Thnx for all the feedback, this is the type of stuff Im looking for. The ankle was done before I even read your post lol. I had planned to change it because I wanted to be able to change from a regular foot to a high-heel foot, and so forth. So ankle = complete. And that goes for the butt from the front too, made the cheeks a seperate sprite in case the legs ever get spread
As for your point on grouping sprites, I havent gotten that far yet, but rest assured when this is all done (the character creation process) I'll have all the items grouped per category that they belong to.
The elbow is fixed, removed the elbow and made a circle that completely matches the rotation of the lower arm, thnx.
Masking: Your going to have to go into more detail, because from what you posted...I've been doing that I'm fairly sure.
Side-view Jaw: I do not like the LoK's way of handling the mouth from the side. I like to animate, and will have a separate face template for each emotion (happy, sad, get the picture). So no, lol, no flimsy jaws.
Eyes: This was something I thought about myself, and if I made the eye curved from the side, it would give the appearance of being too small, or out of place due to the thickness of the eye-liner. I'll play around with it and post what I come up with tho.
Over all thanks for all the input, appreciate stuff like this. Don't like the fact that you downloaded my stuff and immediately took it to SWFDecompiler...but hey, whatevs...

Edit: Attached the finished Front. Note that I've already adjusted the thighs to be a bit thinner as they are way to big in the attachment lol, so that's already done. I wanted it also noted, the this model does NOT need to be seemless. I plan on making specific parts for specific scenes because to make this model compatible with everything I have in mind is impossible. Think of this as the general framework. I enjoy draw this stuff out so making more parts in the future will be no biggie to me what-so-ever.