Alright, I finally got the character sheet done! Hopefully everything is in order. Fair warning though: I've never played a Bard before, so results may vary XD.
Name: Leslina Brighteye
Character: ... id=1096173Race: Elf
Age: 111
Height: 5'11"
Weight: 116 lbs.
Spoiler (click to show/hide):
Biography: Leslina grew up in a quiet village, not wanting for much, except for some excitement in her life. She was raised by parents who wanted her to stay and read and learn about the world from a safe distance, and so she did. But as she read more about the lands around her, she only desired more to leave her village and explore the world around. She soon got her wish, but not in the way she expected, as orcs raided her town, killing and raping many there. She was one of the few untouched by pure luck, sneaking out of the village the night before the orcs came by. Now without a home, Leslina felt she had to do something about the orcs, her survival not being a mere coincidence.
Personality: Lesline tends to be rather bubbly when speaking with those she trusts, but still manages to carry herself with an air of defiance and confidence when necessary. She can be rather naive when it comes to the working of the world, however: too many stories about heroes and fairy tales have left her to believe that the good guys always win no matter what, and that has extended to her own abilities when it comes to her new quest.