Dead2112man Wrote:I don't think we are allowed to mess with the database, and I have never used the Game maker version of the game so I have no clue.
Bubba91 do you have any Idea on what he is talking about and possible help him out.
Dwave4567 Wrote:Dead2112man Wrote:I don't think we are allowed to mess with the database, and I have never used the Game maker version of the game so I have no clue.
Bubba91 do you have any Idea on what he is talking about and possible help him out.
Thanks anyway for reading my comment and interest in my problem Dead2112man.
Dark_Onix Wrote:Dwave4567 Wrote:Dead2112man Wrote:I don't think we are allowed to mess with the database, and I have never used the Game maker version of the game so I have no clue.
Bubba91 do you have any Idea on what he is talking about and possible help him out.
Thanks anyway for reading my comment and interest in my problem Dead2112man.
I have to disagree. If someone did not want others to play around with their game they would not add an editor to it. Personally using Humbird0's editor, I have even tried to make my own game.
To answer your question it is very simple.
1) Open the map that you want to edit (in the editor)
2) Below the "M" in the word "Map" (in the upper left hand corner of the screen), there should be a button with a face in it. click it.
3) click on the location, in the map, that you want to add a new Trainer. The option to add a trainer should be default sprite option in the editor. To change to a different kind of sprite click on the white box to the right of the button that says "Snap to Tile" (In the upper right hand side it the screen)
To add pokemon use the "grassFight" option.
4) Once the sprite is created click on it (once). The options to edit it will appear in the editor.
5) Save the new edited map; and test your new sprite.
To edit the database
1) Click on the Button to the Right of the one used in step 2 of the above notes. The button should look like a very small chart table.
That will open up the database editor.
The best way to learn to use the editor is to is to play with it.
Also be reading the lines of code that other people have written; you can better learn how write your own code.
Dark_Onix Wrote:To answer Dwave4567 first question. To save changes to the database you must exit the database, and return to the map that you opened, before closing the editor. If you close the editor while in the database you will lose all of your changes. Also it is a good idea to save the map after making changes in the database, but I do not think that is required to save the changes to the database. Also, every time you add a new variable to the RAM, you MUST start a new game to test it. For example the new variable, "new_test" will be undefined in all old save saves of the game.
To answer the second question, if I understand it correctly, it should remain inside the game. Once you add a new Trainer to a file inside the game; the Trainer will be inside the game the next time you play it. No new files are created to backup the original game.
dragonmaster121989 Wrote:Great artwork Budda hope to see on Skype soon.
bubba91 Wrote:dragonmaster121989 Wrote:Great artwork Budda hope to see on Skype soon.
the thing is I forgot my password and all the attempts I'd give to change it became useless. I don't know why it always redirects me to change my hotmail account.
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