DomJoe Wrote:Here's the problem that I'm seeing: right now, there is very little reason for our characters to care about the situation, because of the following points:
A) The character mainly driving the action has already been established as useless and only worth as much as a distraction. Not a good way to start off a speech segment, especially when it lasts more than 2 posts.
B) Our characters cannot give any sort of response that can distinguish themselves from someone else's reaction. Monokuma's little cut in there doesn't give us much else to do either. There's alot of talking going on, but not much to actually react to. In the words of Monty Python, "Get on with it!". There is alot of build up, but no punchline to this whole scene.
C) The whole speech could have technically been written in one post, as well as getting to the real action, if it wasn't going to be important in the first place. I'm all up for setting the mood, but a boring mood will get the players bored. It also feels like you're stalling for time, for some reason
D) While we're on the subject, using a licensed character in an RP that was supposed to be original is pretty much a huge let down for players in general, especially considering Monokuma's impact in the series he is from. You can certainly have a character inspired by the bear to be the villian for this RP, but if it's going to be a straight up rip, we might as well be playing a different RP.
I'm not sure if I'm capturing the opinions of everyone in this RP, but that's how I see this RP going. Everyone else, feel free to clarify and respond.
Ok, those are all fair points i cant argue against. So then, what would you have me do to keep this moving? I am not good at gming, and most of this has just been guesswork on my part.