Sakyubasu no Tatakai I (Finished)

Re: Rush!

Postby GoRepeat » Sat Jul 02, 2011 4:44 am

Fawkes Wrote:^^ agreed, I really can't wait to see level two!

It is shaping up nicely so far
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Re: Rush!

Postby deathreaper711 » Sat Jul 02, 2011 9:55 am

gorepete2 Wrote:Hahaha! Funny-games put up the old original version and everyone is saying it sucks and gave it 24% rating (super bad)

Guess I am terrible :(

Nah man, i KNOW the reason they rated it so low. I'm sure if you look at uploads of corta'splatformer, it probably has higher ratings. Reason why is because you make people work for the porn. There are a lot of people who just want to click a flash and fap furiously without having to work for anything. Which makes it worth all that much less, playing a game and earning your porn through skill (Or just a little practice) makes you appreciate it all the much more. But douchebags over at funny-games, just click and wanna fap real quick. I'm sure a lot of them got frustrated before they even got to any of the porn, or even gave it a chance, then raged and rated it low.

So don't worry what those fuckers over there think. Personally i LOVE your game for this very reason, way more than even corta'splatformer, however much that means coming from a lurker. Simply because you have to work for it, in the end even the scenes are hotter due to this (But even without this, the scenes are still awesome).

Anyways, can't wait for stage 2, your game is awesome dude, keep it up. *Thumbs up*
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Re: Rush!

Postby Fawkes » Sat Jul 02, 2011 1:25 pm

Great1 Out of curiousity, will you be including a save feature between levels?
As a warning, if I'm playing a girl, she's rape bait.

Looking for a Animeish picture? PM I probably have something like you're looking. Especially if you're looking for something sexy.
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Re: Rush!

Postby Thaedael » Sat Jul 02, 2011 6:44 pm

Hey again gorepete,
Apparently my moderation que tab was not working well because it wasn't showing all the people in que. There are a bunch of newly approved posts, mostly people complaining about the difficulty. I guess these people didn't grow up playing castlevania.

Anyway re-read the last 2 pages in case anything slipped past you gorepete.


Re: Rush!

Postby bindedshadow » Sat Jul 02, 2011 7:01 pm

realrose Wrote:is it just me or is it really hard to get pass the first guy you come up against ? or do i just suck at this game

For the first guy, you can just use your normal jab (F Key) and then immediately flip backwards (A Key) and repeat until the white aura is down, then have your fun by seducing him :P
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Re: Rush!

Postby GoRepeat » Sat Jul 02, 2011 7:02 pm

Lucky777 Wrote:2 is that the vagina on the chick looks... a little like a mixture of a vagina and an ass, somehow. This is the most detail I've seen in those areas, in a LoK engine game, so it's probably still very much in the experimental stages, but some vaginal lips and a clit would be pretty pleasant.

Yeah, not ever really been a vag in LoK sprite set, so winged it... will probably remodel at some point

Thaedael Wrote:Hey again gorepete,
Apparently my moderation que tab was not working well because it wasn't showing all the people in que. There are a bunch of newly approved posts, mostly people complaining about the difficulty. I guess these people didn't grow up playing castlevania.

Thank you! Still think SotN is one of best games ever made in history of ever

Fawkes Wrote:Great1 Out of curiousity, will you be including a save feature between levels?

Yeah, need to decide between cookie or local file. Right now not in a huge rush because game takes maybe 5? minutes to play through completely? if that? Don't really see huge reason to make save states yet.

SpectralTime Wrote:I don't want to insult this game, since you've clearly put a LOT of effort into it, but I just plain can't for the life of me figure out how to do anything. My basic attacks are useless, I can seduce the small, running enemies, but can't figure out how to do more than make them stand there for a bit, and the only method I've discovered for dealing with those spike things is to somehow perfectly time a backflip to take one out: harder than it sounds when you're constantly masturbating to build up the lust necessary to stunlock the runners.

In short, I can't figure out how to do anything, and respectfully request some help, with as few accusations of noobhood as possible.

Understandable, game controls changed many times already. Will have to add tutorial I guess. Updating main post with current controls
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Re: Rush!

Postby Crossbow1701 » Sat Jul 02, 2011 7:25 pm

when you say (sustained) for controls, do you mean they won't be changed from now on?
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Re: Rush!

Postby GoRepeat » Sat Jul 02, 2011 7:38 pm

Crossbow1701 Wrote:when you say (sustained) for controls, do you mean they won't be changed from now on?

No, means you can just hold it down to continue effect
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Re: Rush!

Postby Fawkes » Sat Jul 02, 2011 7:53 pm

Nan Wrote:great game!! Hey this is just a idea but idk... so i was thinking when the monsters hit you they rape you but if you use lust the girl/devil fuck the monster how she want to.. but if the monster hits you when the monster is not lusted the monster rapes the devil girl. good? no good?

She's a lust demon, I'm pretty sure getting raped by monster is her favorite type of sex :mrgreen:

Also, the Trace scene is awesome :D
As a warning, if I'm playing a girl, she's rape bait.

Looking for a Animeish picture? PM I probably have something like you're looking. Especially if you're looking for something sexy.
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Re: Rush!

Postby Nan » Sat Jul 02, 2011 8:29 pm

It is!
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Re: Rush!

Postby anonymous174 » Sat Jul 02, 2011 9:13 pm

Grea work with the bulge. :) I think you would do an incredible job implementing it into other animations as well, it adds for a nice touch.

Re: Rush!

Postby SquallLion » Sat Jul 02, 2011 9:56 pm

well done!
no more lag in the game!
but I don't know how to beat the 1st boss (middle in the road) :cry:
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Re: Rush!

Postby SquallLion » Sun Jul 03, 2011 12:23 am

forget my question! I found how to beat all the boss
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Re: Rush!

Postby Fawkes » Sun Jul 03, 2011 12:56 am

Yeah, can't wait to see the miniboss for lvl 2!
As a warning, if I'm playing a girl, she's rape bait.

Looking for a Animeish picture? PM I probably have something like you're looking. Especially if you're looking for something sexy.
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Re: Rush!

Postby iamnuff » Sun Jul 03, 2011 2:22 am

edit nevermind,

only problem i can see is that having sex with trace doesnt heal/refill lust, but seen as level 2 is still a work in progress thats not a big issue.

edit2: just found the secret in between levels 1 and 2
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Re: Rush!

Postby Crossbow1701 » Sun Jul 03, 2011 2:58 am

gorepete2 Wrote:
Crossbow1701 Wrote:when you say (sustained) for controls, do you mean they won't be changed from now on?

No, means you can just hold it down to continue effect

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Re: Rush!

Postby GoRepeat » Sun Jul 03, 2011 5:11 am

Fawkes Wrote:Yeah, can't wait to see the miniboss for lvl 2!

Was hoping to post tonight, but flash decided crash would be more fun. Lost 2 animations and half code for mini. Will have to redo now :x :evil: :cry:

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Re: Rush!

Postby bed_intruder » Sun Jul 03, 2011 5:21 am

Heh, yea that's why you gotta save every time you get done with something. Flash has the habit of crashing on you are RIGHT when you're about to finish >.>
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Re: Rush!

Postby chimi » Sun Jul 03, 2011 7:22 am

I would vote for a local file, as I bet many clear their cookies very often.
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Re: Rush!

Postby Nintendolo » Sun Jul 03, 2011 7:48 am

i believe if your using CS5 you can have a auto save/ recover fill

i have had to do this as my flash always crashes just as i am about to finish
inactivity was due to account being lost and me forgetting this forum while i was building a new pc
Sorry folks...
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