→ Check the notice board.
> Mana Decides that she should do a quick look at the notice board and see if there are any means of earning cash fast.
Looking at the board, she notices that work in town is quite plentiful.
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+ A farmer in need: seems a bunch of slimes have taken residence in his barn, and despite his best efforts he can’t get the little suckers to move out. he’s offering 40 gold to anyone that helps him out.
+ Cat burglar!: seems a local rich family has had a bit of a break in... and then another….and then another. At this point, they would just pay you to tell them why the same thief keeps coming after them and how that person gets in! The pay is 100 gold.
+ Man and his horse: Man looking for a mare for his favorite stud. Apparently the poor fella has been having issues and needs relief. Maybe if she could get enough for a cheap horse, she could rake in the ridiculous 300 gold reward for this one.
+ Predator scares local cattle: Hunt it down, remove the scare factor. Sweet and simple. pays 40 gold.
+ I got a little friend: Seems like a drunk patron drew a picture of a cock and has put up a 5 gold reward. Mana finds it mildly amusing.
+ Join the Warriors Legion: looks like a recruitment flier. Mana isn’t super interested, but makes a note of it none-the-less.
→ Ask to Rent a room and prices of other ‘needs.’
>Mana sets up a renting plan with Matron if the inn (
1 gold removed).
>She sits down and chats with the matron of the bar as another goblin begins to tend to the people eating and drinking. Mana and Goblin Woman sit there for a good hour, discussing the bar, the Woman’s adventures when she arrived in town, and how she ended up getting a bar in town despite being of a ‘less reputable race.’
Turns out that after building up a good rep in town, the former owner of this bar had offered it up to the Goblin woman. Pretty good job working up from being considered a pest to being the owner of an establishment.
As They chat Mana gently slips in certain issues with being one of the animalistic races. The Goblin woman laughs and slips into a whisper”
“If yer lookin’ for something to ‘keep the oven clean,’ I can sell you some of these little herb packets. Eat it before having ya fun, and you shouldn’t ‘ave anything to worry about. Randolf at the apothecary can sell ya more potent stuff, but I’ll give this to ya for cheap enough.”
The goblin woman tells her that for the first pack, she’ll give a discount at 25 gold; but after that, they would be 50 gold.
→ Entertain the other denizens of the bar
>The sun is high in the sky and and most of the other guest are probably just in here for a meal.
→ Return to Ano and as about potential work.
> Ano is happy to give her a list of chores to do around the tower. Him and his two assistants are not the greatest at keeping everything clean; especially because half the time, the three of them are layed out on the floors after being caught in an explosion of some sort.
He offers up 10 gold every time she came in and cleaned up, but Mana holds a sneaking suspicion that the job would take up the entire day. (
Ano's offer added)
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>When Mana asks about her lessons, Ano tells her that he won’t have anything prepared for at least two days, and that she should take that time to acclimate to Stansengate.
"You Might go talk to the guard captain, he's an strict old Chap but he's likable enough! Don't lie to him for any reason though; I think he can smell a lie! You might go talk to my old friend Heikya! She's a real nice lady and her daughter is a sweetheart! Don't be surprised if you find she's a goblin though! I'd say introduce yourself to my assistants, but I can not find them for the life of me today!"
→What does Mana do?
> Take a job from the board.
> Go talk to the Captain.
> Look for the wizard's assistants.
> Return to Heikya, the Goblin bar matron.
> Do Chores for Ano.
> Go buy something from the shops (specify).
>Other (Input Action).