Legend of Krystal v0.31: CORE: A.Y.A. engine

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Re: Legend of Krystal - version "T" - 0.3

Postby OwnerOfSuccuby » Tue Mar 10, 2015 10:13 pm

Nice ideas about jobs ;)

What kind of mini game is possible to make for them ? For example on berries gathering ? (For example clicking on berries limiting by time ?) I need some kind of idea for all of this jobs ;) Or for some of them :oops: :lol:
About assasin and warrior - it is more simple to make some kind of fighter that will fight some body - algoritms let me do some kind like that. I use the same algoritms like for Samus and krystal platformer i try to make before - so Krystal can use bows / weapons / strike with simple hits and etc, but a little later about it - i plan to make sex game now :oops: :lol: It is hard to combine sex and fighting. But it is possible in future ;)

Herbalists - nice idea ;) And if krystal make wrong choise then add people in the hospital area :lol: ;)

But what mini game put in it ? The same for all jobs :?:

Or do not put mini games in it ? Just make story line for them ?


matriks -> i am from Russia :mrgreen:
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Re: Legend of Krystal - version "T" - 0.3

Postby matriks » Tue Mar 10, 2015 11:15 pm

OwnerOfSuccuby Wrote:
matriks -> i am from Russia :mrgreen:

Oh, brother, and I am from Ukraine, but now live in Russia with my aunt and uncle.

About mini games, I exactly dont know , need we them or not. But you make this game, and choose you. If you want to add, did this. You can make two kinds of game in one will be only storyline, in another storyline with minigames.

And about mini game for all this jobs is very hard to imagine. I will try to think about it later.

Mini games(its only proposals):
Nurse- must to help as many injured lizards, as she can but she will limited by the time.
Herbalist- make potions with leaves and herbst that they are collect.
Guardians- will be some waves of enemies and you must protect village.
Maidens- must to serve lizards in bar or other places.
Assasin- assasinate target.
Bartender- serve drinks.
Blacksmith- make waepons with materials.
Forester- chop wood.

Is very bad that I can write here in russian. :cry:
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Re: Legend of Krystal - version "T" - 0.3

Postby napala » Wed Mar 11, 2015 12:59 am

matriks Wrote:Mini games(its only proposals):
Nurse- must to help as many injured lizards, as she can but she will limited by the time.
Herbalist- make potions with leaves and herbst that they are collect.
Guardians- will be some waves of enemies and you must protect village.
Maidens- must to serve lizards in bar or other places.
Assasin- assasinate target.
Bartender- serve drinks.
Blacksmith- make waepons with materials.
Forester- chop wood.

Here are some ideas:

Nurse: Kind of Dinner Dash minigame; injured lizardmen will appear on the beds over time. Krystal has to go to where the bandages/herbal powders/ disinfectants are, then bring them to the patients that need them most. Also, you have to clean pools of blood/ vomit/ other nasty things. You win if you manage to attend all the patients, and you lose if you take too much time in performing the tasks.

Guardians: Krystal and a Guard will have to defend the village from waves of enemies. They come from the right side of the screen at different speeds. Krystal and the Guard can throw a limited amount of attacks (Melee or distance, idk), that knock-back/kill the enemy, before having to tag to the other. You win if all waves are defeated, you lose if an enemy touches Krystal/ the Guardian. (And possibly, you can add a scene of the guardian bein unconscious, and krystal getting ravished ;) )

Maiden: Kinda like Nurse, but serving customers their drink and food, etc.

Assassin: Scrolling level, you have to avoid guards and traps, reach, and kill your target. You win if you do such, rapey-rapey if you get caught :roll: .
Bartender:Something like Tapper, that old Arcade game.

Forester: Button Mashing game?
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Re: Legend of Krystal - version "T" - 0.3

Postby OwnerOfSuccuby » Wed Mar 11, 2015 7:38 pm

Added new sex animation / fixed some bags. Added new people to the village.

In plan = to add some more sex animations. Then to start make story line.
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Re: Legend of Krystal - version "T" - 0.3

Postby Biles » Wed Mar 11, 2015 9:08 pm

Looking good so far. BTW, if you animated the lower jaws more so than the upper head, then the female lizards will look less like muppets.
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Re: Legend of Krystal - version "T" - 0.3

Postby matriks » Wed Mar 11, 2015 10:25 pm

Could you do wolf females and some scenes with them?
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Re: Legend of Krystal - version "T" - 0.3

Postby blackcore11 » Thu Mar 12, 2015 7:41 am

When i saw "version T" I was hoping for a lot of futa lizard girls doing krystal. but the game i still a working progress so ya, their is time.
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Re: Legend of Krystal - version "T" - 0.3

Postby OwnerOfSuccuby » Thu Mar 12, 2015 4:28 pm

T = try to make version 0.3 ;)

Could you do wolf females and some scenes with them?
I am more coder - now i base the game on the work of Gorepete ;) But nice idea it is interesting for me too can i do it :lol:

I will try. ;)

Biles - thank you i will try ;)
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Re: Legend of Krystal - version "T" - 0.3

Postby Footman99999 » Thu Mar 12, 2015 5:07 pm

Could you add a footjob scene in the next update?
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Re: Legend of Krystal - version "T" - 0.3

Postby napala » Thu Mar 12, 2015 6:10 pm

blackcore11 Wrote:a lot of futa lizard girls doing krystal.


Also, here are some small grammar corrections. (Note: English is not my native language either, so they could be slighty wrong)

Talking to the liz girl at the start of the game:
"I see that you are doing a good work. Until you leave, maybe we can have some fun?"

Going to sleep:
"Am I tired, do I need to sleep?"

Not taking berries:
"I don't need any berries!"

Trying to take the collector's berries:
"Stop! Stop looking my berries! Hmmm... Ok, you can take a few berries. I have a lot of them in here, anyways."

Not giving any berries to the wolf:
"I'd rather eat them myself".

Anyways, keep the good work up!
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Re: Legend of Krystal - version "T" - 0.3

Postby OwnerOfSuccuby » Thu Mar 12, 2015 7:20 pm

Ok if you like futa so much I will look what is possible to do :roll: :lol:

Could you add a footjob scene in the next update?
- will try but a little later.

Apalapan - thank you very much - i will fix it soon ;) I think in next update (may be even today or tomorrow), now working on new wolf model.
I do not think that it looks good enough - but what do you think ?
(Newer was good in wolfs :oops: :mrgreen: )

Combine some 3 old models (1=Liru the wirewolf - becouse she is wolf =) /2=emmm - i do not know its name =) and 3= Krystal)

She is blond because as you can understand already i love blonds :oops: :roll: :lol: :mrgreen: (Looking on my avatar :mrgreen: )

What do you like dislike in this model - what to fix ?
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Re: Legend of Krystal - version "T" - 0.3

Postby Enkide » Thu Mar 12, 2015 7:29 pm

So besides most of Version G and Ivan's what sort of ending will you give it?
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Re: Legend of Krystal - version "T" - 0.3

Postby OwnerOfSuccuby » Thu Mar 12, 2015 8:37 pm

Do not know for now :mrgreen: The time will show. :mrgreen:
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Re: Legend of Krystal - version "T" - 0.3

Postby Biles » Thu Mar 12, 2015 9:29 pm

OwnerOfSuccuby Wrote:What do you like dislike in this model - what to fix ?

Looks very decent so far. Maybe you could add a bit of more volume to her bush tail or something.
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Re: Legend of Krystal - version "T" - 0.3

Postby blackcore11 » Fri Mar 13, 2015 7:11 am

Biles Wrote:
OwnerOfSuccuby Wrote:What do you like dislike in this model - what to fix ?

Looks very decent so far. Maybe you could add a bit of more volume to her bush tail or something.

The tail looks a little small. If i was you i would give it some more poof to it "after all she is a sexy wolf lady". also the body could be stretched/made bigger, it looks too small for the head.
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Re: Legend of Krystal - version "T" - 0.3

Postby OwnerOfSuccuby » Fri Mar 13, 2015 8:29 am

blackcore11 Wrote:
Biles Wrote:
OwnerOfSuccuby Wrote:What do you like dislike in this model - what to fix ?

Looks very decent so far. Maybe you could add a bit of more volume to her bush tail or something.

The tail looks a little small. If i was you i would give it some more poof to it "after all she is a sexy wolf lady". also the body could be stretched/made bigger, it looks too small for the head.

The tail looks small :shock: :?

Ok i will make it bigger :mrgreen:

some more poof
Now i use Lirus tail :oops: - what do you want to say ? I little do not understand you. Have you some kind of picture of how it have to look like from some hentai for example :twisted: :D :oops: I need some prototype for the tail if i will try to change it :oops:

body could be stretched/made bigger, it looks too small for the head
Ok - will be fixed ;)

Maybe you could add a bit of more volume to her bush tail or something.
Ok ;) I will try. But if you have some kind of pictures of tails that you like it will be simpler to make :mrgreen:

We need more tails Image :lol:

Thank you very much for your ideas ;)

The minigame "Obdiralovo" was added.
Next update i will plan to make coins system (to add money to the game).
And add new mess layer for berries juice.

And fast made wolf sex will be fixed in future - for now model test :
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Re: Legend of Krystal - version "T" - 0.3

Postby hmlk » Fri Mar 13, 2015 10:19 pm

super good project! :)
looking forward for future updates
good luck with it
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Re: Legend of Krystal - version "T" - 0.3

Postby Enkide » Fri Mar 13, 2015 11:34 pm

Sweet animation, and you're welcome to the health/breeding bar. ;) I do hope I can add more, if you ever get into an idea slump, don't hesitate to note. X3
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Re: Legend of Krystal - version "T" - 0.3

Postby OwnerOfSuccuby » Sat Mar 14, 2015 9:33 am

Added new mess layer in Krystal model - now she can become dirty with berries :lol:

It lets me use some animations made by Gorepete in version G ;)

Remade some old sex algoritms i did not like - so new bags can appear.
So i remove bagtracing mode and upload the game like it was made from beginning.

Now Krystal can eat fruits by pressing "U = use" when berries are in her hands ;)

--- --- ---

Good news - good people decided to help me with the game ;) So a story will be remade a little. I do not know all details how it will be by my self but i hope it will be more interesting ;)

If you want to help with the game fill free to do so :lol: The project only started so it can change a little its story and concepts. I try to base story on that materials that i will have. For example if i will have some kind of story and materials for it i will try to include in in main story line or make a little story where it will be included ;)

For now the story will be look like this - Krystal was crushed in the space fight and fall to the planet. She lost part of her memory - but she will remember that her name is Krystal ! It is important ! :twisted: :roll: :lol: I do not want some body name her like TiftiTaftyFlue for example :lol: So name will not be changable. Then the story will shows how Krystal will live on the swamp planet and ... it is all i know about story for now ))) So it will be interesting even for me to make a game - because i do not know how the story will change ;)

--- --- ---

I will speake with people about HP bar / Sex bar / Stamina bar and etc. If they like the idea i will add it ;) The same i plan to do for ingame money and exp system.

For now i do not know how is better to make it. For example need Krystal get money for sex or only exp - or money and exp. The same for all ingame works.
If you have any ideas - tell me please - and mabe be your idea will be taken like concept for the game ;) :mrgreen:
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Re: Legend of Krystal - version "T" - 0.3

Postby BlueVixen » Sat Mar 14, 2015 9:52 am

I promised you that I would help in the art department, though I still believe I'm lacking in that area. Still, I spent all night creating this for you. It's the "Main Floor" of the Hut, the one that Krystal wakes up in. I mentioned to you that there will be three floors of the Hut. Main Room is the middle, Basement is Krystal's Bedroom at the bottom and the Second Floor is the Lizard Girls Bedroom. (Not sure if you named her yet or not, I still vote for Lizzy!) Anyway, here is the Main room. Go easy on me, I'm still trying to get my Artistic barrings.

Spoiler (click to show/hide):


You'll want to open the image in a new tab, since it gets cut off.

I made a Bench, which could have some fun options. It also livens up the room just a bit.
The Ladder to the left will lead up to the Second Story, which is the Bedroom. (I'll work on that Tomorrow.)
Ladder to the right leads to the Basement, which will be Krystal's room. (Will also work on it Tomorrow.)
I added a painting, for more decoration. I found the picture right here on the Forums and oiled it. (Hopefully it's okay?)
I also had to pretty much re-do all the walls, thanks to the bed blocking most of it. And I also had to color Krystal out as well since she was also blocking the floor and the walls.
I might add something in the left side of the Room, it just seems to empty.

Hope you like it! Feel free to change whatever you don't like. :)
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