So after reading all the posts I missed I gotta say "NNNNNOOOOOOOO!!!!! NOT HEIKYA!!!!!!. Going to say that no I rather we stay with Heikya then pull out a new character sheet and start over (DnD reference folks). But before we start on that I want to give my thoughts on your (coyoteredmoon) to end?/Reboot the thread. First off it shows how much you want to keep this thread going by admitting your mistakes and doing something about it so good on you for that!
coyoteredmoon Wrote:>1- Being more clear about options. This is a bit of a tragic mistake on my part, especially in this tyoe of thread. So proceding forward, I need to either describe exact details before or in the options on continuing forward.
Ya that was a bit of a problem when it came to cause and effect options for more action base parts but I think the vagueness worked ok in choosing what to do first thing when we had no clear path to go down, EX. when she woke up, in the town, after finishing a quest line. Pretty much the what to do next part were, dare I say, enhanced because we started to throw out answers till one of us typed something that got the majority to follow till you lead us to the next part.
coyoteredmoon Wrote:>2- Front page management/ character understandability. Heikya as a character has some very YES or NO reactions, and I understand that those are hard to predetermine because I HAVE NOT DESCRIBED HER CHARACTER! This is sole my bad, and I must apollogize. So depending on how we continue I will be sure to make it very clear as to she works.
Yes with nothing more then her physical looks we knew next to nothing about her and had to make up our answers on the spot so adding onto her backstory and personality would help out later on. Though I have read that her blank slate was a draw to some so maybe you should only fill out the basics and let the players decide some of the harder, more prominent character points? Basically how much detail are you going to right before you allow us to decide the character's backstory/personality?
coyoteredmoon Wrote:>3- Making apparent that the front page manages many stats. So this is something that I feel I need to address, since I think many of you guys may not have realized that I was modifying the front page continuously with the her skill levels and inventory. I think the best way to probably fix this is sinply tagging on a link to her front page. Whats more, some of the stats were not clear as to what they do. Again, my fault. In my quest to be witty, I sacrificed decent information with sass.
So how will you do that, to explain the skills I mean? Because when you think about it a point basic skill set really seems limited as a whole, such as in on Heikya's front page she had 3 different skills on a point of 3 with all of them saying that she was starting to get ok at those while her slime skill were said to be above what she needed to know and that had 5 points. The 2 point difference really was confusing and what would be the level cap for that, 10,20, 100?! May I suggest something like this:
Spoiler (click to show/hide):
Hand to hand: Ok/Normal
Overall: Good enough to be a minor threat despite size
Heavy weapons: Strong/Great
Overall: Strong enough to fight larger foes with confidence
Light weapons: Bad/Clumsy
Overall: Won't hurt herself but even defensive will put her at risk
Sex: Good/Clumsy
Overall: Knows enough to please her partner along with herself but isn't confident to lead just yet
Basically it would go skill then how good she is ATM followed by how she is overall. Instead of points it will go by skills going from bad to great such as bad=1->ok=2->good=3->great=4 and 5 would be a "level up" of sorts in the overall while it goes back to bad/rank 1. The overall thing could increase like for light weapons could go to weak offensive but good defense to Strong with light weapons and can hold herself in a one on one.
In place of numbers we get a clue on good she is with a skill then how good that skill is to her over all.
coyoteredmoon Wrote:>4- Clear goals. So as a whole, we did not have a clear goal in this CYOA and thats because.... we didnt. I was kinda winging it... yeah. Super duper sorry. So that is definitely the biggest frick up. I was doing alittle better on sub missions goals and what she was meant to do, but the unknown risks were scaring lots of players into overly safe patterns (In other words, the entirety of the Wizard's quests). Playing safe is great, but only if the situation has a clear SAFE and DANGEROUS option and the relative rewards appear to be there.
Not much to say here other then maybe if you put a tidbit like "this path would be hard and dangerous but it would lead to increasing a skill we need/something we want"?
coyoteredmoon Wrote:>5- The speed. I HAVE SO MUCH FUN MAKING THESE! And i love you all for playing and responding in prompt manners! The problem here is that I respond too quickly for A) lots of people to get their points in and B) people discuss the options thoroughly. Easy fix: calm the frick down RedMoon. Wait for people to talk to you, and maybe set it so that you have days of the week when you update!
So have any idea of the time line you want to set in place? Like would it be 1/2 weeks before you respond with the next path or something? Also if you do choose a "long" rate to up date the story may I suggest that you could draw/write about the world so we know more about the story, like lets say you chose every 2 weeks to update maybe you can post after the first week a small drawing or write about what's happening at that time.