Hogwarts: School of Witchcraft and Jizzardry

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Re: Hogwarts: School of Witchcraft and Jizzardry

Postby Nobudi » Wed Nov 05, 2014 2:44 am

Yay. Ready for class tomorrow.
Tie Lan went sleepy~.
Change into pajamas and under the covers for her.
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Re: Hogwarts: School of Witchcraft and Jizzardry

Postby eaenidu » Wed Nov 05, 2014 2:50 am

Feeling a bit braver at sitting through class naked and defying a teacher at the start of it Abby decided to talk to one of the girls in her dorm, Still in the nude and with a smile.
"I mean, that thing about not looking a gift horse in the mouth? Well, how the fuck else are you supposed to figure out if it’s full of Greeks?”
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Re: Hogwarts: School of Witchcraft and Jizzardry

Postby VintageBass » Wed Nov 05, 2014 3:57 am

Jamie couldn't believe where she is right now. Finally she found herself in such a grand place, something that appears in dreams... actually, this place did appear in her dreams. Although she can't recall much about what she saw in them, all of them were blurry and appear for only a few seconds, but she does know about this particular hall, where students line up and get their house pick for them with this hat. And now it is her turn. She feels nervous. Something like this, she would be perfectly fine with if she knows where she is going into, but all of this is uncertain right now. It does bring her worry that the hat didn't want to sit on her head, being the special one out of the other students, and her nervousness eats away when it thinks about where she will be living for her time being.

But the moment her house is called, a sudden flash appeared in her eyes. Something pink, belonging to a girl of the house she is chosen for, and a whole lot of shaming that is coming to the house. A frown appears on Jamie's face, realizing that she is going to be in the same house as someone who likes to strut naked, refuse authority and is going to cause so much trouble for the school. Seeing that this is her moment to speak up and ask for a change of house, there is possibly a way to use this to her advantage. Her mind is confused about what she wants to do, and figuring that if her vision is right, she really doesn't want to be associated with the house of someone who defies rules all because of her own twisted pride and skewed views of the world. But there is a chance that she could scare this girl straight and give her a future that will warn her about the path she takes... but yet this will probably do nothing to help her.

Jamie sighs hardly over her current choice. Either she goes elsewhere and saves her sanity, or go with her choice, save the house and take care of this vision. The choice is hard... Eventually she comes up with her decision and lets out a long sigh. "Thank you, I will accept being a part of the House of Gryffindor," she replied with a smile. And a part of her just died. This is going to be a great school year for our upcoming seer...
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Re: Hogwarts: School of Witchcraft and Jizzardry

Postby lilbooth » Wed Nov 05, 2014 6:34 am

"Hmm..." audibly pondered Gwen in response to Clarie's instruction, "I thought that the animagus of a wizard or witch was similar to their Patronus, and that it can not be chosen but is instead determined by their inner traits?" elaborated Gwen recalling several jealous conversations held between her older siblings regarding the topic.
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Re: Hogwarts: School of Witchcraft and Jizzardry

Postby Hermione » Thu Nov 06, 2014 3:42 pm

Spoiler (click to show/hide):

Name: Gwen
Reputation: 150/1000
Spells: None
Viewed as: Renowned Family
Inventory : Student Jumper, Skirt, White Bra, White Panties, 46 Gold, Shoddy wand
Energy: Awake

"That is what most people think, however if you haven't conjured a Patronus before, you can alter it."

Spoiler (click to show/hide):

Name: Jamie
Reputation: 0/1000
Spells: None
Viewed as: Kind
Inventory : Student Jumper, Skirt, White Bra, White Panties, 46 Gold, Shoddy wand, Invisibility Potion
Energy: Awake

The Gryffindor house triumphantly carries you up and into their dorms and parade you around as the last chosen Gryffindor of the year. Finally, you're allowed back into your room, it's a single room with not much to it, you can see onto the ground of Hogwarts from your window. You also have a book shelf in your room with first year books lining the shelves.

A)Explore Hogwarts (15% Luck)
B) Study (20% Magic Roll)
C) Talk to students outside (15% Charisma Roll)

Spoiler (click to show/hide):

Asleep for three rounds

Spoiler (click to show/hide):

Name: Zali
Reputation: 150/1000
Spells: Babbling Curse
Viewed as: Powerful Family
Inventory : Student Jumper, Skirt, White Bra, White Panties, 46 Gold, Shoddy wand
Energy: A little tired

You awaken in good spirits, ready to go to class, you have a choice:
A) Defense Against the Dark Artes
B) Charms
C) Skip class and go explore (30% Luck Roll)

Spoiler (click to show/hide):

Name: Abby
Reputation: 50/1000
Spells: Switching Spell
Viewed as: Nudist
Inventory: Student Jumper, Skirt, White Bra, White Panties, 46 Gold, Shoddy wand
Energy: A Little Tired

Charisma Roll 40% = 4% Epic win
"Oh my god, I loved how you stood up to that teacher. You fucking rock." The blonde said to you.
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Re: Hogwarts: School of Witchcraft and Jizzardry

Postby VintageBass » Thu Nov 06, 2014 4:31 pm

Well then, it is certainly nice that the residents of the house are kind enough to actually carry her back and treat her well, as if she could be the saving grace for the entire house. Jamie knows full well this isn't the case, but if the whole deal with this nude girl living with her is true, then they might as well treat her just like this if things aren't going to play well for her new house. And it's too late to change, she is going to stick through with this to the end, and hopefully can make a difference for all of them.

Eventually she makes it back to her room, and to her relief it's only to herself. There's not much inside, and if she gets a little more money she might get some better furniture and a study going, especially right next to the window to get a good view of everything. She takes a moment to look around her room, getting everything memorized before she heads out and go exploring, and what caught her eye is a bookshelf filled with magic books on them. Smiling, Jamie heads over to the shelf and takes a charm book off of it, before heading over to her bed and plopping down. She opens up the book and starts looking through it, wondering about what kind of spells she can learn from it.
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Re: Hogwarts: School of Witchcraft and Jizzardry

Postby DomJoe » Thu Nov 06, 2014 6:30 pm

Zali gets up from her bed, rubbing the sleep out of her eyes. While she did do alot of exploring yesterday, she's not as tired as she thought she would be, which is a good sign for today. She gets herself dressed and looks at her schedule, seeing what classes she has today. Defense Against the Dark Artes was certainly interesting, but she wanted to learn some more practical magics for now. She swiftly gathers her books and heads off for the Charms class.
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Re: Hogwarts: School of Witchcraft and Jizzardry

Postby Hermione » Thu Nov 06, 2014 11:05 pm

Spoiler (click to show/hide):

Name: Zali
Reputation: 150/1000
Spells: Babbling Curse
Viewed as: Powerful Family
Inventory : Student Jumper, Skirt, White Bra, White Panties, 46 Gold, Shoddy wand
Energy: Awake with Energy

You walk into the class and take a seat near the back of the room as the class quickly begins. "Hello students, today we will be learning charms." The professor begins. "The spell we will be learning is Americano, it increases the weight of whatever you cast it on."

A) Attempt the spell on the feather, supplied on your desk (Magic Roll 50%)
B) Attempt the spell on a boy's crotch (Magic Roll 45%)
C) Attempt the spell on a girl's robes (Magic Roll 40%)

Spoiler (click to show/hide):

Name: Jamie
Reputation: 0/1000
Spells: None
Viewed as: Kind
Inventory : Student Jumper, Skirt, White Bra, White Panties, 46 Gold, Shoddy wand, Invisibility Potion
Energy: Awake

Luck Roll = 0 Perfect Success

Before long you have picked up the entirety of the spell 'Confusio, you've learned it so well in fact that you have the ability to put your own twist on the spell.

A) Never-Miss Confusio
B) Aphrodisiac Confusio

Spoiler (click to show/hide):

Name: Enda
Reputation: 0/1000
Spells: Reparo (Mastered)
Viewed as: Intelligent
Inventory : Student Jumper, Skirt, White Bra, White Panties, 46 Gold, Shoddy wand, Invisibility Potion
Energy: A little tired

You awaken full of energy ready to get the day started, you can either head to:
A) Charms
C) Explore Hogwarts - Skip class (30% Luck roll)
Last edited by Hermione on Fri Nov 07, 2014 12:05 am, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: Hogwarts: School of Witchcraft and Jizzardry

Postby DomJoe » Thu Nov 06, 2014 11:27 pm

Zali had never head of this Americano charm, but it was the focus of the class today, as she was prepared to perform and learn. The target for today was a feather on her desk, supplied by the teacher of the class. Apparently, a successful cast of this charm would increase the size of the feather. Zali isn't sure how this would help her in the future, but she casts the spell on the feather regardless.
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Re: Hogwarts: School of Witchcraft and Jizzardry

Postby VintageBass » Thu Nov 06, 2014 11:38 pm

Jamie looks through the book and is actually amazed with one spell she found in it. With a little studying and some practice, she managed to master it on the first go, which is surprising to her. Such a stroke of luck to be able to learn something on her own. And maybe, just maybe, she could use this to her advantage. Heck, she can even add a little something else to it thanks to the chance of a lifetime. Never-Miss sounds perfect, being able to use the spell accurately all the time, but there's something about the use of a spell that adds a little passion in the moment. And with a bottle of invisibility, who knows what kind of sexy fun she can create in these halls. So, seeing that she has this chance, she'll had an aphrodisiac twist to her new spell.

Once she got what she needed, Jamie closes up her book and starts to head on out, mainly to see who is close by, and perhaps wonder if her new spell can work. Although with consent, she's not going to abuse her new power and get in trouble for it!
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Re: Hogwarts: School of Witchcraft and Jizzardry

Postby spriter1 » Fri Nov 07, 2014 12:40 am

Enda gives a stretch as she gets out of bed, going though a daily morning routine before looking at what classes she had. To be honest, she would liked it if her first class was something that might have affected her more, but it was useful anyway. Thus, she throws on her robes before heading out to charms, wondering if today will be just as lucky as the last one...
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Re: Hogwarts: School of Witchcraft and Jizzardry

Postby Hermione » Fri Nov 07, 2014 12:45 am

House Points:
Gryffindor: 0
Ravenclaw: 10
Hufflepuff: 10
Slytherin: 25

Spoiler (click to show/hide):

Name: Jamie
Reputation: 0/1000
Spells: Aphrodisiac-Confusio
Viewed as: Kind
Inventory : Student Jumper, Skirt, White Bra, White Panties, 46 Gold, Shoddy wand, (Apologies the invisibility potion was my mistake)
Energy: Awake

You go outside, but you don't find anyone in the common room or around the practice the spell on, however you do hear something going on underneath the floor, but you have no idea what that is.

A) Awareness Roll 70%
B) Probably nothing

Spoiler (click to show/hide):

Name: Zali
Reputation: 150/1000
Spells: Babbling Curse, Americano
Viewed as: Powerful Family
Inventory : Student Jumper, Skirt, White Bra, White Panties, 46 Gold, Shoddy wand
Energy: Awake

Magic Roll = 15% Epic Success!

You perform the spell flawlessly and the feather suddenly weighs around one hundred pounds, when the professor comes and inspects your feather she deems your performance so good that she awards 15 points to Slytherin. Now that class is over you notice there is a freshman fair taking place, you only have enough time to cover a few things, but you know you should check it out you:
A) Go to the wand salesman
B) Go to the clothing salesman
C) Go to the pet distributor

Spoiler (click to show/hide):

Name: Enda
Reputation: 0/1000
Spells: Reparo (Mastered)
Viewed as: Intelligent
Inventory : Student Jumper, Skirt, White Bra, White Panties, 46 Gold, Shoddy wand, Invisibility Potion
Energy: A little tired

You arrive at Charms class and are greeted by the professor you take your seat and he begins the class. "Today we will be learning the spell Swishy flick, the spell will send an object in another person's possession flying in the direction you flick your wand."

A) Attempt the spell on the feather provided on your desk (Magic Roll 55%)
B) Attempt the spell on a girl's dress (Magic roll 50%)
C) Attempt the spell on a boy's crotch (Magic roll 45%)
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Re: Hogwarts: School of Witchcraft and Jizzardry

Postby VintageBass » Fri Nov 07, 2014 12:51 am

Heading on out of her room, Jamie takes notice that there isn't anyone out and about. She frowns at the prospect, disappointed that she can't try out her new spell and see just what kind of effect she can do on them. Exploring around, there is no one to be seen, and she does worry a bit about being all alone in her house. That is until she hears something coming from below. It could be nothing, especially concerning herself, but her urges of knowing are flaring and she wants to get in closer to hear what this conversation is all about. And perhaps, if she remains stealthy, she can perform her spell and study the effects, but for now Jamie remains quiet as she heads closer to the noise and investigates.
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Re: Hogwarts: School of Witchcraft and Jizzardry

Postby spriter1 » Fri Nov 07, 2014 1:04 am

Okay, Enda was trying to take this class serious, but she did crack a smile and just about stop herself from laughing when she heard the name of the spell. Sure, there was spells that have weird names, but swishy flick? Also it sounded like it did the same thing as another spell she read about in her charms book, and quickly flicks through the textbook in front of her before finding it. She quickly compares it to the one the teacher said, before deeming them to be the same thing with a slightly less sillier name. With that she points her wand at the feather, before raising it and flicking it to land on another student's desk with the words "Locomotor!"
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Re: Hogwarts: School of Witchcraft and Jizzardry

Postby DomJoe » Fri Nov 07, 2014 1:16 am

Zali gives a short nod and a small smirk to herself at her accomplishment, as well as the recognition of said accomplishment in a hefty point boost for Slytherin. Already the day was off to a good start, and she wanted to press this good run further. After practicing the spell a few more times in class, Zali heads out and finds out about a freshman fair. She decides to attend, figuring that by attending she would find out more about the school she's in. What she does find are a few interesting stalls showcasing important items. She was already stocked up on good clothing, and while she could use a new wand, she doubted she had the money to even haggle for a newer version. Instead, she heads over to the pet distributor to see if she could get herself an animal companion.
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Re: Hogwarts: School of Witchcraft and Jizzardry

Postby eaenidu » Fri Nov 07, 2014 7:50 am

Abby Blinked "Really I was just standing up for myself, I mean it's nothing special right?" She asked before shaking her head "By the way I'm Gobnait O'Mally but you can call me Abby, what's your name?"
"I mean, that thing about not looking a gift horse in the mouth? Well, how the fuck else are you supposed to figure out if it’s full of Greeks?”
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