Urhr93 Wrote:Sae is a bit surprised when the wolf thrusts against her foot, but doesn't let it show and just continues after the wolf confirm he's pleased with what she's doing. And so she continues, still a bit hesitant to touch a male member but still doing her best to "help" him while she herself found it harder to suppresses her moans as the wolf grew more daring, pushing his tongue inside her now quite wet slit.
When he finally use his tongue to explore the full extent of her snatch every now and then she isn't able to stifle her moans, letting some of them fully out. They're not not loud enough to be heard from the outside, but the wolf sure hears them. When he finds her G-Spot she lets out an even louder moan as she arches on her back, interrupting her work on his member while slightly trembling, and remains still for a while enjoying the wolf's licking before trying once again to reach his member with her foots, this time without looking as she's once again with her back lying on the back, eyes looking at the ceiling in a haze, a bit unwilling to help herself up to "aim" her feet towards his member.
Urhr93 Wrote:The wolf gives his name and leaves, leaving her to her thoughs. The first one she has is that it was a blessing that Tazzap was the wolf that happened to help her, and the reason for that is because, as she recalled her actions, other werewolves might have taken advantage of her state while he didn't do so. The other thoughts were all self-punishing thoughts for having let that happen, and it continued like that for a while, gradually worsening her mood.
Once she's fully dressed she begins to think about her plans for the day. Since they'll be moving during the night, she'll let the werewolves rest and sleep during the day while she would deal with the villagers during the morning and take another nap during the afternoon and waking up before the sunset so they'll have time to prepare before setting off.
With her plans clear in her head, while trying to not show too much her bad mood she steps outside, looking around to see the state of things and wait for the villagers to wake up. She was already up, but there was no need to rush the villagers as she had the whole day ahead of her to deal with them.
Urhr93 Wrote:Going outside with not-so-much-surprise Sae notices that here and there some of the villagers are not only very awake, but also very active in helping her werewolves take care of their needs. Thinking about their feral nature makes her glad Tazzap was the one "attending" to her as another werewolf might have took advantage of her in her aroused state, but she doesn't delve on the matter as she'd rather forget about it altogether. Looking around, her eyes eventually stops on the village chieftan, or at least someone who seems to have such title, and so she goes toward him <Good morning> she greets <Though i suppose it isn't such a good morning for you> she turns toward the closest werewolf acting on his needs <I can't say i didn't expect this, though...> her eyes return on the elder <At least this isn't as bad as it could get, don't you agree?> she pauses, then continue <I mean, i saw similar raids ending in a slaughter of males and enslavement of females> she looks at him for a reaction, but then continues <Well, such things shouldn't be talked about out there. Can i come in? Or would you prefer to wait till the others are awake? I don't mind, we have all day for this>
Urhr93 Wrote:<You really like to push your luck, don't you?> she smiles <Some of the people i've worked with in the past wouldn't think twice about beheading you just for talking back to them> she turns around, then stretches her shoulders a bit <Well, i suppose you are indeed lucky this time, as i don't have any intention of remaining here, nor we have any ambition to rule over you. After all... there is nothing to conquer here> she turns around toward the chieftain again, then continues <At least for now i don't have any intention to torment or rule over you, so i suggest you change your attitude before i change my plans. You know, today i'm not really in a good mood> the smile disappears <So, did you decide? Do you want to talk now or wait till the others are up?>
Urhr93 Wrote:The words about not caring about how or when he dies draws a giggle from Sae, relieving a bit of her bad mood. For the rest she just continues to listen to him until he stops talking <I guess you're right, just as your village has no worth to me, my words about not bothering you has no worth to you> she pauses for a bit, turning to look at the debauchery going on, then returns on the chieftain <Since the choice is mine to make, lets go inside. I'm tired of this... show> as she says this she'll wait for him to let her in and offer a place to sit, then she'll begin again <As said before, your village is useless and your loyalty is worthless. However it's in bad taste to wipe you all out as, after all, it's not your fault if Mogash conquered your village> she makes a little pause, then continues <Well, maybe it is your fault for not having any sort of defense, but whatever, can't blame you for wanting to live a peaceful life> she makes another pauses as she looks around, then continue <We'll be there till sunset, so it'll be good if the villagers would help in preparing something to feed my warriors. If you don't want to use your supplies then tell us where to hunt and we'll bring the ingredients. Gotta let them have some fun you know?> another pause, then <Consider this your way to thank us for not requiring any tributes in the future. Any objection?>