oh, hey, we're back up
well, since last time there's been a little stuff going on.
biggest thing is that I've solved the short art-crisis that I was having for this little'un AND widened the audience..
originally, "he" was going to be a space-pirate or something.. but I was having some trouble finding everything that I needed.
I had plenty of girl parts, though.
long story short, I'mma swap out "him" for a "shim"
oh yes! it's dark, corrupted, maybe SA-X, cloned sammie girl.
('thang' not yet included)
- metroid - other sm phazonLass.png (100.39 KiB) Viewed 7286 times
I'm still playing around with her face, I'll try and make her look a bit more dominating.
also, getting ready for emotional states based on anger and arousal.
we'll talk about gameplay stuff when I'm actually making it, because that's when everything usually changes
anyways, with any luck, we're a little less girls-only-zone, now.
aka. "less gay shit" to pull a quote.