Ivan-Aedler Wrote:Phew......the weekend!
I started making Level 6-6. And yes, new art and creatures, like Pa-patch!
com Wrote:Looks good so far, I'm interested in that yellowish pirate guy... aaaaand I should remember you about the *.fla
ronofar Wrote:Ivan you make great game. And I now that MiM is your main project. But could you please give a little time to your another great game Legend of Krystal AE (from G) - 1.02 ALPHA. Because 5 month without any update is very sad.
ronofar Wrote:And many users may think that you banned this game. Could you do just a small update for this game and show us that this game still alive and you will work with it. And it also could be a good Christmas present for all of us. Thank you.
tyler_eli Wrote:This looks promising, was expecting quality to remain the same til the end of the game but that kinda raises the bar again
UndyingFlame Wrote:Bug Report:- If you press the down arrow twice (With the second press while she's rising), with any girl, in any attire, a ball and chain will appear around their ankles
UndyingFlame Wrote:- It may just be me, but I'm unable to complete the footjob section, thus I'm unable to leave prison
UndyingFlame Wrote:- The poison mushroom overrides my settings. For instance, my stomach setting is set to default, but if I get the poison mushroom peach's (Or any of the lovely ladies) stomach will still expand
UndyingFlame Wrote:That's all I have to report, keep up the splendid work.
JJPG Wrote:larry and chomp are not getting hit by fireballs
Asion Wrote:The key is missing.
Asion Wrote:My bad. I'm uploaded the un-cut image, here is the good one, and no, Peach is not lost a life, the key just gone. I'm restarted the game, te firefox ant the pc to but nothing, te key is gone, not just the image, there is no interaction. Oh and it is level 2-3.
Asion Wrote:I found the problem, it seems when I open a PUT.swf in a new window whit full screen only then come up the problem.
Asion Wrote:Oh man, looks like I caused you a lot of trouble, sorry.
com Wrote:I'm on holiday for a few days, see you at least new year again. Merry xmas to you
Ivan-Aedler Wrote:Please elaborate. If her stomach is set to default, it can still expand in certain scenes, thats normal. If you fixed the MIN belly and MAX belly sizes to be the same, she must retain the same belly in all situations. If the posion is changing that, now that's a bug. If her belly is 'just default', that's not considered a bug, because the poison is also considered a 'bad food' for her.
com Wrote:Change of plans... car broke, I'm on holiday in spring.... -.-
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