Legend of Krystal v0.31: CORE: A.Y.A. engine

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Legend of Krystal v0.31: CORE: A.Y.A. engine

Postby OwnerOfSuccuby » Sun Mar 08, 2015 1:59 pm

Now i will work on engine for the future games.

I do not know will i finish this game or not - now i focused on program part.

So the topic is CLOSED
Last edited by OwnerOfSuccuby on Thu Mar 10, 2016 8:39 am, edited 50 times in total.
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Re: Legend of Krystal - version "T" - 0.3

Postby matriks » Sun Mar 08, 2015 4:45 pm

I think you must try. Because Ivan put all his time on MIM game, but promise that make some update for his Legend of Krystal game. And we need somebody who interest in developing Krystal games.
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Re: Legend of Krystal - version "T" - 0.3

Postby SirBalto » Sun Mar 08, 2015 7:32 pm

I agree with Matriks, you should try. It will help you become a better programmer if that is one of your end goals, as well as, get more Krystal in the Legend of Krystal forum.
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Re: Legend of Krystal - version "T" - 0.3

Postby OwnerOfSuccuby » Sun Mar 08, 2015 8:14 pm

Uploaded new version - unfortunatly i forgot to turn off debug mode when made flash - so you can only see the last part of the game that I test - and can not see intro :lol: (But it is not a big problem because i think i will need to work more on intro :lol: )

I think that i will upload some times the game in debug mode - it will let test that parts of the game i do not test enough by my self.

So good news - I was afraid that my algoritms do not work together, i made it some time before and do not know - do they work together.

The good thing that they do ! There are some bags in work but they are small and it is easy to fix it (the more problem is to find it and do not forget about it :roll: :mrgreen: - as i always do :oops: :lol: ) :oops: :roll: :mrgreen:

Algoritms start to eat the game :lol: Now i can easely add sex animations / dialogs / minigames and etc, but there is another problem i already have problem with the story line and do not have enough
sounds / buttons and a little objects that can make the game better.

Now i plan to look at LoK G game to take the map from there. After i finish the map i will start to add animations from LoK G version of the game and may be some thing new.

So if you have good back grounds / buttons / sounds and etc that is possible to use in the game just tell me ;) :lol: I think that i will need it in future :lol:
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Re: Legend of Krystal - version "T" - 0.3

Postby matriks » Sun Mar 08, 2015 9:05 pm

I advice you to look on Ivans Legend of Krystal AE (from G) - 1.02 ALPHA (ON HIATUS). He try to updated this game, but as I said unfortunately he spend all his time on MIM game. But he wrote some ideas and what updates he liked to add in this game. I hope soon you will add more sex scenes with Krystal.
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Re: Legend of Krystal - version "T" - 0.3

Postby OwnerOfSuccuby » Mon Mar 09, 2015 4:11 pm

Do not worry :lol: I hope that there will be a lot of sex animations in the game - but for now the bigger problem is to combine all program parts of the game i want to use in future.

I made some algoritms for that purpose a long time ago - but newer test them together yet - so first i have to check it.

Then i will add sex content - but for that purpose i need some kind of story line. But i hope one good man will help me with it ;)

By the way - if there are some body who is good in design and/or animation who want to help it will be very cool ;)

Different ideas about the game future is greate too ;)
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Re: Legend of Krystal - version "T" - 0.3

Postby Husky » Mon Mar 09, 2015 9:51 pm

Hey, this seems great so far! Good job!

I'd love to help, but I don't have any good ideas for a storyline.
Do you have anything in mind you want to do, some specific scenes like presenting herself to the Sharpclaw king or something? I could work out something as long as I had a starting point.
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Re: Legend of Krystal - version "T" - 0.3

Postby matriks » Mon Mar 09, 2015 10:04 pm

I thinh it will be good, if you have scenes not only with villagers, but also with wolfs in the forest. You can make, that Krystal can choose with who he wants live.
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Re: Legend of Krystal - version "T" - 0.3

Postby Enkide » Mon Mar 09, 2015 11:44 pm

Nice, needs a run button though.
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Re: Legend of Krystal - version "T" - 0.3

Postby Biles » Tue Mar 10, 2015 12:14 am

It's still looks weird having Krystal face the 4th wall everytime she jumps.
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Re: Legend of Krystal - version "T" - 0.3

Postby OwnerOfSuccuby » Tue Mar 10, 2015 4:24 pm

matriks Wrote:I thinh it will be good, if you have scenes not only with villagers, but also with wolfs in the forest. You can make, that Krystal can choose with who he wants live.

Nice idea. But i do not have too much animations with wolfs to make Krystal live with them ;) But it is good idea to add them i already know how it have to look like in story line - already start to code there meeting ;)

Enkide Wrote:Nice, needs a run button though.

I think yes :roll: She walks to slow :roll: I plan to add it in future but a little later ;) May be in next update or update after next ;)

Biles Wrote:It's still looks weird having Krystal face the 4th wall everytime she jumps.

What 4rd wall ? Are you talking about that Krystal hit roof with her head ? :mrgreen: If so i will fix it - it is temp solution i just create levels fast did not even test it thank you ;)

Or what 4rd wall are you talking about ?


Start to code how Krystal will meet wolfs. (Have a lot of sex animations with them by Gorepete :mrgreen: ). I plan this - she will find hungry wolf and bring him some food. Wolf is very stupid and do not do anything only eat and fuck everything he founds so that way she helped him will make a lot of problems to villagers :lol: Some thing like that - now already make Krystal possible to wear food - only need to make some chats and all will start to work ;)

But i still need some story for the game i make some parts and do not see full story line for now. May be it is normal - if i would know what Krystal have to do it will not be interesting to make a game :lol:

The way i do it is like - i do not even know myself what do krystal do next moment :lol:

So be free to tel mel your ideas - may be i will add some of them to the game ;)
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Re: Legend of Krystal - version "T" - 0.3

Postby VintageBass » Tue Mar 10, 2015 4:39 pm

OwnerOfSuccuby Wrote:
Biles Wrote:It's still looks weird having Krystal face the 4th wall everytime she jumps.

What 4rd wall ? Are you talking about that Krystal hit roof with her head ? :mrgreen: If so i will fix it - it is temp solution i just create levels fast did not even test it thank you ;)

Or what 4rd wall are you talking about ?

The Fourth Wall, an entity that exists to protect the characters from the viewer or the player, something that divides the real world from fiction. In short, it's basically the screen or the camera, where the character looks directly at it and acknowledges that they're being viewed. Other ways to acknowledge is based on meta-humor, the character acknowledging what they are and make fun of the world they are around in.

But yeah, what we're seeing is called the 4th Wall, and usually characters don't know it exists... well, mostly everyone who isn't insane, aware of their surroundings or based in that humor style.
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Re: Legend of Krystal - version "T" - 0.3

Postby matriks » Tue Mar 10, 2015 5:02 pm

Well, I propose this idea. That Krystal must go to villagers King, and talk with him about life in their village. He tell her that she can stay in the village but she need to find some kind of job.(also you can make that King will accept her if she prove her loyalty to him, I mean sex scene). He told that she can talk with villagers, and they can propose to Krystal different types of job.(example: some lizard propose her work in his bar as waitress( like in gorepete or ivan type games), some lizard girl can propose her work as prostitute, because all lizards warriors want to relax. After some time, her activity in villagers life will rewarded and she will have some kind of reward and rise in social plan.( like at the begining she was just simple prostitute but after risng she will serve generals and villagers king( or become part of Lizard King garem).

Also you can make that she can fell in love on some lizard warrior( you can make that she can choose what lizard she will love). But she must get his attention, and must concurate with other lizard women. If they become together, they of course will get married and have some couples. And completely contrary. Somelizard warrior will fell in love to her, and the same scenario.

I also sorry if I have some grammatical mistakes.
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Re: Legend of Krystal - version "T" - 0.3

Postby OwnerOfSuccuby » Tue Mar 10, 2015 6:23 pm

VintageBass Wrote:
OwnerOfSuccuby Wrote:
Biles Wrote:It's still looks weird having Krystal face the 4th wall everytime she jumps.

What 4rd wall ? Are you talking about that Krystal hit roof with her head ? :mrgreen: If so i will fix it - it is temp solution i just create levels fast did not even test it thank you ;)

Or what 4rd wall are you talking about ?

The Fourth Wall, an entity that exists to protect the characters from the viewer or the player, something that divides the real world from fiction. In short, it's basically the screen or the camera, where the character looks directly at it and acknowledges that they're being viewed. Other ways to acknowledge is based on meta-humor, the character acknowledging what they are and make fun of the world they are around in.

But yeah, what we're seeing is called the 4th Wall, and usually characters don't know it exists... well, mostly everyone who isn't insane, aware of their surroundings or based in that humor style.

In other words he wants Krystal not look at the camera but looks for example to left or right ? :?: :shock:

How do you think will it be better ? :?:

Matriks - i will try to add some elements of the story ;) But unfortunatly have some problems with lizardmens King - he was not drawn :cry: so it will be some lizardmen that will be a little different from the others :mrgreen: May be add new model of Lizardmen in future. But i like some of your ideas ;)

------- -------- --------

In version v10.03.2015-1 - addet wolf model.
Now krystal can take berries and give it to wolf.
Plan sex animation with the wolf in this 5 days ;)
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Re: Legend of Krystal - version "T" - 0.3

Postby Enkide » Tue Mar 10, 2015 6:46 pm

OwnerOfSuccuby Wrote:
In other words he wants Krystal not look at the camera but looks for example to left or right ? :?: :shock:

How do you think will it be better ? :?:

Matriks - i will try to add some elements of the story ;) But unfortunatly have some problems with lizardmens King - he was not drawn :cry: so it will be some lizardmen that will be a little different from the others :mrgreen: May be add new model of Lizardmen in future. But i like some of your ideas ;)

------- -------- --------

In version v10.03.2015-1 - addet wolf model.
Now krystal can take berries and give it to wolf.
Plan sex animation with the wolf in this 5 days ;)

I think if krystal looks at the camera, it should be with her playing with herself, but I do see the point of looking left or right, considering we don't want her just staring at us. Kinda creepy, even both ways.
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Re: Legend of Krystal - version "T" - 0.3

Postby matriks » Tue Mar 10, 2015 6:49 pm

OwnerOfSuccuby Wrote:
Matriks - i will try to add some elements of the story ;) But unfortunatly have some problems with lizardmens King - he was not drawn :cry: so it will be some lizardmen that will be a little different from the others :mrgreen: May be add new model of Lizardmen in future. But i like some of your ideas ;)

I really hope that I help you.
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Re: Legend of Krystal - version "T" - 0.3

Postby Footman99999 » Tue Mar 10, 2015 8:13 pm

I have an idea, could you add a footjob animation for the wolf?
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Re: Legend of Krystal - version "T" - 0.3

Postby OwnerOfSuccuby » Tue Mar 10, 2015 8:30 pm

Biles Wrote:It's still looks weird having Krystal face the 4th wall everytime she jumps.

Fixed. If i understand the problem right. If I dont just tell me ;)

--- --- ---

Added new sex movie with wolf - but with out ending for now. Adding new dialogs to people in the village.

Sorry if dialogs are a little stupid :roll: my english is bad ! :twisted: :oops: So if you find mistakes just say it to me ;) (Better with screen shots :lol: i hope that there will be a lot of chats soon in the game).

For now i need to understand what works can people in the willage have. What can people do if they are living on the swamp and have not got enough tehnology. They can fuck / play casino games / fishing / cooking / play with kids / emmm swim in the swamp :roll: :lol: - I really have not got enough ideas about it :roll: But i will think about it on my work. Nurse, warrior, and ... i do not know more jobs :roll: :lol:
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Re: Legend of Krystal - version "T" - 0.3

Postby convel ryuu » Tue Mar 10, 2015 9:10 pm

jobs ideas:
Nurse, Warrior, black smith, gatherer, waitress, maid, chef, fishermon ,gambler, stripper, prostitute, merchant, thief, hunter, priestess, guard, babysitter, farmer
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Re: Legend of Krystal - version "T" - 0.3

Postby matriks » Tue Mar 10, 2015 9:26 pm

OwnerOfSuccuby Wrote:

For now i need to understand what works can people in the willage have. What can people do if they are living on the swamp and have not got enough tehnology. They can fuck / play casino games / fishing / cooking / play with kids / emmm swim in the swamp :roll: :lol: - I really have not got enough ideas about it :roll: But i will think about it on my work. Nurse, warrior, and ... i do not know more jobs :roll: :lol:

About proffesions it can be blacksmiths, if they have religion they might have some priests. It also can be herbalists(who pick berries,fruits and some medical leaves and herbs), farmers,coockers, maidens, guardians,foresters(who explode forest and other territiries for future place of hunt), saloonkeepers. Also it could such kind of jobs like thieves,assasins. About prostitutes and harem girls I already wrote. Slavers( who buy and sell slaves), winemaker.

And OwnerOfSuccuby, from what country is you?
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