Hogwarts: School of Witchcraft and Jizzardry

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Hogwarts: School of Witchcraft and Jizzardry

Postby Hermione » Mon Nov 03, 2014 2:26 am

You hop off the train, and look up at the school towering above you. Your first year at Hogwarts has officially begun. You enter through the main gates and are amazed at the sights set before you; there are floating candles, towering ceilings, moving painting and wonder galore. Truly, this is a magical time in your life.
“All first years to the sorting hat!” You hear a shrill shriek coming from your right, a female professor around the age of fifty is trying to direct the first years. Some tough looking sixth year students are accepting baggage and getting ready to take it to your given dorm. You place your baggage in with the rest of the students’ and thank the students. Afterwards you’re taken to the center of the dining hall where the headmaster and the sorting hat sit.

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You find yourself ready to go and get sorted, you walk up to the front of the crowd, greeting people, but kindly pushing your way past them before locking eyes with the hat. Which is not something you pictured yourself doing, but alas, thus is the life of magic.

“Diana, come here.” The hat calls in its raspy tone, it seems to be eager to sort you first of all. So you walk towards the hat and sit down in front of it. The headmaster places it on your head and you hear a chuckling from above you. “Hufflepuff cut and dry, that is, unless you don’t think so?” The hat asks you.

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You find yourself standing at the back of the crowd, staring as each student gets sorted, first a Hufflepuff then a Slytherin, thirdly a Gryffindor. You find your excitement growing, your mind wandering to the possibilities of which house you could be put in and where that will lead you.

“I sense a Ravenclaw in its truest sense. Come here girl.” You know he is speaking of you so you come forward, others whispering under their breath. The headmaster places the hat on your head. “You should already be in fifth year, if it were up to me.” The hat mutters under its breath, “Ravenclaw!” It exclaims before pausing and adding: “unless you think me a fool?”

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You hand off your baggage to the fifth year’s and by the time you make your way to the circle of students, you have already heard the sorting hat sort someone as a Hufflepuff. You calmly, but quickly push your way to the front of the circle to observe the goings on of the sorting ritual.

“I spy a Mekemo, where is she?” The sorting hat asks the headmaster, he peers out under his greying hair for who the hat spoke of; you decide to make it easy for him.

“Names Zali, I’m right here.” You say walking forward, this catches the attention of some of the older students, they must’ve heard of your parents. You allow the headmaster to place the hat atop your head and before long it glances back in the headmaster’s direction.
“She’s a Slytherin, true as the night itself. That is, unless this young one think I’m wrong?”

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You see a Hufflepuff and Slytherin have been sorted after helping a few other students with their luggage. You move to the back of the group as your tall enough to see over a few heads a discern the sorting hat, it looks awfully cruel, but wise at the same time.

"Abby, where are you Abby? I can sense a brave presence in the crowd, come forth if you're who I speak of." The Sorting Hat decreed. You step forward into the center of the group, as does another Abby. You glance at each other awkwardly for your sure it is you who has made the mistake and she is the same. "You're both Gryffindor, I don't need to ride atop your head to know that. Unless you think I'm mistaken?"

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A few people have been sorted at this point and you begin to get anxious, better to get the process done with so you can get to your room and unpack. "Sorting hat, what am I?" You exclaim, turning a few heads, the sorting hats' as well.

"Hmm... Well that is a fair question, a bold statement, but one made in the essence of convenience and preserving time. I'd say Gryiffindor or Ravenclaw. Which do you prefer?" The hat asks you.
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Re: Hogwarts: School of Witchcraft and Jizzardry

Postby Tsai » Mon Nov 03, 2014 3:31 am

Diana lets out a squeal as she's given her chooses house. "I think it's perfect thank you." Diana gleefully gets up and returns to her seat excited to be a hufflepuff
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Re: Hogwarts: School of Witchcraft and Jizzardry

Postby eaenidu » Mon Nov 03, 2014 3:32 am

Abby Blushed "Well no I guess not I'll just go to my table now." She said still a little embarrassed and rushing to her table.
"I mean, that thing about not looking a gift horse in the mouth? Well, how the fuck else are you supposed to figure out if it’s full of Greeks?”
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Re: Hogwarts: School of Witchcraft and Jizzardry

Postby spriter1 » Mon Nov 03, 2014 3:40 am

Enda keeps silent as the sorting continues on, remembering hearing from her mother that for some students this can take a whi- She was called. Well that could have definitely have taken longer, so the half-blood breathes a sigh of relief as she steps up to sit beneath the hat. She knew that Ravenclaw where known for their intelligence, so hearing the hat put her into Ravenclaw was a big relief. She looks up at the hat and softly says "You, a fool? You don't exactly strike me as one, so you obviously can't be."
When she is excused, she will quickly go and take up her spot at the Ravenclaw tables, pulling out her little book of plants and reading through it for the hundredth time. She only really looks up from it when another person is called up, clapping along with everyone else as they are sorted into the different houses.
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Re: Hogwarts: School of Witchcraft and Jizzardry

Postby DomJoe » Mon Nov 03, 2014 3:48 am

Zali gives a quick look about her surroundings, the great halls of Hogwarts. This would be her home here for the next year or so, far away from the eyes of her parents. While she had never been outside the house much, let alone by herself in such an environment, she welcomed the change in scenery, as it was good that she would be exposed to new elements like this. Besides, there were plenty of people who were new here as well, so it wasn't like she was the only one in this position. Seeing as there are people taking luggage, she quickly marches over to them and places her bags down to be collected, before heading off to where the sorting hat is doing its business. When the sorting hat asks for her, she promptly makes herself known to the crowd, getting a few stares in the process. She did not care for the looks, but simply proceeded up to the sorting hat to be placed into a house, which the hat deemed to be Slytherin.

Zali thinks for a couple of seconds, pondering what this could be. Those in Slytherin were cunning and witty, using what they had at their disposal to solve their problems. However, they tended to be of... questionable character, as Slytherin was known to produce quite a few rogues and criminals within the community. It wasn't a future set in stone, but the statistic had held true for many year. Still, Zali took it as a sort of challenge against her, one that she would gladly accept as her first tribute to her family's name. "I see nothing wrong with your choice, sorting hat," Zali replies before passing the hat back to the headmaster and heading off to her table.
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Re: Hogwarts: School of Witchcraft and Jizzardry

Postby Hermione » Mon Nov 03, 2014 3:59 am

House Points:
Gryffindor: 0
Ravenclaw: 0
Hufflepuff: 0
Slytherin: 0

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The other, older Hufflepuffs all toss a drink down to you on the table, seems to be water that was transfigured to become wine. You're gonna like it here. You enjoy the drink as the ceremony proceeds, once it ends you and the other Hufflepuffs go up to your dorms, and you meet your roommate. A platinum blonde haired girl named Clef. She nicely greets you and begins unpacking. Before long your residential mail arrives and within it you receive 46 gold pieces as a weekly allowance and uniform replacement cover. You pocket your money and are able to:

A) Go to sleep (End your turn for the night)
B) Talk to Clef (50% Charisma Roll - 10% For being a Hufflepuff)
C) Explore Hogwarts (15% Luck Roll)

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Abby is greeted kindly by her new housemates and after the ceremonies conclude themselves you and your baggage are carried up to the dorm by the older students, an old Gryffindor tradition. Once you unpack you are greeted by a nice single room apartment that will serve as your home for the coming year. Before long your residential mail arrives and within it you receive 46 gold pieces as a weekly allowance and uniform replacement cover. You pocket your money and are able to:

A) Go to sleep (End your turn for the night)
B) Try to learn a random spell on your own (20% luck roll)
C) Explore Hogwarts (15% Luck Roll)

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The Ravenclaw students welcome you into their flock and immediately begin telling you about some of the secrets of the building, perks of being with the smartest house as it seems, (-10 to your exploring Hogwarts rolls), After the ceremonies wrap up you are brought to your dorm where you are given a nice single room apartment with a view out of the observatory towards the sea. You have a bookcase on your wall filled with old books. Before long your residential mail arrives and within it you receive 46 gold pieces as a weekly allowance and uniform replacement cover. You pocket your money and are able to:

A) Go to sleep (End your turn for the night)
B) Read a book [60% intelligence roll -10% for Ravenclaw bonus]
C) Explore Hogwarts (15% Luck Roll)

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Your new housemates tell you that it is glad you came to this table, otherwise you were fucked. Well turns out they may have been right as the older students were ready to begin teaching the new recruits some curses. After the ceremonies have completed you head over to your dorm in which you are given a nice single room apartment. It has no windows and the walls are soundproof, perfect for, stuff... Before long your residential mail arrives and within it you receive 46 gold pieces as a weekly allowance and uniform replacement cover. You pocket your money and are able to:

A) Go to sleep (End your turn for the night)
B) Talk one of the older students into teaching you a spell (40% intimidation roll -10% for Slytherin House).
C) Explore Hogwarts (15% Luck Roll)
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Re: Hogwarts: School of Witchcraft and Jizzardry

Postby eaenidu » Mon Nov 03, 2014 4:05 am

Abby opened her Spell books and began looking through them for any fun or useful spell and tried to learn it.
"I mean, that thing about not looking a gift horse in the mouth? Well, how the fuck else are you supposed to figure out if it’s full of Greeks?”
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Re: Hogwarts: School of Witchcraft and Jizzardry

Postby Hermione » Mon Nov 03, 2014 4:09 am

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You open your book, trying to learn a spell:
Luck Roll: 29%
Unfortunately, without the proper guidance you can't seem to get any of the spells down. You look over at your alarm clock and see that it is now 11 PM, you can now:
A) Get to sleep (Last chance without penalty tomorrow)
B) Keep trying, I've almost got it (30% luck roll)
C) Explore Hogwarts (15% Luck Roll)

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You are sorted around the middle of the students, as you stride up to the sorting hat he gives you a grin and laughs. "A Hufflepuff with no doubt," he says as if not even needing you to place him on your head. "Don't you think so?" He asks, you hear cries of joy from the Hufflepuff crowd.
Last edited by Hermione on Mon Nov 03, 2014 4:12 am, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: Hogwarts: School of Witchcraft and Jizzardry

Postby Tsai » Mon Nov 03, 2014 4:10 am

Diana's never drank before but today was a special occasion though right? She takes the cup and downs half of it in a go then goes on to celebrate with the rest of hufflepuff for a little while. She was going to room with a girl named clef who seemed absolutely stunning with her platinum hair, but she was to excited to do anything else but Explore Hogworts. She pockets her money and starts moving around the halls taking in the amazing scenery, magical painting and general festivities.
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Re: Hogwarts: School of Witchcraft and Jizzardry

Postby eaenidu » Mon Nov 03, 2014 4:13 am

Abby decided to keep trying she almost had it and she wanted her teachers to know she was trying hard.
"I mean, that thing about not looking a gift horse in the mouth? Well, how the fuck else are you supposed to figure out if it’s full of Greeks?”
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Re: Hogwarts: School of Witchcraft and Jizzardry

Postby whatdontlookaatme » Mon Nov 03, 2014 4:18 am

Lexi smiles, nodding at the strange hat. She had never seen such a thing before. She actually hasn't anything like this school before. It was filled with wonder and excitement and tons of what seemed to be friendly people. She ran off to the crowd of hufflepuff people, swaying her hips a bit as she sits among them.
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Re: Hogwarts: School of Witchcraft and Jizzardry

Postby spriter1 » Mon Nov 03, 2014 4:18 am

(When you say -10% for the reading a book, do you mean it's now 50% or 70%, since I thought that one way reading would be easier due to being more intelligent, but the books would also be more complex.)
Enda gives slight nods and thank you's as people tell her the secrets to the building, glad that things have been going well for her so far. She hopes that the year will stick that way, and does consider for a moment learning about that 'Felix Felicis' her mother talked about one day. After all, a little luck can't hurt, now can it? She packs her stuff away once she is in the room, before jumping onto the bed and relaxing for a bit. She decides that exploring can wait till later, and just kicks off her shoes and begins rooting through the bookcase to try and find one about alchemy. IF she doesn't find one, she will just take a random book and lay on the bed to begin reading.
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Re: Hogwarts: School of Witchcraft and Jizzardry

Postby Hermione » Mon Nov 03, 2014 4:28 am

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Clef wishes you luck but it seems your luck doesn't allow you to find any hidden crevices or nooks or crannies.
Luck Roll: 16 Instead you are able to take in the wonderment that is your new home, definitely not a bad downside. You see one of the classrooms door is slightly ajar, it is the room for charms you could:

A) Go in and see what's going on
B) Try and find something in the halls (10% Luck Roll)
C) Go back to your room

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Abby finally figures it out and with a quick flick of her wand, she learned the Switching Spell (able to switch one trait between two objects I.e. Put donkey ears on a mouse, both must be present). You find yourself exhausted after this, however you may still:

A) Go to sleep
B) Explore Hogwarts

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(-10% means it is ten percent easier: If I roll a 70% that roll is now a 60% and you need to match the required number or lower to pass a roll) Unfortunately, Enda doesn't find an alchemy book, likely due to the fact that it's an upper year level course and this room was designed for first years. However, she does find a Charm book that proves very useful, it seems she will have much better odds the next time she attempts a charm! (-20% to next Charms roll). She may now:

A) Sleep
B) Explore Hogwarts (15% Luck Roll)
C) Attempt to perform a Charm (30% Spell Roll -10% due to Ravenclaw, -20% due to Charm book)

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Once the ceremonies end, Lexi is escorted back to her room, she was given a double bedroom apartment room with a girl named Praxis, a serious looking girl concerned with her studies makes you wonder how she got into Hufflepuff. Lexi may:

A) Go to sleep
B) Chat up Praxis (40% Charisma Roll -10% due to Hufflepuff)
C) Explore Hogwarts (15% Luck Roll)
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Re: Hogwarts: School of Witchcraft and Jizzardry

Postby eaenidu » Mon Nov 03, 2014 4:31 am

Abby was to excited to go to bed and decided to do a little exploring of her own around the castle looking for a secret passage or two before going back and going to bed.
"I mean, that thing about not looking a gift horse in the mouth? Well, how the fuck else are you supposed to figure out if it’s full of Greeks?”
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Re: Hogwarts: School of Witchcraft and Jizzardry

Postby whatdontlookaatme » Mon Nov 03, 2014 4:33 am

Lexi considered escaping her dorm and exploring the school but she didn't want to get into trouble on her very first day and potentially be sent back home. She couldn't even bare to imagine the disappointment on her parent's faces. She then turns to Praxi who seemed quite the opposite of her. She sat upright in her chair staring at some book with a quill in her hand. Lexi smiled and walked over to her, her hips naturally swaying as she stopped and tried creating a conversation with the serious looking girl.
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Re: Hogwarts: School of Witchcraft and Jizzardry

Postby DomJoe » Mon Nov 03, 2014 4:37 am

Zali is a little surprised to see some of the older Slytherin house members teaching new students some curses. She was also taken aback by some of the students use of language... it seems that their reputation was already showing from the get go, with some ruthlessness to boot. Even so, Zali was not one to fall behind so quickly. She quickly proceeds with the ceremonies at hand, and heads off to her room to make sure everything is in place, along with her mail. The extra money is a nice boon, so she'll keep it on her in case she needs it for anything. Once she is finished, she heads off to find one of the students that she saw teaching spells and approaches them about another demonstration for her.
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Re: Hogwarts: School of Witchcraft and Jizzardry

Postby Tsai » Mon Nov 03, 2014 4:39 am

The halls were something to definitely to behold but when she say that a door wasn't bolted shut she couldn't help but check it out. She pulls out her small discoveries journal and flips to an empty page. "I wonder what's behind this door." She cracks open the door and slowly enters.
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Re: Hogwarts: School of Witchcraft and Jizzardry

Postby spriter1 » Mon Nov 03, 2014 4:45 am

Enda gave a quick read through the book, going over any points and spells that she may want to remember for later. She soon comes across one that looks like it could definitely come in useful in the future... She looks around for something that could at least be looked upon as broken. She ends up coming across a hand mirror, and bangs it off the corner to crack it. "Hopefully I don't get bad luck for this..."
She places the mirror sitting against a wall, taking a couple of steps back before going over the speel a couple more times. When she thinks she knows it, she points her wand towards the mirror, moving it and saying "Reparo!"
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Re: Hogwarts: School of Witchcraft and Jizzardry

Postby Hermione » Mon Nov 03, 2014 4:58 am

Starting now, your stats will be at the beginning of each post! Yay!
Spoiler (click to show/hide):

Name: Abby
Reputation: 0/1000
Spells: None
Viewed as: Quiet
Inventory : Student Jumper, Skirt, White Bra, White Panties, 46 Gold, Shoddy wand
Energy: Awake

Unfortunately you just find the same, albeit incredible stuff you've been seeing all night. Your tiredness is getting the better of you though, as you seem to be falling asleep.
A) Go back to bed
B) Keep looking!

Spoiler (click to show/hide):

Name: Lexi
Reputation: 0/1000
Spells: None
Viewed as: Cute
Inventory : Student Jumper, Skirt, White Bra, White Panties, 46 Gold, Shoddy wand
Energy: Awake

Charisma Roll: 59 -10% = 49
"Hey, I'm Praxis it's nice to meet you." The dark haired girl responded, politely but not encouraging too much conversation. "Who're you?"

Spoiler (click to show/hide):

Name: Zali
Reputation: 100/1000
Spells: None
Viewed as: Powerful Family
Inventory : Student Jumper, Skirt, White Bra, White Panties, 46 Gold, Shoddy wand
Energy: Awake

Intimidation Roll: 28 - Average Success
"Alright, I'll teach you something." The boy says in response to your intimidating demeanor. He shows you the movements, with no verbal requirement this spell should be an easy one.
80% Magic Roll

Spoiler (click to show/hide):

Name: Diana
Reputation: 0/1000
Spells: None
Viewed as: Sociable
Inventory : Student Jumper, Skirt, White Bra, White Panties, 46 Gold, Shoddy wand
Energy: Awake

Inside the classroom you see a set of instructions, they seem to be in order to learn a spell, it would be very impressive if you already knew how to use the spell before the class....
A) Attempt the spell
B) Leave

Spoiler (click to show/hide):

Name: Enda
Reputation: 0/1000
Spells: Reparo
Viewed as: Intelligent
Inventory : Student Jumper, Skirt, White Bra, White Panties, 46 Gold, Shoddy wand
Energy: Awake

Magic Roll - 0% Epic success
Not only does the mirror come back together, each shard reforming, you feel you could now use this spell without fail. (You no longer have to roll for Reparo, congratulations on the first epic roll!). You feel invigorated by this success and energized. You could:
A) Go out and try to make a name for yourself (Luck Roll 2%)
B) Go explore Hogwarts (Luck roll 15%)
C) Chat up the older students (Charisma Roll 40%)
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Re: Hogwarts: School of Witchcraft and Jizzardry

Postby eaenidu » Mon Nov 03, 2014 5:02 am

Sighing Abby decided to go to her dorm and strip down naked before going to sleep for the night.

(I have the Switching spell BTW)
"I mean, that thing about not looking a gift horse in the mouth? Well, how the fuck else are you supposed to figure out if it’s full of Greeks?”
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