Chibi Robo...'Nuff said

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Chibi Robo...'Nuff said

Postby Gingoguy » Fri Sep 26, 2014 1:05 am

Finally! After mulling it over for a bit, I have come up with a not-so-serious rp that I would be willing to gm to! It's so obvious! An erotic rp based on the Chibi Robo had I not thought of this before? Here, I have already concocted an opening to the story:

Spoiler (click to show/hide):

T.V. Announcer: Attention, attention, this just in. There appear to be sightings of a small, metallic UFO hovering overhead. Scientists relate this to the recent emmisions causing our lovable robots to act strangely. Most notably, the line of Chibi Robos have behaved out of character. That is all for now. We will continue to report as information becomes available.

Players can choose to either play as toys or as chibi robos. Character sheets for players who play as chibis require only an explanaition of their personality. Choosing to play as a toy requires explaining your personality and appearance. Also, every character has the ability to choose some sort of beam-like attack (toys and chibis) which is like a chibi-blaster in the game; they can be as specific or vauge as you wish, meeting to your specifications or vaugeations.

So? What do you all think? Come on, do I see some hands?
Last edited by Gingoguy on Fri Oct 03, 2014 4:16 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: Chibi Robo...'Nuff said

Postby Earthsage » Fri Sep 26, 2014 1:06 am

I have never heard of the Chibi Robo video games, friend... Perhaps I should exercise my Google Fu, but with so little information to work off of I don't know what you have in mind for the RP.
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Re: Chibi Robo...'Nuff said

Postby Sanaki » Fri Sep 26, 2014 1:50 am

I absolutely love the Chibi-robo series, though it's always seemed to be underground for whatever reason, either way it's always nice to hear of another Chibi-robo fan, though i certainly have some questions: how exactly would an 'erotic' chibi-robo rp play out? i mean last time i check Chibi never seemed to have any sort of sexual interest, this also begs the question of what exactly there would be for things to engage in coitus with, as cute and silly as the idea sounds a bit more planning is certainly needed.
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Re: Chibi Robo...'Nuff said

Postby Gingoguy » Fri Sep 26, 2014 2:16 am

Earthsage Wrote:I have never heard of the Chibi Robo video games, friend... Perhaps I should exercise my Google Fu, but with so little information to work off of I don't know what you have in mind for the RP.

Any information you want is available to you so long as you ask, my friend.
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Re: Chibi Robo...'Nuff said

Postby Earthsage » Fri Sep 26, 2014 2:19 am

Isn't that always the case in life? Is there any specific resource I should be looking up to find out more about the series?
An Axe, a shield, and a good fight are all y'need for a good time! That and some friends to share it with!
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Re: Chibi Robo...'Nuff said

Postby Gingoguy » Fri Sep 26, 2014 2:25 am

Sanaki Wrote:I absolutely love the Chibi-robo series, though it's always seemed to be underground for whatever reason, either way it's always nice to hear of another Chibi-robo fan, though i certainly have some questions: how exactly would an 'erotic' chibi-robo rp play out? i mean last time i check Chibi never seemed to have any sort of sexual interest, this also begs the question of what exactly there would be for things to engage in coitus with, as cute and silly as the idea sounds a bit more planning is certainly needed.

Thank you very much for being aware of the games' existence as well. I hoped I wouldn't be the only one on the forum who has played them. As I talk to myself in this forum, alone, cold, without any consolodation....

Anyway! The way I have it set, I intended the emission rays related to the UFO in the backstory to cause all the Chibi Robos in the world to develop sexual interests. Alternatevely, players could play as the toys who have practically been proven to engage in coitus (I mean, there are genders, they fall in love, and they can even have children). So, those are my work-arounds to the situation. Have any more questions you need me to flesh out? Then bring it on!
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Re: Chibi Robo...'Nuff said

Postby Gingoguy » Fri Sep 26, 2014 2:46 am

Earthsage Wrote:Isn't that always the case in life? Is there any specific resource I should be looking up to find out more about the series?

Um... Not particularly. You can get some good info. from wikipedia and whatnot, but I don't believe blind research can really justify the charm or appeal of the game to someone who hasn't played it. Personally, I believe I should just explain it here. That way, you would know exacltly what overall style I'm trying to go for.

The universe of the games is that of a quirky rendition of normal suburbia. In this place, families often buy humanoid robots the height of a pencil known as Chibi Robos (you can search online for a picture, it's not that difficult). The first game had players take control of the metallic, mute hero to attend to mundane chores, collect costumes and items inside his infinite container of a head, and blasting a harmful threat known as Spydorz which can periodically attack.

The house is also filled with toys which can choose to come to life a'la Toy Story. The overall feel of the game is a happy and colorful while the player attends to all the normal and weird tasks presented to him. However, the games tend to delve into interesting story arcs with the other characters and a sense of distress with the somewhat threatening enemies. The game can follow any rules it wants whether it be aliens, talking toys, or beings of pure pollution. It's quirky and light-hearted with the occasional sub-story a player can invest in.

I hope I sort of established the overall feeling of the games, or at least gave a good impression if you choose to do further research. Also, if anyone else is familiar with the games and could help clarify them, it would be greatly appricieated.
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Re: Chibi Robo...'Nuff said

Postby CrimsonNutcase37 » Sun Sep 28, 2014 9:21 pm

Huh, interesting idea. Interested in giving it a try, gonna try and get the game on emulator and give it a go
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Re: Chibi Robo...'Nuff said

Postby Gingoguy » Tue Sep 30, 2014 7:53 pm

CrimsonNutcase37 Wrote:Huh, interesting idea. Interested in giving it a try, gonna try and get the game on emulator and give it a go

Hope you enjoy.
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Re: Chibi Robo...'Nuff said

Postby spriter1 » Tue Sep 30, 2014 7:55 pm

This game drove me insane. damn battery life... WHY AREN'T YOU LONGER?!
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Re: Chibi Robo...'Nuff said

Postby Gingoguy » Wed Oct 01, 2014 7:30 pm

spriter1 Wrote:This game drove me insane. damn battery life... WHY AREN'T YOU LONGER?!

MUAHAHAHAH!!! May your metaphorical attatchment to the outlets be your DOOM!
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Re: Chibi Robo...'Nuff said

Postby Gingoguy » Wed Oct 01, 2014 7:53 pm

Oh, hey guys. Just thought I'd point this out. Now, I hope this isn't too early, but...this thread will accept any character sheets whenever available. This won't be a stat-based rp, so the CS's don't have to be too complex. I believe it fair to allow anyone to play as either a chibi robo or a toy. If you choose to play as a chibi, just give a quick blurb about your personality (and also understand chibis cannot communicate outside of a simple 'yes' or 'no' sign); if you choose to play as a toy, explain both your personality and appearance. I thank everyone for reading.
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Re: Chibi Robo...'Nuff said

Postby Riptide » Thu Oct 02, 2014 11:56 pm

Name: Sulph
Toy Dragon
Sulph is a small, plastic toy dragon. He's a pretty big trouble maker, and loves to cause trouble among his fellow toys. Though he does also enjoy hanging back and following random toys around from time to time. Mainly to see their daily schedule and what the best way to get at them is.
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Re: Chibi Robo...'Nuff said

Postby Gingoguy » Fri Oct 03, 2014 2:01 am

Riptide Wrote:Name: Sulph
Toy Dragon
Sulph is a small, plastic toy dragon. He's a pretty big trouble maker, and loves to cause trouble among his fellow toys. Though he does also enjoy hanging back and following random toys around from time to time. Mainly to see their daily schedule and what the best way to get at them is.

Riptide, thank you very much for making this sheet; I absolutely love that you did it. :D However, I have a few questions:
-Asian design dragon or european design?
-Is he a a small toy you find stuffed into tiny bags with Happy Meals or an action figure you would discover constrained in plastic wrapping and zip ties on a toy store shelf?
-What's his grade of plastic? (cheap like in said Happy Meals or sturdy enough to have longetivity)
-What color is he?
-Does he have any defining physical traits?
-Would you like to have a cool move where you can shoot a blast of energy out of your mouth or do you have something else in mind? (nothing at all is a possibilty too)
My apologies if this was overwhelming and feel free to express discontent with giving details specific as these. I am truly, TRULY grateful for you posting this character and I hope we may have much fun with Sulph.
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Re: Chibi Robo...'Nuff said

Postby Riptide » Fri Oct 03, 2014 1:48 pm

-More European based
-An action figure
-Heavy duty plastic
-He is turquoise, with yellow eyes, and black horns
-An energy blast does sound pretty cool
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Re: Chibi Robo...'Nuff said

Postby Gingoguy » Fri Oct 03, 2014 4:17 pm

Riptide Wrote:-More European based
-An action figure
-Heavy duty plastic
-He is turquoise, with yellow eyes, and black horns
-An energy blast does sound pretty cool

That is perfect, thank you very much Riptide.
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Re: Chibi Robo...'Nuff said

Postby Gingoguy » Sat Oct 11, 2014 2:41 am

Hello, all. I am curious as to who is still interested and who needs time to work on character sheets some more. May I have a show of hands of who is still willing to join, other than Riptide, along with any possible questions there still may be?
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