by VintageBass » Wed Nov 05, 2014 3:57 am
Jamie couldn't believe where she is right now. Finally she found herself in such a grand place, something that appears in dreams... actually, this place did appear in her dreams. Although she can't recall much about what she saw in them, all of them were blurry and appear for only a few seconds, but she does know about this particular hall, where students line up and get their house pick for them with this hat. And now it is her turn. She feels nervous. Something like this, she would be perfectly fine with if she knows where she is going into, but all of this is uncertain right now. It does bring her worry that the hat didn't want to sit on her head, being the special one out of the other students, and her nervousness eats away when it thinks about where she will be living for her time being.
But the moment her house is called, a sudden flash appeared in her eyes. Something pink, belonging to a girl of the house she is chosen for, and a whole lot of shaming that is coming to the house. A frown appears on Jamie's face, realizing that she is going to be in the same house as someone who likes to strut naked, refuse authority and is going to cause so much trouble for the school. Seeing that this is her moment to speak up and ask for a change of house, there is possibly a way to use this to her advantage. Her mind is confused about what she wants to do, and figuring that if her vision is right, she really doesn't want to be associated with the house of someone who defies rules all because of her own twisted pride and skewed views of the world. But there is a chance that she could scare this girl straight and give her a future that will warn her about the path she takes... but yet this will probably do nothing to help her.
Jamie sighs hardly over her current choice. Either she goes elsewhere and saves her sanity, or go with her choice, save the house and take care of this vision. The choice is hard... Eventually she comes up with her decision and lets out a long sigh. "Thank you, I will accept being a part of the House of Gryffindor," she replied with a smile. And a part of her just died. This is going to be a great school year for our upcoming seer...
"Just because you can put your dick in it, it doesn't mean you can fuck it"
- Nash Bozard