The Survivors - IC

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The Survivors - IC

Postby Goryokaku » Fri Jul 15, 2011 7:01 pm

The Survivors

There’s always the chance you could die right in the middle of your life story.

DAY 02 – Kelburn City’s Technological Research Institute, 22:30

The room is quiet, except for the cold night howl of the wind; a woman can be seen looking outside of a window staring at the destroyed city in front of her eyes, in the background of the night she can see a faint glow coming from the forest near Kelburn City. Finally fed up with staring outside the window she turns towards a little desk and goes and sits down, she set up a little camera on the desk and clicks the record button.

”My name is Tanya Adams… No that is wrong I guess there is no longer any need for secrecy you see my real name is Mizuki Draven, I am a Special Agent working for a Government Funded Corporation that is so far hidden in paper work, and red tape it could be said we don’t exist.”

She sighs and looks to the side taking and rest a hand against her forehead before turning back to the camera.

”Your probably wondering why am I here in this city? Well truth be told I was sent here with my partner to investigate some mysterious killings that seem to have a cannibalistic nature to them, at first we thought it was animals that were killing and eating citizens but we couldn’t have been more further from the truth if we tried.”

Mizuki leans forward getting closer to the camera.

”My partner and I we decided to approach this case from 2 angles, with my partner working as a detective following the tracks of the killings, I followed a different lead, one that brought me here to Kelburn City’s Technological Research Institute. A university that has been working on many ground breaking technological breakthroughs, but amongst the many different form of research going on here we found one that was looking at the re-animation of dead tissue cells.”

A sound can be heard of hands scratching against doors, and the moans of voices, Mizuki shudders at the thought of what’s waiting but she takes a deep breath then looks back to the camera.

”The research it’s self was relatively harmless as the tissues that re-animated could be controlled and even destroyed through the use of a relatively harmless gas, however nobody expected, the Meteor, nobody knew saw the damage it would wreck through the city no did they expect the mutation it would do to the research.”

Mizuki closed her eyes and drew something from behind her, she brought the 9mm Berretta into view and cocked it ready for use, then looked back at the camera.

”My name is Mizuki Draven, and this is the story of those who survived the biggest disaster in human’s existence, this is the story of those few who would survive the hell that would come.”

The door can be heard suddenly breaking and Mizuki points her gun and starts shoot she stands up in the process and backs away towards the window, realising she is likely to get over whelmed, she takes one last look at the camera, then taking step forward turns around and dives through the window smashing it. Figured begin to drag themselves into view, all of them shambling forward moaning and moving towards where Mizuki was.


24 hours earlier, Day – 01 after the meteor crashed

09:00 - Kelburn City Park, 300 Survivors, No confirmed Reports of Infection

After the Meteor crashed all the survivors of the onslaught that followed as the city was turned into a disaster zone, the citizens of Kelburn found themselves spending their first night in the Park. But with no idea when rescue will come or if there is any food and water about everyone has begun talking about looking around for any supplies. Samuel Garcia a local detective seems to be the centre of attention as he tries to gather up some help to go look for supplies.
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Re: The Survivors - IC

Postby Hurati » Fri Jul 15, 2011 8:13 pm

A strip of sunlight crept slowly along a pathway, unstoppable by the trees that littered the park. It eventually crept its way onto the face of a man, and his eye lids flickered. He opened his eyes and closed them quickly against the sudden barrage of sunlight that assailed his pupils. He groaned and sat up, and looked around from the bench that he had been sleeping on. There were a few other people that were sitting around waiting, a few that had made it anyways. A waitress was serving coffee to them from a portable coffee dispenser and didn't notice that he was awake.

He stood up, yawned, and stretched his arms. Looking around, he spotted that some people were still asleep and decided to wake them up. they didn't have any supplies and wouldn't wouldn't last long, and it wasn't a very defensible location either. He climbed onto the side of the fountain and stood, then clapped twice saying loudly, "Rise and shine folks, gather around. We have work to do today."
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Re: The Survivors - IC

Postby conkill » Fri Jul 15, 2011 8:32 pm

Cole sat down on one of the many large chunks of concret scattered around the park. Sighing Cole opened his back pack and listed his supplys. The clothes he was wearing plus a extra pair, about three days worth of food, two water bottles filled, a water purifier, knife, flashlight, and his sludge hammer. -Good thing I keep a 72 hour kit around- Cole thought zipping his pack up again.

Looking around at the other refuges Cole new that if the goverment didn't do something it would be Katrina all over again. Suddenly a large crowd started to form wondering what it could be Cole slung his back pack over his soulder and walked into the commotion.

A man dressed like a detective was standing on a fountain obviously trying to get the peoples attention. He then clapped twice and said loudly, "Rise and shine folks, gather around. We have work to do today." Cole stepped forward "what kind of work" he asked leaning on the sludge hammer.
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Re: The Survivors - IC

Postby Z-Fied » Fri Jul 15, 2011 8:45 pm


Angelina awoke, after escaping from the hospital and spending the night in the park with lots of others. Her supplies were extremely limited, but there was no way she could help all of the injured people who had turned up at the park. They didn't even have food supplies. She was saddened by this sight of so many people in suffering, heading over to where it looked like someone was rallying people.


She arrived at the fountain, where a man was rallying (and awaking) people for a supply run. Angelina pushed through the small group that had gathered around, walking straight up to him "Hi, I'm Angelina, I'd like to offer my help. I'm a Paramedic if you haven't guessed." There didn't seem to be any other co-workers from the hospital here, maybe they had gathered in another area? She was willing to help out as many people as her supplies would let her if they didn't need her help. Then again, there had to be over 100 people gathered in the park, and there's no way her supplies would treat even a quarter of them.
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Re: The Survivors - IC

Postby meiliming » Fri Jul 15, 2011 8:50 pm

Iseult had gotten herself a cup of coffee, taking a sip as she thought over the situation she was currently in. No supplies, no food, no real shelter... she had a few tools but nothing particularly fancy. At least she had managed to find a few other survivors; strength in numbers, right? They would probably get much more done if they worked together, as compared to simply going off by oneself.

Something about work? A person with a sledgehammer had made himself known, as did a paramedic. Good. Individuals with skills that could prove useful, although Iseult wasn't quite sure exactly what the person who had called them together was supposed to be doing. In any case, anything was better than just sitting on her rear and drinking coffee all day, so she stepped forward also. "I worked as an office clerk, so I'm not quite sure if I have any particularly useful skills. I'd also like to help out, though."
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Re: The Survivors - IC

Postby BlackKnight » Sat Jul 16, 2011 12:52 am

David woke up from a daze with a headache he still had when he fell from the hole. He heald his forehead as he jumped off the small ledge he was sleeping on. As he continued walking, he stumbled onto the floor. He definantly had a bad fall. If he could get something to eat, he thought, it could go away. He then noticed a man telling everyone to gather around. In a slow pace, he walked towards the mob and looked at the leader of this gathering. He tried to say something, but with all the people there, he started to sweat. He was a bit embarrased to know that he stutters, but he had to know whats new.

"W-w-why...are" he asked in his stuttering voice. He wated to jump back into that hole he fell in once he said that.
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Re: The Survivors - IC

Postby TheDaughterOfHades14 » Sun Jul 17, 2011 4:07 am

Claire stood in the front of the group and she keep getting bumped around. First right. Then left. Finally, she was knocked onto the ground.
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Re: The Survivors - IC

Postby Goryokaku » Sun Jul 17, 2011 10:24 am

09:02 - Park

The people were getting restless now as they began to talk about gathering supplies a second group seemed to be, being organised aswell though they seemed to want to head to the university to see if there is anything useable there. Though there wasn't much enthusiam, children can be heard playing loudly in the park's open green area.
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Re: The Survivors - IC

Postby Hurati » Sun Jul 17, 2011 2:13 pm

Hurati waited for a few minutes, allowing the crowd to be weeded out. While he was waiting, he pulled out a PDA and tapped out a message, sending it and putting the PDA away before looking back up. If anyone had been serious about helping they would have kept listening. After about 10 minutes the horde of people had left, leaving the small group in front of him. He looked them all over, scanning them while he did so, and raised an eyebrow at the results. 'Not a bad group', he thought, 'Not the best group, but not bad.'

He jumped down from the fountain and pulled the woman that had fallen to her feet, then stepped back from the all a few steps. He pulled out a badge and opened it to show them, "Detective Samuel Garcia, Homicide". He flipped the badge closed and put it away, In case you haven't noticed, we not only need supplies but we need shelter too.

He waved his arm over the park to emphasis the point, Our first stop will be the mall, there is a pharmacy and tool shop along the way that we can look through. After that we should have enough time to go set up shop in the Police Station, assuming that it's still standing. If the Police Station is destroyed, we'll keep moving to the Hospital that's two hours west of the mall.

Hurati crossed his arms and sat back on the edge of the fountain, " Pretty much all electronics will have been shorted out by the EMP blast that the meteor sent out when it landed so don't bother with cell phones, electronic watches, cars, or anything else electronic. He withdrew his cellphone from his pocket and tossed it over his shoulder into the fountain, driving his point home. If you have any questions go ahead and ask. If you need to grab something or use the restroom you better do it now. We leave in 15 minutes, so regroup back here when it's been that long." Hurati looked at his watch and then went back to crossing his arms. He was waiting for everyone to be ready, or to ask him something while examining his surroundings.
Last edited by Hurati on Sun Jul 17, 2011 4:11 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: The Survivors - IC

Postby Z-Fied » Sun Jul 17, 2011 2:47 pm


Angelina knew that the man had some kind of authority, but didn't expect him to be a detective. She noticed that he said about staying at the police station, or the hospital. "Erm, detective, what about all these people? We can't just leave them! I mean, most of them don't even know where to go! ... And there are children as well!" He seemed to have some sort of cold attitude, which wasn't suprising considering he was used to working with homicides. Either way, she wasn't going to leave all these people stranded without food or shelter.
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Re: The Survivors - IC

Postby TheDaughterOfHades14 » Sun Jul 17, 2011 5:57 pm

Claire walked up to the man who helped her up. "Why did you help me?" Claire asked. Her hair still covered her face. "No one has ever helped me before" she said.
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Re: The Survivors - IC

Postby meiliming » Sun Jul 17, 2011 6:29 pm

Well, Iseult didn't have anything to grab, and she didn't need to go to the bathroom. So she supposed she was ready to go. What was the plan? Mall. Basic supplies and perhaps good. Pharmacy. Medical supplies, which would certainly be useful. Tool shop. Also useful. Police station. Weapons. Very useful. Either a police station or a hospital as shelter... theoretically, that could work out very well. She supposed that they would have to wait and see how it all worked out.

Something something about leaving the others behind. "If we can't convince them to come along, there's not exactly much that we can do about it, is there?"
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Re: The Survivors - IC

Postby Hurati » Mon Jul 18, 2011 2:11 pm

Hurati waited while the paramedic and the clerk argued and answered claire, "If we don't look out for each other, who will? Besides, can't have anyone getting injured before we get to work." Hurati looked at the other two that were still arguing and sighed, "Ladies, that's enough. ", he looked over at the other group and scanned the crowd, before looking back at them, "Look, there are a few police officers and a couple of nurses in the crowd, they'll be fine. And it sounds like they are headed to the university, my partner is there. If there is any danger my partner should be able to handle it or at least protect the civilians."

Hurati pulled out a cigarette and a lighter, then tried to light the cigarette. *click, click* "Stupid fucking piece of shit.", he muttered. He stood and tossed the cigarette in the fountain while pocketing his lighter, "Only have time for a few more questions before we have to get moving, you can ask them on the way out." Hurati put his hands in his overcoat pockets then started ambling over to the park exit.
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Re: The Survivors - IC

Postby BlackKnight » Mon Jul 18, 2011 2:16 pm

David waited at the fountain for the othes to show up. He didn't need to use the bathroom, so that was out. And all he was bringing was a useless cell phone, his freerunning gloves, and a yo-yo, so he was packed. He look at the detective who was waiting as well. He went up o him and wanted to ask him a question, but he started to sweat again. "W-would it be a-alright...if I could be the s-s-earch team's..scout..?" he stuttered. "I-I'm good with p-parkour and C-capoeira..S-s-so I can handle m-myself easily.."
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Re: The Survivors - IC

Postby Goryokaku » Mon Jul 18, 2011 9:35 pm

9:22 - Kelburn City Park

The other group of gathered peopel began to mill off towards the south they believed the Universtity Campus had the best means for survival and had begun their march that way. A wind blew through the sctreets, and a dog can be heard barking now in the distance to the north, a gun shot can be also heard. Startling the 100 or so that remained in the park.
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Re: The Survivors - IC

Postby Hurati » Mon Jul 18, 2011 9:44 pm

Hurati was walking towards the exit of the park when a young average looking persona about his age asked him something. Hurati raised an eyebrow, "Never limit yourself kid, we can all do anything we want but some do it better than others. Everyone is useful in some way or another. If I need you to do something specific, I'll ask you." Hurati proceeded walking and thought to himself, 'Kid? He's the same age as I am! This job must age you more than I thought.'

Hurati stopped at the exit to the park and called back to the small group that had chosen to follow him, "Hey! Hurry up, let's go!" A gunshot sounded out from the north, in the same direction that they were going and Hurati felt his right pointer finger twitch. He didn't look in the direction, choosing instead to lean his back against a street lamp and face the group. He checked his watch and then folded his arms, looking slightly annoyed.
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Re: The Survivors - IC

Postby Z-Fied » Mon Jul 18, 2011 9:56 pm


Angelina jumped slightly as the gunshot rang through the air. Her protective instincts kicked in again, and she began to run in the direction of the gunshot, shouting back to the rest of them "We have to check out that noise! Someone could be hurt!" She didn't know if anyone would follow her, but she didn't care, she had to make sure whoever was there was safe.
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Re: The Survivors - IC

Postby Hurati » Mon Jul 18, 2011 10:00 pm

Hurati watched as the paramedic ran closer and closer. He waited until she was about to run by him when he grabbed her arm and used her own forward momentum to whip her around. He pushed her to the grass and put his hand out, palm forward in a 'stop' position. "Take it easy, you go rushing off there is nothing I can do for you. Yes there was a gunshot but there is no guarantee that who ever fired it is friendly."

Hurati went back to leaning against the street lamp, "They only fired one shot anyways, that means they killed whatever they were going for. Sit there for a minute and cool your jets until the others catch up." Hurati pulled out another cigarette and his lighter, attempting to light it. *click click* "Worthless broken-" he muttered to himself.
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Re: The Survivors - IC

Postby TheDaughterOfHades14 » Tue Jul 19, 2011 2:34 am

Claire was startled when she heard the gun shot but she quickly pretended like nothing happened. Claire walked up to Hurati. "Excuse me, I was just wondering, what's your name and when are we going to move off? Oh and why are we splitting away from the other group?" Claire asked as she brushed her hair out of her face.
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Re: The Survivors - IC

Postby BlackKnight » Tue Jul 19, 2011 1:53 pm

David's eye twitched as heheard the detective call him a 'kid'. "Kid?" he thought, "He's no older than me by the looks of it." he then heard the gunshot as he followed the guy o the lamp post as David hid next to a ledge. The detective was probably right saying that they probably took out. "So t-then theres...more p-p-people out there." he replied. He then looked at the girl. "We're p-probably going...for m-more supplies and l-l-look for more p-p-p-people."
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