Dawn of a new city (Urhr93)

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Re: Dawn of a new city (Urhr93)

Postby that man » Sun Mar 15, 2015 6:11 am

"Oh, excuse us for not introducing myself before, Mademoiselle, it was incredibly rude for your name to be given before ours was," the women bowed once more, giving Dawn even more reason to feel like she was being incredibly uncultured in her whole life. "Our name is Daniela Victoria Dale, and we are honestly going to be incredibly happy for having to meet you in such a way like this. If anything, we will be able of becoming even more happy if you were to help spend some time drinking tea some time."
that man
Joined: Sat Jul 28, 2012 5:07 pm

Re: Dawn of a new city (Urhr93)

Postby Urhr93 » Sun Mar 15, 2015 3:31 pm

The manner of speaking made Dawn slightly uncomfortable, and coupled with the bow Dawn even felt they could have even better education than her, but once again all those thoughts went down the rain when she thought about them having the license. And once again, she fell into depression when thinking that she was like them, too, so she didn't have right to judge them. Luckily those depression time don't last long, but Dawn somehow felt there will be a lot of them from now on <It's a pleasure to meet you> Dawn answer, trying to match up to her speech <And i would like it to drink some tea with you, but Sai is waiting for me to show me my new home, so for today i'll have to pass. Maybe tomorrow or one of those days i'll be happy to join you for some tea> she continues, waiting for an answer and then proceeding to Sai if Daniela didn't have anymore to say.
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Re: Dawn of a new city (Urhr93)

Postby that man » Sun Mar 15, 2015 11:43 pm

"Of course, but please, we should at least have some tea now while it is still hot, and because Sai still must talk to the head Mademoiselle after all the time that she has spent out today!" Daniela smiled, her invitation, followed by her light grabbing of Dawn's hands, made it feel like it would be the rudest thing in the entire world for her to say no now.

Besides, if anything, it would be a great way for Dawn to meet one of the other girls here, and it would be better for her to be on a girl who seems to be in as much favor as this's good side.
that man
Joined: Sat Jul 28, 2012 5:07 pm

Re: Dawn of a new city (Urhr93)

Postby Urhr93 » Mon Mar 16, 2015 12:27 am

Even with Daniela further pushing for tea Dawn wanted to decline, but when she mentioned that Sai had to talk with Madame June she decided to follow <Well then, i guess i'll come with you?> she nods while following the girl, ignoring for now the hand. Now that she thought about it, even if the news of prostitution being legal would make it quite harder for her to continue her work, blending in was now her biggest priority, and that would mean that she couldn't only be friendly with Sai. Somehow she had to get in good terms with Daniela and the others too, in whatever way she could find.
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Re: Dawn of a new city (Urhr93)

Postby that man » Mon Mar 16, 2015 5:20 pm

"Very good then, mademoiselle," Daniela practically sang, making Dawn feel very honored for a second that she had been invited into a meal with her. "If you would please feel free to come into our room right now, then we shall enjoy our tea very soon!"

Inside, the room looked like it had been stolen from a royal palace, with a bed, some chairs, and a table with fine porcelain to tie it all together, making it feel like it was the room that Daniela had specially reserved for her clients... or, maybe all the rooms were like this.
that man
Joined: Sat Jul 28, 2012 5:07 pm

Re: Dawn of a new city (Urhr93)

Postby Urhr93 » Mon Mar 16, 2015 5:54 pm

Dawn follows the girl inside, sitting when prompted to sit while admiring the room and asking herself for what purpose it was adorned as such. Could it be this was a room for "clients"? But then again, from the girl manner of speech this could also be just her room, though that would make her curious about why she had a room for herself inside here. Maybe this building also served as dorm? And maybe Sai also lived here? More and more questions pop up in Sae's mind, but for now she doesn't give it much thought and waits for the tea to be served, then ask while sipping some <Nice room> she just comments, hoping for Daniela to start a conversation from that starting point.
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Re: Dawn of a new city (Urhr93)

Postby that man » Mon Mar 16, 2015 10:05 pm

"Yes, we was the one who managed to convince everyone else to go on and decorate some of the rooms so that it would be better for us if we had to spend an entire night with our clients," Daniela smiled, fixing up the tea in an incredibly fast amount of time and skills, making Dawn once again feel like she hadn't done enough in her life to be a lady. "So then, how long have you been engaging in the activities that we are all a large member of, especially the licensed side of our tourism business?"
that man
Joined: Sat Jul 28, 2012 5:07 pm

Re: Dawn of a new city (Urhr93)

Postby Urhr93 » Mon Mar 16, 2015 10:27 pm

<Oh, is that so> Dawn comments, confirming that it's here that some of the girl who work here indeed spend the night with their clients. Somewhat imagining the scene taking place in that same room she was in, a light blush appear on Dawn's face, but she quickly tried to think of other things, like Daniela's abilities when it comes to such ladylike skills <Er... to tell the truth, i'm new to all this. I just arrived in town and got to know that having the license is a must to avoid problems> she answers, no point in hiding the truth <Also, i've never really got in such situations, not even the normal way, so i probably won't be much active in that side of the business> once again, just like with Madame June, her choice of words inadvertently mentions that she won't be inactive. In truth she didn't have any plan to use the license, but it would be good to make them think that in some case she might do so.

Sipping the tea while enjoying it's taste, Dawn would continue asking <What about you? How long have you been working here and do you have any pointers for the rookie?> with a friendly tone and a light smile on her face.
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Re: Dawn of a new city (Urhr93)

Postby that man » Tue Mar 17, 2015 1:46 pm

"Well, we actually were forced out of our home about a year ago, and it was Madame June who managed to help keep our elegance," Daniela smiled, her words running together to dawn for some reason at random intervals, though that could have easily been due to her being exhausted from the trip, while the heat of the tea was probably to account for how warm she was feeling. "Please tell us though: do you like the taste of our tea? It is a special blend that was created in order to help one relieve their tensions afterwards."
that man
Joined: Sat Jul 28, 2012 5:07 pm

Re: Dawn of a new city (Urhr93)

Postby Urhr93 » Wed Mar 18, 2015 5:11 pm

Hearing the story about the girl makes Dawn slightly change her impression of Madame June, though it soon changes back as she deems her "help" as getting Daniela in a prostitution circle... but then again, here not only it's legal and licenses, the girl could have been "working" even before Madame June helped her. Her body felt a bit strange, but frankly speaking, it would be stranger if there was no aftereffect after riding Sai's scooter. Fortunately the tea she was drinking right now was quite soothing, warming her as she relax a bit. Maybe it really was a good choice to follow Daniela here for tea, especially since later she would probably have to ride the scooter again... just think about it would make her sight, but she keeps it for herself and answers <Yes, the tea is delicious. It really helps relaxing> the comment was true, and only after she said it she though again about the words Daniela used to describe it. "Help relieve their tension afterward". Does that mean Daniela drank this after dealing with her clients? The thoughts made her redden a bit, but she didn't voice them and just continued <It's really good>
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Re: Dawn of a new city (Urhr93)

Postby that man » Thu Mar 19, 2015 1:37 am

"Well, we wouldn't say that this is going to not be the best thing for you in a while now, though, it could also be at least a fun time for you then," Daniela smiled as she continued on with serving tea to Dawn, making her feel even warmer and more pleasurable over time...in fact, she almost felt like she was becoming just a little but too much on the pleasurable side of things...almost like she was going to have some sort of date rape thing inside of her due to the...the tea she was drinking now... "Is everything alright with you, Madame Sae? You seem to have a little bit too much of a blush to your face, as it seems like you are being a little bit too on the warm side of things."
that man
Joined: Sat Jul 28, 2012 5:07 pm

Re: Dawn of a new city (Urhr93)

Postby Urhr93 » Thu Mar 19, 2015 12:39 pm

Dawn just smiles when Daniela told her about this being one the most delicious thing to her for a while, though she was a bit skeptical about it being "fun". How could drink tea be fun? For now she decides to ignore it, taking another sip of the just poured tea while enjoying the warming feeling it gave her... until it became a bit too enjoyable. Tingles of pleasure tickled her just by drinking it, and the more she drank the more the feeling increased <Warm side...? It could be> she comments, not sure about the blush on her face until the girl mentioned it. It was now that the words from before somehow came to mind, especially the "fun" part. Could it be there was some sort of drug in the tea? No, she said it was used "afterward" to relieve the tension, so maybe the tea was brewed with some sort of "special" herb giving it strange properties, and those were now causing those strange feeling inside her? Whatever the cause, she was tempted to just put down the just refilled cup on her hands, but doing so might seem rude to Daniela and giving her a bad impression could be not good in the future, so for now she decided to just finish it and try to get away.

Once she decided she brought once again the cup to her lips, taking a longer sip, trying to drink as much as she could, then she'll bring it down for a bit before continuing <Do you think Sai will take much longer with Madame June? She still has to show me where i'll live> saying so she'll bring the cup up again, sipping from it until it's all down. After all, once the cup is finished, with the question asked before she would have a good way to go away without drinking anymore.
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Re: Dawn of a new city (Urhr93)

Postby that man » Thu Mar 19, 2015 10:22 pm

"Sai usually spends a couple of hours or so talking to Madame June when she comes back from work, and it usually takes someone else walking into her room to help end the conversation earlier," Daniela continued on, her filling up Dawn's tea cup as it also occurred to Dawn that Daniela's own cup had barely moved more then a couple of sips if that...which would normally have raised some red flags within Dawn's head if the heat wasn't starting to make her feel like she was starting to boil over in her own clothing.

Daniela instantly picked up on what was wrong with Dawn, going so far as to lean over the table and place the back of her hand onto her forehead, asking, "Are you okay, it looks like you are burning up."
that man
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Re: Dawn of a new city (Urhr93)

Postby Urhr93 » Thu Mar 19, 2015 10:42 pm

The question that should have gotten her out of there was instead the one who crumpled those same hopes, casting them out as Daniela once again refilled her cup <Oh... i understand> she just comment, trying to think about her situation without being able to, the heat becoming a bit too much for her to take, almost to the point of wanting to loosen or even shed her clothing to get some fresh air. She sort of noticed Daniela was still at her first cup, but the heat distracted her too much for anything to really formulate inside her mind, making her almost estrange herself from the surrounding until Daniela's hand touches her forehead, startling her a bit <Oh, it's nothing. I may have caught a cold while coming here> she comments, trying to dismiss the matter as nothing while trying in vain to come up with a solution to her current problem.
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Re: Dawn of a new city (Urhr93)

Postby that man » Fri Mar 20, 2015 1:40 pm

"Here, if you need to lie down, you can do it here," Daniela said concerned, rushing over to Dawn to help lay her down on the comfortable bed, though she also quickly left the room while adding, "We are going to go get some of the supplies that we need, so please, stay here. If you need to cool down, our ac isn't working right now so please just be incredibly careful."

When left alone, Dawn felt the burning spreading to her body becoming relentless, almost making it feel like her lower regions were on fire, and sending the signals to her brain that the only way she could calm this fire down was to physically fight it inside of her.
that man
Joined: Sat Jul 28, 2012 5:07 pm

Re: Dawn of a new city (Urhr93)

Postby Urhr93 » Fri Mar 20, 2015 3:36 pm

<Uh... no... there is no need...> Dawn weakly refuse with words, though she leaves herself be brought to the bed, laying on it while Daniela goes away <Supplies?> she asks, though she's already closing the door behind her, leaving Sae alone by herself, squirming as the heat increase more and more, concentrating especially in her lower area and giving her strange urges, urges she rarely even had and even more rarely acted upon. Yet those urges were now presenting themselves stronger than ever, screaming in her mind to act upon them.

In the beginning she does nothing else than squirm, closing her legs shut while trying to contain the fire growing between them, but as time went by almost unconsciously she slips one hand down her pants and into her panties, awkwardly yet gently caressing her burning mound hoping it'll go away as soon as possible.
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Re: Dawn of a new city (Urhr93)

Postby that man » Fri Mar 20, 2015 8:56 pm

Rubbing her fingers against her lower body, Dawn felt better then she had ever felt before, the pleasure that shot through her body with each stroke making her feel even better then she had felt before. Even better then that, Dawn's body wanted her to go even deeper and faster then it had gone last time with each repetition, eventually encouraging her that it would be best if Dawn removed her clothing. More then that, Dawn felt something growing inside of her, it was slowly building up inside of her as she made everything else that was going on with her body seem oddly trivial.
that man
Joined: Sat Jul 28, 2012 5:07 pm

Re: Dawn of a new city (Urhr93)

Postby Urhr93 » Fri Mar 20, 2015 10:49 pm

The pleasure gained from her action far surpassed what she expected, making her almost unawarely increase her efforts as her self-caressing gets more and more bold, sometime even getting one finger to enter her slit, releasing light moan every time it happened. Something inside her was growing more and more, and the more it grew the more her mind distanced itself from reality, focusing only on getting more pleasure, as much pleasure as she could, not caring about anything else... not even her clothing, as it felt almost like it was in the way, which led her to loosen them more and more, almost taking them off... all the hinges of the upper part of her outfit were in fact open, the whole practically coming off at any moment, while her pants were open and lowered a bit together with her panties.
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Re: Dawn of a new city (Urhr93)

Postby that man » Sat Mar 21, 2015 6:23 pm

The more that Dawn placed her fingers inside of her, the better she felt, her moans encouraging her to continue on even faster then before, which even ended creating a feedback cycle. Dawn was so caught up in what she was doing that she didn't even notice when Daniela entered into the room, her hands resting on Dawn's breasts being the only thing that finally brought her back.

"So, I take it that the tea has helped you to bring out the best parts of your personality?" Daniela smiled calmly as she continued to help pleasure Dawn, making everything feel even better then she had been when she was working on herself.
that man
Joined: Sat Jul 28, 2012 5:07 pm

Re: Dawn of a new city (Urhr93)

Postby Urhr93 » Sun Mar 22, 2015 11:59 pm

The more she touched herself the more pleasure she obtained, and the more pleasure she obtained the more she touched herself, finding herself in a never-ending spiral of ever-increasing pleasure which continued to eat away at her mind, which now wanted only one thing, release, yet it seemed like it would be an eternity before she could finally reach it, and that led to pleasuring herself with even more dedication... at least until she felt Daniela touching her chest. Her mind did indeed come back from the loop as she felt foreign hand on her body and those words, yet it the only thing it could think of even when she heard about the tea bringing out this part of her was that, maybe, with her help she would finally find the release she longed for, so other than a light whimper she didn't say anything and resumed her "work" with her hand, enjoying the cooperation from Daniela as she helped with the stimulation and doubling her own efforts hoping to reach the peak as soon as possible.
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