by spriter1 » Mon Sep 29, 2014 10:41 pm
"Well she is young minded at least. Even then some ways I think she is more mature than us if you know what I mean."
(GM roll - 4, 5, 20!)
You're first two lockpicks break in no time flat, but by some stroke of luck you hit the sweet spot instantly with the third, turning the lock to reveal... What looks like a dwemer Lexicon! you know from selling one or two that these were used by the race to either store information, or as miniature contraptions, almost being like a bag of holding with how much mechanical gizmos and gadgets are inside. you can't find anything to discern what it is though, the entire outside being smooth apart from the dwemer writing along the side and also the small joint at the top looking to belong to a ball joint. you feel your dwarven dagger vibrate slightly as you hold it, and can see the end of the hilt would slot in,,,