Ash Rolls:
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2(Rolled) VS 6 = Failure
Plasma shot
11(Rolled) +1(Point Blank) -4(Grapple) = 8 VS 4, Hit+
19(Rolled) VS 10 = Hit ++
Neural Shredder
To Hit
4(Rolled) +1(Point Blank) +2(Area of effect) -4(Grapple) =3 VS 4, miss
Selena Rolls:
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5(Rolled) VS 4, success
Faye Rolls:
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5(Rolled) -1(Previous exposure)= 4 VS 4, success
Brianna Rolls:
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Bolt Pistol
4(rolled) -2(Distance) = 2 VS 4, Miss
8(rolled) VS 4, Hit+
14(rolled) VS 4, Death
Ash struggled to pull away from the large amorphous mass Throne was quickly melting into but found herself dragged under the creature and raised both her weapons to its chest. Tentacles wrapped around either of her wrists pulling her weapons aside but not before she managed to fire a bolt of plasma strait through its chest. It howled in anger sending spittle raining down on her face as both her arms were shoved up over her head and she felt its arms wrap around her thighs. She glanced down to see a large phallic appendage looming over her midsection dripping a sticky substance onto her body-glove... evidently the spawn was intent on reproducing before it could devolve completely.
Alanis and the Eldar quickly retreated from the flailing claws of the blind Genestealer. Alannis heard more noises all around her in the pipes and saw a fat slug like creature drop in her path. It hissed at her showing a maw full of razor sharp teeth but it lacked any kind of agility to threaten them as the Eldar stomped it on their way past. "It seems the hives forward agents are awakening. We did not anticipate they would have such numbers this deep in the fortress..." As the two of them ran Alannis suddenly saw a nearby maintenance room which had a sealed door that might be thick enough to stop Genestealers. Moving to the control console she hit the switch to open it but it replied with red runes of denial. A voice hoarsely wheezed over the vox. "Get back to whatever hell you spawn crawled out of!" the voice cried obviously terrified by anything attempting to enter his hiding place. Looking down the hall she saw the Genestealer slowly tracking her scent in a few minutes it would be on top of them if they stayed in the hallway.
The Chaos Marine laughed as she finally submitted to the pleasure he was providing. "There Rosette... now you can feel one of the many experiences your Emperor would deny you. Your order preaches chastity but how can you refuse your body's own desires?" He asked as his pace quickened and the hand around the back of her neck tightened a little. With one final thrust he slammed hard into her cunt and she felt warmth erupt in her lower body as his seed flooded her womb. The pleasure seemed to continue even as his pace slowed from the climax and soon she felt her own washing over her body strong enough to push away the pain in her limb and leave her breathless on the ground. "An excellent first performance... you've earned your life if nothing else." He said pulling out and letting the cum leak out of her. His hand griped her wounded limb and at first she only felt pain from the sudden pressure on her leg and a razor hot burning sensation. For a moment she thought he had simply ripped her wounded leg away but after a while it settled into a dull ache and she looked down to see his gauntlet had branded her leg leaving a large black hand mark with the eight pointed star of Chaos in its center. Her broken limb was refused but still hurt even after the chaos magic. "Get to your feet concubine, be obedient and I wont have a collar latched around your neck." He instructed.
The tech priestess followed Faye's lead back toward the hangars and stopped short as a massive swarm of rippers funneled out of the hanger door, common firearms or blades would be useless against such large numbers and only explosives or flamers would be able to cut a path through the swarm. Behind them they could hear the flames of a purgation team and the screams of both the small creatures and the men who might be unlucky enough to be stationed here. Pressed for time they had little choice but to rush through the swarm ahead or be burned alive. Thankfully Selena's flamer was enough to cut a path through the swarm and they only had to worry about the occasional jumping ripper. Unfortunately one or two landed on both Faye and Selena biting into their flesh and releasing their toxic bite. Both found their bodies growing increasingly aroused but not to the point of distraction. Making it to the Valkyrie the tech priest began prepping the vehicle for flight.
Brianna sighted her target in the pen and fired a bolt pistol that shattered the skull of some unfortunate bovine caught in the crossfire. The figure glanced up at the explosion and turned to run but her mechandrite quickly locked onto the fleeing target and delivered a precise shot to the back of its head making a neat little smoking hole in its cloak. While the animals were still in a panic after the excitement the figure remained down and there were no signs of any others among the cows. Of course the whole room was only illuminated by the limited slivers of light coming in from the skylights, with the lighting damaged there was no way of telling what else was lurking down beneath the catwalk.