Sakyubasu no Tatakai I (Finished)

Re: Rush!

Postby highfall60 » Tue Jul 05, 2011 1:43 am

lmfao the games too bloody hard for me xD
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Re: Rush!

Postby Digfree » Tue Jul 05, 2011 6:37 am

My normal minecraft server was down, so to kill time I made a new zerg, it is not a real zerg, it started as a lurker, but I got pissed at it and after alot of copy and pasting it is now a worm. I call it a Nydus Worm Larva. Enjoy, and good luck trying to figure out how it will have sex, maybe lurker style dicks poping out of the earth? Btw, my fastest zerg unit I put together to date, i think I spent more time making the zerg eggs even.
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Re: Rush!

Postby SpectralTime » Tue Jul 05, 2011 7:16 am

Managed to get to the boss this time. The whole game became much easier once I figured out that "seducing" involves holding down the button for longer than just getting their eyes to glow pink. I DO wish there were some way of dealing with the little ones besides it though: while I appreciate that they're basically walking health pickups, the unskippable sex scenes do slow the action a little. Also, claw attacks now actually destroy projectiles. :D Much better.

The boss kicked my butt in a skinny minute. I agree with the prevaling voices on this board suggesting some form of checkpoint, preferably right after the fight starts, though I do wonder whether the lust meter should be reset if you die. It might make some boss fights neigh-impossible, but would serve as a setback and motive to... well, not die.
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Re: Rush!

Postby SpectralTime » Tue Jul 05, 2011 7:43 am

Finally beat stage one. I must say, while the gameplay took a while to figure out, the game as a whole has become much more entertaining now that I have. Part of the problem was that I thought the "trick him to attack himself" bit was related to his "ground-pound," and got myself killed trying to stand in his hitbox under his legs before I even saw him throw a rock. Fun fight.

I wish I had known about the RPG Elements beforehand. If I had, I would have just seduced ten zerglings, of which there are an infinite supply, and which can't be killed any other way anyway, and taken out the other critters the old-fashioned way to min-max. They also make some kind of save feature or checkpoint even more important. Also, since I noticed the number you can collect is capped off at six in the next stage, I have to ask: exactly how many stages do you intend to have? Because completing just one tree is going to take at least two hundred souls, if I remember the values correctly.

All the same, this is a game I'm enjoying. Good work and good luck.
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Re: Rush!

Postby BlueLight » Tue Jul 05, 2011 9:57 am

You play to much terria :P
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Re: Rush!

Postby GottaLuvHentai » Tue Jul 05, 2011 10:26 am

I think I am retarded...
I can't beat the lvl 2 mid range boss >.<
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Re: Rush!

Postby Dantirya » Tue Jul 05, 2011 4:10 pm

SpectralTime Wrote:Managed to get to the boss this time. The whole game became much easier once I figured out that "seducing" involves holding down the button for longer than just getting their eyes to glow pink. I DO wish there were some way of dealing with the little ones besides it though: while I appreciate that they're basically walking health pickups, the unskippable sex scenes do slow the action a little.

SpectralTime Wrote:If I had, I would have just seduced ten zerglings, of which there are an infinite supply, and which can't be killed any other way anyway, and taken out the other critters the old-fashioned way to min-max.

Uhh... crouch + attack = dead zergling
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Awesome Game

Postby ramshadow » Tue Jul 05, 2011 4:20 pm

Hi, I've been playing this game for the past week and enjoyed its fast yet quality-filled updates. You're truly talented, but the reason i first got interested in the rush game had been the footjob scene during the first version. I was wondering, could you perhaps bring incorporate it into this version as well? Perhaps even better than in the other one :D

Thanks ^_^
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Re: Rush!

Postby Shadow862 » Tue Jul 05, 2011 4:53 pm

For the people who are just joining this thread, would you mind posting a list of all the games before each update? I think it would be a valuable learning experience and it would be nice to be able to see how much work was done and how the game progressed.
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Re: Rush!

Postby iamnuff » Tue Jul 05, 2011 6:32 pm

i would like to see the older versions too, i was playing the version on funnygame (seems to have the "rapture" power implemented,) but i can see where it was improved, (no way to block low,

but i do want to see the footjob.
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Re: Rush!

Postby BlueLight » Tue Jul 05, 2011 11:59 pm

Shadow862 Wrote:For the people who are just joining this thread, would you mind posting a list of all the games before each update? I think it would be a valuable learning experience and it would be nice to be able to see how much work was done and how the game progressed.

So why not just link to funny games then. Save space on the forum harddrive.
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Re: Rush!

Postby iamnuff » Wed Jul 06, 2011 12:01 am

BlueLight Wrote:
Shadow862 Wrote:For the people who are just joining this thread, would you mind posting a list of all the games before each update? I think it would be a valuable learning experience and it would be nice to be able to see how much work was done and how the game progressed.

So why not just link to funny games then. Save space on the forum harddrive.

funnygames only has one version, and its all but unplayable.
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Re: Rush!

Postby bruiserdemon » Wed Jul 06, 2011 12:39 am

how the hell do you initiate sex?
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too bad.
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Re: Rush!

Postby Crossbow1701 » Wed Jul 06, 2011 12:39 am

Digfree Wrote:My normal minecraft server was down, so to kill time I made a new zerg, it is not a real zerg, it started as a lurker, but I got pissed at it and after alot of copy and pasting it is now a worm. I call it a Nydus Worm Larva. Enjoy, and good luck trying to figure out how it will have sex, maybe lurker style dicks poping out of the earth? Btw, my fastest zerg unit I put together to date, i think I spent more time making the zerg eggs even.

if this is implemented it's gonna be a bitch.
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Re: Rush!

Postby Darkneon » Wed Jul 06, 2011 1:22 am

Hmm... maybe there could be like decisions on what sex is done when you seduce an enemy, like before the sex starts you could select a different sex style by press w, a, s, or d.
W could be regualer sex
A could be Anal (Yeah A for Anal, ha ha :P)
S could be Stroking
And D could be Oral

Idk, it's your call
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Postby Cen Silver » Wed Jul 06, 2011 4:07 am

PLEASE make this game MUCH easier...

Look... Either make it a big, good, and hard game, NON PORN... Or you make a good, long and EASY porn game... 'Cause not only I, but everyone else i know won't want to waste a second with a PORN game if you can't have fun with it, just 'cause it's SO F***ING HARD!!!

Anyway, on the rest is a very good game, liked the dialogs the most... (Although that scrolling text confused me a little at first...)
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Re: Dude...

Postby Eckoblade » Wed Jul 06, 2011 5:22 am

Cen Silver Wrote:PLEASE make this game MUCH easier...

Look... Either make it a big, good, and hard game, NON PORN... Or you make a good, long and EASY porn game... 'Cause not only I, but everyone else i know won't want to waste a second with a PORN game if you can't have fun with it, just 'cause it's SO F***ING HARD!!!

Anyway, on the rest is a very good game, liked the dialogs the most... (Although that scrolling text confused me a little at first...)

I didn't find it to be too hard...
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Re: Dude...

Postby Surskit » Wed Jul 06, 2011 6:26 am

Cen Silver Wrote:PLEASE make this game MUCH easier...

Look... Either make it a big, good, and hard game, NON PORN... Or you make a good, long and EASY porn game... 'Cause not only I, but everyone else i know won't want to waste a second with a PORN game if you can't have fun with it, just 'cause it's SO F***ING HARD!!!

Please speak only for yourself. I know the opinions of a few other board members makes it seem like it's the consensus on the subject, but I enjoy a hard game as much as an easy game; if not more. There is the gallery mode in there so take solace in that.

That aside, am I supposed to be able to stand in front of a hydralisk and just punch it to death without any worry?
Disclaimer: Should I ever choose to give criticism on anything, give it an hour- I will undoubtedly change the message several times before then.
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Re: Dude...

Postby BlueLight » Wed Jul 06, 2011 6:59 am

Surskit Wrote:
Cen Silver Wrote:PLEASE make this game MUCH easier...

Look... Either make it a big, good, and hard game, NON PORN... Or you make a good, long and EASY porn game... 'Cause not only I, but everyone else i know won't want to waste a second with a PORN game if you can't have fun with it, just 'cause it's SO F***ING HARD!!!

Please speak only for yourself. I know the opinions of a few other board members makes it seem like it's the consensus on the subject, but I enjoy a hard game as much as an easy game; if not more. There is the gallery mode in there so take solace in that.

That aside, am I supposed to be able to stand in front of a hydralisk and just punch it to death without any worry?

I agree that this game should be hard not easy. I am however annoyed by the fact that the play moves like a turtle for about everything but she attacks at the speed of a rabbit.

Also the harder games are more memorable to me but for demon girl witch is kinda easy but i still play it to this day.

here is what i would like the game to focus on for right now.
Animation, story, level, sex, features.

What i don't want him to work on right now are.
Balancing, animation speed, listening to wimps, fix every little thing because some people aren't skilled enough.

Okay i found this game hard and the first time i got killed at the boss with out having sex with any of the monsters. It was still fun because it was a challenge. For a more complete game i would want better balancing but for not it's good.
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Re: Rush!

Postby ANooB » Wed Jul 06, 2011 8:50 am

Crossbow1701 Wrote:
Digfree Wrote:My normal minecraft server was down, so to kill time I made a new zerg, it is not a real zerg, it started as a lurker, but I got pissed at it and after alot of copy and pasting it is now a worm. I call it a Nydus Worm Larva. Enjoy, and good luck trying to figure out how it will have sex, maybe lurker style dicks poping out of the earth? Btw, my fastest zerg unit I put together to date, i think I spent more time making the zerg eggs even.

if this is implemented it's gonna be a bitch.

Agreed. At least an indication of where the beast is gonna be before breaking the surface, plex. Other than that. Great work!!!
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