Added new mess layer in Krystal model - now she can become dirty with berries
It lets me use some animations made by Gorepete in version G
Remade some old sex algoritms i did not like - so new bags can appear.
So i remove bagtracing mode and upload the game like it was made from beginning.
Now Krystal can eat fruits by pressing "U = use" when berries are in her hands

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Good news - good people decided to help me with the game

So a story will be remade a little. I do not know all details how it will be by my self but i hope it will be more interesting
If you want to help with the game fill free to do so

The project only started so it can change a little its story and concepts. I try to base story on that materials that i will have. For example if i will have some kind of story and materials for it i will try to include in in main story line or make a little story where it will be included
For now the story will be look like this - Krystal was crushed in the space fight and fall to the planet. She lost part of her memory - but she will remember that her name is Krystal ! It is important !

I do not want some body name her like TiftiTaftyFlue for example

So name will not be changable. Then the story will shows how Krystal will live on the swamp planet and ... it is all i know about story for now ))) So it will be interesting even for me to make a game - because i do not know how the story will change
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I will speake with people about HP bar / Sex bar / Stamina bar and etc. If they like the idea i will add it

The same i plan to do for ingame money and exp system.
For now i do not know how is better to make it. For example need Krystal get money for sex or only exp - or money and exp. The same for all ingame works.
If you have any ideas - tell me please - and mabe be your idea will be taken like concept for the game