saying much she decided to leave the guard to his own devices before saying. "She has a point for you to do such a thing when you haven't earned the victory is rather dishonorable by your people's standards. Maybe next time you can earn such pleasure instead of picking up the scraps of another man's victory." Maiza laughs as she walks away intent on finding some guard that's willing to spar with her. All day and she has barely fought anyone yet. This was terribly boring.
Life has gotten so much more boring. Well I suppose it doesn't help if I say my only source of entertainment is YouTube and here. So yeah not much of interesting life going on.
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Re: The Bloody Halo

Postby Soru » Fri Mar 27, 2015 10:42 pm

Sonya looks through the two bodies for anything valuable or of use and splits what she finds with Layla. "Well now that's done, I think we should head back incase the last one decides to go for backup." She said as she placed her sword in its sheathe and starts to head back.
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Re: The Bloody Halo

Postby exalted » Fri Mar 27, 2015 10:59 pm

Aesa temporarily lost track of the guard and Ginna as she looked blankly at the steppes woman.

"Hey Whore, you steal my fight. Your brain to damaged by horse cock to understand?" She snorted.

Fires stoked again, she glared at Ginna as she mentioned her father, her guts churning in anger. What did this woman know? Who was she to criticize him? A woman who had given up the fight and now bowed to her Imperials conquerors. Aesa spat on the ground, glaring straight ahead as her feelings of humiliation turned firmly into anger. She would make them pay, make them all pay.
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Re: The Bloody Halo

Postby VintageBass » Fri Mar 27, 2015 11:20 pm

Chuckling at what she is hearing and feeling their teacher's hand now brushing up against her crotch, Meg can't help but coo, purr and peck the man on his cheek. She moves herself closer to him, wrapping a leg around his own and allow him some room to get his hand rubbing against her along with her own body against his leg. The catgirl smile a bit deviously as her fingers dance along Muutus's member and slowly stroke him off as he takes care of her...

Wait, there's someone else with her. Someone that she had poked because she thought she was blocking her from another laid. Meg shakes her head, trying to figure out what is going on with her. Apparently she must have zoned out from her spitefulness towards members of her own sex, because seeing the woman before her, if she is a woman from how toned she is and Meg is rather impressed and awestruck with how well her body looks when it could be fitted on a man, the catgirl begins to question whether or not she is wrong for even doing that to her. Hearing her words along with Muutus's own, she purrs in response and leans in for another kiss.

"Of course, and know I'm not just any regular fighter," she cooed, whispering hotly in his ear. Her hand masterfully jerks him off, allowing the other to massage him while they wait for him to cum. "Plus, after spending a long, hard day out there, how nice is it to unwind, relax in a hot bath with two beautiful, strong women that want to help please you?" During this, she has her other hand running down his upper body, a finger slowly tracing against his muscular physique. "Maybe, if we do well, we can have this be a recurring option? It'll help release that stress, after all..."
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Re: The Bloody Halo

Postby Phoenixcz » Sat Mar 28, 2015 11:44 am

Layla rises up from a ground. "Thanks, I wouldn't have been able to get him off me. Are you all right?" She looks at Sonya to check her for any visible injuries, her gaze lingering on her body a little longer then is strictly necessary. When Sonya mentions disappearing from the scene before more bandits shows up, Layla agrees. "Good idea, we were both lucky this time, no need to test gods' favor a second time."
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Re: The Bloody Halo

Postby Amaranis A'daragon » Tue Mar 31, 2015 6:50 pm

(In the intrest of getting this rp flowing again, im going to make this a big post.)

Sonya + Layla

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Sonya and Layla find a sword on each of the bandits, take the clothes off the bodies, and find a small bag of gold on the one Sonya killed. They find no problems on their way back to the school, and one of the guards stops them as they get on the grounds, asking where they went. After listening to the story, he tells the girls that he will hold their weapons in the armory. He also takes the women with him to get Sonya a new set of clothes, and tells the women where the school's baths are

Aesa + Maiza + Ginna

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The guards around the school seem to be on alert now, and you all hear whispers of a bandit sighting as you they see Sonya and Layla being lead through the school. None of the guards take Maiza's challenge, and the guard watching Aesa releases her from the stocks just to tie her hands and take her back to her cell.

Muutus + Katherine + Megaira

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Having had enough of the foreplay, Muutus bends the two women over the endge of the tub. He teases them a bit longer, then he starts fucking Megaira while continuing to play with Katherine. Muutus keeps pounding into her until he gets close, then pulls out and sprays his cum over her. Then, without a pause Muutus shifts over and starts fucking Katherine. He takes a bit to pick up speed, but eventually he starts pounding into her, only pulling out to shoot his load onto her as he did with Meg. Muutus soaks for a bit to regain his energy, then kisses the two women before getting out, dressing, and heading out.

Another bell tolls through the school, this time coming from the mess hall. As everyone gathers in the hall, a simple meal of meat, bread and porridge is served. Muutus waits for everyone to be settled before he begins to speak.

"So, I have received word from the guards and our own Sonya and Layla that bandits are near. So, instead of waiting around to possibly be attacked, tomorrow we shall head to the nearby city of Pirgos. There, we shall begin our lives as full fledged gladiators. So, eat and rest well, for tomorrow will be a day filled with battle."

Finishing his meal, Muutus moves over to Aesa, deciding on her punishment.

"I have decided on your punishment. I have no intention of getting rid of you, so you shall have to learn obedience. I doubt physical punishment will do much more than make you hate me, as would me taking your virginity. So, you will be walking from here to the arena tomorrow in nothing but your undergarments. If you try and resist me or my guards or try to harm anyone else, you will instead do the walk naked."

Muutus takes his leave after that, checking on his supplies and preperations before going to his room. Stripping down and laying in bed, Muutus waits to see if someone will visit him or if sleep will take him first.
Sometimes I think i'm crazy, but then my other voice says i'm alright.

I'm not sure if i'm just too creative, or just cant focus on one thing.
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Re: The Bloody Halo

Postby MelissaB » Tue Mar 31, 2015 8:33 pm

Ginna entered the summons to the mess hall and began eating the rather meager meal, eh soldier's food was worse... somehow anyway. Munching along she listens to Muutus prattle on about bandits before perking her eyes up. "Well that actually sounds like it'd be worth our time." She states to herself before finishing her meal and pushing the bowl away. Seeing Muutus leave and hearing of Aesa Punish she nods happy before following him to his chambers. Entering without Knocking she regards the man as he lies in bed. "A wise choice on dealing with Aesa." She remarks wondering how he'd react to her being there.
A succubus. Poor misunderstood young ladies... they just want a little bit of love, little bit of death. Just like the rest of us -Gnarl

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Re: The Bloody Halo

Postby exalted » Tue Mar 31, 2015 11:25 pm

Aesa didn't bother to make eye contact with or talk to anyone as she ate, picking through her meal with her hands, still bound at the wrist. The guards hadn't trusted her with cutlery.

She mostly ignored Muutus' lecture, but raised an eyebrow and glared as he walked up to her.

"Do not worry, I already hate you, as I hate hell, all Imperials," She spat out a piece of gristle but kept chewing as she talked, "You think you best me without Steppe's whore? Hah! I show you where little stick go, I not doting fawn like rest of sluts."

Breaking eye contact she returned to her meal, eating in silence as Muutus left. She raised an eyebrow as she saw Ginna leave soon after and started to rise herself, wondering what her kinswoman was up to.

"I go to privy," She snapped at the guard as she stood, "You want to watch that too?"

Walking out of the dining room casually she slunk to the corners of the corridor once out of sight, following Ginna stealthily to Muutus' door with growing concern as she listened at the door.
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Re: The Bloody Halo

Postby Soru » Tue Mar 31, 2015 11:32 pm

Sonya hands off half of the gold to Layla as well as one of the swords and half the clothes. Sonya uses some of the clothes to cover herself enough as they make their way back to the school. She glares at the guard and tightens her grip on her sword before handing it to him. "If anything happens to my sword I'll hold you responsible." She said to the guard before he leads her to get new cloths. She didn't have much time till the bell rang, so she decided to bathe later. She easts her simple meal and listens to what Muutus had to say before heading to the baths to finally clean herself.
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