CYOA Tales of Lona

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Total votes : 49

Re: CYOA Tales of Lona

Postby VintageBass » Sun Feb 01, 2015 2:55 pm

ThatOldFart Wrote:Also(haven't hit ten posts so can't edit my recently added post since it isn't there yet) , yeah, we should toss Heikya a gold for the room. And because she's hot.

Yeah, bad thing is that with time zones and a thing call life, some of us mods aren't around at certain periods to allow your post to get through. You can edit... it just has to show up first. Anyway, I'll try to eye this when I can.

ThatOldFart Wrote:The contraceptive can wait until we have a) more cash or b) a cheaper source of it.

Perhaps, but it's good to have just one on hand just in case that Mana does go into heat and doesn't want to be baking some buns so soon in her journey.
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Re: CYOA Tales of Lona

Postby Vhexo » Sun Feb 01, 2015 5:06 pm

ThatOldFart Wrote:Short term is find out What's The Haps(who's who in town, what interesting things are happening around town and in the world since she left home, find potential allies and enemies RIGHT off the bat and line up some potential minions), long term establish ourselves as The Cutest Fucking Empress Ever (and also an adventuress who puts out at odd and inopportune moments). To better satisfy our short term goals, my vote is to(in order) chat up everybody's favorite bartender(listen more than talk, guide the conversation minimally and just let her talk about herself or whatever she wants), check the notices, if there's any free time go check in on Ano and see what he's got to offer for odd jobs.

Totally agree with that, and maybe also chat some with the patrons.
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Re: CYOA Tales of Lona

Postby Omnimek » Sun Feb 01, 2015 6:06 pm

ThatOldFart Wrote:Preface: Can't log in every night so throwin' a buncha general thoughts in on top of my votes for actions, so's I can say my piece(s) and open up some debate in my absence.

Agreeing with VintageBass and Bestusername, trying to present "true" tales and just skald-ing it up are two different things and we need to make a choice there foir later. There's little danger of backfire should she play the part of entertainer(even bad stories told poorly can be entertainin' to drunk folks), though very little potential benefit. So, short term goal vs. long term: Short term is find out What's The Haps(who's who in town, what interesting things are happening around town and in the world since she left home, find potential allies and enemies RIGHT off the bat and line up some potential minions), long term establish ourselves as The Cutest Fucking Empress Ever (and also an adventuress who puts out at odd and inopportune moments). To better satisfy our short term goals, my vote is to(in order) chat up everybody's favorite bartender(listen more than talk, guide the conversation minimally and just let her talk about herself or whatever she wants), check the notices, if there's any free time go check in on Ano and see what he's got to offer for odd jobs.

We want to get on Heikya's good side, since we'll probably be staying here and pumping her for info as time goes on and there's no need to get pushy just yet. Mana should present herself as Fucking Adorable, refrain from lying and generally be open and trustworthy. She shouldn't test/hone her ability to lie, cheat and steal here - there's a sayin' about shittin' where you eat that comes to mind. Cheap rooms and an awesome source of info make this a good base of operations and the hardcore recon can wait until we have some allies in place. Also, until we have tuna. Tuna is important.

We should not inquire about goblin slave armies. We cannot currently afford them; such lines of inquiry would be fruitless and may lead us to look silly.

The contraceptive can wait until we have a) more cash or b) a cheaper source of it. Nearly half our cash on hand for something we don't intend to use yet is a little risky until we've established a steady source of income or a large stash of it. Some level of flirting with the bartender is expected and the polite thing t'do, as is spending a little coin on some liquor. Neither should be excessive, a beer or ale or girly drink each to start should be plenty. OOCly we know that Mana is crafty If clumsy (and mostly good natured) but ICly she should still play the dumb kitten role as much as possible - she's wise enough now to know how to exploit that(I'd assume at least) and that such is expected of her. Give the Masses what they want until she can operate from a position of power and avoid showing off. She's just too -cute- to be any threat. See those big eyes? Would those-lie- to you?

Be the Puppetmaster. Control the scene from -behind- the black curtain, not from the stage itself.

As Vintage said, the contraceptive is for the heat, or the rare occurrence of a persuasive male neko in rutt a second one would be for play which can be bought later. I wholeheartedly agree we need to look into semi-permanent and cheaper methods for fertility/libido control. But for now play it safe.

I agree with info gathering. First though, a bed, baby insurance and knowledge of what jobs are available are best to have before that so plans can be made and we can ask questions informed by knowing who wants what work done.

A middle-ground between playing the fool and being a mysterious stranger is to be friendly, modest, polite and humble(Read:easily impressed by anything she learns) and a good listener. This is naturally endearing to both genders and allows Mana to get info, set down roots and discern who she wants as supporters without gaining a reputation as a show off a liar or incompetent(Clumsy may take care of that for us eventually).

Edit: And I found the discussion post again! viewtopic.php?f=28&t=4367 I was afraid it had been deleted but it was moved. Should we open up a strategy discussion there? Take votes?
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Re: CYOA Tales of Lona

Postby bestusernameEVER » Sun Feb 01, 2015 7:50 pm

+1 to everything TOF said, except the contraceptive: The whole point of inquiring is to find out whether we can find it cheaper somewhere.
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Re: CYOA Tales of Lona

Postby VintageBass » Sun Feb 01, 2015 8:20 pm

bestusernameEVER Wrote:+1 to everything TOF said, except the contraceptive: The whole point of inquiring is to find out whether we can find it cheaper somewhere.

I would think the cheapest will be finding the herbs that go into making the contraceptives and make it that way, but that's probably going to lead some consequences. But if with all of this talk about sweet-talking and Heikya was suggested to be a source of contraceptives, there could be a chance to get a discount... but that'll come as a relationship builds, and any other factors.
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Re: CYOA Tales of Lona

Postby coyoteredmoon » Tue Feb 03, 2015 11:24 pm

→ Check the notice board.

> Mana Decides that she should do a quick look at the notice board and see if there are any means of earning cash fast.
Looking at the board, she notices that work in town is quite plentiful.

notice1.jpg (31.24 KiB) Viewed 2159 times

+ A farmer in need: seems a bunch of slimes have taken residence in his barn, and despite his best efforts he can’t get the little suckers to move out. he’s offering 40 gold to anyone that helps him out.
+ Cat burglar!: seems a local rich family has had a bit of a break in... and then another….and then another. At this point, they would just pay you to tell them why the same thief keeps coming after them and how that person gets in! The pay is 100 gold.
+ Man and his horse: Man looking for a mare for his favorite stud. Apparently the poor fella has been having issues and needs relief. Maybe if she could get enough for a cheap horse, she could rake in the ridiculous 300 gold reward for this one.
+ Predator scares local cattle: Hunt it down, remove the scare factor. Sweet and simple. pays 40 gold.
+ I got a little friend: Seems like a drunk patron drew a picture of a cock and has put up a 5 gold reward. Mana finds it mildly amusing.
+ Join the Warriors Legion: looks like a recruitment flier. Mana isn’t super interested, but makes a note of it none-the-less.

→ Ask to Rent a room and prices of other ‘needs.’

>Mana sets up a renting plan with Matron if the inn (1 gold removed).
>She sits down and chats with the matron of the bar as another goblin begins to tend to the people eating and drinking. Mana and Goblin Woman sit there for a good hour, discussing the bar, the Woman’s adventures when she arrived in town, and how she ended up getting a bar in town despite being of a ‘less reputable race.’
Turns out that after building up a good rep in town, the former owner of this bar had offered it up to the Goblin woman. Pretty good job working up from being considered a pest to being the owner of an establishment.
As They chat Mana gently slips in certain issues with being one of the animalistic races. The Goblin woman laughs and slips into a whisper”
“If yer lookin’ for something to ‘keep the oven clean,’ I can sell you some of these little herb packets. Eat it before having ya fun, and you shouldn’t ‘ave anything to worry about. Randolf at the apothecary can sell ya more potent stuff, but I’ll give this to ya for cheap enough.”
The goblin woman tells her that for the first pack, she’ll give a discount at 25 gold; but after that, they would be 50 gold.

→ Entertain the other denizens of the bar
>The sun is high in the sky and and most of the other guest are probably just in here for a meal.

→ Return to Ano and as about potential work.

> Ano is happy to give her a list of chores to do around the tower. Him and his two assistants are not the greatest at keeping everything clean; especially because half the time, the three of them are layed out on the floors after being caught in an explosion of some sort.
He offers up 10 gold every time she came in and cleaned up, but Mana holds a sneaking suspicion that the job would take up the entire day. (Ano's offer added)

anojobs.jpg (25.4 KiB) Viewed 2159 times

>When Mana asks about her lessons, Ano tells her that he won’t have anything prepared for at least two days, and that she should take that time to acclimate to Stansengate.
"You Might go talk to the guard captain, he's an strict old Chap but he's likable enough! Don't lie to him for any reason though; I think he can smell a lie! You might go talk to my old friend Heikya! She's a real nice lady and her daughter is a sweetheart! Don't be surprised if you find she's a goblin though! I'd say introduce yourself to my assistants, but I can not find them for the life of me today!"

→What does Mana do?
> Take a job from the board.
> Go talk to the Captain.
> Look for the wizard's assistants.
> Return to Heikya, the Goblin bar matron.
> Do Chores for Ano.
> Go buy something from the shops (specify).
>Other (Input Action).
Starting to post stuff here :D and here When I have time to make stuff, that is!
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Re: CYOA Tales of Lona

Postby Vhexo » Tue Feb 03, 2015 11:42 pm

First, go look for the wizard's assistants and make your acquaintance. Since you'll be studying together probably, it might be handy to know your classmates, and maybe you can even become friends.

Secondly, go back to Heikya, to build up some more reputation with her, and to ask her about the high-ranked citizens and the masters of the city (to get better acquainted with Stansengate and for possible future minions.) Also, and this relates to my third suggestion, ask where you can find the rich family that put up the 'Cat burglar!' flyer, (since I'm presuming the address isn't in the flyer, otherwise Mana doesn't have to ask.).

And last, go check out the rich family that put up the flyer, and ask about more information. (AND POSSIBLY ACCEPT THE JOB.) I think Mana would have all the necessary skills to finish this job properly.

We could also however, accept the farmer's job with the slimes, and ask Ano about help, then ask Heikya for help and directions to the farm (again, presuming address isn't on the flyer), and ask about more info from the farmer.
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Re: CYOA Tales of Lona

Postby moonblack » Tue Feb 03, 2015 11:45 pm

> Go talk to the Captain. See if there's anything she can help him with, or if there's anything of interest she can learn from him.

After that investigate the following job offers: "A farmer in need", "Cat burglar!", "Man and his horse", "Predator scares local cattle".

Getting on the good side of the local guards seems like a very good idea, hence talk to the captain first. After that investigate the job offers in whatever order will take the least time (three of them seem to be related to the local farmers), but don't commit to any of them just yet. It would be best if we can solve the "Cat burglar" issue first as earning the favor of a local rich family has its perks.
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Re: CYOA Tales of Lona

Postby VintageBass » Tue Feb 03, 2015 11:49 pm

Commentary: Hm, the farmer still needs a mare? Well, one of 'to do' is an equirous, but I recall there is a bit of a size issue... On the one hand, some good gold towards contraceptives and other various things, but risk getting ripped from not fitting everything in? Probably start off on the small end of the work scale and work up from there. Also lols on the cock, and what's this I see peeking behind the door?

Input: Talk to Ano's assistants and learn a little about them, then head back to chat with Heikya and pick up the job for the farmer in need.

I also figure buying some of Heikya's herbs and then go meet this 'little friend' sounds good as well, but first get some extra gold in since you're losing 20 gold on one job, plus we can save it for the night if Mana isn't tired by then.
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Re: CYOA Tales of Lona

Postby Omnimek » Wed Feb 04, 2015 1:47 am

Commentary: The cuteness at the lab, sneaky peepers. You see my reason for investigating the whole strechy thing and mood enhancers, Bass. Since Ano can't find the assistants I say we don't look for them yet.

Input: > Go talk to the Captain. See if there's anything she can help him with, or if there's anything of interest she can learn from him.
>Buy a whip, a little less messy and more fun than a dagger
>Read the Warrior Legion Flier or visit them. (More potential jobs? Place to sleep? Curious Golden Falcon?)
> Show the Cock to Heikya and learn what that is about with a view to take the job.
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Re: CYOA Tales of Lona

Postby devilbird » Wed Feb 04, 2015 3:05 am

Input: Ask Heikya about the jobs posted to gain more info before making a decision. Also, it would be wise to ask Heikya if she herself needs anything done. Afterwards, if none of the posted jobs sound good for Mana's current skill, then doing chores for Ano would be a safe way of making money. It would also help make a better first impression with the other assistants when she finally gets to meet them.

Or we could just go blindly into the cock job. That sounds like it would be fun. ;)
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Re: CYOA Tales of Lona

Postby m3rchant » Wed Feb 04, 2015 5:59 am

Cleaning up the place would be a perfect way to nonchalantly look for the other assistants. Also go looking for any hiding places that, not only might they be hiding in, but also you could climb into. (Hey, you may never need 'em, but if you do, it's always good to have 'em.) I'd wait on meeting the captain until we have baked goods on hand, or something to distract him from pursuing the full truth on why we're here should he ask and not like our answer.

Side note: my computer has been acting wonky lately, so my next post 'under the hood' may be my last for a while, 'till I get this thing back from the repair shop.
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Re: CYOA Tales of Lona

Postby bestusernameEVER » Wed Feb 04, 2015 9:41 am

m3rchant Wrote:Cleaning up the place would be a perfect way to nonchalantly look for the other assistants. Also go looking for any hiding places that, not only might they be hiding in, but also you could climb into. (Hey, you may never need 'em, but if you do, it's always good to have 'em.)

While I like the idea... spending a whole day? Maybe we can keep hiding places and the like in mind for when we actually get to work there.

I prefer this:
> Go to guard captain, talk a bit
> Go to heikya and ask if she can tell you anything about those job offers (more information never hurts)
> Take the "Cat burglar" job offer
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Re: CYOA Tales of Lona

Postby ThatOldFart » Thu Feb 05, 2015 9:38 am

+1 for buyin' the cheap Plan....A? contraceptives, for chattin' up Heikya about the jobs (and just in general) and for scoutin' the Farmer in Need and Cat Burglar jobs. The warrior's legion can wait - that's for -warriors- and we're an Empress(in-training). The cap'n can wait until we have a less overwhelming number of jobs to sort through(IOW: give coyote a break!) as can the horse - a guy died from attempting to perform that very task and there are potentially easier jobs available. If all else fails, there's ALWAYS the cock.

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Re: CYOA Tales of Lona

Postby coyoteredmoon » Fri Feb 06, 2015 2:52 am

→ Look for Ano’s assistants

> Mana decides to take a few moments to inspect Ano’s tower and maybe find his forlorn assistants.

wherearethey.jpg (19.65 KiB) Viewed 1897 times

>After an hour or so, she figures that they are likely out on the town. She’s fairly confident, though, that at least one of them has a pet snake and a big one at that; She keeps finding shed scales all over the tower.

→ Return to Heikya to buy a packet

>Mana returns to the tower and finds the Goblin Matron. Sheepishly, she asks for one of Heikya’s herb packets. A subtle exchange of gold and good occur, and Mana finds her self one contraceptive richer and 25 gold poorer (Herbal contraceptive added, 25 gold removed).
Heikya whispers to her: “Make sure ya take it before hand. Not werth a flyin’ flip if ya take it after.”

sheep.jpg (28.91 KiB) Viewed 1897 times

>Mana stashes her new found prescription. She asks what Heikya knows about the notices on the board. Heikya doesn’t have much information on that front, most poster come in and put their notice on the board and sometimes she gets the abbreviated version of what’s happening.
Mana jokingly references the picture on the board. Heikya chuckles warmly and informs Mana that one night she had one too many, and one of her regulars took their chance to put that masterful art piece on her board. “And if I’m not taking the notice to finish it, I’m not taking it off the board. Poor stud has been on there fer a long time though….poor fella.”

→ Take the ‘Cat Burglar’ notice, and go visit the family that posted it.

> Mana decides to go ahead and take the notices from the family being terrorized by a thief.
She heads out to the hills out side of town towards the mansion.
She arrives at a huge set of oaken doors. The moment immediately after she knocks, a large equaros man in a very nicely tailored suit opens one side of the portal. Mana shows the horse-man the notice. He invites her in with a slight bow and directs her to the study of the mansions master.
The man is quite grateful to hear his servant announce your entrance, but his mood quickly sours as he realizes that Mana is a Nekomata. “Oh the irony, one shows up to make a fool of my security, and another shows up to do their job.”
The bitter man explains that the burglar is another Nekomata, and no matter how many holes they patch in the perimeter of the estate, the ‘damn cat’ finds another. According to him, the thief has stolen many hundreds of gold worth in items, and he is willing to pay extra if you bring the thief directly to him. (‘Catty Burglar’ added).

→ What does Mana do?

> Plan to catch a thief (input actions)
> Return to Heikya
> Return to Ano
> Go talk to the Captain.
> Go buy something from the shops (specify).
> Other (Input Action).
Starting to post stuff here :D and here When I have time to make stuff, that is!
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Re: CYOA Tales of Lona

Postby VintageBass » Fri Feb 06, 2015 3:10 am

Commentary: ... OK then, I know what I'm doing for later. It's probably going to take some persuading to do, but... wait, what is this about extra? Oh and hurt Nicky... :( The feels, I want to hug him!

Input: Plan to catch a thief. Discuss with what patterns the thief has been using and what he targets specifically, before setting up his next target as bait. Stakeout time~!
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Re: CYOA Tales of Lona

Postby Omnimek » Fri Feb 06, 2015 5:25 am

VintageBass Wrote:Commentary: ... OK then, I know what I'm doing for later. It's probably going to take some persuading to do, but... wait, what is this about extra?

Input: Plan to catch a thief. Discuss with what patterns the thief has been using and what he targets specifically, before setting up his next target as bait. Stakeout time~!

Input: Plan to catch a thief. Discuss with the family and staff what patterns the thief has been using and what he targets specifically, before setting up his next target as bait. Stakeout time~! +1

Edit: Invest in some practical restraints and a whip for this mission.
Last edited by Omnimek on Sat Feb 07, 2015 12:11 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: CYOA Tales of Lona

Postby Vhexo » Fri Feb 06, 2015 3:08 pm

VintageBass Wrote:Input: Plan to catch a thief. Discuss with what patterns the thief has been using and what he targets specifically, before setting up his next target as bait. Stakeout time~!

Also, look around the perimeter for ourself. Maybe we can find something they didn't see?
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Re: CYOA Tales of Lona

Postby VintageBass » Fri Feb 06, 2015 4:10 pm

Vhexo Wrote:
VintageBass Wrote:Input: Plan to catch a thief. Discuss with what patterns the thief has been using and what he targets specifically, before setting up his next target as bait. Stakeout time~!

Also, look around the perimeter for ourself. Maybe we can find something they didn't see?

Yes, play detective and see if there's any blind spots that the thief could have used to get their way in.
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Re: CYOA Tales of Lona

Postby devilbird » Fri Feb 06, 2015 4:43 pm

Input: Plan to catch a thief. Mana has a unique insight to what nekotama can do that this man doesn't have. What would she do if she were the thief?
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