lurkertest.swf [ 39.13 KiB | Viewed 5948 times ]
SpectralTime Wrote:Managed to get to the boss this time. The whole game became much easier once I figured out that "seducing" involves holding down the button for longer than just getting their eyes to glow pink. I DO wish there were some way of dealing with the little ones besides it though: while I appreciate that they're basically walking health pickups, the unskippable sex scenes do slow the action a little.
SpectralTime Wrote:If I had, I would have just seduced ten zerglings, of which there are an infinite supply, and which can't be killed any other way anyway, and taken out the other critters the old-fashioned way to min-max.
Shadow862 Wrote:For the people who are just joining this thread, would you mind posting a list of all the games before each update? I think it would be a valuable learning experience and it would be nice to be able to see how much work was done and how the game progressed.
BlueLight Wrote:Shadow862 Wrote:For the people who are just joining this thread, would you mind posting a list of all the games before each update? I think it would be a valuable learning experience and it would be nice to be able to see how much work was done and how the game progressed.
So why not just link to funny games then. Save space on the forum harddrive.
Digfree Wrote:My normal minecraft server was down, so to kill time I made a new zerg, it is not a real zerg, it started as a lurker, but I got pissed at it and after alot of copy and pasting it is now a worm. I call it a Nydus Worm Larva. Enjoy, and good luck trying to figure out how it will have sex, maybe lurker style dicks poping out of the earth? Btw, my fastest zerg unit I put together to date, i think I spent more time making the zerg eggs even.
Cen Silver Wrote:PLEASE make this game MUCH easier...
Look... Either make it a big, good, and hard game, NON PORN... Or you make a good, long and EASY porn game... 'Cause not only I, but everyone else i know won't want to waste a second with a PORN game if you can't have fun with it, just 'cause it's SO F***ING HARD!!!
Anyway, on the rest is a very good game, liked the dialogs the most... (Although that scrolling text confused me a little at first...)
Cen Silver Wrote:PLEASE make this game MUCH easier...
Look... Either make it a big, good, and hard game, NON PORN... Or you make a good, long and EASY porn game... 'Cause not only I, but everyone else i know won't want to waste a second with a PORN game if you can't have fun with it, just 'cause it's SO F***ING HARD!!!
Surskit Wrote:Cen Silver Wrote:PLEASE make this game MUCH easier...
Look... Either make it a big, good, and hard game, NON PORN... Or you make a good, long and EASY porn game... 'Cause not only I, but everyone else i know won't want to waste a second with a PORN game if you can't have fun with it, just 'cause it's SO F***ING HARD!!!
Please speak only for yourself. I know the opinions of a few other board members makes it seem like it's the consensus on the subject, but I enjoy a hard game as much as an easy game; if not more. There is the gallery mode in there so take solace in that.
That aside, am I supposed to be able to stand in front of a hydralisk and just punch it to death without any worry?
Crossbow1701 Wrote:Digfree Wrote:My normal minecraft server was down, so to kill time I made a new zerg, it is not a real zerg, it started as a lurker, but I got pissed at it and after alot of copy and pasting it is now a worm. I call it a Nydus Worm Larva. Enjoy, and good luck trying to figure out how it will have sex, maybe lurker style dicks poping out of the earth? Btw, my fastest zerg unit I put together to date, i think I spent more time making the zerg eggs even.
if this is implemented it's gonna be a bitch.
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