- Lust Planet - TEST BUILD 0.72 - August 21, 2015

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- Lust Planet - TEST BUILD 0.72 - August 21, 2015

Postby supersatanson » Tue Jan 27, 2015 4:40 pm


Progress Log!

--- Update DEC. 28 2015:0.79b ---
The latest playable test demo! More details and screenshots here:http://lustplanet.tumblr.com/post/136115612101/update-079b
Click to Play
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lp_079b.swf [ 5.09 MiB | Viewed 7617 times ]

--- Update August 21: a Playable test build!!! ---
Finally! something a little more complete! Almost ready to be a good demo, mostly needs a couple more enemies/hazards to have a better challenge, and some secret stuff too. Harem dialogues change according to the Sexlien's quirks, so there's a nice reason to look for different outfit combos on them.
move with WSAD or arrow keys, shoot with CTRL, interact with E (controls not definitive of course).
There should be a lot of unexplained things, so please let me know your experience or doubts, since I can't really "play" the game as a normal player, of course.

(see latest file above!)

Some tips!
You can interact with the E key (you know what I mean), and try to stay inside the marked heart (the red one) of the sex meter, to increase pleasure. That will fill the pleasure bar surrounding the meter, and when It's full, you can mash the E key to finish the business. Doing so at full pleasure, will send the current Sexlien (just febbies currently) to your Ship as your mate!

- You can have only 1 Sexlien of each color.
- Their dialogues change depending on their Quirks.
- More races coming in the future of course.

Update June 5th: A MINI-ALPHA-DEMO is out!

check out the Character creator and a very very little bit of gameplay. Just an Alpha.

Please note the following:
- It's just meant to show the character creation look and feel
- Story is not present on this micro-early-test-alpha
- It has not been thoroughly tested/debugged
- It has glitches and bugs (early test alpha)
- It has minimum content (micro-mini-alpha)
- some tits change color and I just realized it but I'll fix it tomorrow.

anyway, please check out the flash. We have more content already done (you've seen it on screenshots) but we're saving it for the actual beta demo.
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lp_047_charcustom.swf [ 3.79 MiB | Viewed 9279 times ]

If you find anything BEYOND weird, or make a funny character, it'd be nice if you post it. Questions are also welcome!

Sorry about the hastily placed Sound toggle button. Love you guys!

Update June 1st

Sexlien body features configuration! Now you can choose the encounters with ease :) Should be useful!
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Also added: Height randomization, some custom-made BG Music, smaller chest for player character, a little more quirks for Febbie.

Update May 24
Animated gif with some randomized features and a Princess
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Update May 15

Screenshot with the latest stuff:
- Eromone fill bar (fits 100 ero)
- Eromone collectibles (pictured: $10)
- Falling platforms (weird alien plants)
- Background vines (they look nice!)

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2015.05.15_217.png (106.8 KiB) Viewed 9893 times

Update May 14
Progress checklist doc:
Some graphics and screenshots:
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- march 29 All basic character animations Done!
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anim_sex_4.swf [ 148.26 KiB | Viewed 16709 times ]

Just a flash sample of animations and stuff! use Q,W,E,R,A,spacebar to change stuff.

- April 09 A development screenshot just for reference, devoid of graphics for now.!
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2015.04.08_166.png (15.4 KiB) Viewed 16709 times


Original Post:
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Hello! I'm kinda new to the community, but after posting for a bit I feel welcomed enough to post the development of this project from the beginning.
I've worked on platform games for private commissions before, but for this project I joined forces with cool programmer dude Mattis, who is on this forum too. He works like a thousand well-oiled machines!

My idea is to create a platform flash game, where you explore the aforementioned planet (within the limitations of flash), and get to discover, befriend, and fuck its inhabitants, the "Sexliens" (pretty straight-forward).
You do so while looking for ways to repair your crashed ship, and start unveiling the sad truth behind Lust Planet: all Sexlien races are on the brink of extinction!

We started this project on January 2015 (december 29, 2014 to be specific, but Jan-2015 it's a better date), so everything is in its early stages of development.
For now I'm working on some Sexlien Races to populate the game, accessories or "quirks", and creating assets for a first alpha demo. I'm sorry if I'm not uploading a demo yet, but we're trying to have some solid concepts and a clear objective before going into full-game creation.
As you may notice, writing is not my thing (I'm not a native english-speaker), but I can draw and animate!

- Brief Introduction -
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"Somewhere around the borders of the main galaxy cluster, there exists a very peculiar type of star.
A Lonely Pink Sun, unknown to most intelligent races, roams in this forgotten void along with its orbiting planets.
LP-1, as I've called the first of these planets, is inhabited by a strange selection of humanoid species, which I've denominated Sexliens.
The reason for this name, is something... kinda embarrassing to explain, but it's the most adequate for them.
Maybe you should experience it by yourself."

- Story-
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Our Player ("the Outsider") is a scientist from a very advanced civilization, in a mission to the outer rim of the universe.
A mysterious force hits the ship, forcing the player to land on Lust Planet. Being a geneticist, the player’s ship and spacesuit can change his genetic structure to adapt to any environment, but In the middle of this genetic adaptation, the ship crash-lands, and the adaptation is only half-finished.
The rest of the ship’s remaining power is used to heal out the player after the crash, but with the Adaptation incomplete, the Player must gather resources and energy not only to repair its ship, but to survive, and maybe, to help the inhabitants of Lust Planet, the Sexliens.
[NOTE: the "genetic adaptation" bit is where the player customizes the character ]

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In order to have variety on tastes,we’re gonna have different builds and traits that you can mix. So, instead of having “male - female” you should be able to choose “slender - fit / type of genitals / boobs/plain”; or something like that. That way, you can have a sexy guy, a fit girl, futas, flat chests, etc!
We can add more alternatives later, but for starters, that should be good! :)
Here's a flash test of player's basic options, check it out!
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PLAYER_1.swf [ 59.19 KiB | Viewed 33334 times ]

- World Setting -
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Lust Planet is a small, uncharted and somewhat primitive world, bathed by the warm, pink light of the Pink Sun. This light has produced an interesting phenomenon on the planet's creatures, making them behave like in a perpetual state of heat.
Their evolution leads to the development of intensely erotic traits, most of which are designed for human-Solarian tastes. This evolutionary coincidence is in dire need of investigation, as there are no human in nearby galaxies, and the Sol System remains too young and far away to have influenced another planet in a significant way.
Nevertheless, Nature has some surprises, and this perpetual heat worked in the opposite way that one would expect.
The genetic diversity on Lust Planet is very low, and despite Sexliens' efforts for breeding, they hit a standstill not so long ago, and the fertility is dropping at an alarming rate. Without some new genetic material, all races on Lust Planet are destined to disappear forever.
But there's still a chance for a miracle! An Outsider from far, far away (a geneticist from an advanced race) as arrived to Lust Planet, not only carrying new genetic material, but the ability to modify and enhance this material!
To do so, the Outsider should not only mate with all the races on Lust Planet, but also must gather enough energy to enhance and diversify the genetic material of the Sexliens.

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Sexliens are the characters that populate the planet, and the most important aspect of the game. They feed thanks to “erosynthesis”, basically absorbing energy ("eromones") from bodily fluids during sex.
There should be several races of sexliens. Some of them resemble earth animals, insects, plants and mythological creatures, some of them not.
- Sexliens races come in different colors each. There are also different randomized details, like ear shapes, tails, or silly stuff, to maximize variety.

    Appears often on several spots, race depends of the spawning spot, appareance and accesories are randomized. -These are the most common “enemies” of the game. If you interact with them successfully, they can become the player's lovers.
    Appears on certain spots, race is fixed, appareance is fixed. - These are NPC’s for quests, shops or story development. You interact with them by talking and they can be the player's lovers if they get friendly enough.
    Appears on very specific spots, when a set of conditions are met (time of the day, player stats, quest status, etc),race is fixed, appareance is fixed, accesories could be random. - These are the most special characters, befriending them and making fall in love with you should be the hardest challenge.

- Gameplay concepts -
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The game should be platform-based, with emphasis on exploration and discovery of new creatures and places to interact.
Platform puzzles and dangers should be present as well, with a moderate but fun challenge.
Could include typical elements as:
Moving Platforms
Locked paths
Jumping Puzzles
non-Sexlien mobs (These are critters and enemies that you can’t interact with, they’re just for danger and gameplay).

- Player must be able to run, jump, attack and have sex.
- Jump height must be proportional to the button pressing time. This is important for me!
- Player can attack using his stunt gun, or by grabbing sexliens for intercourse. Some mobs or objects can only be attacked but not fucked (like a box with items, for example. I mean, you can fuck a box if you want, but for the game I don't think we'll include that, at least for now.)
- Player can also talk with befriended sexliens on the Ship, or with NPC's. Not all sexliens will be talkative NPC's, though.

Intercourse is the main type of interaction of the game, along with talking on the RPG aspect.
During intercourse, player needs to click mouse or press spacebar in some challenging way, to end intercourse successfully.
- Mashing button to fill bar
- Keeping a rhythm with button
- press button with fast reaction - etc

- There should be 3 possible outcomes of intercourse:

- Bad intercourse: Player missed most of the button prompts, he loses “eromones” [HP] .
- Good intercourse: Player hits most of the button prompts, he wins “eromones” and loot.
- Perfect Intercourse: Player hits 100% of the button prompts, he wins “eromones”, loot, and makes the Sexlien fall in love, getting the chance to “collect” this particular sexlien to live in his Settlement.
A perfect Intercourse gives equal amount of Eromones to all participants, so it's the best way to obtain energy.

- Story-wise, player’s main objective is to repair the ship and leave the planet. that’s the idea at the beginning of the game, at least.
- To repair the ship, player must collect “Eromones” and transform them into energy for the ship's core.
- Game-wise, player’s objective should be discovering all kinds of Sexliens.
- Befriended sexliens can be found in the player’s settlement, inside his crashed ship. There, they can breed new Sexliens with increased stats and loot.
- Befriended sexliens' loot should allow you to customize them and yourself.

Eromones are the main energy source and currency on Lust Planet. It's obtained from bodily fluids during intercourse, depending on the outcome of said intercourse.
A perfect intercourse gives a full amount of Eromones to everyone involved.
Eromones are also compatible with the Player's ship Core, so collecting them is directly linked to your survival, and your mission.

- RACES SO FAR - (NSFW Images)

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Febillynes (Alias “Febbie”)
Feline Bipedal Jelly
Febbies are the most common Sexlien found on Lust Planet, and one of the most enthusiastic. Their appearance is mostly female, with a feline likeness, but her distinctive trait is her jiggly, curvy, jelly-like body. Her shapes and lewd behavior compensate for her low Eromone count, and the fact that she is always ready to mate, makes her the most prolific sexlien on the planet.

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Fentomoids (Alias “Fentom”)
Feline Entomoid (Insect)
Fentoms are other race that resembles felines, showing a rebellious, selfish attitude. They’re most commonly male. He has a hard exoskeleton, much like insects, that makes him feel like a more strong Sexlien than he really is. This trait helps him subdue other Sexliens, but can also get him in trouble with stronger ones. His agility shows when he runs in all fours, A trait inherited from their ancestors.

Rollse-(Image Updated)
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Rollimorphics (Alias "Rollse")
Rolling Morph Seed
A very shy kind of sexlien, typically found in the “rolling seed” shape. Most commonly of female appearance, she rarely shows her humanoid shape unless she is completely alone. She usually stuns a potential partner using her spikes, and then mates with the victim, without hurting him too much. After intercourse, she usually leaves for fear of being seen by its partner.
On rare occasions, when she likes a particular partner, she might show her humanoid form willingly.

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Hoodsweeper (Alias "Hoodsy")
Hooded Sweet Thief
A mischievous Sexlien, has the lowest Eromone count. To subsist, she engages in a parasitic type of intercourse, where she obtains all the eromones, leaving her partner as empty as possible. Her main trait is her kleptomania, making her steal whatever interesting thing she finds on her stunt victims. Despite being less talkative, she's rumored to be one of the smartest Sexliens.

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A Proud Lamb Princess (work in progress!)

Random Sexlien (Just Febbie for now) generator:
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A first approach to the enemy generator for the game!
For the actual gameplay, you should be able to "befriend" any Sexlien that you might encounter, and he/she will be sent to your ship and live there. You should be able to put together a nice harem if you find the right Sexliens!
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quirks_2.swf [ 69.44 KiB | Viewed 34254 times ]

You can follow the official tumblr, lustplanet.tumblr.com, and get some other info and random updates, but I'll be updating here too :)

Thanks for reading, and I hope to deliver some fun stuff with this project :)
I have to say, I was inspired years ago by the first "Mario Is Missing", but never actually had the time to work on a flash project, until these days. I love platformers, and I love having platformer hentai games, so I just have to make something worthy!

Love, SSS.
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lp_073b.swf [ 4.04 MiB | Viewed 8589 times ]

Last edited by supersatanson on Mon Dec 28, 2015 6:57 pm, edited 23 times in total.
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Re: - Lust Planet - (Platformer-RPG, just started)

Postby Terrantor!!! » Tue Jan 27, 2015 6:05 pm

I like dis. Impressive artworkins.
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Re: - Lust Planet - (Platformer-RPG, just started)

Postby Gizmo1206 » Tue Jan 27, 2015 7:10 pm

looks interesting,but question what is the player characters gender going to be?
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Re: - Lust Planet - (Platformer-RPG, just started)

Postby rakgi » Tue Jan 27, 2015 11:43 pm

Well if you read the intros and story etc it says HE but it also says they wont define it as simple male female...so who knows? I would LOVE this game a hell of a lot if it had M/F M/M F/F content though so that it doesn't leave any taste out! But, from the tumbler it looks like its all female monsters so I doubt it will have M/M content :cry: .
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Re: - Lust Planet - (Platformer-RPG, just started)

Postby VintageBass » Tue Jan 27, 2015 11:53 pm

rakgi Wrote:Well if you read the intros and story etc it says HE but it also says they wont define it as simple male female...so who knows? I would LOVE this game a hell of a lot if it had M/F M/M F/F content though so that it doesn't leave any taste out! But, from the tumbler it looks like its all female monsters so I doubt it will have M/M content :cry: .

Well from the random generator, there are cocks, so I would think there will be some herm/futa on male, if you're into that, or the reverse for that matter as well, but it could be possible that there might be some M/M... I dunno, kinda early to see. Then again, these are my own assumptions as well, so don't take them with a grain of salt.
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Re: - Lust Planet - (Platformer-RPG, just started)

Postby rakgi » Wed Jan 28, 2015 12:11 am

Well as a gay dude i do have what I like in terms of content, but since ive been playing many M/F type games since that is the majority i do find them very awesome now :P. M/M content would just be icing on the cake at this point.
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Re: - Lust Planet - (Platformer-RPG, just started)

Postby supersatanson » Wed Jan 28, 2015 12:24 am

Terrantor!!! Wrote:I like dis. Impressive artworkins.

Thanks a lot! :)

Gizmo1206 Wrote:looks interesting,but question what is the player characters gender going to be?

That's a good question! I need to add this answer to the description there:

In order to have variety on tastes,we’re gonna have different builds and traits that you can mix. So, instead of having “male - female” you should be able to choose “slender - fit / type of genitals / boobs/plain”; or something like that. That way, you can have a sexy guy, a fit girl, futas, flat chests, etc!
We can add more alternatives later, but for starters, that should be good! :)
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Last edited by supersatanson on Wed Jan 28, 2015 12:51 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: - Lust Planet - (Platformer-RPG, just started)

Postby supersatanson » Wed Jan 28, 2015 12:50 am

Hey! I'm glad the gender topic appeared, as It's really interesting.
I do like symmetry, variety and multiple choices, so you should be able to interact with the sexliens regardless of genders. There are more males planned (Fentom is one of them, he's up there as the third one on "Sexlien Races"), but for now I kinda enjoy doing females the most. I'm definitely going to have a good rooster of Male sexliens to fuck, though, that's for sure!
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The only problem with this is the multiplicity of pose variations, so we'll have to deal with that too. I don't think we can go for 4 or 5 poses for each player/sexlien combo, but I want to have at least 2 poses, submissive and dominant, switchable, once again regardless of gender.

ALSO IMPORTANT, for people who aren't into same-sex or hetero sex, you can always use the Stun Gun to defeat sexliens you wouldn't want to fuck. I think that's a seamless, non immersion-breaking way to choose your preference :D Hopefully it works good!
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Re: - Lust Planet - (Platformer-RPG, just started)

Postby rakgi » Wed Jan 28, 2015 4:17 am

Now that more things have been explained....I am extremely excited!!! But, please don't start the project then abandon it halfway through like so many Q_Q!
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Re: - Lust Planet - (Platformer-RPG, just started)

Postby supersatanson » Wed Jan 28, 2015 6:08 am

rakgi Wrote:Now that more things have been explained....I am extremely excited!!! But, please don't start the project then abandon it halfway through like so many Q_Q!

A really fair concern!
Well, I can't assure the release of the game with a 100% certainty, as I'm a mere mortal and therefore, subject to unexpected events (I can die or something), but to make things a little more feasible, there are some points of reassurance.

1.- Simplicity: we're aiming for simplicity as the core of the project. Even though the project itself is complex (as most game projects), we're trying to restrain ourselves for aiming too high. That's why I'm using very simple shapes for the character models, as to save time and be able to develop more in less time. This also helps to ease the load on the Flash, so it's a double win there!
An example:
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Febbie's walk loop looks cute, but it has few actual clips inside.
2015.01.28_32.png (76.09 KiB) Viewed 33932 times

We also want to start creating a very simple concept, and then expand into a full fledged adventure. For starters, we want the game to be short and simple, with around 6 - 8 Sexliens, including bosses. The random Quirks should help spice up the variety, without having excessive models to work on.

2.- Strong base: We want to have things organized, so we keep a PDF with most of the in-game systems and concepts to be done. This is nothing new or ground-breaking, but I felt like pointing that out :P

3.- Mattis: The programmer, has around a decade of experience on programming flash games, and I know he doesn't drop projects. We've worked on some smaller projects before, and we make a good team. I trust him a lot!

4.- Support: I hope this doesn't bother people, but we also have a patreon page set up for the game. There's not enough content to justify that for now, but we'll launch it officially when we have at least a small concept demo. If you're not familiar with patreon, it's a web platform where you can give monthly support to projects through paypal or credit card, and get rewards from the developers. Kinda like an ongoing kickstarter! And don't worry, the game is still gonna be free! :D

Well, even if this doesn't guarantee the project's success completely, I hope it shows we're pretty committed to it! we'll do our best :)
Last edited by supersatanson on Wed Jan 28, 2015 2:21 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: - Lust Planet - (Platformer-RPG, just started)

Postby rakgi » Wed Jan 28, 2015 12:05 pm

I enjoy supporting small developers on Patreon, especially when the games have content I enjoy. :)!
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Re: - Lust Planet - (Platformer-RPG, just started)

Postby spitfyre » Wed Jan 28, 2015 5:24 pm

Looks like a great start to an interesting game, am looking forward to seeing this develop!!!! :D
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Re: - Lust Planet - (Platformer-RPG, just started)

Postby supersatanson » Wed Jan 28, 2015 7:16 pm

Thanks a bunch for your positive support! :D I'm pumped up!
If you can share the project with other people, that'd be awesome. I'm working on Player animations now so we can have a basic demo soon!
Once again, thanks for the enthusiasm, it's super contagious :)
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Re: - Lust Planet - (Platformer-RPG, just started)

Postby Feral Booper » Wed Jan 28, 2015 10:00 pm

I like where your gameplay mechanics are now, but I would like to suggest renegade option where you could become a slaver and get your energy the hard way. Also I think that you could combine the button mashing with the rhythm, where mashing gets the job done but rhythm pleases the sexlian and gets more energy quickly. The reaction buttons are for a struggle, say they begin intercourse or you both start at the same time.
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Re: - Lust Planet - (Platformer-RPG, just started)

Postby supersatanson » Wed Jan 28, 2015 10:38 pm

Feral Booper Wrote:I like where your gameplay mechanics are now, but I would like to suggest renegade option where you could become a slaver and get your energy the hard way. Also I think that you could combine the button mashing with the rhythm, where mashing gets the job done but rhythm pleases the sexlian and gets more energy quickly. The reaction buttons are for a struggle, say they begin intercourse or you both start at the same time.

hey, thanks!
In fact, the gameplay itself allows for the "renegade" option, I just forgot to write it down here on the post, so you are on the right track with that idea!
A selfish intercourse gives Eromones to just one of the participants. This happens if you "lose" the intercourse (enemy steals eromones), or if you defeat the enemy completely (you win all eromones), which acts as the "renegade" option. The "tie" option is balanced, were both participants get pleasured evenly, and they both get eromones.
So, you can decide to be a renegade, a pleasure giver, or a sex guru, all depends on your play style :D
The gampeplay for intercourse itself isn't 100% defined, but it indeed includes rhythm/mashing as part of it, just not really sure about the best way to do it yet. We have to test a bit first! :D

anyway, a very spot-on suggestion, and we got you covered! ;)
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Re: - Lust Planet - (Platformer-RPG, just started)

Postby VintageBass » Wed Jan 28, 2015 10:51 pm

supersatanson Wrote:
Feral Booper Wrote:Also I think that you could combine the button mashing with the rhythm, where mashing gets the job done but rhythm pleases the sexlian and gets more energy quickly. The reaction buttons are for a struggle, say they begin intercourse or you both start at the same time.

The gampeplay for intercourse itself isn't 100% defined, but it indeed includes rhythm/mashing as part of it, just not really sure about the best way to do it yet. We have to test a bit first! :D

I wouldn't mind having some rhythm based system to help please everyone in-game. It could be good like as a bonus, like keeping in time to whatever is playing in the background or matching your partner can make them feeling really good in the process. It'll be a neat little feature nevertheless.
"Just because you can put your dick in it, it doesn't mean you can fuck it"
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Re: - Lust Planet - (Platformer-RPG, just started)

Postby supersatanson » Thu Jan 29, 2015 12:16 am

You're having the right ideas, gentlemen!
I made this quick example of a pleasure meter, to show some possibilities on the button-mashing gameplay. It's not polished, and of course it's far from being final, but I thought I could make it to get an idea of the feel it could have.
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intercourse_meter.swf [ 29.87 KiB | Viewed 33589 times ]

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Re: - Lust Planet - (Platformer-RPG, just started)

Postby VintageBass » Thu Jan 29, 2015 12:30 am

supersatanson Wrote:I made this quick example of a pleasure meter, to show some possibilities on the button-mashing gameplay. It's not polished, and of course it's far from being final, but I thought I could make it to get an idea of the feel it could have.

Yeah it's far from completion and so far that is a pretty fun little thing. I actually found that, for me at least, putting it at the very end is pretty easy for me to maintain, but that's because I'm used to smashing the spacebar from another game to get results. The lowest one is a little tricky but once you get the rhythm going for it, it's easy to get the points coming and the fun times going
"Just because you can put your dick in it, it doesn't mean you can fuck it"
- Nash Bozard
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Re: - Lust Planet - (Platformer-RPG, just started)

Postby supersatanson » Thu Jan 29, 2015 12:37 am

VintageBass Wrote:Yeah it's far from completion and so far that is a pretty fun little thing. I actually found that, for me at least, putting it at the very end is pretty easy for me to maintain, but that's because I'm used to smashing the spacebar from another game to get results. The lowest one is a little tricky but once you get the rhythm going for it, it's easy to get the points coming and the fun times going

Awesome! I was afraid it was too hard to press spacebar so fast, but I think my laptop has some weird spacebar sensitivity (or rather I wouldn't mash it as hard as I do with my home keyboard!).
When we get to the demo we're gonna have fun tweaking the difficulty. We can add some more interesting tricks for the intercourse gameplay (like random button prompts or invisible sweet-spots), of course you will be able to win them with just one hand :oops: :lol:
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Re: - Lust Planet - (Platformer-RPG, just started)

Postby VintageBass » Thu Jan 29, 2015 1:00 am

supersatanson Wrote:Awesome! I was afraid it was too hard to press spacebar so fast, but I think my laptop has some weird spacebar sensitivity (or rather I wouldn't mash it as hard as I do with my home keyboard!).

Yeah it could be just how our keys are, because my spacebar on my laptop works normal as usual, even with the mashing from other games.

supersatanson Wrote:of course you will be able to win them with just one hand :oops: :lol:

Sounds similar to another project I'm working on.

And I'm wondering, do you have a writer for this? I can help you out since I'm volunteering out with Mattis in SexForge, so I can help you here if needed.
"Just because you can put your dick in it, it doesn't mean you can fuck it"
- Nash Bozard
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