Unnamed Quality Project In Progress!

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Re: Unnamed Quality Project In Progress!

Postby Ivan-Aedler » Thu Dec 25, 2014 3:20 pm

Merry Christmas!! (also for those who dont link Christmas to capitalism).
I like Christmas because of love, peace, and a night we can think about our lives, and the next goals, not because I'll gain presents, etc. So the 'Merry Christmas' here have a 'sincretist' meaning.

I like where this is going . Nice project ideas, I see you can go farther and farther!
I became amazed how your frontside facing girl turned in. She is now a lovely blonde that is plenty fappable!!
I like games where we can move our naked women around, while males and other creatures start teasing and fucking her, while she tries to cover herself and hide ;) This is an ENF theme (embarassed nude female), like Princess Trainer! (albeit Akabur also made domination and other fetishes in, which dont touch the entire experience!)

BCM Wrote:Although it is a possibility that I drop the project for now and start learning to draw; I don't know how much Myuu is able to really contribute.

No, please dont do that! You can learn how to code the game, how she will move left/right , etc. There is plenty of tutorials here, and in Newgrounds site. And you can ask me for something.
I just dont have enough time, but I am here seeing the work of you people, and I thank Myuu because she is a great artist, and she helped me in a way I cant explain! ;)

I will be eavesdropping this thread during 2015, if I have enough time in order to suggest/discuss about and give some code or FLA's if you need it (like backgrounds, etc). But in order to help even more, if you have interest to retain the current light of this project, I need the main FLA of the game, so I can add art and code to it (and show you where it is, how its done...). This can be exchanged in PMs (Personal messages) if you dont want to expose FLAs around the thread.
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Re: Unnamed Quality Project In Progress!

Postby Myuu » Sun Dec 28, 2014 8:30 pm

Oh Ivan, always on the scene for these types of things~

I too agree the project shouldn't be dropped. Nothing should be dropped! Even if I can't make contributions at a steady pace, the game should be updated periodically so that the vision comes to life, even if the wait takes a while~

Also, here's a pic-model of the earlier sex-bot idea that I made a ways back but didn't post :/

Spoiler (click to show/hide):


Suffice to say, there'd be plenty of variety that could be and would be implemented. Nothing solid, but the model would serve.
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Re: Unnamed Quality Project In Progress!

Postby Digitally-Deviant » Tue Dec 30, 2014 1:12 pm

Hey Bcm, did a quick mock up of a front view for you. Let me know any stylistic changes you want before I move to the side view.

It's a simplified semi-realistic with more cartoony face. I can adjust the style as needed. Let me know and changes you want before I finish it up, and move to side view.

Spoiler (click to show/hide):


Slightly large view;

Spoiler (click to show/hide):


...and of course Myuu, I didn't forget you. I thought I'd do a redraw based on your sketch.

Spoiler (click to show/hide):

But I couldn't figure a good way of incorporating your mascot, if you get a new one we'll talk ;) Image
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Re: Unnamed Quality Project In Progress!

Postby BCM » Tue Dec 30, 2014 7:02 pm

Great start! Although there are a few things I must protest :?
The face is too "realistic", I was hoping more cartoony? Or even hentaish. Idk if you can do that though..
The breasts seem too low from the chest (maybe its just me?)
And the "pose" isn't really breathing, although I assume its just a sketch to get the basic idea.

It doesn't have to look realistic, or perfect. Just emphasizing the breasts/ass is fine too.

For example, similar texture to these would've been perfect.
hentaiworldgame.jpg (186.3 KiB) Viewed 2735 times

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Re: Unnamed Quality Project In Progress!

Postby Digitally-Deviant » Tue Dec 30, 2014 8:13 pm

Ah cool man, you should have just asked for basic hentai then. I can do one of those in 5 minutes, without a photo reference.

As to the breathing, it doesn't really tell me anything. Your going to have to be a little more descriptive than breathing.


Is that closer to the style you want?
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Re: Unnamed Quality Project In Progress!

Postby VintageBass » Tue Dec 30, 2014 8:18 pm

Digitally-Deviant Wrote:Is that closer to the style you want?

I'm digging it! She looks pretty good and I would love to see a more cleaner version if you get around to that.

... Kinda tempted to ask for a request
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Re: Unnamed Quality Project In Progress!

Postby Digitally-Deviant » Tue Dec 30, 2014 8:22 pm

lol, kk I do requests, what did you want? If it's just basic hentai I could most likely get it back to you today.
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Re: Unnamed Quality Project In Progress!

Postby VintageBass » Tue Dec 30, 2014 8:37 pm

Digitally-Deviant Wrote:lol, kk I do requests, what did you want? If it's just basic hentai I could most likely get it back to you today.

OK, how about replicating my avatar in the style you just did, and just looking happy as usual?
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Re: Unnamed Quality Project In Progress!

Postby Digitally-Deviant » Tue Dec 30, 2014 8:58 pm

ok, np give me a bit and i'll wip something up.
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Re: Unnamed Quality Project In Progress!

Postby BCM » Tue Dec 30, 2014 9:18 pm

Thats strange.. could've sworn I replied..
I wrote something like:
This looks much better! Looking forward to seeing it colored in with a side view!
Basic is key. Basic basic basic :) After a game or two we can slowly enhance the textures if needed.
If you would prefer to do the animation too that's fine, but probably best if we both do it with the finished version
and see which one we like better?

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Re: Unnamed Quality Project In Progress!

Postby Digitally-Deviant » Tue Dec 30, 2014 10:00 pm

That is strange. Only post I saw is the one that showed up in the thread. You said you wanted it more Hentai with bigger hips and breasts, and a less detailed face, nothing about a side view.


Sorry vintage, just a quick edit for now, I'll do a more complete image later.
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Re: Unnamed Quality Project In Progress!

Postby Myuu » Tue Dec 30, 2014 10:18 pm

We're drawing Vintage's character now? Oooh!~

The ways I could make that body move~
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Re: Unnamed Quality Project In Progress!

Postby VintageBass » Tue Dec 30, 2014 10:20 pm

Digitally-Deviant Wrote:Sorry vintage, just a quick edit for now, I'll do a more complete image later.

Looks pretty good! Kinda was hoping for her eyes open, but I ain't complaining too much on that! Then again, I did say draw my avatar and she is like that, so...

Yeah, basically slapping her head over the current body? Will wait until final form comes!

Myuu Wrote:The ways I could make that body move~

Oh? Tell me more~ :3
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Re: Unnamed Quality Project In Progress!

Postby Digitally-Deviant » Tue Dec 30, 2014 10:37 pm

Lol lame I know, any pose requests, aside for the eyes being open?
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Re: Unnamed Quality Project In Progress!

Postby VintageBass » Tue Dec 30, 2014 10:39 pm

Digitally-Deviant Wrote:Lol lame I know, any pose requests, aside for the eyes being open?

I think her celebrating, one leg in the air and fists shaking as she is happy about a victory.
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Re: Unnamed Quality Project In Progress!

Postby Digitally-Deviant » Tue Dec 30, 2014 11:42 pm

BCM I think we'll just go with the Hentai one for now, it will be easier to animate, as it's got less pieces, and simpler lines. We'll be able to work faster that way. I can always change the art style later.

I've got other work to do, but I should have a complete looking version by this weekend. I'll let you vector the drawings in flash, as you want practice animating, and I've got other animations to work on currently. You can just pm me if you need help, sound good?
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Re: Unnamed Quality Project In Progress!

Postby BCM » Wed Dec 31, 2014 10:26 pm

Digitally-Deviant Wrote:BCM I think we'll just go with the Hentai one for now, it will be easier to animate, as it's got less pieces, and simpler lines. We'll be able to work faster that way. I can always change the art style later.

Agreed. Probably best to make something simple and fast to start off with and get our name "out there" ;)

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Re: Unnamed Quality Project In Progress!

Postby BCM » Wed Dec 31, 2014 10:26 pm

And Happy New Years everyone! :D

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Re: Unnamed Quality Project In Progress!

Postby Ivan-Aedler » Thu Jan 01, 2015 4:37 am

I like the vintage frontside avatar!!! :o :o :o :o

Ok, I'll add this new character to MIM PUT Right nao!! ;)
(Ok ok I am kidding! Cant go away of Mario Universe...)
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Re: Unnamed Quality Project In Progress!

Postby VintageBass » Thu Jan 01, 2015 5:03 am

Ivan-Aedler Wrote:I like the vintage frontside avatar!!! :o :o :o :o

Ok, I'll add this new character to MIM PUT Right nao!! ;)
(Ok ok I am kidding! Cant go away of Mario Universe...)

Yeah, you better mister! :P Totally different universe, plus the art doesn't quite work :P
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